kino byłoby znacznie mniej interesujące niż impreza, ponieważ jest bardzo pasywne începe să înveți
the cinema would be much less interesting then a party beacause it’s very passive
jeśli jest zła pogoda, kino byłoby bardziej odpowiednie, ponieważ jest w pomieszczeniu începe să înveți
if it's bad weather then the cinema would be better more appropriate because it's indoors
z jednej strony fajnie byłoby pójść do parku rozrywki, ale z drugiej może być trochę głośno, a nawet niebezpiecznie dla grupy małych dzieci începe să înveți
on the one hand it would be great fun to go to a theme park, but on the other hand it might be a bit noisy, even dangerous for a group of young kids
druga opcja byłaby znacznie bardziej atrakcyjna dla osób starszych, ponieważ generalnie wolą cichsze miejsca începe să înveți
the second option would be far more attractive to older people because they generally prefer quieter places
chociaż osobiście lubię się wspinać, myślę, że piesze wędrówki byłyby bardziej akceptowalne, zwłaszcza jeśli ludzie nie są tak wysportowani începe să înveți
although i personally enjoy climbing, i guess going hiking would be more acceptable, especially if people aren't that fit
na dwóch zdjęciach powiedziałbym, że wegetariańska restauracja dobrze by się sprawdziła przy mniejszej liczbie osób niż bar z burgerami? începe să înveți
on the two pictures i would say that a vegetarian restaurant would go down well with fewer people than the burger bar
biorąc pod uwagę grupę wiekową, o wiele więcej nastolatków spodobałoby się w horrorze niż powiedziałbym o romansie începe să înveți
taking into consideration the age group, a lot more teens would enjoy a horror film than a romance i would say
To świetny pomysł i naprawdę uważam, że powinniśmy jak najszybciej zapytać innych începe să înveți
That's a great idea, and i really think we should ask the others as soon as possible
Całkowicie zgadzam się z tobą co do przeprowadzenia pewnych badań, zanim podejmiemy decyzję. începe să înveți
I completely agree with you about doing some research before we decide.
Tak, zgodziłbym się na to - dobre myślenie! începe să înveți
Yes, I'd go along with that - good thinking!
Rozumiem co mówisz, ale mam kilka wątpliwości co do terminu începe să înveți
I understand what you're saying, but I have a few doubts about the timing
nie jestem pewien, czy pasowałoby to wszystkim, którzy tam będą începe să înveți
i'm not sure that would go well with everybody who's going to be there
obawiam się, że muszę się z tobą nie zgodzić. Moim zdaniem trwałoby to zbyt długo începe să înveți
i'm afraid i have to disagree with you there. In my opinion, it would take for too long
to dobrze, ale czy zastanawiałeś się nad długością kursu i konsekwencjami? începe să înveți
that's fine, but have you thought about the length of the course and the implications?
nie sądzę, żeby to zadziałało, bo nie wszyscy jedzą mięso, prawda? începe să înveți
i don't think that would work because not everyone eats meat, do they?
w pełni zgadzam się z tobą, jeśli chodzi o unikanie curry, ponieważ niektórzy ludzie mogą nie lubić pikantnych potraw. începe să înveți
i fully agree with you about avoiding a curry because some people might not like spicy food.
Rozumiem, ale jeśli zjemy tak wcześnie, do południa znowu będziemy głodni. începe să înveți
i take your point, but if we eat that early, we'll be hungry again by mid-morning.
to nie byłoby dla mnie priorytetem, bo i tak zwykle nie jem śniadania începe să înveți
that wouldnt't be a priority for me because I don't usually eat breakfast anyway