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Musimy kupić trochę plastikowych sztućców na piknik. începe să înveți
We need to buy some plastic cutlery for the picnic.
Zamieszać, pozostawić odkryte, aż sos zgęstnieje. începe să înveți
We ate vanilla ice-cream with chocolate sauce. Stir, let stand uncovered until the sauce thickens.
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Don't make such a sour face. This soup is much too sour for me.
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Łąka pokryta była kwiatami. începe să înveți
The meadow was covered with flowers.
Oni patrzyli w dół na wspaniałą dolinę. începe să înveți
They were looking down upon a lovely valley
wskazywac na coś, zwrócić uwagę na coś, wytykać coś (np. błędy) On zwrócił uwagę na ten problem na ostatnim zebraniu. Nauczyciel zwrócił uwagę na ważne daty. Moja matka zawsze wytyka jej błędy. începe să înveți
He pointed this problem out at the last meeting. The teacher pointed the important dates out. My mother always points her mistakes out.
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You can use this tool in multiple ways.
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This software gathers data and organizes it. She used to gather postcards when she was a child. Gather all the necessary information and hand it over to me. We've gathered here to celebrate together their wedding anniversary.
Czy zdajesz sobie sprawę z ryzyka, które jest wpisane w zarządzanie własną firmą? începe să înveți
Are you aware of the pitfalls maintaining your own company entails?
On prowadził ich w pułapkę. începe să înveți
He was leading them into a trap.
Chłopiec może próbować zrobić coś głupiego. On usiłował pozostać grzecznym. începe să înveți
The boy may attempt something stupid. He attempted to remain polite.
Obserwowałam jego próbę umieszczenia książki na górnej półce. începe să înveți
I observed his attempt at putting the book on a top shelf.
wprowadzać w życie, egzekwować, narzucać Musimy ustalić własne reguły i wprowadzić je. Wymusiłem dyscyplinę na moich dzieciach przez karanie i nagradzanie ich. începe să înveți
We have got to set our own rules and enforce them. I enforced the discipline on my children by punishing and rewarding them.
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meet the requirements of / satisfy requirements of He satisfies our requirements, so we hired him.
Musisz przestrzegać naszych zasad, jeśli chcesz tu mieszkać. începe să înveți
You have to conform to our rules if you want to live here.
robić wszystko, na co kogoś stać; Nie chcę cię zawieść - zrobię, co w mojej mocy. începe să înveți
I don't want to let you down - I'll do my best.
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Ta umowa zapewnia trzy tygodnie urlopu dla każdego. Robię to, aby upewnić się, że moi przyjaciele i rodzina mają dom. începe să înveți
This deal ensures three weeks of vacation for everyone. I am doing this to ensure that my friends and family have a home.
Ona chciała kupić komputer, dlatego oszczędzała wszystko, co zarobiła. începe să înveți
She wanted to buy a computer, therefore, she saved everything she earned.
Czy mogę spytać jak długo zamierzacie tu zostać? începe să înveți
May I ask how long you intend to stay here?
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źle przeprowadzić, działać na czyjąś szkodę începe să înveți
zastosowanie się, podporządkowanie się Stosowanie się do prawa międzynarodowego musi stanowić priorytet dla wszystkich stron. începe să înveți
Compliance with international law must be a priority for all the parties involved.
Zostałem nagrodzony pokaźną sumą pieniędzy. Oni podali nam obfity posiłek. începe să înveți
I have been rewarded with a substantial sum of money. They served us a substantial meal.
popierać dowodami, uzasadniać începe să înveți
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Jest różnica pomiędzy terroryzmem a uzasadnionym odwetem. Ten atak był odwetem za ich inwazję. începe să înveți
There's a difference between terrorism and a justifiable act of retaliation. The attack was a retaliation for their invasion.
molestowanie, zastraszanie On został pozwany za molestowanie seksualne swojej współpracowniczki. începe să înveți
He was sued for sexual harassment of his colleague.
zastraszanie, terroryzowanie începe să înveți
On jest taki porywczy - wścieka się na ludzi za takie głupie rzeczy. începe să înveți
He's so short-tempered - he snaps at people over such stupid things.
popełniać, dopuszczać się începe să înveți
Jej nowy chłopak jest pełen szacunku do niej. începe să înveți
Her new boyfriend is respectful to her.
różnorodne, odmienne środowisko pracy începe să înveți
Mój szef nie zgadza się z Mary. începe să înveți
My boss is at odds with Mary.
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W południowym Sudanie, blizny na ciele kobiety oznaczają jej stan cywilny i liczbę dzieci. începe să înveți
In southern Sudan, the scars on a woman's body indicate her marital status and number of children.
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Biorąc pod uwagę okoliczności, nie zrobimy dużej imprezy. W innych okolicznościach byłaby z was świetna para. începe să înveți
Given the circumstances, we will not throw a big party. Under other circumstances, you'd make a great couple.
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We project a 5 minute break.
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Ich bliskość sprawiła, że ona poczuła się lepiej. Bliskość sklepów i szpitali była dużą zaletą. începe să înveți
Their proximity made her feel better. The proximity of stores and hospitals was a great advantage.
Ona przyznała, że on złożył jej nieprzyzwoitą ofertę. începe să înveți
She admitted that he had made an indecent offer to her.
nadmierna przemoc, wygórowana cena începe să înveți
excessive violence, excessive price
On w swoich dziełach zazwyczaj używa mrocznej symboliki. începe să înveți
He usually uses dark imagery in his works.
nadmiar (bagażu), nadwyżka începe să înveți
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car tank/fuel tank/ gas tank/ petrol tank
oszustwo / oszust, naciągacz începe să înveți
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wprowadzanie w błąd, fałszywy obraz începe să înveți
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nieodpowiednie zachowanie începe să înveți
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uparty, obstający przy swoijm începe să înveți
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znaleźć rozwiązanie, wymyślić coś, wpaść na coś începe să înveți
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przekupstwo, łapówkarstwo Przekupstwo jest przestępstwem według Kodeksu Karnego. Firmy farmaceutyczne stosują przekupstwo, żeby zachęcić lekarzy do przepisywania ich leków. începe să înveți
Bribery is a crime according to the Penal Code. Pharmaceutical companies use bribery to encourage doctors to prescribe their drugs.
Dziękujemy za twój hojny datek. Ten datek pomógł nam wyremontować kościół. începe să înveți
Thank you for your generous donation. This donation helped us to redecorate the church.
Czy myślisz, że ta inwestycja się opłaci? Cierpliwość się opłaca. Kupno używanego samochodu się nie opłaca. începe să înveți
Do you believe this investment will pay off? Patience pays off. Buying a second-hand car doesn't pay.
On zaprzecza, że był zamieszany w jakąkolwiek działalność przestępczą. începe să înveți
I can't believe he'd be involved in anything like this. He denies that he was involved in any criminal activity.
Otworzenie firmy to śmiałe przedsięwzięcie, ale będę cię wspierać. începe să înveți
Opening a company is a venture but I will support you.
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schwytać, przejąć, zdobyć On przechwycił wszystkie poufne dane. începe să înveți
He captured all of the confidential data.
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What happened over time when we were in the bathroom?
w czyimś imieniu, dla kogoś Dziękuję za wszystko, co zrobiłeś w mojej sprawie. începe să înveți
on one's behalf, in one's name You do not have the right to speak on my behalf. Mr Kim, I am here on behalf of your sister. Thank you for all that you've done on my behalf.
nienaruszalność, prawość, uczciwość începe să înveți
He's got the integrity to be our President for the next four years.
zajmować się, podejmować się Nie będę się zajmował tymi kwestiami. începe să înveți
I won't engage in these matters.
padać, pojawić się, wypłynąć, wypaść coś Jeśli moje imię pojawi się w rozmowie, proszę, postaraj się zmienić temat. începe să înveți
If my name comes up in the conversation, please try to change the subject.
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(US) draft / (EN) draught
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uznany za winnego i skazany începe să înveți
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punktualność, mierzenie czasu începe să înveți
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the total cost of salaries and benefits paid to employees,
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