Phrasal verbs

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if a child answers back they reply rudely to the adult.
începe să înveți
answer back
how dare you answer back like that?!
to decide not to do something that you have arranged to do
începe să înveți
cry off
she usually says she will be there and then cries off and the last time
1. If a machine or part of the body........ it does not perform as well as it should 2. If a person, especially a child,........ they behave badly:
începe să înveți
act up
the TV show has been acting up again.
to fasten a piece of clothing by using its zip, or to help someone close the zip on a piece of clothing they are wearing:
începe să înveți
zip up
Could you zip me up, please?
zip up your coat!
to be patient and wait why someone does something
începe să înveți
bear with sb
if you will bear with me a moment I will just find your details.
to have a particular result or effect
începe să înveți
add up to
równać się wynosić stanowić
Parliament's reports add up to a comprehensive analysis of key aspects of the Treaty. The payments add up to five hundred pounds.
meaning it was a great of memorable day
începe să înveți
quite the day
if you do something... You do it alone or without the help of others
începe să înveți
on your own
you can say it a different way/ alone_ by yourself solo
Do not change the dose on your own.
to be forced to do something
începe să înveți
yield to
He yield to under pressure.
to put all the information that is needed on a document
începe să înveți
write out
He wrote out a cheque for £250.
If a liquid that is being heated boils over, it flows over the side of the pan
începe să înveți
boil over
the milk is boiling over!
money that you pay for being taught, especially at college or university
începe să înveți
make it up
I'm sorry I missed your birthday. I'll make it up to you, I promise.
means that you become comfortable in a new environment 2. second meaning is calm down
începe să înveți
settle down
to start doing something again after you stopped for a long time
începe să înveți
back in the saddle
someone who is broke or in other words has no money
începe să înveți
flat on his ass
I'm just flat on my ass. I need some rest. After the day of the marathon Pete was the flat on his ass for a week.
to invite someone to come into a building or room, especially your home
începe să înveți
ask in
he didn't ask me in I had to wait for him at the door.
to be very easy to see or notice
începe să înveți
stand out
The bright blue letters really stand out on the page.
to get rid of people or things that you do not want from a group
începe să înveți
weed out
osiewac eliminować
the weakest animals are always weeded out.
rely on confidently.
începe să înveți
bank on
liczyć na kogoś
"the prime minister cannot bank on their support"
something that you say in order to tell someone to stop touching someone or something or to leave a bus train
începe să înveți
get off
to decide not to do something because you are too nervous
începe să înveți
chicken out
I was going to go bungee jumping but I chickened out at the last second.
to begin the journey
începe să înveți
set off
We set off for London just after 10.
remain strong and work efficiently or delay or block movement
începe să înveți
hold up
she holding up well under the pressure
The project was held up by various legal problems.
remain strong and work efficiently or delay or block movement
începe să înveți
hold up
she holding up well under the pressure
The project was held up by various legal problems.
to go to the station on Airport Etc to say goodbye to somebody who starting a journey
începe să înveți
see off
Second meaning to force somebody to leave a place for example but treating them or running after them
My dad came to departures to see me off.
to stay somewhere for a short time during a long journey
începe să înveți
stop over
I wanted to stop over India on the way to Australia.
to move backwards especially in the vehicle or to support somebody something to say that what somebody says it is true
third meaning to prepere a second copy
începe să înveți
back up
The writer doesn't back up his opinions with examples.
I backed car up to the door
to become unconscious suddenly but for a short period
începe să înveți
Black out
increases this very quickly
începe să înveți
shoot up
prices have shoot up by 25%
to use all of something so that there is none left
începe să înveți
run out
skończyć się wyczerpać
I've nearly ran out of money. Come on time is running out.
if a river or lake dries up the water in it disappear
începe să înveți
dry up
wysychać wyczerpać się kończyć sie
the work dried up and he went out of business.
to finally understand something after a lot of thought
începe să înveți
figure sth out
zrozumieć coś kogoś
I never could figure out what she saw in him.
begin to feel better after being unhappy or sick
începe să înveți
get over someone
dojść do siebie
it took her months to get over the shock of Richard leaving.
improve differently
începe să înveți
Look up
poprawiać się
Our financial situation is looking up.
to cause, allow or pay for someone to experience or do something
începe să înveți
put someone through
she's putting herself through college.
to arrive in great numbers or amounts
începe să înveți
roll in
Offers of help are still rolling in.
to wait
începe să înveți
hold on
Hold on a minute while I get my breath back.
to use all of something so that there is none left
începe să înveți
run out
skończyć się wyczerpać zabraknąć
I've nearly run out of money. Come on time is running out.
to continue
începe să înveți
keep on
the rain kept on all night.
a feeling or guess that something might be true when there is no proof
începe să înveți
przeczucie also verb
I had a hunch that he would get the job.
to behave in a silly way or have a good time
începe să înveți
fool around
stop fooling around this is serious!
to interrupt somebody who is speaking in the phone by breaking the connection. to break the surface of something
începe să înveți
cut off
odciąć uciąć ściąć
we were cut off in the middle of our conversation. My explanation was cut off by loud protests.
to eat all of something
începe să înveți
eating up
zjeść wyjeść
come on eat up your potatoes
to upset, irritate, or annoy someone to the point of making him/her angry or mentally unstable
începe să înveți
driving you mad
Stop complaining! You are driving me mad!
to move to the side of the road in order to stop or let something pass
începe să înveți
pull over
zatrzymać się zjechać na bok
She saw the ambulance coming up behind her and pulled over.
want differently
începe să înveți
to be Up For
the president is up for re-election next year.
to accept something bad and deal with it well controlling your emotions
începe să înveți
suck it up
przełknąć coś
to move towards somebody in order to talk to them
începe să înveți
come up
zbliżyć się podpłynąć najechac wschodzić najeżdżać pojawiać sie
she came up to me and asked me to the way to the station
let's go =
începe să înveți
let's do it
very nervous and worried and unable to relax because it's something that is going to happen
începe să înveți
tense up
napinać się denerowac się naprezac sie
you seem so tense up Are you still waiting for the call?
to cheat Somebody by making them pay too much by selling them something of poor quality
începe să înveți
rip off
zdzierstwo naciągnięcie Verb wyszarpać obrabiać ściągać zrzynac
try to impress others by talking about your abilities possessions Etc
începe să înveți
show off
popisywać się lanser eksponować afiszować verb i naun
he's just showing off because that girl likes is here
to deal with a situation very badly
începe să înveți
screw up
schrzanić sknocic spartolic verb nie dojdą partactwo noun
you really screwed up there!
to realize the truth about somebody something
începe să înveți
see through
przejrzeć wtedy razem see through dopilnować wtedy osobno np. to see the job through
We saw through him from the start. She has determined to see the job through.
to manage to use something in a way that brings good results
începe să înveți
tap into sth
dobrze wykorzystać
If only we could tap into all that energy and creativity.
to increase because of something or to use something to succeed or get advantages
începe să înveți
feed off
zaopatrywać dostarczać
local supplier feed off the regions car manufacturing industry.
to offer, to give help or information
începe să înveți
come forward
zgłaszać zglaszac się
no witnesses to the accident have come forward yet despite the police appeal
to refuse an offer at job or request
începe să înveți
turn (somebody something) down
he was turned down for the job because of insufficient experience.
to increase or improve
începe să înveți
pick up
podnosić odebrać poderwać
the track picked up speed slowly.
when somebody date with you but didn't come
începe să înveți
get stood up
zostać wystawiony
doing something that you are not skilled enough to do especially compared to other people doing the same thing
începe să înveți
out of your league
because we were working very hard on the project but I think she's a little out of her League.
to pay back money to someone who has spent it for you or lost it because of you
începe să înveți
refundować zwracać
the airline reimburse me for the amount they had overcharged me.
to feel something with air
începe să înveți
blow(something) up
opposite shrunk
she blew up a balloon.
to allow someone to leave prison or allow a person or animal to Escape
începe să înveți
set (somebody) free
uwolnić kogoś
to plates knives forks etc. on the table
începe să înveți
set the table
nakryć do stołu
to make a mistake
începe să înveți
slip up
pomylić się
let someone stay in your home for short period
începe să înveți
put (somebody) up
przenocować kogoś ugościć kogoś
if you need somewhere to stay we can put you up for the night
to allow someone to enter a room or Building often by opening the door
începe să înveți
let (sb) in
wpuszczać kogoś
could you go down and let Darren in.
to stop somewhere or something from entering the place from being included in something
începe să înveți
shut sth sb out
nie wpuszczać lub dopuszczać czegoś kogoś
The curtains shut out most of the light in the street
be very happy
începe să înveți
floating On air
when he got his exam results was floating on air.
take someone to or round a place
începe să înveți
show you around
wprowadzać oprowadzać
you show me around the Factory.
to deal with situation usually successful way/to Kiss and touch
începe să înveți
make out
radzić sobie lub obsciskiwac sie
how is Jake making out in his new school?
to quickly wash yourself so that you feel clean
începe să înveți
freshen up
odświeżyć się
would you like to freshen up before dinner?
to happen in particular way or to have a particular results especially an unexpected one
începe să înveți
turn out
okazać się wypaść
how did the recipe turn out?
default sound pink around itself to make the shape of a bowl or tube or to make a piece of clothing shorter
începe să înveți
roll something up
zwijać coś podwijać
to roll up your carpet
to arrive somewhere
începe să înveți
show up
pojawiać się pokazać się
I waited for nearly half an hour but he didn't show up.
to become higher in level
începe să înveți
go up
rosnąć podnosić się
house prices keep going up.
to examine something quickly
începe să înveți
look over
przejrzeć coś sprawdzać
I'm just looking over what you've written.
to accept unpleasant Behavior or an unpleasant situation although you do not like it
începe să înveți
put up with(something somebody)
znosić kogoś coś
he's so rude I don't know how you put up with him.
to throq something away or give something to someone because you do not want it now
începe să înveți
get rid of something
pozbywać się czegoś
you must get rid of some of those old books.
if something or someone is... you cannot influance, limit or direct them
începe să înveți
out of control
niekontrolowany poza kontrola
to start eating food
începe să înveți
dig in
dig in there is a plenty for everyone
to help the person or organization by giving the money
începe să înveți
bail somebody out
poratować kogos
companies can't expect the government to keep bailing them out.
to write something especially something that someone has said
începe să înveți
get something down
to talk or write about summer or something especially briefly
începe să înveți
refer to somebody something
wspominać o kimś mówić o kimś
she didn't once referred to her son.
put the parts of something in the correct place and join them to each other
începe să înveți
put something together
składać coś
you buy it in a kit and then put it together yourself.
to put on formal clothes for a special occasion
începe să înveți
dress up
stroić się przebierać się
she dressed up as a Premier for a party.
if a machine or part of your body gives out it stops working correctly
începe să înveți
give out
she read until her eyes gave out.
to start doing something seriously and we've a lot of attention and effort
începe să înveți
get down to something
zabierać się za coś przejść do czegoś
before we get down to the business I'd like to thank you all for the coming today.
to take someone or something to a place usually by a car as you travel somewhere else
începe să înveți
drop off
I can drop you off at the station on my way to work
to spend time lying down and doing very little or if things are lying around in places where they shouldn't be
începe să înveți
lie around
wylegiwać się lub leżeć po kątach
he's always leaving money laying around.
to stop to do something or do something
începe să înveți
go about something
zabierać się do czegoś załatwić coś
what's the best way to go about this.
începe să înveți
hang on
hang on I almost Finished.
fall to the ground or onto their side
începe să înveți
fall over
przewracać się
the fence fell over in the Wind.
to leave a job or position so that someone else can do it instead
începe să înveți
stand down
ustępować wycofać sie
he stood down as party leader
to finish the supply of something
începe să înveți
use sth up
zużyć coś
someone's used up all the milk.
they go to be there or watch
începe să înveți
turn out
stawiać się przybywać okazywać się
the bump warning turn out to be a false alarm. Over 800 people turned out for the protest.
to allow someone to get what they want or to allow something to happen after trying to prevent it
începe să înveți
give way to sb sth
the boss finally gave way when they threatened to stop work.
no way the something will happen
începe să înveți
there is no way
there is no way that dogs coming in the house.
to lease a job meeting or performance because you are angry or to not approve or something
începe să înveți
walk out
wychodzić zastrajkować
he was so disgusted by the film he walk out.
you increase your demands or the risks in the situation in order to achieve a better result
începe să înveți
to up the ante
podnieść stawkę
having an opinion that is different from most people and is unpopular
she's going out on a limb and criticizing her own party leadership.
începe să înveți
out on a limb
nie mieć w nikim oparcia /to go out on a limb postawić wszytko na jedną kartę
she's going out on a limb and criticizing her own party leadership.
to get something especially something that is unusual or difficult to find
începe să înveți
come by sth
cheap organic food is still difficult to come by.
to collect all things together when you have finished doing something
începe să înveți
pack up
spakować się
I'm about to pack my things up and go home.
means to want to fight
începe să înveți
want a piece
you want a piece of this?
to remove something by pulling it away quickly
începe să înveți
rip something out
wyrywać odrywać
Hedges has been ripped out to make larger fields.
to get rid of someone or something
începe să înveți
cast sb sth aside
you must cast aside all thoughts of Revenge.
make someone or something more likely to fail
începe să înveți
count against somebody something
przemawiać przeciw komuś czemus
she has a qualification for the job back her lack of experience will count against her.
do something stick to try to stop or limit in activity
începe să înveți
clamp down
podejmować zdecydowane działania
local police have clamped down on teenage drinking.
confused because you have two feelings or opinion about something the opposite
începe să înveți
w rozterce never put before noun
be annoying
începe să înveți
pain in the neck
być kłopotliwym
my brother can be a real pain in the neck sometimes.
wymyślić coś na poczkaniu
începe să înveți
play it by ear
începe să înveți
get behind
zalegać mieć zaległości
succeed in entering a place especially a building
începe să înveți
get in
wchodzić dostać sie
they must have got in through the bedroom window
leave or deal with a situation with difficulty
începe să înveți
get by
przetrwać dać sobie radę
I don't know how he gets by on so little money
on the other side of the road
începe să înveți
over the road
who lives in the big house over the road?
to ask someone in a formal way to do something
începe să înveți
call on somebody to do something
she called on the rebels to stop fighting.
done something without asking permission
începe să înveți
taken the Liberty
I took the liberty of scripting a new outgoing voice mail message for both of us.
to gradually end in a disappointing way
începe să înveți
fizzle out
skończyć się
their relationship soon fizzled out when they got back from holiday.
it's remains when the rest will be used or eaten
începe să înveți
left over leftover
there was a lot of food left over from the party.
they are not happy because they have not been included in an activity
începe să înveți
be left out
być pominięty czuć się jak obcy
the older children had gone upstairs to play and she felt left out.
to go in the direction of a place or thing
începe să înveți
make for somewhere something
kierować się skierować ruszać w stronę
they made for the center of town
to use all of something so that there is none left
începe să înveți
run out
I have nearly run out of the money.
it sells all of the thing
începe să înveți
sold out
they sold out of bread by the time I got there.
to sleep someone else home for a night
începe să înveți
sleep over
zostać na noc
After the party I slept over at Toms house.
to put something somewhere
începe să înveți
set something down
postawić coś
she set the vase down on the table.
to start working
începe să înveți
set to work
to return to the right path or the right direction
începe să înveți
back on track
powracać do normy wracać do gry
to admit that you are wrong or agree not to do something
începe să înveți
back down
ustąpić wycofać się
the government back down over tax Rises
arrange to do an organized activity
începe să înveți
sign up
zapisywać się
I sign up for evening classes in the local College.
the way that something is arranged or organized
începe să înveți
set up
organizacja układ pulapka
it took me awhile to get used to the set up my new job.
cannot go somewhere or needed something or to prevent someone from going somewhere or need something
începe să înveți
keep away
trzymać się z daleka
keep away from the edge of the Cliff.
a slang word that you used to say that someone agrees
începe să înveți
say bad things about someone
începe să înveți
speak ill of (somebody)
źle o kimś mówić
to ask someone for help or advice
începe să înveți
turn to (somebody)
zwracać się do kogoś
eventually should turn to her aunt for help.
say it without intending to
începe să înveți
slip out
wypsnac się wymykać się
I didn't mean to tell you we're getting married just slipped out.
stanąć stawać przeciwstawiać się
începe să înveți
stand up
to give something as part of your payment for something else
începe să înveți
trade (something) in
oddawać coś w rozliczeniu wymieniać coś na nowy za dopłatą
she traded his old car in for a new model.
to change a plan business or system that is unsuccessful and make it successful
începe să înveți
turn around
obrócić wychodzić na prostą
he was hired by the government to help turn around the failing High Street Bank.
to go back to how something was before
începe să înveți
revert to something doing
for a while I ate low-fat food but then I reverted to my old eating habits
brak czasu
începe să înveți
out of time
to try to deal with or understand something difficult
începe să înveți
grapple with something
zmagać się z czymś
postawić wszystko na jedną kartę
începe să înveți
put all one's eggs in one basket
mieć problem być w kropce
începe să înveți
be in a pickle
porywać się z motyką na słońce
începe să înveți
to bite off more than one can chew
to disagree with what someone says or writes
începe să înveți
take issue (with somebody something)
I would take issue with you on that.
to start to sleep
începe să înveți
to drop off
zasnąć odpłynąć wysadzić podrzucić kogoś
to clean a large object or surface with a liquid
începe să înveți
what (something) down
zmyć popić spłukać
he washed the car down with soapy water
to stop yourself an showing emotion
începe să înveți
hold (something) back
powstrzymywać coś
she couldn't hold back the tears.
to stop doing something when you have already decide what you want to achieve
începe să înveți
set out
przystępować zabierać się
I've done what I set out to do.
Pozbyć się zachować hamować
începe să înveți
Choke off
to start a journey
începe să înveți
Set Off
what time are you setting off tomorrow morning?
the clouds and Rain disappears
începe să înveți
clear up
przejaśniać się
to arrive
începe să înveți
came along
pojawiać się
a taxi never comes along when you need one
to make something happen more slowly or later then it should
începe să înveți
set (something) back
opóźniać kogoś
the heavy traffic set us back about half an hour.
to gradually relax after doing something
începe să înveți
wind down
odprężać się
to make a place tidy by removing things
începe să înveți
clear(something) up
Dad was clearing up in the kitchen
sprzątać pomagać
stroić się stroić coś
începe să înveți
tune (something) up
the Orchestra were tuning up.
to hit someone or something with vehicle
începe să înveți
run (sb / sth) over
przejechać kogoś potrącić kogoś
He was run over by a buss as he crossed the road.
to finish a conversation
începe să înveți
hung up
odłożyć sluchawke
what's up Bryce or please someone very much
începe să înveți
blow (somebody) away
powalić kogoś na ziemię
this a movie will blow you away
to move the switch on a machine light Etc so that it starts working
începe să înveți
turn (something) on
włączać coś odkręcać coś
walić się
începe să înveți
tumble down

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