My lesson

 0    25 cartonașe    A. R.
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Întrebare Răspuns
Who was driving the car
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Wer hat das Auto gefahren
Has anybody observed the accident
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Hat jemand den Unfall beobachtet
Shall we call a tow car
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Sollen wir einen Schleppwagen rufen
The wing mirror is torn
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Der Außenspiegel ist abgerissen
There is a scratch on the driver's door
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Es ist ein Kratzer auf der Fahrertür
The rear bumper is dented
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Der hintere Stoßfänger ist eingedrückt
In case of minor body work damage we only fill in an accident report for the insurance company
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Bei kleineren Blechschaden füllen wir nur in eine Unfallmitteilung für die Versicherung aus
Did you drink any alcohol during the last hours
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Haben Sie Alkohol in den letzten Stunden getrunken
I have stated the smell of alcohol
începe să înveți
Ich habe den Geruch von Alkohol festgestellt
Please get out and accompany us to the patrol car
începe să înveți
Bitte steigen Sie aus und begleiten Sie uns zu dem Streifenwagen
Do not drink and drive
începe să înveți
Fahren Sie nicht unter Alkohol
Do you need a doctor
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Benötigen Sie einen Arzt
You should go to hospital
începe să înveți
Sie sollten ins Krankenhaus gehen
Could you tell me exactly what happened
începe să înveți
Könnten Sie mir sagen, was genau passiert ist
What was the reason for the brawl
începe să înveți
Was war die Ursache für den Streit
How much alcohol did you drink before the brawl started
începe să înveți
Wie viel Alkohol habe Sie getrunken bevor der Streit begann
Is there any damage to property
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Gibt es irgendwelche Sachbeschädigungen
Did anybody use weapons or other dangerous items
începe să înveți
Hat jemand Waffen oder andere gefährliche Gegenstände benutzt
Cases of dangerous bodily harm will always be prosecuted
începe să înveți
Bei gefährlicher Körperverletzung wird auf jedem Fall ein Ermittlungsverfahren eingeleitet
Please, make a statement
începe să înveți
Bitte, machen Sie eine Aussage
Please, stay calm and tell me your name and address
începe să înveți
Bitte, bleiben Sie ruhig und sagen Sie mir Ihren Namen und Adresse
What is the reason for calling
începe să înveți
Was ist der Grund für den Aufruf
Please, repeat your name and address
începe să înveți
Bitte wiederholen Sie Ihren Namen und Adresse
Please, wait until the police officers, the ambulance, the fire fighters arrive
începe să înveți
Bitte warten Sie, bis die Polizeibeamten, der Rettungswagen, die Feuerwehrleute kommen
Stop brawling immediately
începe să înveți
Beenden Sie sofort den Streit

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