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I booked a table here for my [...] wedding anniversary./moich rodziców începe să înveți
I booked a table here for my [parents'] wedding anniversary.
We had a table right at [...]./z tyłu restauracji începe să înveți
We had a table right at [the back of the restaurant].
My [...] cousin went to a friend's birthday party./żony începe să înveți
My [wife's] cousin went to a friend's birthday party.
This is one of [...] most popular restaurants./londyńskich începe să înveți
This is one of [London's] most popular restaurants.
Mark and Sarah's children are staying at their [...]/u dziadków (w mieszkaniu) începe să înveți
Mark and Sarah's children are staying at their (grandparent's).
In the UK, you can usually buy women's perfumes at [...]./ w aptece (sklepie) începe să înveți
In the UK, you can usually buy women's perfumes at [a chemist's].
Clearly, [...] is that all of the food contains garlic./ pomysł restauracji începe să înveți
Clearly, [the idea of the restaurant] is that all of the food contains garlic.
[...] is amazing, but of course you have to be a garlic lover./ różnorodność jedzenia începe să înveți
[The variety of the food] is amazing, but of course you have to be a garlic lover.
[...] wasn't bad for central London./ rozmiar, wysokość rachunku începe să înveți
[The size of the bill] wasn't bad for central London.
Ubrania dziewczyny były bardzo brudne. începe să înveți
The girl's clothes were very dirty. We use 's with people, countries and animals and time: (not the cłothes ofthe girl)
Chcę wyjechać na tygodniowe wakacje. începe să înveți
I want to go on a week's holiday. We use s with people, countries and animals and time.
Jaka jest cena tych wakacji? începe să înveți
What's the price of that holiday? We usually use [of] instead of ['s] with things: not the holiday's price
începe să înveți
The position of the apostrophe is important: my brother's friends (= one brother), my brothers' friends (= more than one brother)
începe să înveți
The position of the apostrophe is important: my brother's friends (= one brother), my brothers' friends (= more than one brother)
începe să înveți
When we speak we often omit the second noun if we are referring to someone's home or business: I stayed at Simon's. (house is omitted)
Zatrzymałem się w kiosku. începe să înveți
I stopped at the newsagent's. When we speak we often omit the second noun if we are referring to someone's home or business: I stopped at the newsagent's. (shop is omitted)
There's a coat on the chair. Is it [...]/twój? începe să înveți
There's a coat on the chair. Is it [yours]?
That's not your umbrella, it's [...]/moja începe să înveți
That's not your umbrella, it's [mine].
My father broke [...]/ nogę începe să înveți
My father broke [his leg]. We use a possessive adjective rather thar "the" with parts of the body and clothes.
She tore [...]/(jej) ulubione jeansy începe să înveți
She tore [her favourite jeans]. We use a possessive adjective rather thar "the" with parts of the body and clothes.
I went with some friends [...]/moimi începe să înveți
I went with some friends [of mine]. We sometimes use ("of" + possessive pronoun or possessive form of a noun) instead of a possessive adjective.
Amy blamed [...] for what had happened./siebie începe să înveți
Amy blamed [herself] for what had happened. We use a reflexive pronoun to make it clear that we are talking about the subject of the verb: Amy blamed her for what had happened. (= Amy blamed another person, not herself)
I went to this place [...] to see what it was really like./sam începe să înveți
I went to this place [myself] to see what it was really like. We use a reflexive pronoun for emphasis
începe să înveți
We use a reflexive pronoun with a number of common expressions.
începe să înveți
We use a reflexive pronoun with a number of common expressions.
She [...] quickly./ubrała się începe să înveți
We only use a reflexive pronoun after wash, shave and dress for emphasis: She dressed quickly. but The little girl managed to dress herself (= it was difficult for her)
ld rather have [...] apartment./mój własny începe să înveți
ld rather have [my own] apartment. We use a possessive adjective + own to emphasise possession
începe să înveți
I went diving [on my own]. On (your) own means 'alone' and can be used instead of by (your) self. l went diving [by myself].
Wszystkie hotele mają sypialnie. începe să înveți
All hotels have bedrooms. Things/people in general all+noun: All hotels have bedrooms. (= hotels throughout the world)
Większość hoteli zapewnia śniadanie. începe să înveți
Most hotels provide breakfast. Things/people in general- most/some + noun
Niektóre hotele mają prywatną plażę. începe să înveți
Some hotels have a private beach. Things/people in general- most/some + noun
Żadne hotele nie są idealne. începe să înveți
Things/people in general- no+ noun
Żaden hotel nie jest doskonały. începe să înveți
Things/people in general- no+ noun
Wszystkie (z) hoteli (na tej ulicy) mają restaurację. începe să înveți
All (of) the hotels (in this street) have a restaurant. Things/people in a particular group all (of) +the/my/this/those (etc.) + noun
Większość hoteli (w tym mieście) jest droga. începe să înveți
Most of the hotels (in this town) are expensive. Things/people in a particular group- most/some of + the/my/this/those (etc.) + noun
Niektóre hotele (na stronie internetowej) mają basen. începe să înveți
Some of the hotels (on the website) have a pool. Things/people in a particular group- most/some of + the/my/this/those (etc.) + noun
Żaden z pokoi (w tym hotelu) nie ma balkonu. începe să înveți
None of the rooms (in this hotel) has/have a balcony. Things/people in a particular group- none of+ the/my/this/those (etc.) + noun; When none of is followed by a plural noun, the verb can be singular or plural - both forms are correct.
Chcę tylko cichego miejsca. începe să înveți
All I want is somewhere quiet. (= the only thing)- "All" can sometimes stand alone
[Pokoje] są dobrze umeblowane, ale [niektóre] są raczej ciemne. începe să înveți
[The rooms] are well furnished, but [some] are rather dark. (= some of the rooms)- Most, some and none can also stand alone, but only if the noun they refer to has just been mentioned
Cała wycieczka była zepsuta przez pogodę. începe să înveți
The whole trip was spoilt by the weather. [Whole] is used instead of [all] before a singular noun./ (not all-the-trip)
Każde dziecko narysowało obrazek swoich rodziców. începe să înveți
Each child drew a picture of her own parents. Each is used for individual things or people in a group
Wszystkie wakacje, o którym wspomniałaś są rodzaju wakacjami ja bym nienawidził. începe să înveți
Every holiday you've mentioned is the kind of holiday l'd hate. Every holiday you've mentioned is the kind of holiday l'd hate.
Każdy z apartamentów / Każdy z nich / posiada balkon. începe să înveți
Each of the apartments/ Each of them/ has a balcony. Each (but not every) can be followed by of + a plural noun or pronoun- (not Every-of the apartments / Every of them)
Codziennie rano siedział nad rzeką. începe să înveți
He sat by the river every morning. (= regularly)
Cały ranek siedział nad rzeką. începe să înveți
He sat by the river all morning. (= one complete morning)
Oba miejsca są zbyt głośne. începe să înveți
Both places are too noisy. We use a plural verb after both. We use [both], neither and either when we refer to two items.
Obydwa/Żadne miejsce mi nie odpowiada. începe să înveți
Either/Neither place suits me. We use a singular verb after either and neither.
Be [...] and do as mother says./dobrze zachowujący się, grzeczny începe să înveți
Be [well-behaved] and do as mother says.
Mówię sobie, że to dobry pomysł. începe să înveți
I tell myself it's a good idea.
începe să înveți
Krzesto samo się pomalowato. începe să înveți
The chair painted itself.
începe să înveți
We overestimated ourselves.
Patrzą na siebie. (np. w lustrze) începe să înveți
They are looking at themselves.
Patrzą na siebie. (jedno na drugie) începe să înveți
They are looking at each other.
Moi rodzice znają się od 1970 roku. începe să înveți
My parents have known each other since 1970. Wyrazenia each other użyjemy zwykle, gdy mowa o dwóch osobach. Znaczy ono siebie nawzajem
Wszyscy gracze szanują się nawzajem. începe să înveți
All the players respect one another. Gdy w grę wchodzi więcej osób, raczej uzyjemy wyrazenia one another.
Od lat zapraszamy sie nawzajem na urodziny. începe să înveți
We've been inviting one another for birthdays for years. Gdy w grę wchodzi więcej osób, raczej uzyjemy wyrazenia one another.
I recently met two people called Honey Moon and Holly Buşh! [...] appeared to mind having an unusual name./żaden z nich începe să înveți
I recently met two people called Honey Moon and Holly Buşh! [Neither of them] appeared to mind having an unusual name. Neither of - 2 osoby; none of- grupa wyboru
Naprawdę dobrze się bawiliśmy na weselu. Było doskonałe jedzenie, świetna muzyka i dużo alkoholu. Mój rodzaj imprezy! începe să înveți
We really enjoyed ourselves at the wedding. There was excellent food, great music and lots of alcohol. My kind of party!
W dzisiejszych czasach ludzie w autobusie nie patrzą na siebie, patrzą na swoje telefony. începe să înveți
Nowadays people on the bus don't look at each other, they look at their phones.
Everyone, please help [...] to the donuts and the chocolates. Everything here is free of charge./się începe să înveți
Everyone, please help [yourselves] to the donuts and the chocolates. Everything here is free of charge.
Jak ludzie mogą walczyć w wojnach i zabijać się nawzajem? Nigdy tego nie zrozumiem. începe să înveți
How can people fight in wars and kill each other? I will never understand that.