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範囲 はんい extent; scope; sphere; range; span
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潜水 せんすい diving; submerging; going underwater
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潜る もぐる to dive (into or under water); to get under; to get into; to get in; to creep into; to crawl under; to bury oneself; to hide oneself (esp. from the government); to go underground
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潜む ひそむ to lurk; to lie dormant; to be hidden; to be concealed; to be stashed
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酔う よう to get drunk; to become intoxicated; to feel sick (e.g. in a vehicle); to become nauseated; to be elated; to be exalted; to be spellbound; to be in raptures
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返還 へんかん return; restoration
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丹 に red earth (i.e. containing cinnabar or minium); vermilion
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亀裂 きれつ crack; crevice; fissure; chap; rift
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湖沼 こしょう lakes and marshes
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沼 ぬま swamp; bog; pond; lake
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巡る めぐる to go around; to return; to surround; to concern (usu. of disputes)
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巡査 じゅんさ police officer; policeman; constable
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お巡り おまわり policeman; cop; walking in a circle (dog trick); rounds (doctor, police beat, etc.); vegetables that accompany rice (secret language of court ladies)
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悪臭 あくしゅう stink; bad odor; bad odour; stench
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臭い くさい stinking; smelly; suspicious; fishy; clumsy; unskilled; smelling of; looking like; appearing like; smacking of; -ish
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慶祝 けいしゅく congratulation; celebration
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解釈 かいしゃく explanation; interpretation
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釈迦 しゃか Gautama Buddha; Shakyamuni; the historical Buddha (5th c. BCE?)
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侵す おかす to invade; to raid; to violate (airspace, etc.); to intrude; to trespass; to infringe; to encroach; to harm; to afflict; to affect
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侵入 しんにゅう invasion; incursion; raid; aggression; intrusion; trespass; penetration
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同僚 どうりょう coworker; co-worker; colleague; associate
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覚悟 かくご resolution; resignation; readiness; preparedness
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悟り さとり comprehension; understanding; enlightenment; spiritual awakening; satori
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分裂 ぶんれつ split; division; break up
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裂く さく to tear; to rip up; to cut up; to cleave; to cut open (esp. the abdomen); to forcibly separate (e.g. two lovers); to spare (time, money, etc.); to use part of something; to have a tattoo in the corner of one's eye
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尋問 じんもん cross-examination; interrogation; questioning
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尋ねる たずねる to ask; to enquire; to inquire; to search; to look for; to look into; to investigate
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旗 はた flag; pataka (banner)
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網羅 もうら comprising; including; covering; encompassing; comprehending
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一生懸命 いっしょうけんめい very hard; with utmost effort; with all one's might; for dear life
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懸念 けねん worry; fear; anxiety; concern
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塚 つか mound; heap; hillock; burial mound; tomb; tumulus; barrow
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基盤 きばん foundation; basis; base; footing; infrastructure; bedrock; substrate (circuit board)
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災い わざわい calamity; catastrophe; misfortune
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災害 さいがい calamity; disaster; misfortune
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法曹 ほうそう legal profession; lawyer
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尽力 じんりょく efforts; assistance
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尽くす つくす to exhaust; to run out; to devote; to serve (a person); to befriend; to do to exhaustion
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嫁 よめ wife; bride; (one's) daughter-in-law
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転嫁 てんか imputation; shifting (e.g. blame, costs); passing the buck; second marriage; remarriage
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嫁ぐ とつぐ to marry (of a woman); to become a bride; to marry into (a family); to have sexual intercourse
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頻繁 ひんぱん frequent; incessant
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繁栄 はんえい prospering; prosperity; thriving; flourishing
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即座 そくざ immediate; right there on the spot; impromptu; instant; instantaneous
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通帳 つうちょう passbook; bankbook
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飾る かざる to decorate; to ornament; to adorn
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沿岸 えんがん coast; shore; littoral
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沿う そう to run along; to run beside; to follow (a plan, etc.); to act in accordance with
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獲得 かくとく acquisition; possession
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獲物 えもの game; spoils; trophy; prey
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伴う ともなう to accompany; to go hand in hand with; to be consequent upon; to be accompanied by; to bring with; to take with; to be involved in
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同伴 どうはん to accompany; to go with; company; companion
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伴食 ばんしょく eating with a guest; nominal official (a slighting term)
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狭い せまい narrow; confined; small
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狭量 きょうりょう narrow-mindedness
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狭める せばめる to narrow; to reduce; to contract
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添う そう to meet (one's expectations, etc.); to satisfy; to comply with; to accompany; to stay by one's side; to marry; to wed; to be added
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添加 てんか addition; annexing
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洗剤 せんざい detergent; washing material
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魅力 みりょく charm; fascination; glamour; glamor; attraction; appeal
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契約 けいやく contract; compact; agreement
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契る ちぎる to pledge; to vow; to promise; to swear; to have sexual intercourse (esp. between husband and wife); to share a bed
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挑戦 ちょうせん challenge; defiance; dare; attempt; try
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挑む いどむ to challenge; to throw down the gauntlet; to contend for; to tackle; to pressure someone for sex; to woo; to make love to
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免れる まぬかれる to escape from; to be rescued from; to avoid; to evade; to avert; to elude; to be exempted; to be relieved from pain; to get rid of
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免許 めんきょ license; permit; licence; certificate
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爵位 しゃくい peerage; court rank
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選択 せんたく selection; choice; option
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廊下 ろうか corridor; hallway; passageway
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先輩 せんぱい senior (at work or school); superior; elder; older graduate; progenitor; old-timer
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後輩 こうはい junior (at work, school, etc.); younger people; younger student
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敏感 びんかん sensibility; susceptibility; sensitive (to); well attuned to
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鶴 つる crane (any bird of the family Gruidae, esp. the red-crowned crane, Grus japonensis)
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謙虚 けんきょ modesty; humility
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往復 おうふく making a round trip; going and returning; coming and going; round-trip ticket; return ticket; correspondence; exchanging (letters); socializing; visiting one another
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趣味 しゅみ hobby; pastime; tastes; preference; liking
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趣 おもむき meaning; tenor; gist; effect; influence; appearance; aspect; taste; grace; charm; refinement
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烈火 れっか raging fire; conflagration
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強烈 きょうれつ strong; intense; severe
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捜索 そうさく search (esp. for someone or something missing); investigation
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匂う におう to be fragrant; to smell (good); to stink; to smell (bad); to glow; to be bright; to smack of; to show hints of
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摩擦 まさつ friction; rubbing; rubdown; chafe
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菊 きく chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium)
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白菊 しらぎく white chrysanthemum
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滑る すべる to glide; to slide (e.g. on skis); to slip; to fail (an examination); to bomb (when telling a joke); to drop; to go down; to come down; to fall (e.g. in status)
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円滑 えんかつ smooth; undisturbed; uninterrupted; harmonious
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滑稽 こっけい funny; humorous; humourous; comical; laughable; ridiculous; joking
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滑走 かっそう gliding; sliding; skating (on ice); glide; slide; taxiing (aircraft); making a takeoff run
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滑らか なめらか smooth (e.g. skin or ground); glassy; velvety; fluent; smooth (speaking); without a hitch
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横綱 よこづな yokozuna (highest rank in sumo); grand champion; best in its field; crème de la crème; cream of the crop
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綱領 こうりょう general plan; main points; summary; platform (e.g. for a campaign); mission statement
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綱 つな rope; grand champion's braided belt
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官邸 かんてい official residence (e.g. of the prime minister)
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連邦 れんぽう commonwealth; federation of states; confederation; union
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邦楽 ほうがく Japanese music (esp. traditional Japanese music)
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荷揚げ にあげ unloading; landing
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掲揚 けいよう hoist (flag); fly; display
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卓球 たっきゅう table tennis; ping-pong
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墓地 ぼち cemetery; graveyard
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姫 ひめ princess; young lady of noble birth; girl; small; cute; lesser (in names of species); prostitute
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気孔 きこう pore; stoma; stigma; vesicle
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耐える たえる to bear; to stand; to endure; to put up with; to support; to withstand; to resist; to brave; to be fit for; to be equal to
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忍耐 にんたい endurance; perseverance; patience
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必須 ひっす indispensable; required
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臨時 りんじ temporary; special; extraordinary
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臨む のぞむ to look out on; to face; to deal with; to attend (e.g. function); to appear (e.g. in court)
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献立 こんだて menu; bill of fare; program; programme; schedule
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貢献 こうけん contribution (furthering a goal or cause); services (to a cause)
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唱える となえる to recite; to chant; to cry; to yell; to shout; to advocate; to advance; to preach; to insist
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合唱 がっしょう chorus, choir; singing in a chorus; singing along, singing together
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料亭 りょうてい ryotei; traditional Japanese restaurant (esp. a luxurious one)
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貫通 かんつう pierce; penetrate; perforate
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貫く つらぬく to go through; to pierce; to penetrate; to carry out; to persist; to keep (faith); to stick to (principles); to maintain (independence)
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偽造 ぎぞう forgery; falsification; fabrication; counterfeiting
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偽物 にせもの spurious article; forgery; counterfeit; imitation; sham
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桜 さくら cherry tree; cherry blossom; decoy; fake buyer; shill; hired applauder; horse meat
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葉桜 はざくら cherry tree in leaf; cherry tree whose blossoms have fallen, revealing the young leaves
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成熟 せいじゅく maturity; ripeness
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排除 はいじょ exclusion; removal; rejection; elimination; abatement; lifting (sanctions, etc.)
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透かす すかす to look through; to hold up to the light; to make an opening; to leave space; to space (lines); to prune (trees); to fart without making a sound
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透明 とうめい transparency; cleanness
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棄権 きけん abstaining from voting; renunciation of a right; did not start (sport); DNS; defaulting
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削る けずる to shave (wood or leather); to sharpen; to plane; to whittle; to pare; to scrape off; to shave off (e.g. a budget, expenses, a salary, etc.); to remove; to erase; to delete
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削減 さくげん cut; reduction; curtailment
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奏でる かなでる to play an instrument (esp. string instruments); to dance
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幻 まぼろし phantom; vision; illusion; dream; apparition
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華麗 かれい splendor; splendour; magnificence