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Renton betrayed Begbie and ran away with the money. începe să înveți
Renton zdradził Begbie'ego i uciekł z pieniędzmi.
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The man stabbed the shop owner when she refused to hand over cash from the till. începe să înveți
Mężczyzna dźgnął właścicielkę sklepu, gdy odmówiła wydania mu pieniędzy z kasy.
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The stock of suits was sold out in 10 minutes. începe să înveți
Zapas garniturów został wyprzedany w 10 minut.
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The count's taste was very sophisticated. începe să înveți
Gust hrabiego był bardzo wyrafinowany.
I know it from a reliable source, believe me. începe să înveți
Wiem z wiarygodnego źródła, uwierz.
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The company has changed its image. începe să înveți
Firma zmieniła swój wizerunek.
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It was a great challenge we had to face. începe să înveți
To było wielkie wyzwanie, któremu musieliśmy stawić czoła.
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Porsche highlighted its exclusivity by aiming at the high end of the luxury car segment. începe să înveți
Porsche podkreślił swoją ekskluzywność adresując swój produkt do klienta segmentu samochodowego z najwyższej półki.
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The prices have been going up steadily over the last 10 years. începe să înveți
Ceny stale rosły przez ostatnie 10 lat.
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I often have a quick nap to boost my energy levels. începe să înveți
Często ucinam sobie szybką drzemkę, żeby zwiększyć mój poziom energii.
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If you're planning to buy just a few items, there is no need to take a trolley. începe să înveți
Jeśli planujesz kupić zaledwie kilka rzeczy, nie ma potrzeby brać wózka.
Mark is so tired. He keeps on falling asleep. începe să înveți
Marek jest zmęczony. Co chwilę zasypia.
Do you have a lot of baggage? începe să înveți
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I haven't seen such a long queue in my entire life! începe să înveți
Nigdy w życiu nie widziałem tak długiej kolejki!
There's a shuttle bus going from the airport downtown, so you don't need to order a taxi. începe să înveți
Z lotniska do centrum miasta jeździ autobus wahadłowy, więc nie musisz zamawiać taksówki.
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Reliability is the most important issue. începe să înveți
Niezawodność jest najważniejszym problemem.
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Potrzebujemy więcej najemców.
Passengers are requested to stay in the lounge. începe să înveți
Pasażerowie są proszeni o pozostanie w poczekalni.
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The purpose of our meeting is clear. începe să înveți
Cel naszego spotkania jest jasny.
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She looks through the window. începe să înveți
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The party finished at midnight. începe să înveți
Impreza skończyła się o północy.
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He was envious of his brother's success. începe să înveți
Był zazdrosny o sukces brata.
You have to pay your dues începe să înveți
Musisz spłacać swoje długi.
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Many people in Uganda live in poverty and don't have fresh water or enough food. începe să înveți
Wielu ludzi w Ugandzie żyje w biedzie i nie ma dostępu do świeżej wody i wystarczającej ilości jedzenia.
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This job has excellent perks such as private health insurance and a company car. începe să înveți
dodatkowe profity (firmowy samochód, telefon) Ta praca ma świetne dodatkowe świadczenia, takie jak prywatne ubezpieczenie zdrowotne i służbowy samochód.
He encouraged me to change the job. începe să înveți
Zachęcił mnie do zmiany pracy.
These reports clearly indicate whether or not the targets have been reached. începe să înveți
Te sprawozdania jasno wskazują, czy cele zostały osiągnięte, czy nie.
The charity has made its annual appeal for donations. începe să înveți
Organizacja charytatywna wystosowała coroczny apel o datki.
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Jack is confident and intelligent. începe să înveți
Jack jest pewny siebie i inteligentny.
He had to sign the confidentiality agreement. începe să înveți
Musiał podpisać umowę o poufności.
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She looks through the window. începe să înveți
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We inspected all the offices and warehouses. începe să înveți
Sprawdziliśmy wszystkie biura i magazyny.
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Let's carry out Jeremy's plan to rob the bank, I think it might work. începe să înveți
Wykonajmy plan obrabowania banku, który opracował Jeremy - myślę, że może zadziałać.
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wydaje komunikaty prasowe
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You have all my confidence and support. începe să înveți
Masz moje pełne zaufanie i poparcie.
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I always travel with one suitcase only. începe să înveți
Zawsze podróżuję z jedną walizką.
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Use common sense! You shouldn't put your hand on a hot stove! începe să înveți
Użyj zdrowego rozsądku! Nie powinieneś kłaść ręki na rozgrzanym piecu!
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The National Art Gallery was broken into last night. începe să înveți
Włamano się do narodowej galerii sztuki zeszłej nocy.
World War II broke out in 1939. începe să înveți
II wojna światowa wybuchła w 1939 r.
I think Tommy and Carly are going to break up soon. They've been arguing so much. începe să înveți
Wydaje mi się, że Tommy i Carly niedługo zerwą ze sobą. Ostatnio tyle się kłócą.
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The company faced a big setback when their premises were burned down, but they vowed to recover quickly. începe să înveți
Firma napotkała ogromny problem, kiedy spłonęły jej budynki, ale postanowiła szybko się pozbierać.
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The plane took off on time. începe să înveți
Samolot wystartował o czasie.
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to na mnie / mojej uczcie
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At least it's not raining. începe să înveți
przynajmniej / co najmniej
I know she's sad now, but I really think Emma is going to flourish at her new school. începe să înveți
Wiem, że Emma jest teraz smutna, ale naprawdę myślę, że świetnie poradzi sobie w nowej szkole.
Lea struggled with the robber who was trying to steal her bag. începe să înveți
Lea szarpała się ze złodziejem, który próbował ukraść jej torebkę.
Yvonne was so angry, but rather than yelling, she merely stood in silence, her mouth open in shock. începe să înveți
Yvonne była bardzo zła, ale zamiast krzyczeć, stała tylko w ciszy z ustami otwartymi z szoku.
I like reading, whereas my brother prefers watching film adaptations. începe să înveți
Lubię czytać, podczas gdy mój brat woli oglądać adaptacje filmowe.
Harold acquired the stocks of a large company. începe să înveți
Harold nabył akcje dużej firmy.
He's won three gold medals. Nevertheless, he still hasn't had enough. începe să înveți
Zdobył trzy złote medale. Niemniej jednak wciąż nie ma dość.
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