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Akwarela to cienka farba powstająca poprzez zmieszanie pigmentu z farbą începe să înveți
A Waters color is a thin paint that is made by mixing pigment with water
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druk drzeworytniczy to rodzaj druku wypukłego, który polega na przeniesieniu obrazu na coś z zaokrąglonego bloku drewna începe să înveți
Woodcut printing is a type of relief printing that involves transferring an image to something from a carved block of wood
jeśli coś znajduje się nad czymś innym, znajduje się na wyższej pozycji începe să înveți
Od something is above something else IT is on a higher position
If something is across from something else, IT is on the other or opposite side
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Coś jest zakrzywione, jest wygięte lub zaokrąglone începe să înveți
Something is curved, it is bent or rounded
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kat jest miarą przestrzeni w narożniku, w którym spotykają się dwie linie începe să înveți
An angle is a measurement of the space in a corner where two lines meet each other
Sztuka aplikacyjna to praktyka stosowana projektowania artystycznego w kontekście praktycznym lub codziennym w tym ceramice, tekstyliach, bizuteri i wzornictwie przemysłowym începe să înveți
Apllied arts os the practice of applying artistic design in practical or everyday content, including, ceramics, textilies, jewelery and industrial design
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If a color is vibrant, it is very strong or bright.
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The color spectrum is the group of all colors, showing primary colors and the range of colors in between that are created by combining them
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it has an uneven surface with sharp point
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na równi, równo, równomiernie începe să înveți
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its parts are not distributed equally
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is how useful something is.
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, its parts are not distributed equally
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it is very strong or bright.
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To tint something is to add color to something.
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"Jeśli dalej będziecie się źle zachowywać, przedłużę lekcję i nie będziecie mieli przerwy", powiedział nauczyciel. începe să înveți
"If you keep misbehaving, I'll extend the class and you'll miss your break", said the teacher.
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is to pull the sides, of something so that IT becomes larger in one direction but not on another