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鋳造 ちゅうぞう casting; founding; minting
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鋳物 いもの cast metal; casting
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隠蔽 いんぺい concealment; suppression; hiding
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茨城県 いばらきけん Ibaraki prefecture (Kanto area)
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出棺 しゅっかん carrying out a coffin; funeral procession
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戦慄 せんりつ shudder; shiver; tremble with fear; horrible; terrible; hair-raising
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傲慢 ごうまん pride; haughtiness; arrogance; insolence; hubris
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模倣 もほう imitation; copying
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倣う ならう to imitate; to follow; to emulate
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謹慎 きんしん penitence; discipline; house arrest; self restraint; moderating one's behaviour
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謹んで つつしんで respectfully; humbly; reverently
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一抹 いちまつ (a) touch of; tinge of; wreath (e.g. of smoke); one stroke; one brush
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抹消 まっしょう erasure; delete (e.g. DEL character)
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捻出 ねんしゅつ contriving (to raise funds); working out (a solution)
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娯楽 ごらく pleasure; amusement
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石臼 いしうす stone mortar; millstone; quern
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比喩 ひゆ simile; metaphor; allegory; parable
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萎縮 いしゅく withering; atrophy; contraction; dwarf
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萎える なえる to lose strength; to become weak; to waste away; to wither; to droop
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蛍光灯 けいこうとう fluorescent lamp; fluorescent light; person who is slow to react; someone slow on the uptake
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蛍 ほたる firefly (Luciola cruciata); lightning bug; glowworm
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窒息 ちっそく suffocation; choking
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前立腺 ぜんりつせん prostate gland
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桁 けた column; beam; girder; crossbeam; spar; yard; digit; decade; order of magnitude
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愛玩 あいがん caring for (esp. a pet or a small object); cherishing; being fond of; prizing; treasuring
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羞恥心 しゅうちしん shyness; shame
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栓 せん stopper; cork; stopcock
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危惧 きぐ apprehensions; misgivings; uneasiness; anxiety; fear
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寡黙 かもく silent (person); shy; taciturn; reticent; uncommunicative
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畝間 うねま furrow; room with ridged roof
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私淑 ししゅく looking up to a person as one's own master or model; being influenced by a person through his works; idolizing
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駐屯 ちゅうとん stationing (troops); occupancy
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糾弾 きゅうだん censure; denunciation; (verbal) attack; blaming
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遡る さかのぼる to go upstream; to go back (in time, to origin); to date back to; to trace back to; to make retroactive
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遡上 そじょう going upstream; retroact; retrospect
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雌雄 しゆう male and female (animals); the two sexes; victory and defeat; strengths and weaknesses
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殉職 じゅんしょく dying at one's post; being killed in the line of duty
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紡ぐ つむぐ to spin; to make yarn; to spin (a tale); to speak
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貪欲 どんよく avarice; greed; covetousness; raga (desire)
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中庸 ちゅうよう middle way; (golden) mean; moderation; middle path; the Doctrine of the Mean (one of the Four Books)
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繕い つくろい mending; repair; darning; patching up
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搾る しぼる to wring (towel, rag); to squeeze; to squeeze (fruit to extract juice); to press; to extract; to milk; to express milk; to rack (one's brains); to strain (one's voice); to extort; to exploit;
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搾取 さくしゅ exploitation; squeezing; sweating
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堆積 たいせき pile (of things); depositing (in a pile); accumulation (sediment)
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禍根 かこん root of evil; source of evil
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婚姻 こんいん marriage; matrimony
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冥福 めいふく happiness in the next world
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冥利 みょうり providence; luck; favor; favour; advantage
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拷問 ごうもん torture; the rack; third degree
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旺盛 おうせい full of vim and vigor
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批准 ひじゅん ratification; ratify
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勾配 こうばい slope; incline; gradient; grade; pitch
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麺類 めんるい noodles; vermicelli
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卸す おろす to sell wholesale; to grate (e.g. vegetables); to cut up fish
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心神耗弱 しんしんこうじゃく diminished capacity; diminished responsibility; legally unaccountable (e.g. due to mental illness, drugs, alcohol, etc.)
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消耗 しょうもう exhaustion; consumption; waste; dissipation
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拝謁 はいえつ having an audience with someone of very high social standing (e.g. the emperor)
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謁する えっする to have an audience with
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坑道 こうどう tunnel; (mine) level
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賓客 ひんきゃく guest of honour; guest of honor; privileged guest; visitor
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装塡 そうてん charge; load; fill
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下痢 げり diarrhoea; diarrhea
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威嚇 いかく menace; threat; intimidation; to threaten; to intimidate
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氾濫 はんらん overflowing; flood; inundation; deluge; oversupply; plethora
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俸給 ほうきゅう salary (esp. public employees); wages; pay
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便箋 びんせん writing paper; stationery
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凸版 とっぱん letterpress; relief printing
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凹凸 おうとつ unevenness; roughness; ruggedness
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詔書 しょうしょ imperial edict; decree
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詔 みことのり imperial decree; imperial edict
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精緻 せいち delicate; minute; subtle
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漸次 ぜんじ gradually; slowly; little by little; incrementally
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月賦 げっぷ monthly installment (instalment); monthly payment
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賦役 ふえき slave labour; slave labor; compulsory service; forced labour; forced labor; exacted service
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茶褐色 ちゃかっしょく dark reddish-brown; liver color
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真摯 しんし sincerity; earnestness
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汎用 はんよう generic; general purpose; all-purpose
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斥候 せっこう scout; patrol; spy
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排斥 はいせき rejection; expulsion; boycott; ostracism
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一分一厘 いちぶいちりん (not even) a bit of; (not even) a hint of; (not) an iota of
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矯正 きょうせい correction (of fault, defect, flaw, etc.); remedy; rectification; redress; reform
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毀誉 きよ praise and censure; approval and disapproval; approbation and condemnation
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窃盗 せっとう theft; stealing; larceny
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遵守 じゅんしゅ compliance; adherence (to a set of rules); (religious) observance
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賄賂 わいろ bribe; sweetener; douceur
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怠惰 たいだ laziness; idleness; sloth
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蚕 かいこ silkworm (Bombyx mori)
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蚕糸 さんし silk thread; silk yarn
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俳諧 はいかい haikai; collective name for haiku, haibun, haiga, senryū, etc.; humorous or vulgar renga poetry
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勤倹 きんけん industry; diligence; frugality
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借款 しゃっかん (international) loan
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遺憾 いかん regrettable; unsatisfactory
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哺乳類 ほにゅうるい mammal; mammalian
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語彙 ごい vocabulary; lexicon; lexis; terminology
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更迭 こうてつ change; shake-up; reshuffle (e.g. of a cabinet); dismissal (e.g. of a minister); exchanging places
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委嘱 いしょく entrusting (with)
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開墾 かいこん cultivating new land; clearing; reclamation
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逓信 ていしん communications (e.g. post, tele.)
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肥沃 ひよく fertility; productive
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種痘 しゅとう (smallpox) vaccination; inoculation
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虞 おそれ fear; horror; anxiety; concern; uneasiness
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進捗 しんちょく progress; under way
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訃報 ふほう news of a person's death; obituary
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謄本 とうほん certified copy; transcript; official copy of the family register
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繭玉 まゆだま New Year's decoration with cocoon-shaped cakes
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御璽 ぎょじ imperial seal; privy seal
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剥ぐ はぐ to tear off; to peel off; to rip off; to strip off; to skin; to flay; to bark; to disrobe; to strip of (e.g. clothes, rank); to deprive of; to divest
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籠 かご basket (shopping, etc.); hamper; cage
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禁錮 きんこ imprisonment; confinement
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頰張る ほおばる to stuff one's cheeks; to fill one's mouth (with food)