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On jest taki niezdarny - właśnie stłukł kolejny talerz. Ta torba jest bardzo nieporęczna. Jak ty ją nosisz? începe să înveți
He is so clumsy - he just smashed another plate. This bag is very clumsy. How do you carry it?
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bezbronny, czuły, wrażliwy începe să înveți
She is a very vulnerable girl.
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Jestem pewien, że podjęłaś mądrą decyzję. începe să înveți
Well, I'm sure you made a wise decision.
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elderly people / the elderly
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Soczewki kontaktowe są bezpieczniejsze do noszenia od zwykłych okularów. Znajdź kogoś, kto nosi soczewki kontaktowe. începe să înveți
Contact lenses are safer to wear than ordinary glasses. Find someone who wears contact lenses.
trener / autokar / trenować începe să înveți
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Często wyobrażam sobie jak ludzie zareagowaliby na moją śmierć. începe să înveți
I often imagine how people would react to my death.
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być zdumionym / zadziwionym Byłem szczerze zdumiony, że ona zaakceptowała moje zaproszenie. începe să înveți
be astonished to / be amazed I was frankly amazed that she accepted my invitation.
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Doktor leczył go na raka. Zafundował mi weekend w spa. Powinieneś traktować ją jak damę. începe să înveți
The doctor treated him for cancer. He treated me to a weekend at the spa. You should treat her like a lady.
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Okradam bogatych i daję biednym. începe să înveți
I rob from the rich and give to the poor.
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Mój ojciec jest ostatnio pod wpływem dużego stresu. Mam nadzieję, że się nie załamie. începe să înveți
My father has been under a lot of the stress lately. I hope he won't break down.
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Mam poczucie winy, bo nie spędzam wystarczająco dużo czasu z rodziną. începe să înveți
I feel guilty for not spending enough time with my family.
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doświadczyć, przeżyć osobiście începe să înveți
Pomimo swojej ciężkiej pracy, on został zwolniony. începe să înveți
In spite of all his hard work, he got fired. They travel abroad every year in spite of the cost.
zmieniające życie doświadczenie începe să înveți
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opieka / uwaga / troska, zmartwienie en szpital oferuje wysokie standardy opieki medycznej. Zaplanuj swój tydzień z ostrożnością. Ona miała ostatnio wiele zmartwień. începe să înveți
This hospital offers high standards of medical care. Plan your week with care. She had a lot of cares lately.
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perfidny, złośliwy, wredny, podły To było złośliwe z twojej strony, że zjadłeś całe ciasto. începe să înveți
Don't be so mean. It was mean of you to eat the whole cake.
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