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1) zepsuć się 2) załamać się break începe să înveți
1. My car broke down on the motorway and I had to walk to the garage. 2. He broke dowm after his father's death.
1) włamać się 2) przerywać (np. rozmowę) 3) wybuchnąć płaczem/śmiechem break începe să înveți
1. The burglars broke into our hose yesterday. 2. I'm sorry to break into your speech, can I have a question? 3. She broke into tears when she was told her dog had been lost.
1) wybuchnąć nagle (wojna, pożar) 2) uciec break începe să înveți
1. The fire broke out at night. 2. He broke out from prison last week.
1. skończyć naukę przed wakacjami 2. rozejść się, rozstać break începe să înveți
1. The school breaks up for the summer in the end of June. 2. His parents broke up and a year later divorced.
începe să înveți
The Internet has brought about great changes in the way we get information.
publikować, wydawać bring începe să înveți
Susan's first novel was brought out last December.
începe să înveți
When Paul fainted his friends splashed him with water to bring him round.
începe să înveți
I'm trying to bring my mum round to buy a dog.
1. wychowywać dziecko 2. wspomnieć o czyms bring începe să înveți
1. Both her parents died and she was brought by her grandmother. 2. Don't bring up this problem during the meeting.
începe să înveți
I've run out of money, can you lend me some?
începe să înveți
Paul didn't turn up at the party.
începe să înveți
It turned out I had to write the test once again.
începe să înveți
I handed in my essay on Friday.
przekładać np. spotkanie put începe să înveți
I did'nt know they had put off the meeting for Thursday.
începe să înveți
Can you put down this mobile?
znosić coś/kogoś, wytrzymywać put începe să înveți
I can't put up with him. He's irritating.
începe să înveți