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Nie byłem godnym rywalem dla niego începe să înveți
I don't think I ever gave him a real fight.
Podczas partii szachów naprawdę stawiłem mu opór, ale i tak udało mu się wygrać. începe să înveți
During the chess match, I give him a real fight, but he still managed to win
Mimo że jest silniejszy, w ringu dałem mu prawdziwy wycisk. începe să înveți
ven though he's stronger, I give him a real fight in the boxing ring.
Chciał ostatni kawałek pizzy, więc musiałem stoczyć z nim prawdziwą walkę o niego. începe să înveți
He wanted the last slice of pizza, so I give him a real fight for it.
Wiem, że jest twardy, ale pokażę mu, na co mnie stać, dając z siebie wszystko începe să înveți
I know he's tough, but I’ll give him a real fight and show what I’m made of.
Droga do chaty była tak wyboista, że musieliśmy jechać bardzo powoli. începe să înveți
The road to the cabin was so bumpy that we had to drive very slowly.
Lot samolotem był dość nierówny z powodu silnych turbulencji. începe să înveți
The plane ride was quite bumpy due to strong turbulence.
Jej kariera była trochę wyboista, ale zawsze znajduje sposób, by odnieść sukces. începe să înveți
Her career has been a bit bumpy, but she always finds a way to succeed.
Tata mieszka tutaj już od jakiegoś czasu i było trochę ciężko. începe să înveți
Dad's been living here for quite a while, and it's been a bit bumpy.
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Często marzę na jawie o podróżowaniu po świecie i poznawaniu różnych kultur începe să înveți
I often daydream about traveling the world and experiencing different cultures
Jego marzenie na jawie o zostaniu sławnym muzykiem motywowało go do codziennego ćwiczenia. începe să înveți
His daydream about becoming a famous musician kept him motivated to practice every day
Uśmiechnęła się, pogrążona w marzeniach na jawie o swojej przyszłości. începe să înveți
She smiled, lost in a daydream about her future.
Zakłócające zachowanie kilku uczniów utrudniało nauczycielowi prowadzenie lekcji. începe să înveți
The disruptive behavior of a few students made it hard for the teacher to conduct the lesson.
Jej ciągłe mówienie podczas spotkania było postrzegane jako zakłócające przez jej kolegów. începe să înveți
Her constant talking during the meeting was seen as disruptive by her colleagues.
Ciekawą częścią tej historii jest to, że faktycznie opiera się ona na prawdziwych wydarzeniach. începe să înveți
The interesting bit about this story is that it’s actually based on real events.
to ciekawy fragment – eksperyment zadziałał nawet lepiej, niż oczekiwano!) începe să înveți
Here comes the interesting bit – the experiment worked even better than expected!
Ciekawą częścią jej prezentacji było to, jak połączyła wydarzenia historyczne z nowoczesną technologią. începe să înveți
The interesting bit about her presentation was how she connected historical events with modern technology.
Popyt na pojazdy elektryczne w ostatnich latach przewyższył podaż începe să înveți
The demand for electric vehicles has outpaced the supply in recent years
Jej ambicja i determinacja prześcignęły wszystkich innych w zespole, czyniąc ją oczywistym wyborem do awansu. începe să înveți
Her ambition and determination outpaced everyone else in the team, making her the obvious choice for promotion
Postęp technologiczny wyprzedził przepisy, tworząc wyzwania dla ustawodawców. începe să înveți
Technological advancements have outpaced regulations, creating challenges for lawmakers.
Nieustannie przewyższała swoich kolegów, zdobywając tytuł Pracownika Roku. începe să înveți
She consistently outperformed her colleagues, earning her the title of Employee of the Year.
Postęp technologiczny wyprzedził przepisy, tworząc wyzwania dla ustawodawców începe să înveți
Technological advances have outpaced regulations, creating challenges for legislators
Podczas wyścigu młodszy sportowiec przewyższył swoich bardziej doświadczonych rywali. începe să înveți
During the race, the younger athlete outperformed his more experienced rivals
Eksperymentalny lek przewyższył standardowe leczenie w badaniach klinicznych. începe să înveți
The experimental drug outperformed the standard treatment in clinical trials.
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Lek pomógł zmniejszyć intensywność bólu începe să înveți
The medicine helped diminish the intensity of the pain.
Jego ciągła krytyka zaczęła osłabiać jej pewność siebie. începe să înveți
His constant criticism began to diminish her confidence
Czas nie wpłynął na znaczenie ich przyjaźni. începe să înveți
Time did little to diminish the importance of their friendship
Nadmiar jedzenia na przyjęciu sprawił, że trudno było zdecydować, co zjeść. începe să înveți
The abundance of food at the party made it difficult to decide what to eat
Rosnące koszty życia wymagają przeciwwagi w postaci wyższych płac. începe să înveți
The rising costs of living require a counterweight in the form of higher wages.
W debacie jej logiczne argumenty stanowiły przeciwwagę dla emocjonalnych apeli drugiego mówcy. începe să înveți
In the debate, her logical arguments were a counterweight to the emotional appeals of the other speaker
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Jest osobą wszechstronną, interesującą się sztuką, nauką i sportem începe să înveți
She is a well-rounded individual with interests in art, science, and sports.
Aby być wszechstronnym sportowcem, musisz skupić się na sile, wytrzymałości i elastyczności începe să înveți
To be a well-rounded athlete, you need to focus on strength, endurance, and flexibility.