October 9 2024

 0    19 cartonașe    aleksander80
descarcă mp3 printează joacă Testează-te
Întrebare Răspuns
Co oni lubia?
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What are their likes?
sluchawki wiatro odporne
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I have wind-proof headphones
zrobilismmy wywiad
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we did an interview
to jest cyfrowa agencja
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Its a digital agency
przetestowali to
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they tested it
moi klienci sa zadowoleni
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my clients are satisfied
wysylam wiadomosci ludzi
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I sent meseges to people
moze jestes tym zainteresowany
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Maybe you are interested in this
chetnie to zrobie
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I would gladly do it
bylam na festiwalu
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I was at the festival
to byla najlepsza noc mojego zycia
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It was the best night of my life
ich rodzice
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their parents
druga czesc
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the second part
opowiesci idzie tak...
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As the story goes
byli wykorzystywaqni seksualnie
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They were used sexually
they porownuj ich
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Dont compare them
poszli do sadu
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They went to court
tytul filmu
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The title of the movie
to brzmi znajomo
începe să înveți
This sounds fimiliar

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