Office 👔

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Întrebare American English Răspuns American English
a small, sharp broad-headed nail
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pin 🇬🇧 / tack 🇺🇸
In a large organization, a ... is a group of departments whose work is done in the same place or is connected with similar tasks
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1... the sales division 2... the bank's Latin American division.
A... system is the central record-keeping system for an organisation. It helps you to be organised, systematic, efficient and transparent. It also helps all people who should be able to access information to do so easily.
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filing system
Bosses were blamed for confusion over roles and a complex filing system in which papers were often lost.
a crew of workers relieving others at work; shift
also a verb
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two consecutive shifts in the work
începe să înveți
pull double shift

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