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Nie mogę zrozumieć tych instrukcji. Są zbyt skomplikowane. începe să înveți
I can't comprehend these instructions. They're too complicated.
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Kwota, którą zaoszczędzisz, będzie zależeć od Twojej sytuacji finansowej i celów, ale dobrą zasadą jest dążenie do zaoszczędzenia co najmniej 10% swoich dochodów. începe să înveți
The amount you save will depend on your financial situation and goals, but a good rule of thumb is to aim to save at least 10% of your income.
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Które strategie zarządzania incydentami korelowały z najsilniejszymi wynikami începe să înveți
Which strategies for incident management correlated with the strongest outcomes
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Ale podczas gdy podaż tych umiejętności przewyższa popyt, popyt na umiejętności TypeScript, Swift, Scala, Kotlin i Go przewyższa podaż începe să înveți
But while the supply of those skills exceeds demand, the demand for TypeScript, Swift, Scala, Kotlin, and Go skills all exceed supply
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Raport CodinGame-CoderPad opublikowany 10 stycznia opiera się na ankiecie przeprowadzonej wśród 14 000 profesjonalistów i oferuje wgląd w to, co rok 2023 może przynieść rekruterom z branży technologicznej i osobom poszukującym pracy începe să înveți
CodinGame-CoderPad report published January 10, draws on a survey of 14,000 professionals and offers insights into what 2023 may hold for tech industry recruiters and job seekers
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W tym roku kilka razy pytano mnie, jak zmierzyć produktywność, jakość i wyniki programisty, zwłaszcza gdy przywództwo promuje hybrydowe modele pracy. începe să înveți
I’ve been asked several times this year about measuring a software developer’s productivity, quality, and outcomes, especially when leadership promotes hybrid working models.
„Mogły wyjechać wcześniej z powodu świątecznego ruchu”. (= Może wyszli wcześniej...) începe să înveți
“They may have left early because of the holiday traffic.” (= Maybe they left early...)
– Mogli pojechać pociągiem. (= Może pojechali pociągiem.) începe să înveți
“They might have taken the train.” (= Maybe they took the train.) https://english-at-home.com/lessons/grammar-exercise-past-modals/
„Mógł nie otrzymać wiadomości”. (= Może nie otrzymał wiadomości.) începe să înveți
“He might not have received the message.” (= Maybe he didn’t receive the message.) https://english-at-home.com/lessons/grammar-exercise-past-modals/
"Mógł zostać lekarzem" (= Miał możliwość zostania lekarzem, ale tego nie zrobił.) începe să înveți
“He could have become a doctor.” (= He had the ability to become a doctor, but he didn’t.)
„Nie mógł cię zobaczyć – było za ciemno”. începe să înveți
“He couldn’t have seen you – it was too dark.”
„Nie mogła zdać egzaminu – w ogóle się nie uczyła!” începe să înveți
“She can’t have passed the exam – she didn’t study at all!”
„Musiałeś wiedzieć, że mieliśmy dzisiaj sprawdzian – nauczyciel wysłał nam wszystkim wiadomość”. începe să înveți
“You must have known that we had a test today – the teacher sent us all a message.”
– Powinieneś był mi powiedzieć o sprzedaży. Mogłem kupić nowe buty ze zniżką!” începe să înveți
“You should have told me about the sale. I could have got some new shoes at a discount!” https://english-at-home.com/lessons/grammar-exercise-past-modals/
„Gdyby do mnie zadzwonił, poszedłbym na imprezę”. începe să înveți
“If he had called me, I would have gone to the party.” https://english-at-home.com/lessons/grammar-exercise-past-modals/
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imperative to sustain our culture
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być zgodnym z czymś, podporządkowywać się czemuś începe să înveți
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Have you been waiting long?
jak długo oni są małżeństwem? începe să înveți
how long have they been married?
jak jest how long to który czas? începe să înveți
co robisz w sobotę w popoludniu? începe să înveți
what are you doing on saturday afternoon?
o której przyjeżdżasz jutro? începe să înveți
what time are you coming tomorrow what time are you arriving tomorrow?
czy mógłbyś zamknąć drzwi, proszę? începe să înveți
could you close the door please? will you please shut the door, please?
zastanawiam się, co się stanir începe să înveți
I wonder what will happen
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I will be watching the game then.
mecz skończy się do tej godziny începe să înveți
the match will end by this time the match will have finished by then.
zadzwonię do ciebie jak wrócę z pracy începe să înveți
I'll call you when I get back from work
wyjdę gdy przestanie padać începe să înveți
I'll go out when it stops raining
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wait here until I come back
zamierzam wrócić spowrotem do domu w niedzielę. zanim wrócę, chciałbym odwiedzić to muzeum. începe să înveți
I'm going back home on Sunday. Before I go i would like to visit the museum.
gdy zadzwonię do niej wieczorem, zaproszę ją na imprezę. începe să înveți
When I call her tonight, I'll invite her to the party.
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Jestem pewny że niebawem mi się ta piosenka znudzi. începe să înveți
I'm sure I'll get bored of this song soon.
Karol musi się bardzo nudzić w pracy. începe să înveți
Charles must be very bored at work.
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Renton zdradził Begbie'ego i uciekł z pieniędzmi. începe să înveți
Renton betrayed Begbie and ran away with the money.
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Bańka, którą nadmuchał Geoff, nagle pękła. începe să înveți
The bubble that Geoff had blown suddenly burst.
Czy zamówiłeś już napoje? începe să înveți
Have you ordered the beverages yet?
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We sold all the merchandise.
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możesz sobie na to pozwolić. începe să înveți
stać cię na to
Mimo moich najlepszych starań începe să înveți
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