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Jestem przekonany, że Tom rozważy twoje pomysły, jest bardzo tolerancyjny. începe să înveți
I'm sure Tom will consider your ideas, he's very tolerant.
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Craig jest dojrzały jak na nastolatka. Zachowuje się, jakby miał przynajmniej 20 lat. începe să înveți
Craig is so mature for a teenage boy. He acts as if he is in his twenties.
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Secondary school certificate
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Nie zawsze łatwo jest być odważnym. începe să înveți
It's not always easy to be brave.
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Nie powiedziałbym, że Anglicy są leniwi, ale nigdy nie widziałem, żeby któryś gdzieś biegł. începe să înveți
I wouldn't say that English people are lazy, but I've never seen one run anywhere.
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Jestem towarzyski, ale to nie znaczy, że mam stale ochotę na imprezy. începe să înveți
I'm sociable, but it doesn't mean I want to party all the time.
On jest bardzo arogancki. Cały czas chwali się swoim wykształceniem. începe să înveți
He is very arrogant. He always boasts about how well-educated he is.
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Ta praca jest naprawdę fascynująca. începe să înveți
This job is really fascinating.
Oni często stają się nerwowi, drażliwi i czasami agresywni gdy nie mają dostępu do sieci. începe să înveți
They often become nervous, irritable and at times aggressive without access to web.
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Zatrudniamy tylko uprzejme osoby. începe să înveți
We only hire polite people.
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Był zazdrosny o sukces brata. începe să înveți
He was envious of his brother's success.
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