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începe să înveți
is the use of game elements - point-scoring, levels, competitionwith others, measurable evidence of accomplishment, rating and rules to play - in non-game context
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to give someone a reason to do something, especially by offering them a reward
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In a gig economy, temporary, flexible jobs are commonplace and companies tend toward hiring independent contractors and freelancers instead of full-time employees.
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used for or involved in the activity of asking for a car and driver to come immediately and take you somewhere
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to persuade someone to do something or go somewhere, usually by offering them something that they want
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to make someone decide to do something
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continuing for only a limited period of time
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to officially arrange to join a school, university, or course, or to arrange for someone else to do this
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a precarious situation or state is one which may very easily or quickly become worse
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the feeling of being satisfied with your own abilities, and that you deserve to be liked or respected
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to suddenly and quickly decrease in value or amount
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annoyed or disappointed, especially because things have not happened in the way that you wanted
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used to say that you think something is probably true
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a miscellaneous set of things or people includes many different things or people that do not seem to be connected with each other
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to limit something or someone
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to complain or say that you are disappointed about something
the entirety of something începe să înveți
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the use of threats or orders to make someone do something they do not want to do
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the condition of only just having enough money or food to stay alive
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a robust system, organization etc is strong and not likely to have problems
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using threats or orders to make someone do something they do not want to do
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looking pale, weak, or tired
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to try to find someone or something, especially when this is difficult
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a period of time when you have finished what you were doing, and you can relax or do something that you had not originally planned to do
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consecutive numbers or periods of time follow one after the other without any interruptions
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a piece of work that is given to someone as part of their job
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to make something publicly known, especially after it has been kept secret
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happening or coming after something else
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the act of keeping something
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to go beyond the usual limits of something
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a small piece of metal, cloth, or plastic with a picture or words on it, worn to show rank, membership of a group, support for a political idea etc
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a meagre amount of food, money etc is too small and is much less than you need
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when people risk money or possessions on the result of something which is not certain, such as a card game or a horse race
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The increased amount to be paid by the user depends on the customer the surge factor in the area.
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to give something such as money, food, advice etc to more than one person
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ordinary and not interesting or exciting
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something that you say or write that you strongly believe
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opaque glass or liquid is difficult to see through and often thick
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a person or organization that tries to help two other people or groups to agree with each other
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harsh conditions are difficult to live in and very uncomfortable
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not exciting, impressive etc
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a promise to do something or to behave in a particular way
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a venerable person or thing is respected because of their great age, experience etc – often used humorously
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a cramped room, building etc does not have enough space for the people in it
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prohibitive costs are so high that they prevent people from buying or doing something
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a place where old vehicles and machines are collected and either sold or prepared for being used again
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to laugh at a person or idea, and talk about them in a way that shows you think they are stupid
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a machine, system etc that existed before another one in a process of development
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someone or something that is in competition with other people or things
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a picture, shape, or object that is used to represent a country, organization etc
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visceral beliefs and attitudes are the result of strong feelings rather than careful thought
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something that makes it difficult to achieve something
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a rudimentary knowledge or understanding of a subject is very simple and basic
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done in a way that is intended or planned
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how large, important, or serious something is, especially something such as a problem or injury
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the time in the evening when the largest number of people are doing specific activity
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hatred between people or groups of people
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something that is weightless seems to have no weight, especially when it is floating in space or water
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someone who is important in the early development of something, and whose work or ideas are later developed by other people
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a piece of exercise equipment that has a large belt around a set of wheels, that you can walk or run on while staying in the same place
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having an important effect or influence, especially on what will happen in the future
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] when you work together with another person or group to achieve something, especially in science or art
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începe să înveți
începe să înveți
old-fashioned very pleasant and enjoyable