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widowiskowość, wielką gala
începe să înveți
impressive and colourful ceremonies
She loved the pageantry and tradition of the monarchy. Folk dances were the main spectacles that smaller towns could offer to royal visitors, and these were integrated into more elaborate civic pageantry as well.
impregnować, zapładniać
începe să înveți
to cause something, usually a solid substance, to absorb something, usually a liquid: to make a woman or female animal pregnant
This cloth has been impregnated with special chemicals for cleaning computer screens.
początkowy, wstępny
începe să înveți
of or relating to a beginning
Vaccinating our faculty and staff is our first step toward keeping our schools open and safe and will be inceptive to reopening our economy.
wzajemność, obupólność
începe să înveți
behaviour in which two people or groups of people give each other help and advantages
We offer to all our trading partners a commitment to reciprocity and fairness.
niezmącony, bezchmurny, pogodny
începe să înveți
unclouded, receptive mind.
odlać się
începe să înveți
take a leak
nic nie wiedzieć
începe să înveți
be in the dark
know next to nothing
Our divorce was a secret, she was in the dark.
aklimatyzacja, aklimatyzować
începe să înveți
acclimatization, acclimatize

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