Metoda Colina Rose - Szybki Angielski

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to merge
Z pewnością miał szczęście
începe să înveți
He certainly was lucky to get it
I był dumny, że dostał pracę.
începe să înveți
And he was proud to have got the job.
Martin wie, że będzie musiał ciężko pracować
începe să înveți
Martin knows he’ll have to work really hard
To takie trudne, ponieważ zyski spadły w ubiegłym roku
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It’s so tough because profits are down on last year
Na biurku była świeża kawa i ciasteczka
începe să înveți
there were fresh coffee and cookies on the desk
Internet zmienia sposób prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej
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The Internet is changing the way we do business
Zaczyna też zmieniać sposób uczenia się i ogólnie - sposób, w jaki żyjemy
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it is also starting to change the way we learn and more generally – the way we live
Wikipedia zastępuje tradycyjne źródła wiedzy
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Wikipedia is replacing the traditional sources of knowledge
źródła wiedzy
începe să înveți
sources of knowledge
Umiejętności komputerowe stają się niezbędne w niemal każdej pracy.
începe să înveți
computer skills are becoming necessary in almost every job.
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Niektóre kraje wprowadzają e-książki zamiast starych starych papierowych podręczników
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some countries are introducting e-books instead of the good old paper textbooks
începe să înveți
instead of
Czy idziemy za daleko? Czy jest to początek nowej ery?
începe să înveți
are we going too far, perhaps? Or is this the beginning of a new era?
być może
începe să înveți
începe să înveți
are thriving

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