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As early as autumn my parents were making plans for our winter holidays. începe să înveți
Już jesienią moi rodzice robili wakacyjne plany na nasze wakacje zimowe.
As early as autumn my parents were making plans for our winter holidays. începe să înveți
Już jesienią moi rodzice robili wakacyjne plany na nasze wakacje zimowe.
As early as autumn my parents were making plans for our winter holidays. începe să înveți
Już jesienią moi rodzice robili wakacyjne plany na nasze wakacje zimowe.
As early as autumn my parents were making plans for our winter holidays. începe să înveți
Już jesienią moi rodzice robili wakacyjne plany na nasze wakacje zimowe.
My father insisted on going to the mountains but my mother was not sure if it was good for her health. începe să înveți
Mój ojciec nalegał na pojechanie w góry, ale moja mama nie była pewna czy to jest dobre dla jej zdrowia.
However, she consulted her doctor and he assured her that two weeks in the mountains would undoubtedly be harmless and relaxing. începe să înveți
Jednakże, ona skonsultowała się z swoich lekarzem i on zapewnił ją, że dwa tygodnie w górach będą niewątpliwie nieszkodliwe i wypoczynkowe.
However, she consulted her doctor and he assured her that two weeks in the mountains would undoubtedly be harmless and relaxing. începe să înveți
Jednakże, ona skonsultowała się z swoich lekarzem i on zapewnił ją, że dwa tygodnie w górach będą niewątpliwie nieszkodliwe i wypoczynkowe.
However, she consulted her doctor and he assured her that two weeks in the mountains would undoubtedly be harmless and relaxing. începe să înveți
Jednakże, ona skonsultowała się z swoich lekarzem i on zapewnił ją, że dwa tygodnie w górach będą niewątpliwie nieszkodliwe i wypoczynkowe.
That is how our parents decided on spending their winter holidays in Zakopane. începe să înveți
To jest to, jak nasi rodzice zadecydowali się na spędzenie naszych zimowych wakacji w Zakopane.
The town is situated in a valley in the Tatra Mountains. începe să înveți
Miasto jest usytuowane w dolinie w Tatrach.
In winter it attracts many tourists who may go on an excursion by cablecar to Kasprowy Wierch and admire the beautiful panorama of the Tatras, lie in the sun on Mount Gubałówka or go for a long walk in the Tatra National Park. începe să înveți
Zimą przyciąga wielu turystów, którzy mogą iść na wycieczkę kolejką linową na Kasprowy wierch i podziwiać piękną panoramę Tatr, leżeć na słońcu na górze Gubałówka lub iść na długie spacery po Narodowym Parku Tatrzańskim.
In winter it attracts many tourists who may go on an excursion by cablecar to Kasprowy Wierch and admire the beautiful panorama of the Tatras, lie in the sun on Mount Gubałówka or go for a long walk in the Tatra National Park. începe să înveți
Zimą przyciąga wielu turystów, którzy mogą iść na wycieczkę kolejką linową na Kasprowy wierch i podziwiać piękną panoramę Tatr, leżeć na słońcu na górze Gubałówka lub iść na długie spacery po Narodowym Parku Tatrzańskim.
In winter it attracts many tourists who may go on an excursion by cablecar to Kasprowy Wierch and admire the beautiful panorama of the Tatras, lie in the sun on Mount Gubałówka or go for a long walk in the Tatra National Park. începe să înveți
Zimą przyciąga wielu turystów, którzy mogą iść na wycieczkę kolejką linową na Kasprowy wierch i podziwiać piękną panoramę Tatr, leżeć na słońcu na górze Gubałówka lub iść na długie spacery po Narodowym Parku Tatrzańskim.
In winter it attracts many tourists who may go on an excursion by cablecar to Kasprowy Wierch and admire the beautiful panorama of the Tatras, lie in the sun on Mount Gubałówka or go for a long walk in the Tatra National Park. începe să înveți
Zimą przyciąga wielu turystów, którzy mogą iść na wycieczkę kolejką linową na Kasprowy wierch i podziwiać piękną panoramę Tatr, leżeć na słońcu na górze Gubałówka lub iść na długie spacery po Narodowym Parku Tatrzańskim.
to admire beautiful panorama In winter it attracts many tourists who may go on an excursion by cablecar to Kasprowy Wierch and admire the beautiful panorama of the Tatras, lie in the sun on Mount Gubałówka or go for a long walk in the Tatra National Park. începe să înveți
podziwiać piękną panoramę Zimą przyciąga wielu turystów, którzy mogą iść na wycieczkę kolejką linową na Kasprowy wierch i podziwiać piękną panoramę Tatr, leżeć na słońcu na górze Gubałówka lub iść na długie spacery po Narodowym Parku Tatrzańskim.
In winter it attracts many tourists who may go on an excursion by cablecar to Kasprowy Wierch and admire the beautiful panorama of the Tatras, lie in the sun on Mount Gubałówka or go for a long walk in the Tatra National Park. începe să înveți
Zimą przyciąga wielu turystów, którzy mogą iść na wycieczkę kolejką linową na Kasprowy wierch i podziwiać piękną panoramę Tatr, leżeć na słońcu na górze Gubałówka lub iść na długie spacery po Narodowym Parku Tatrzańskim.
For those who like hikes the Tatras are a real paradise. începe să înveți
Dla tych, którzy lubią piesze wycieczki Tatry są prawdziwym rajem.
For those who like hikes the Tatras are a real paradise. începe să înveți
Dla tych, którzy lubią piesze wycieczki Tatry są prawdziwym rajem.
For us winter holidays in Zakopane were an unforgettable experience. începe să înveți
Dla nas zimowe wakacje w Zakopane były niezapomnianym przeżyciem.
We lived in a house situated on a hill by the wood. începe să înveți
Mieszkaliśmy w domu usytuowanym na wzgórzu przy lesie.
We lived in a house situated on a hill by the wood. începe să înveți
Mieszkaliśmy w domu usytuowanym na wzgórzu przy lesie.
From there we had a wonderful view of the surroundings. începe să înveți
Stamtąd mieliśmy cudowny widok na okolice.
From there we had a wonderful view of the surroundings. începe să înveți
Stamtąd mieliśmy cudowny widok na okolice.
We could admire majestic mountains covered in white, powdery snow and evergreen spruce forests. începe să înveți
Mogliśmy podziwiać majestatyczne góry pokryte białym, sypkim śniegiem i wiecznie zielone lasy świerkowe.
We could admire majestic mountains covered in white, powdery snow and evergreen spruce forests. începe să înveți
Mogliśmy podziwiać majestatyczne góry pokryte białym, sypkim śniegiem i wiecznie zielone lasy świerkowe.
We could admire majestic mountains covered in white, powdery snow and evergreen spruce forests. începe să înveți
wiecznie zielone lasy świerkowe Mogliśmy podziwiać majestatyczne góry pokryte białym, sypkim śniegiem i wiecznie zielone lasy świerkowe.
Although it was very cold, I went skiing every day. începe să înveți
Chociaż było bardzo zimno, jeździłem na nartach.
Although it was very cold, I went skiing every day. începe să înveți
Chociaż było bardzo zimno, jeździłem na nartach.
My parents were not afraid of frost either. începe să înveți
Moi rodzice również nie bali się mrozu.
They put on heavy jackets, woollen caps, gloves and scarves and went for long walks. începe să înveți
Wkładali grube kurtki, wełniane czapki, rękawiczki oraz szaliki i szli na długie spacery.
They put on heavy jackets, woollen caps, gloves and scarves and went for long walks. începe să înveți
Wkładali grube kurtki, wełniane czapki, rękawiczki oraz szaliki i szli na długie spacery.
woollen caps / gloves / scarfs They put on heavy jackets, woollen caps, gloves and scarves and went for long walks. începe să înveți
wełniane czapki / rękawiczki / szaliki Wkładali grube kurtki, wełniane czapki, rękawiczki oraz szaliki i szli na długie spacery.
My younger brother had a lot of fun building a snowman, sleighing or skating. începe să înveți
Mój młodszy brat miał wiele zabawy z lepienia bałwana, jeżdżenia na sankach lub jeżdżenia na łyżwach.
My younger brother had a lot of fun building a snowman, sleighing or skating. începe să înveți
Mój młodszy brat miał wiele zabawy z lepienia bałwana, jeżdżenia na sankach lub jeżdżenia na łyżwach.
In the afternoon we often went to a cafe, drank tea or coffee, ate cakes and exchanged impressions. începe să înveți
Po południu często chodziliśmy do kawiarni, piliśmy herbatę lub kawę, jedliśmy ciasto i dzieliliśmy się wrażeniami.
In the afternoon we often went to a cafe, drank tea or coffee, ate cakes and exchanged impressions. începe să înveți
Po południu często chodziliśmy do kawiarni, piliśmy herbatę lub kawę, jedliśmy ciasto i dzieliliśmy się wrażeniami.
Sometimes my parents went dancing with their friends who also spent their winter holidays in Zakopane. începe să înveți
Czasami moi rodzice szli potańczyć z swoimi przyjaciółmi, którzy także spędzali swoje zimowe wakacje w Zakopanym.
Next year we would also like to go to the mountains because we had a very good time there. începe să înveți
W przyszłym roku także chcielibyśmy jechać w góry, ponieważ dobrze się tam bawiliśmy.