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撲滅 ぼくめつ eradication; extermination; destruction; suppression
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塊 かたまり lump; mass; bundle; clump; clod; cluster; group; crowd; embodiment (of an idea, quality, feeling etc.); personification
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絞める しめる to strangle; to constrict
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絞殺 こうさつ strangulation; strangling
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絞る しぼる to wring (towel, rag); to squeeze; to rack (one's brains); to strain (one's voice); to extort; to exploit; to chew out; to train; to narrow down (one's focus); to bend (bow); to draw; to hold down;
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履行 りこう performance; fulfillment; fulfilment; discharge; implementation
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履く はく to put on (or wear) lower-body clothing (i.e. pants, skirt, etc.); to put on (or wear) footwear; to affix a sword to one's hip; to affix a bowstring to a bow
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芋 いも tuber; taro; potato; yokel; bumpkin
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冗談 じょうだん jest; joke; funny story
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励ます はげます to encourage; to cheer; to raise (the voice)
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奨励 しょうれい encouragement; promotion; inducement; incitement; stimulation
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猿 さる monkey; ape; non-human primate; sly person; idiot; hick; sliding wooden bolt (for holding a door or window shut); clasp used to control the height of a pot-hook; bathhouse prostitute
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葛湯 くずゆ kudzu starch gruel
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傘下 さんか affiliated with; under jurisdiction of; under the umbrella
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劣る おとる to be inferior to; to be less good at; to fall behind
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卑劣 ひれつ mean; foul play; cowardly; base
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撤回 てっかい withdrawal; retraction; revocation; repeal
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殴る なぐる to strike; to hit; to beat; to punch
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矛盾 むじゅん contradiction; inconsistency
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盾 たて shield; buckler; escutcheon; pretext
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衰える おとろえる to become weak; to decline; to wear; to abate; to decay; to wither; to waste away
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衰退 すいたい decline; degeneration; decay; waning; ebbing
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慰安 いあん solace; relaxation
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慰める なぐさめる to comfort; to console; to amuse
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蛇 へび snake; serpent; large snake
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蛇の目 じゃのめ bull's-eye (pattern); double ring (pattern); umbrella with bull's-eye pattern
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蛇行 だこう meandering; crawling
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潔癖 けっぺき fastidiousness; love of cleanliness
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癖 くせ habit (often a bad habit, i.e. vice); tendency; peculiarity; idiosyncrasy; mannerism; crease; wrinkle; curl; kink
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口癖 くちぐせ way of saying; favorite phrase; favourite phrase
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潤む うるむ to be wet; to be moist; to get dim; to become blurred; to get cloudy; to get muddy; to be bleared; to become tear-choked
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潤い うるおい moisture; damp; wetness; richness; warmth; gain; profit; financial leeway
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鉢 はち bowl; pot; basin; flowerpot; crown; brainpan
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植木鉢 うえきばち flowerpot; plant pot
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戯れ たわむれ play; sport; fun; caprice; joke; jest; flirtation
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胃腸 いちょう stomach; gastrointestine
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偏見 へんけん prejudice; narrow view; bias
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偏る かたよる to be one-sided; to incline; to be partial; to be prejudiced; to lean; to be biased; to be biassed
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病巣 びょうそう focus; nidus; lesion
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巣 す nest; rookery; breeding place; hive; den; haunt; (spider's) web
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原子炉 げんしろ atomic reactor; nuclear reactor
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棟 むね ridge (of roof); back of a sword; counter for buildings, apartments, etc.
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上棟 じょうとう raising the ridgepole
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棟木 むなぎ ridgepole; ridge beam
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空洞 くうどう cave; hollow; cavity; hollow
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天皇陛下 てんのうへいか His Majesty the Emperor
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陛下 へいか your Majesty; his Majesty; her Majesty
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陶磁器 とうじき porcelain; china; chinaware; ceramics; pottery
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潔い いさぎよい manly; sportsmanlike; gracious; gallant; resolute; brave; pure (heart, actions, etc.); upright; blameless; unsullied (e.g. scenery or object); pure; clean
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清潔 せいけつ clean; hygienic; sanitary; pure; virtuous; immaculate
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潔白 けっぱく innocence (i.e. not guilty); purity; uprightness
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乏しい とぼしい meagre; meager; scarce; limited; destitute; hard up; lacking; scanty; poor
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不祥事 ふしょうじ scandal; deplorable event
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曽祖父 そうそふ great-grandfather; great-granddad; great-grandad
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未曽有 みぞう unprecedented; unheard of
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舗装 ほそう pavement; road surface
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抽選 ちゅうせん lottery; raffle; drawing (of lots)
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賭ける かける to wager; to bet; to risk; to stake; to gamble
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一括 いっかつ all together; batch; one lump; one bundle; summing up
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括弧 かっこ parentheses; brackets
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犠牲 ぎせい victim; sacrifice; scapegoat
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粗末 そまつ crude; rough; plain; humble; shabby
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卑しい いやしい lowborn; humble; lowly; vulgar; coarse; crude; mean; base; vile; shabby; greedy; gluttonous; avaricious
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貼る はる to stick; to paste; to affix; to stretch; to spread; to strain; to be expensive; to keep a watch on; to be on the lookout; to become one tile away from completion; to span; to generate
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貼付 ちょうふ pasting; sticking; attaching; affixing; appending
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拉致 らち taking captive; carrying away; kidnapping; kidnaping; abduction
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帆船 はんせん sailing ship; sailing boat; sailing vessel
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挿絵 さしえ illustration (e.g. book); picture
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挿入 そうにゅう insertion; incorporation; infixing
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挿し木 さしき cutting; planting
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翻す ひるがえす to turn over; to turn around; to change (one's mind); to reverse (one's decision); to take back (one's words); to fly (flag, etc.); to wave (skirt, cape, etc.)
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枕 まくら pillow; bolster; introduction (e.g. to a rakugo story); lead-in
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錯覚 さっかく optical illusion; hallucination; misapprehension; delusion
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謙遜 けんそん humble; humility; modesty; being humble
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珠算 しゅざん calculation with abacus
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蓄える たくわえる to store; to lay in stock; to have a beard; to grow a beard
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蓄積 ちくせき accumulation; accumulate; store
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開拓 かいたく reclamation (e.g. wasteland); cultivation; development; opening up (e.g. new market); pioneering; pathfinding; trail-blazing
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純粋 じゅんすい pure; true; genuine; unmixed
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粋 いき chic; smart; stylish; tasteful; refined; sophisticated; worldly; considerate; understanding; sympathetic; essence; the best; the cream
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大尉 たいい captain (Army, U.S. Marine Corps, USAF); lieutenant (Navy); flight lieutenant (RAF, RAAF, RNZAF, etc.)
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皇后 こうごう (Japanese) empress; queen
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粘る ねばる to be sticky; to be adhesive; to persevere; to persist; to stick to; to hold out; to linger
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悦楽 えつらく enjoyment; pleasure
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堪能 かんのう proficient; skillful; patience; perseverance; fortitude
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冠 かんむり cap (esp. a traditional cap worn with sokutai or ikan clothing); crown; diadem; coronet; top kanji radical; first verse of a haikai, etc.; best; peerless; first
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王冠 おうかん crown; diadem; bottle cap
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顎関節 がくかんせつ jaw joint; temporomandibular joint; TMJ
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誓う ちかう to swear; to vow; to take an oath; to pledge
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憂い うれい sorrow; grief; anguish; distress; trouble; affliction; anxiety; fear; misgivings
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憂鬱 ゆううつ depression; melancholy; dejection; gloom
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名簿 めいぼ register of names; list of names; roll; register
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糧 かて food; provisions; nourishment; source of encouragement
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食糧 しょくりょう food (esp. staple food such as rice or wheat); provisions; rations; food supply
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兵糧 ひょうろう (army) provisions; food
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架空 かくう aerial; overhead; fiction; fictitious; imaginary; fanciful
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発芽 はつが germination; sprouting; budding
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軸 じく axis; shaft; axle; center; centre; focal point; key point; stalk; stem; hanging scroll
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火蓋 ひぶた apron of a gun; cover for the touch-hole on a cannon or matchlock
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盆 ぼん tray; family; household; O-Bon; Bon Festival; Lantern Festival; Festival of the Dead
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凶悪 きょうあく atrocious; fiendish; brutal; villainous
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庶民 しょみん masses; common people
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裾 すそ (trouser) cuff; (skirt) hem; shirttail; cut edge of a hairdo; fringe; foot of mountain
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平凡 へいぼん common; commonplace; ordinary; mediocre
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拙い つたない poor-quality; shoddy; crude; unskillful; inexpert; maladroit; inept; foolish; clumsy; unlucky
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巧拙 こうせつ tact; skill; workmanship
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拙速 せっそく hasty; rough and ready
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恒例 こうれい established practice; custom
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西暦 せいれき Christian Era; CE; anno domini; AD; Western (Gregorian) calendar
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腫れる はれる to swell (from inflammation); to become swollen
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腫瘍 しゅよう tumor; tumour; neoplasm; neoplasia
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峠 とうげ ridge; (mountain) pass; difficult part