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We will need to increase staff in order to meet the deadline of the project. începe să înveți
Będziemy musieli zwiększyć personel, aby dotrzymać terminu realizacji projektu.
The telephone resolved the problem of instant communication over long distances. începe să înveți
Telefon rozwiązał problem natychmiastowej komunikacji na duże odległości.
To foster better teamwork A 360 type of appraisal fosters better project teamwork. începe să înveți
wspierać lepszej pracy zespołowej Ocena typu 360 sprzyja lepszej pracy zespołowej.
To improve lines of communication Improvement in the lines of communication between project managers has reduced the procurement time and reduced the cost of budgeted materials. începe să înveți
poprawić linie komunikacji Poprawienie linii komunikacji między kierownikami projektów skróciło czas zamówień i zmniejszyło koszty materiałów budżetowych.
The team split the backlog of work into sets of prioritized tasks and assigned them into different projects. începe să înveți
Zespół podzielił zaległości prac na zestawy priorytetowych zadań i przypisał je do różnych projektów.
To list by order of importance The HR manager listed the criteria for the hiring of the new manager in descending order of importance. începe să înveți
Menedżer HR wymienił kryteria zatrudniania nowego menedżera według ważności.
The Board discussed the issues raised as a result of the audit of the Summerhill project. începe să înveți
Rada omówiła problemy poruszone w wyniku audytu projektu Summerhill.
He stuck to the project playbook while demonstrating project phases on the display screen. începe să înveți
Trzymał się podręcznika projektu, demonstrując fazy projektu na ekranie wyświetlacza
The failure to reach a decision within the deadline, may become subject to court action. începe să înveți
Nieosiągnięcie decyzji w terminie może stać się przedmiotem postępowania sądowego.
Their urban project zeros in on analysing the concrete geometry found in cityscape. începe să înveți
Ich projekt miejski koncentruje się nad analizą konkretnej geometrii znalezionej w przestrzeni miejskiej.
They were updated on the status of three building projects which were behind schedule because of lack of workers. începe să înveți
Zostałi oni poinformowani o statusie trzech projektów budowlanych, które były opóźnione z powodu braku pracowników.
The next meeting will be cancelled if the project encounters major obstacles in its implementation. începe să înveți
Następne spotkanie zostanie odwołane, jeśli projekt napotka poważne przeszkody w jego realizacji.