Prace podczas remontu i elementy budynku

 0    82 cartonașe    adamkrykwinski
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*Prace podczas remontu*
începe să înveți
Renovation works
Malowanie ścian to jedna z podstawowych czynności podczas remontu.
începe să înveți
Painting walls is one of the basic activities during renovation.
Szpachlowanie ścian jest niezbędne do uzyskania gładkiej powierzchni.
începe să înveți
Spackling walls is necessary to achieve a smooth surface.
Tapetowanie może być czasochłonnym procesem, ale efekt końcowy może być imponujący.
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Wallpapering can be a time-consuming process, but the end result can be impressive.
Klejenie kafelków wymaga precyzji i umiejętności.
începe să înveți
Gluing tiles requires precision and skill.
Gruntowanie powierzchni przed malowaniem zapewnia lepszą przyczepność farby.
începe să înveți
Priming the surface before painting ensures better paint adhesion.
Lakierowanie drewnianych mebli pozwala na ich ochronę i wykończenie.
începe să înveți
Varnishing wooden furniture allows for their protection and finishing.
Malowanie sufitu
Malowanie sufitu może być trudne ze względu na dostępność i wysokość.
începe să înveți
Ceiling Painting
Painting the ceiling can be challenging due to accessibility and height.
Wygładzanie powierzchni
Wygładzanie powierzchni pozwala na usunięcie nierówności i niedoskonałości.
începe să înveți
Surface Smoothing
Smoothing the surface allows for removing unevenness and imperfections.
Tapicer zajmuje się renowacją i naprawą mebli obitych tkaniną.
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Upholsterer deals with the renovation and repair of upholstered furniture.
Malarz jest odpowiedzialny za malowanie ścian i innych powierzchni.
începe să înveți
Painter is responsible for painting walls and other surfaces.
Montaż nowych drzwi może wymagać specjalistycznych narzędzi i umiejętności.
începe să înveți
Installation of new doors may require specialized tools and skills.
Demontaż starych mebli może być konieczny przed rozpoczęciem remontu.
începe să înveți
Dismantling old furniture may be necessary before starting renovation.
Szlifowanie powierzchni drewnianych przed lakierowaniem jest kluczowe dla uzyskania gładkiego wykończenia.
începe să înveți
Sanding wooden surfaces before varnishing is crucial for achieving a smooth finish.
Tynkowanie ścian jest niezbędne przed malowaniem lub tapetowaniem.
începe să înveți
Plastering walls is necessary before painting or wallpapering.
Układanie płytek
Układanie płytek na podłodze wymaga precyzji i cierpliwości.
începe să înveți
Tiling the floor requires precision and patience.
Montaż oświetlenia
Montaż oświetlenia w domu może zmienić jego atmosferę.
începe să înveți
Lighting Installation
Installing lighting in the house can change its atmosphere.
Instalacja elektryczna
Instalacja elektryczna powinna być wykonywana przez doświadczonego elektryka.
începe să înveți
Electrical Wiring
Electrical installation should be carried out by an experienced electrician.
Hydraulika zajmuje się instalacjami wodno-kanalizacyjnymi.
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Plumbing deals with water and sewage installations.
Ocieplenie ścian
Ocieplenie ścian poprawia komfort cieplny domu i oszczędza energię.
începe să înveți
Wall Insulation
Wall insulation improves the thermal comfort of the house and saves energy.
Montaż drzwi
Montaż drzwi wymaga precyzji i odpowiedniego narzędzi.
începe să înveți
Door Installation
Door installation requires precision and the right tools.
Montaż okien
Montaż okien powinien być dokładny, aby uniknąć problemów z izolacją.
începe să înveți
Window Fitting
Window installation should be precise to avoid insulation issues.
Układanie podłóg
Układanie podłóg drewnianych może zmienić wygląd całego pomieszczenia.
începe să înveți
Laying wooden floors can change the look of the entire room.
Glazurnik zajmuje się układaniem płytek ceramicznych.
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Tiler is responsible for laying ceramic tiles.
Stolarz wykonuje i naprawia meble z drewna.
începe să înveți
Carpenter makes and repairs wooden furniture.
Elektryk zajmuje się instalacjami elektrycznymi.
începe să înveți
Electrician deals with electrical installations.
Hydraulik specjalizuje się w instalacjach wodno-kanalizacyjnych.
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Plumber specializes in water and sewage installations.
Gipsiarz wykonuje i naprawia tynki gipsowe.
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Plasterer makes and repairs gypsum plaster.
Montażysta to osoba odpowiedzialna za montaż różnych elementów podczas budowy.
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Fitter is responsible for assembling various elements during construction.
Spawacz łączy metalowe elementy za pomocą spawania.
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Welder joins metal elements by welding.
Tynkarz zajmuje się nakładaniem tynku na ściany.
începe să înveți
Renderer is responsible for applying plaster on walls.
Murarz buduje i naprawia ściany z cegieł lub bloków.
începe să înveți
Bricklayer builds and repairs walls with bricks or blocks.
Kamieniarz zajmuje się obróbką i układaniem kamienia.
începe să înveți
Stonemason deals with processing and laying stone.
Szklarz zajmuje się obróbką i montażem szkła.
începe să înveți
Glazier deals with processing and installation of glass.
Parkieciarz specjalizuje się w układaniu podłóg drewnianych.
începe să înveți
Flooring Specialist
Flooring specialist specializes in laying wooden floors.
Dekarz zajmuje się układaniem pokryć dachowych.
începe să înveți
Roofer deals with laying roof coverings.
Operator koparki
Operator koparki obsługuje maszyny budowlane do wykonywania prac ziemnych.
începe să înveți
Excavator Operator
Excavator operator operates construction machinery for earthworks.
Monter instalacji grzewczej
Monter instalacji grzewczej zajmuje się montażem systemów ogrzewania.
începe să înveți
Heating System Installer
Heating system installer is responsible for installing heating systems.
Operator ładowarki
Operator ładowarki obsługuje maszyny budowlane do przemieszczania materiałów.
începe să înveți
Loader Operator
Loader operator operates construction machinery for material handling.
Monter instalacji wentylacyjnej
Monter instalacji wentylacyjnej zajmuje się montażem systemów wentylacyjnych.
începe să înveți
Ventilation System Installer
Ventilation system installer is responsible for installing ventilation systems.
Ślusarz wykonuje i naprawia elementy metalowe, takie jak zamki, zawiasy czy klamki.
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Locksmith makes and repairs metal elements such as locks, hinges, or handles.
*Elementy budynku*
începe să înveți
Building elements
Czy planujecie remont mieszkania w tym roku?
începe să înveți
Are you planning a renovation of the apartment this year?
Kto jest odpowiedzialny za budowę nowego domu?
începe să înveți
Who is responsible for the construction of the new house?
materiały budowlane
Gdzie można zakupić wysokiej jakości materiały budowlane?
începe să înveți
building materials
Where can one purchase high-quality building materials?
Czy macie już gotowy projekt nowej kuchni?
începe să înveți
Do you already have a design for the new kitchen?
Kto będzie głównym wykonawcą prac remontowych?
începe să înveți
Who will be the main contractor for the renovation works?
Czy ustaliliście już harmonogram prac na ten tydzień?
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Have you already established the work schedule for this week?
Czy otrzymaliście kosztorys remontu od firmy budowlanej?
începe să înveți
cost estimate
Have you received a cost estimate for the renovation from the construction company?
Jakie środki bezpieczeństwa zostaną zastosowane na budowie?
începe să înveți
What safety measures will be implemented at the construction site?
Czy planujecie adaptację starego budynku na nowe biuro?
începe să înveți
Are you planning to adapt the old building into a new office?
Czy zdecydowaliście się na ocieplenie domu przed zimą?
începe să înveți
Have you decided to insulate the house before winter?
Jaką izolację proponujecie do zastosowania w dachu?
începe să înveți
What insulation do you propose for use in the roof?
Czy wykończenie mieszkania będzie miało nowoczesny czy klasyczny styl?
începe să înveți
Will the finishing of the apartment have a modern or classic style?
Jakie są Państwa pomysły na aranżację salonu?
începe să înveți
What are your ideas for arranging the living room?
harmonogram prac
Czy udało się ustalić harmonogram prac na kolejne miesiące?
începe să înveți
work schedule
Have you managed to establish a work schedule for the upcoming months?
ocena stanu technicznego
Czy wykonano już ocenę stanu technicznego budynku?
începe să înveți
technical assessment
Has the technical assessment of the building been completed?
kosztorys remontu
Jaki jest szacowany kosztorys remontu kuchni?
începe să înveți
renovation cost estimate
What is the estimated cost estimate for the kitchen renovation?
zezwolenie na budowę
Czy posiadacie zezwolenie na budowę nowego garażu?
începe să înveți
building permit
Do you have a building permit for the construction of the new garage?
gwarancja jakości
Czy firma remontowa oferuje gwarancję jakości wykonanych usług?
începe să înveți
quality guarantee
Does the renovation company offer a quality guarantee for the services provided?
certyfikat energetyczny
Czy wymagany jest certyfikat energetyczny dla nowo wybudowanych budynków?
începe să înveți
energy certificate
Is an energy certificate required for newly constructed buildings?
dokumentacja techniczna
Czy dokumentacja techniczna budynku jest dostępna dla nadzoru budowlanego?
începe să înveți
technical documentation
Is the technical documentation of the building available for construction supervision?
nadzór budowlany
Kto będzie odpowiedzialny za nadzór budowlany na budowie?
începe să înveți
construction supervision
Who will be responsible for construction supervision at the construction site?
Kto zajmie się projektowaniem nowej kuchni w Państwa domu?
începe să înveți
Who will be in charge of designing the new kitchen in your house?
adaptacja wnętrz
Czy adaptacja wnętrz biura wymaga zmiany układu przestrzennego?
începe să înveți
interior adaptation
Does the interior adaptation of the office require a change in the spatial arrangement?
wykończenie wnętrz
Czy wykończenie wnętrz obejmuje także zakup nowych mebli?
începe să înveți
interior finishing
Does the interior finishing include the purchase of new furniture?
Jakie są koszty podatkowe związane z budową nowego domu?
începe să înveți
What are the tax costs associated with building a new house?
postępy prac
Jakie są aktualne postępy prac na budowie?
începe să înveți
progress of work
What is the current progress of work at the construction site?
ocena ryzyka
Jakie są główne czynniki wpływające na ocenę ryzyka w trakcie budowy?
începe să înveți
risk assessment
What are the main factors affecting the risk assessment during construction?
logistyka budowlana
Czy planują Państwo skorzystać z usług firmy specjalizującej się w logistyce budowlanej?
începe să înveți
construction logistics
Are you planning to use the services of a company specializing in construction logistics?
zespoły wykonawcze
Kto będzie odpowiedzialny za organizację zespołów wykonawczych na budowie?
începe să înveți
construction teams
Who will be responsible for organizing the construction teams at the construction site?
koszty materiałów
Jakie są szacowane koszty materiałów potrzebnych do wykonania ogrodzenia?
începe să înveți
material costs
What are the estimated material costs needed to build the fence?
koszty robocizny
Jakie są szacowane koszty robocizny na malowanie ścian?
începe să înveți
labor costs
What are the estimated labor costs for painting the walls?
negocjacje cenowe
Czy planują Państwo negocjacje cenowe z dostawcami materiałów budowlanych?
începe să înveți
price negotiations
Are you planning price negotiations with suppliers of building materials?
audyt bezpieczeństwa
Czy wykonano audyt bezpieczeństwa przed rozpoczęciem prac na budowie?
începe să înveți
safety audit
Has a safety audit been conducted before starting work at the construction site?
odbiór końcowy
Czy planują Państwo ostateczny odbiór końcowy budynku jeszcze w tym miesiącu?
începe să înveți
final inspection
Are you planning the final inspection of the building this month?
Czy planują Państwo malowanie elewacji w tym roku?
începe să înveți
Are you planning to paint the elevation this year?
Jakie są Państwa pomysły na aranżację wnętrza nowego domu?
începe să înveți
What are your ideas for arranging the interior of the new house?
Czy potrzebują Państwo pomocy w doborze odpowiednich kafelków do łazienki?
începe să înveți
Do you need help selecting the right tiles for the bathroom?
Czy planują Państwo zmianę tapety w sypialni?
începe să înveți
Are you planning to change the wallpaper in the bedroom?
Jakie farby poleciliby Państwo do malowania sufitu?
începe să înveți
What paint would you recommend for painting the ceiling?
Czy zlecili Państwo czyszczenie elewacji budynku przed malowaniem?
începe să înveți
Have you commissioned the cleaning of the building facade before painting?

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