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începe să înveți
începe să înveți
începe să înveți
începe să înveți
începe să înveți
începe să înveți
ironiczny; [situation] paradoksalny
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paradoksalne jest to, że...
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kapryśny, humorzasty, markotny
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niezawodny; [employee, firm] solidny; wiarygodny
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śmiały, zuchwały, ryzykowny
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roztargniony; zapominalski
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dostrzegalny (to sb dla kogoś)
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hojny, szczodry; [offer] szlachetny
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nieprzyjazny, nieżyczliwy, nieprzyjemnyny
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to be as hard as or as tough as nails începe să înveți
być nieubłaganym, być twardym jak skała, być bez serca
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próżny, zadufany (w sobie); to be vain about sth pysznić się or chlubić się czymś
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otwarty, wolny od uprzedzeń; Adam is open-minded Adam ma otwartą głowę; to be open-minded about sth nie mieć uprzedzeń do czegoś
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nieszczery, obłudny; he is insincere in saying that... nie jest szczery mówiąc, że...
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ekscentry|k m, -czka f, dziwa|k m
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wyrozumiały, łatwy w obejściu; (taking things as they are) mało wymagający; when it comes to food, I’m pretty easygoing co do jedzenia, to nie jestem zbyt wybredny
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zrównoważony; [diet, meal] racjonalny, prawidłowo skomponowany; [report, approach] wyważony
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uparty (about or over sth w kwestii czegoś); [determination] niezachwiany; [resistance] nieugięty; [door, lock] oporny; [affection, stain] trwały, uporczywy; [cough, fever] uporczywy
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asertywny, stanowczy, expresses her ideas with confidence
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– is always in agood mood
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ufny we własne siły; [attitude] zdecydowany; [performance] wytrawny
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niepewny,(lacking confidence) niepewny, bez wiary w siebie; (anxious) niespokojny; to feel insecure about the future niepokoić się o przyszłość; he is (very) insecure (bardzo) brakuje mu pewności siebie
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lojalny, to be good at supporting his/her friends
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keeping his head in crisis) opanowany
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zazdrosny (about or with sth o coś);
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skryty, she is not good in at showing her feelings or expressing her opinions
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impulsywny, porywczy; [reaction] impulsywny
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get angry very easily, wybuchowy; zirytowany, wściekły;
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arogancki, thinks he is better and more important than other people
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– expect good thinks to happen
începe să înveți
– sb has got a great sense of humour