May 29 2024

 0    15 cartonașe    zuzaschutzmann
descarcă mp3 printează joacă Testează-te
Întrebare Răspuns
to bardzo przyjemny język
începe să înveți
this is a very pleasurable language
Chciałbym dobrze mówić
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I would like to speak well
începe să înveți
ten język brzmi bardzo ładnie
începe să înveți
this langauge sounds very nice
Nie uczę się tego języka
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I am not learning this langauge
Musiałem zrobić sobie przerwę
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I had to take a break
tak naprawdę
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as a matter of fact
Nie mam dużo czasu
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I dont have a lot of time
to zależy o czym mówimy
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it depends what we are talking about
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to dobre połączenie
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its a good combination
my ćwiczymy
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we practice
udałem się do Londynu
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I went to London
ich akcent jest łatwiejszy
începe să înveți
their accent is easier
Brytyjczyk / Brytyjka / brytyjski
începe să înveți

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