Peter Jackson🕶️☕

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potępiać (oficjalnie)
începe să înveți
to criticize something as bad, without value, or unnecessary
I decry genocide. Lawyers decried the imprisonment of several journalists.
kasowanie, usunięcie
începe să înveți
the process of removing something, or what is removed:
In 2002 the management ordered the deletion of all computer files on this subject. There have been some deletions from this text.
przesadzać w naprawianiu czegoś
începe să înveți
to try too hard to correct a problem, therefore creating a new problem
Chris is one of those small men who overcompensate for their lack of height with a larger than life personality.
grzywka (np. spadająca na oczy)
începe să înveți
a piece of hair that grows or falls over the forehead (= part of the face above the eyes) or the part of a horse's mane that falls forward between its ears
All I had to do was seize him by the forelock
spływ, odpływ☣️🌨️
începe să înveți
water from rain or melting snow, or liquid from an industrial or farming process, that flows into a place such as a river
Reduced runoff means less water for irrigation. The plants are fed and watered via an irrigation system, using run-off from the roof. Sometimes entire villages are affected by diseases traceable to industrial runoffs in the water supply.
magnetyt, osoba lub rzecz, która przyciąga jak magnes (jest atrakcyjna
începe să înveți
(a piece of) rock that contains a lot of iron and can therefore be used as a magnet (= an object that pulls metal objects towards it)
Instead of being a millstone, it will be an economic lodestone. The girl's own soul was like a lodestone for such men.
towarzyszący, czynnik współistniejący
începe să înveți
something that happens with something else and is connected with it:
Loss of memory is a natural concomitant of old age.
rujnować (szanse na coś), niweczyć (czyjeś plany); samozatapiać statek
începe să înveți
scuttle. to sink your own ship on purpose. to cause something such as a plan or an opportunity to fail:
Arriving late for the interview scuppered my chances of getting the job.
zasadniczy, purytański, konserwatywny
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having old-fashioned and unchanging morals, especially relating to sexual matters: (disapproving)
The joke shocked her strait-laced parents.
wpływowy, przełomowy
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containing or contributing the seeds of later development: creative, original
Kandel was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine in 2000 for his seminal observation
rodzinny, tyczący się urodzin
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prenatal, postnatal
Males generally leave their natal group between 3 and 6 years of age.
łamaniec językowy, językołamacz
începe să înveți
: a word or saying used by adherents of a party, sect, or belief and usually regarded by others as empty of real meaning. a use of language regarded as distinctive of a particular group
She repeated the old shibboleth that time heals all wounds. we knew that their claim of giving “the best deal in town” was just a shibboleth. some truth in the shibboleth that crime does not pay
towar w sprzedaży wiązanej z innym produktem
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klamra kompozycyjna
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framing device
frame story
wzmocniony, podkręcony krwią
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cukierkowaty (przesłodzony), pretensjonalny
începe să înveți
artificially attractive or too perfect
The village has escaped all modern developments, without becoming twee.
taktyka balansowania na krawędzi (np. wojny), ryzykanctwo
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And there has been more than enough brinkmanship to go around.
okropnie wściekły
începe să înveți
extremely and obviously angry
He was apoplectic with rage/fury. Daniel looked apoplectic for a second as his face turned red.
koszty ogólne, koszty stałe, koszty ogólnego zarządu
începe să înveți
fixed costs
Last year our income was equal to the fixed costs.
krwawa jatka, film
începe să înveți
splatter movie
zuchwały, bezczelny; krzykliwy (ubiór)
începe să înveți
(of people) showing too much confidence and too little respect: (of clothes) too bright and colourful
Don't you think that suit's a bit brash for a funeral? a brash young banker
film długometrażowy
începe să înveți
feature film
It is her first role in a feature.
wyprowadzać z błędu, otwierać oczy
începe să înveți
to cause someone no longer to have a wrong idea
He saw no reason to disabuse the boy of that hope. He thought that all women liked children, but she soon disabused him of that idea/notion.
kręcić, mijać się z prawdą, lawirować, wykręcać się od odpowiedzi
începe să înveți
to avoid telling the truth or saying exactly what you think:
He accused the minister of prevaricating. equivocate. Caesar and his colleagues prevaricated in the face of the company challenges
bezmyślny, głupi; czczy (np. żart), bezsensowny,
începe să înveți
extremely silly or with no real meaning or importance:
He's always making inane remarks. There are too many inane quiz shows on television these days.
începe să înveți
funny, silly, or strange behaviour
But the rock star, whose stage antics used to include smashing guitars, is older and wiser now. The crowds were once again entertained by the number-one tennis player's antics on and off the court.
szczebel (drabiny)
începe să înveți
one of the stages or levels in something such as a process or organization, through which it is possible to rise or make progress:
any of the short bars that form the steps of a ladder. I started my life on the bottom rung of the ladder in this company. For her this was just the first rung on her career/professional ladder
cierpki uśmiech (lekko drwiący)
începe să înveți
wry smile
showing that you find a bad or difficult situation slightly funny
wry-mouthed. a wry smile/comment
projekcja, wyświetlanie, pokaz (filmu); poddawanie kontroli
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I hate airport screenings. This is my screening and I'm not letting them in.
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a person who regularly goes to watch films at the cinema
uznanie, laury popularności
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the public admiration that a person receives as a result of a particular achievement or position in society
Being an actor has a certain amount of kudos attached to it.
niezależna wytwórnia
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zwrot kompletny
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a complete change from one situation or condition to its opposite
How did the candidate explain the dramatic turnabout in his views on immigration
asfalt (znak handlowy)
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a brand name for a black material used for building roads, etc., that consists of tar mixed with small stones, or an area covered with this material
This coating of gravel and tar made a durable, dust-free, and sturdy driveway. the downside to using tarmac is the fact that it gets damaged easily by diesel and gasoline fuel
prześmiechy, żarty; droczyć się
începe să înveți
conversation that is funny and not serious:
He considered himself a master of witty banter. He stood around bantering with his colleagues. The CEO bantered with the director of engineering, who ran the project.
domagać się czegoś(hałas)
începe să înveți
clamour for sth
to make a loud demand for something. loud noise, especially made by people's voices:
The children were all clamouring for attention. People are clamouring for relief from high energy costs. After the bombing, there was a public clamour for vengeance. the clamour of the city
tworzyć ziemię 🌍🪐
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in books, films, or games about an imagined future, to change the environment of a planet so that it is more like another planet, especially so that it is more like Earth and could therefore be a place where humans could live:
Can we terraform Mars? Could Venus be made to support life?
przypominający (coś), przywołujący (wspomnienia) 2) wonny, przepełniony zapachem
începe să înveți
smelling strongly of something or having qualities (especially smells) that make you think of something else: EVOCATIVE, REMINISCENT
The album is a heartfelt cry, redolent of a time before radio and television. The mountain air was redolent with the scent of pine needles. The night was redolent with the smell of spring earth.
dziesiątki czegoś(masa)
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scores of something
a lot of things or people:
Sean received cards from scores of local well-wishers. Witnesses claim scores of civilians died in the attack. The police raid led to scores of arrests
sygnał (np. do rozpoczęcia czegoś); dać sygnał
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He cued me to get on the stage. You get into the shot on my cue.
bez umiaru, na lewo i prawo
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left and right
all the time or everywhere:
He spends money right, left, and center.
zbawienny, zbawczy (wydarzenie)
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causing improvement of behaviour or character:
a salutary experience a salutary reminder of the dangers of mountain climbing
doskonałość niczym innym szklanym pantofelku (kopciuszka)
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glass-slippered perfection
wystawnie, okazale wykonany
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sumptuously rendered
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przydatność, możliwość wykorzystania; przebieg
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The best thing about this device is that it has a practically unlimited mileage.
przecinać, przemierzać wte i wewte
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Our lives have crisscrossed over 20 years and thousands of miles.

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