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Hold the line please. I’ll PUT your call THROUGH to Mr Voughan as soon as he’s free. ------ PUT somebody/something THROUGH.
The doctor is in now; I'll put you through. ------ PUT somebody/something THROUGH.
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Mr Putin Trucha said, hold the line please. I’ll COMUNICO your call ATRAVEZ to Mr Voughan as soon as he’s free. ------ PUT THROUGH, GET THROUGH, SEE THROUGH.
Comunicar, Poner alguien Através de la linea, conectar, poner en línea telefonica a alguien. to connect a telephone caller to the person they want to speak to. (See also: get through).
Elena put her parents through a lot when she was a teenager. ---- PUT somebody/something THROUGH something.
I've been put through hell!. His doctor thought Jose Jose might have cancer, so he PUT him THROUGH a chemotherapy. ---- PUT somebody/something THROUGH something.
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Putin Trucha said that Elena LE SACO CANAS VERDES A her parents ATRAVEZ a lot when she was a teenager. ------- PUT THROUGH, GET THROUGH, SEE THROUGH.
Sacar canas verdes, poner a prueba, poner alguien através de algo doloroso o dificil. to make someone experience or do something unpleasant or difficult.
Putin said that the legislature PUT the emergency relief bill THROUGH in record time. ----- PUT THROUGH.
The tax cuts were PUT THROUGH by former administrations. Obama PUT THROUGH a number of reforms. Parliament in 1908. --------------- PUT THROUGH.
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Putin Trucha said that the legislature APROVO the emergency relief bill ATRAVEZ in record time. ------ GET THROUGH, GET THROUGH, PUT THROUGH.
Hacer aprobar, algo Atravez, Poner algo Atravez para hacer aceptar. to make it certain that something is accepted, approved, or successfully completed.
Diana has a full-time job and is putting herself through college.
Efrain's daughter said, my parents are both working full time in order to PUT me THROUGH college. ------- PUT someone THROUGH.
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Putin Trucha said that Diana has a full-time job and is PAGANDO SUS ESTUDIOS herself ATRAVEZ DEL college. ------ PUT THROUGH, GET THROUGH, SEE THROUGH.
Poner en la escuela, pagar por los estudios de alguien. to arrange or pay for somebody to attend a school, college, etc.
Mr Look T. said, mom, I’ve just been LOOKING THROUGH your cookbooks for inspiration.
Could you Rose LOOK THROUGH last month’s invoices and put aside any that haven’t been paid yet?. --------------- LOOK THROUGH something.
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Mr Look Trucha said, mom, I’ve just been (- -) through your cookbooks for inspiration. ------ FLICK, LOOK, SEE.
Echar un ojo rapidamente atravez de algo. to read something quickly, especially to find the information you need. (see also: check through, go through).
Jessica's mother said nothing really prepares you for looking after a small baby but somehow you "muddle through".
Alberto Alonso said, our chairman was sick, so I had to chair the meeting myself. I’d never done it before but I "muddled through" somehow and it wasn’t too bad. --------------- MUDDLE THROUGH.
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Mrs Muddlely Trucha said that Jessica's mother said nothing really prepares you for looking after a small baby but somehow you TE LAS ARREGLARAS. ------- MUDDLE PUT THROUGH, GET THROUGH.
Arreglarselas, salir del paso. to succeed in doing something even though you have difficulties because you do not really know how to do it.
Ceci said, I managed to SCRAPED THROUGH my English exam even though I hadn't done much work.
He didn't study for the exam and just barely SCRAPED BY... Oviedo was a lazy student in university and only just SCRAPED THROUGH the final exams. He very nearly failed. --------------- SCRAPE THROUGH.
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Mr Scraper Trucha said, I managed to PASAR DE PANSASO my English exam even though I hadn't done much work. ------ PUT THROUGH, GET THROUGH, SCRAPE THROUGH.
Pasar de pansaso, aprobar raspando. to manage with a lot of difficulty to succeed in something [like exams].
If I can live through this, I can live through anything.
If I can live through this, I can live through anything... Louis Pasilas said, my grandparents LIVED THROUGH some very difficult times, such as the Great Depression and two World Wars. -------------- LIVE THROUGH something.
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Mr Liver Trucha said, If I can VIVIR Y SUPERAR UNA MALA EXPERIENCIA this, I can live through anything. ------- PUT THROUGH, LIVE THROUGH, SEE THROUGH.
Vivir y superar una mala experiencia. to experience a difficult situation or event. (see also: come through, go through).
Flilipe said, I have only had time to "flip through" the report.
Christ Smith was "flipping through" a magazine. ----- FLIP THROUGH.
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Fliper Trucha said, I have only had time to OJEAR ATRAVEZ the report. ------- FLIP THROUGH, GET THROUGH, SEE THROUGH.
Flipear atraves, ojear rapidamente algo como un libro, revista, etc. to look briefly at the pages of something [esp. book, magazine]. (see also: go through, look through).
Francisco Acuña said, we had to stay behind at the end of the rehearsal to "run through" a couple of steps.
Obama said, after I’ve written the speech, could we "run through" it together so you can let me know what you think. ------- RUN THROUGH something.
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Runny Trucha said, we had to stay behind at the end of the rehearsal to ENSAYAR a couple of steps. ------ PUT THROUGH, GET THROUGH, RUN THROUGH.
Runear atraves de algo, repasar, ensayar algo. to repeat something in order to practice it or to make sure that it is correct. (see also: go through).
I couldn't GET PAST my disappointment that the trip had been cancelled.
Rocks had fallen on the road and we could not get past. --------- GET PAST.
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Getardo Pastos said, I couldn't CONSEGUIR PASAR my disappointment that the trip had been cancelled. ------ 1) get over, 2) get past, 3) get through.
Conseguir superar, pasar, sobrepasar, traspasar, o superar algopast. to move beyond an obstruction; to recover from something negative.
I am a little PAST the pharmacy right now.
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Mr Pastos said, I am a little MAS ALLA the pharmacy right now. ----- PASADO.
Don Jose is PAST the retirement age for his company.
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Don Pastos is PASADO DE TIEMPO the retirement age for his company. ----- PASADO.

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