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începe să înveți
She ate the cake with relish.
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The state of being crowded with traffic or people. Traffic congestion is a problem in the city.
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Increasing or increased in quantity The cumulative effect of stress can be harmful. or force by successive additions.
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A way in which something is usually done. The convention is to shake hands when greeting.
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Delicately small and pretty. She wore a dainty necklace.
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The fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition. The city is known for its diverse ethnicity.
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Satisfying one's conception of what is perfect; most suitable. The weather was ideal for a picnic.
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The height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level. The plane flew at a high altitude.
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A cool breeze blew through the trees.
Many migrants come to the city seeking jobs. especially in order to find work or better living conditions. începe să înveți
A person who moves from one place to another
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The consequences or aftereffects of a significant unpleasant event. The aftermath of the storm was devastating.
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The action or process of getting rid of something. Waste disposal is a major issue.
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The chemicals are hazardous.
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A piece of fine material worn by women to protect or conceal the face. She wore a veil over her face.
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A small group of people brought together to investigate or decide on a particular matter. A panel of experts discussed the issue.
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In a way that is easily seen or noticed; significantly. The weather has noticeably improved.
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The plants of a particular region The island has a unique flora.
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He barely had enough money.
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Form or devise (a plan or idea) in the mind. She conceives of a new project.
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Too many to be counted (often used hyperbolically). There are innumerable stars in the sky.
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The food or other substances necessary for growth Good nourishment is essential for health.
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Careful examination or scrutiny. The car passed the inspection.
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A group or system of interconnected people or things. The company has a network of suppliers.
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Not decorated or elaborate; simple or ordinary in character.
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Have power and influence over. The company dominates the market.
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Resting or moving on the surface of a liquid without sinking. The leaves were floating on the water.
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Strike or propel forcefully with the foot.
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Lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder. The entropy of the universe is increasing.
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Denoting a thing or person previously mentioned. The aforementioned items are listed below.
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Vitamin deficiencies can cause health problems.
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Reduce in extent or quantity; impose a restriction on. They decided to curtail spending.
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The incendiary device caused a fire.
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Express or measure the quantity of. They tried to quantify the damage.
He tried to evade the police. especially by cleverness or trickery. începe să înveți
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Totally bewilder or perplex. The mystery baffled everyone.
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Burn or shine unsteadily.
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The fog cloaks the city.
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Move rapidly downward through the air. The hawk swoops down on its prey.
The car was parked in the garage. typically in a parking lot or by the side of the road. începe să înveți
Bring (a vehicle) to a halt and leave it temporarily
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The highest point of a hill or mountain. They reached the summit of the mountain.
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Having or showing impressive beauty or dignity. The mountains are majestic.
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Feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful. I am grateful for your help.
pointed piece of metal wire with an eye at one end începe să înveți
She threaded the needle.
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The bracing air was refreshing.
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Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise. She is meticulous in her work.
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Discover or identify the presence or existence of. They can detect changes in the weather.
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The elderly man walked slowly.
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He received a blow to the head.
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The boom of thunder echoed.
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Tie or fasten tightly together. They bind the packages together.
Political corruption is a serious problem. typically involving bribery. începe să înveți
Dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power
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Relating to or conducted through diplomats. They had diplomatic relations.
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Officially recognized or authorized. The university is accredited.
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Joined or matched in pairs. The birds were paired together.
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Side by side and having the same distance continuously between them.
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Fully developed physically; full-grown.
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The pointed top of a mountain. The mountain peaks were covered in snow.
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Shape or force (something straight) into a curve or angle. The road bends around the hill.
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Confer or present (an honor They bestow awards on the winners.
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The amount or number of a material or immaterial thing not usually estimated by spatial measurement. They bought large quantities of food.
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Best or most favorable; optimum. The conditions were optimal for growth.
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The complete set of genes or genetic material present in a cell or organism. The human genome has been mapped.
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In conflict or competition with. The opposing teams faced each other.
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Take violent action against an established government or ruler; rebel. The people revolted against the government.
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The action or process of flying through the air.
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Relating to or used in navigation. They used navigational tools.
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Neatly arranged or methodically organized. The files were in orderly rows.
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Constructed with standardized units or dimensions for flexibility and variety in use. The building has a modular design.
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An act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment. He has an obligation to his family.
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The status of belonging to a particular nation. She has dual nationality.
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The exertion of force by means of a lever or an object used in the manner of a lever. They used leverage to lift the rock.
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The destruction or serious damage of a ship or other vehicle.
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Combine or cause to combine to form a single entity. The two companies will merge.
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The action of showing something to be right or reasonable. There is no justification for violence.
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Involving or denoting a speed greater than that of sound. The plane flew at supersonic speed.
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A traditional and widely accepted way of behaving or doing something that is specific to a particular society It is a custom to give gifts at Christmas.
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A person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy. She advocates for animal rights.
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Coming at the end of a series. The final exam is next week.
The concert was a major event. especially one of importance. începe să înveți
A thing that happens or takes place
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Relating to or based on mental concepts.
They went on a cruise. începe să înveți
Sail about in an area without a precise destination
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Showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous.
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Firmly fixed or established; difficult to change.
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She has an innate talent.
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Flattened by pressure; squeezed or pressed together.
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Close to a particular number or time although not exactly that number or time. The meeting will last approximately an hour.
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Cause (someone or something) to change course or turn from one direction to another. They were diverting traffic.
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Capable of producing abundant vegetation or crops.
etc.) into effect. începe să înveți
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The power or ability to do something. The company has the capability to produce high-quality products.
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Cause (someone) to believe firmly in the truth of something. He tried to convince them of his innocence.
She was weary after a long day of work. especially as a result of excessive exertion or lack of sleep. începe să înveți
Feeling or showing tiredness
The decision was momentous. especially in its bearing on the future. începe să înveți
Of great importance or significance
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Turn from liquid into vapor. The water evaporated in the sun.
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In a way that is harmful or undesirable. The news negatively affected the stock market.
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He was a quarrelsome person.
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A formal charge or accusation of a serious crime. The grand jury returned an indictment against him.
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Showing or involving great activity or vitality. He is an energetic young man.
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Remove the outer layer from (a fruit She peeled the apple.
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Catch fire or cause to catch fire. The fire ignited the dry grass.
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Act in accordance with a wish or command. The company complies with the regulations.
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Explain the meaning of (information The data was interpreted in different ways.
or value. începe să înveți
A particular level of rank
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Jump or spring a long way He took a leap over the fence.
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Relating to the stomach and intestines. He had gastrointestinal problems.
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The cracking or breaking of a hard object or material. He suffered a bone fracture.
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Lasting over a period of time; durable. They formed an enduring friendship.
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The journey was perilous.
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Sections of exposed motion-picture film. They showed footage of the event.
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A specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service. They found a niche in the market.
There was an outbreak of flu. începe să înveți
A sudden occurrence of something unwelcome
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They won three consecutive games.
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Relating to or done with the hands. The work was manual labor.
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Make (someone or something) late or slow.
He knocked on the door. especially when waiting to be let in through a door. începe să înveți
Strike a surface noisily to attract attention
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The process or period of gathering in crops. The harvests were plentiful.
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Relating to a tribe or tribes.
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A cause of great distress or annoyance. Loud music is the bane of my existence.
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A point from which goods are sold or distributed. They have several retail outlets.
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Done on purpose; deliberately. He intentionally ignored her.
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Having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by deceit or evasion. He was a cunning businessman.
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Done or acting with excessive speed or urgency. He made a hasty decision.
The irony of the situation was amusing. typically for humorous or emphatic effect. începe să înveți
The expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite
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Relating to or denoting a speed less than that of sound. The plane flew at subsonic speed.
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Collect (information or material) in an organized form. They compiled a list of names.
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Involve oneself deeply in a particular activity or interest. He immersed himself in his work.
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The action or process of arriving. The arrival of the guests was delayed.
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Used to express annoyance or contempt. He was blasted for his comments.
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A fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action. The circumstances were difficult.
The injury impaired his vision. especially a human faculty or function). începe să înveți
Weaken or damage (something
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Sufficient to cause death.
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Seize (something) quickly and roughly.
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Stick fast to (a surface or substance). The glue adhered to the paper.
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The state or quality of being intricate or complicated. The complexities of the situation were daunting.
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Likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect; radical and extreme. They took drastic measures.
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Decided or settled beforehand. The outcome was predetermined.
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Relating to diet or nutrition. They have dietary restrictions.
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Profoundly immoral and wicked.
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Widespread respect and admiration felt for someone or something on the basis of a perception of their achievements or quality. The university has great prestige.
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The occurrence of the accident was unfortunate.
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Optional or discretionary. He took an elective course.
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(of a situation or event) extremely serious or urgent. They were in dire need of help.
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Clearly defined or determined; not vague or doubtful. They have a definite plan.
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Relating to the place or time of one's birth. He returned to his natal village.
Quarks are fundamental particles. postulated as building blocks of the hadrons. începe să înveți
Any of a number of subatomic particles carrying a fractional electric charge
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Fitting in well with a person's needs The location is convenient.
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Alter or regulate (something) in order to achieve accuracy or fit. He adjusted the thermostat.
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An important topic or problem for debate or discussion. Climate change is a major issue.
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Succeed in forcing a way into or through (a thing). The bullet penetrated the wall.
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Start to lose strength or momentum. His voice began to falter.
They harnessed the power of the wind. especially to produce energy. începe să înveți
Control and make use of (natural resources)
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Involving or capable of spectacular gymnastic feats. The performance was acrobatic.
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Create (a relationship or new conditions). They forged a strong alliance.
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Keep (someone or something) under control; restrain. They tried to rein in spending.
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Graceful and stylish in appearance or manner. She wore an elegant dress.
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Having or indicating a tendency to be overly generous to or lenient with someone. He was an indulgent father.
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Attractive or tempting; alluring. The smell of food was enticing.
They subsisted on rice and beans. especially at a minimal level. începe să înveți
Maintain or support oneself
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Join or blend to form a single entity. The metals fuse together.
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Protect (something) by interposing material that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound. The material insulates against heat.
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Strong or extravagant fondness or enthusiasm for something.
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The action of declaring something to be untrue. He issued a denial of the allegations.
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Plunge headfirst into water. He took a dive into the pool.
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Formally put an end to (a system They abolished slavery.
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At or to a greater distance; more remote. They walked farther down the road.
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They had a vague idea. or unclear character or meaning.
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Become unable to find (something or someone).
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An atom or molecule with a net electric charge due to the loss or gain of one or more electrons. Ions are important in chemical reactions.
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A list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting. They followed the meeting agenda.
He quoted from the book. typically with an indication that one is not the original author or speaker. începe să înveți
Repeat or copy out (a group of words from a text or speech)
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The examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional processes. He engaged in introspection.
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They bought a confection.
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Having or showing a keen interest in or enthusiasm for something.
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Excessive loss of water from the body or a tissue. Dehydration can cause headaches.
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A person who provides expert advice professionally.
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A remote-controlled pilotless aircraft or missile. Drones are used for surveillance.
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A person who has been honored with an award for outstanding creative or intellectual achievement.
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A sealed plastic unit containing a length of audiotape or videotape. They listened to music on cassettes.
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Different political parties have different ideologies. especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy. începe să înveți
A system of ideas and ideals
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Reduce (something) by a half. They decided to halve the price.
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A large area of land or something else. A wide swath of forest was cleared.
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Designed or organized to be suitable for a particular purpose The program is geared towards children.
They went to the beach. especially by the sea between high- and low-water marks. începe să înveți
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An action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end. The team used a new tactic.
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A person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country. Many immigrants came to the US from Europe.
Potassium is essential for plant growth. a soft silver-white metal of the alkali metal group. începe să înveți
The chemical element of atomic number 19
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Involving or offering practical experience of something. They gained hands-on experience.
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An impact of one thing on another.
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Resist an attack made on (someone or something); protect from harm or danger. They tried to defend their territory.
There was a strange odour in the room. especially an unpleasant one. începe să înveți
The parties formed a coalition. especially a temporary alliance of political parties forming a government or of states. începe să înveți
An alliance for combined action
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Expel (someone) from a country or place as a punishment. He was banished from the kingdom.
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Relating to or denoting a system of society or government controlled by men. The society was patriarchal.
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Place (someone or something) in a particular way or place. The soldiers were positioned around the building.
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Gradually growing faint and disappearing.
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The period following the onset of puberty during which a young person develops from a child into an adult. Adolescence can be a difficult time.
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The new policy exacerbated the problem. or negative feeling) worse.
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The state of being unable to be seen. The magician made the coin disappear with invisibility.
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Movement or the ability to move from one place to another. Animals use various forms of locomotion.
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The building was gargantuan.
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A burial ground; a cemetery. They visited the graveyard.
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Recall and show respect for (someone or something). They were commemorating the war heroes.
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Nature endowed them with intelligence.
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Make less severe or serious. They tried to mitigate the damage.
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A slowly moving mass or river of ice formed by the accumulation and compaction of snow on mountains or near the poles. Glaciers are melting due to climate change.
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Gather or cause to gather into a compact group or mass. The soil was clumped together.
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Free (something) from a tangle or complication. They tried to untangle the wires.
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Make (something) on a large scale using machinery.
He was on probation. subject to a period of good behavior under supervision. începe să înveți
The release of an offender from detention
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An assessment of the value of something. They conducted appraisals of the property.
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Excessive cultivation of land or intensive agricultural practices that exhaust soil fertility or cause erosion. Overfarming can lead to soil degradation.
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Extremely useful; indispensable. The information was invaluable.
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They found an old manuscript. or piece of music written by hand rather than typed or printed.
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The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought Cognition is studied in psychology.
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Having absorbed water or moisture. It is important to stay hydrated.
and other sports); a person's posture. especially when deliberately adopted (as in baseball începe să înveți
The way in which someone stands
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The flood was disastrous.
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A person or organization that invests money in something. They sought investors for their startup.
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Calfskin prepared as a surface for writing or painting. The document was written on vellum.
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Express one's opinions in a way considered annoyingly pompous and dogmatic. He liked to pontificate about politics.
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A person who expresses an unfavorable opinion of something. The movie critic gave the film a bad review.
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Complete disorder and confusion.
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Taking words in their usual or most basic sense without metaphor or allegory. The interpretation was literal.
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A minute portion of matter. Dust particles filled the air.
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Feeling or displaying the need for food.
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Causing or marked by pain or distress.
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Feel intense dislike for. They hated the new policy.
typically one derived from ancient oral tradition începe să înveți
The Iliad is an epic poem. narrating the deeds and adventures of heroic or legendary figures or the history of a nation.
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A tremor or shaking of the earth's surface. The earthquake caused a quake.
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Special respect shown publicly.
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Take part in a violent struggle involving physical force or weapons. They fought for their country.
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A shortened form of a word or phrase used to represent the whole. USA is an abbreviation for United States of America.
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Pull or knock down (a building or other structure). The old building was demolished.
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Distribute (resources or duties) for a particular purpose. They allocated funds to the project.
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The universe seen as a well-ordered whole. The vastness of the cosmos is amazing.
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The state or period of early childhood or youth. The project was in its infancy.
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Consist of; be made up of. The team comprised five members.
The parrot was mimicking human speech. especially in order to entertain or ridicule. începe să înveți
Imitate (someone or their actions or words)
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Take or follow as a model; emulate. They were imitating the style of the artist.
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Increase or be increased fourfold. The company's profits quadrupled.
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Manage and be responsible for the running of (a business or organization). The medicine was administered by a nurse.
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A group of words taken from a text or speech and repeated by someone other than the original author or speaker. The book is full of quotations.
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Connected or related to one another. The issues are interrelated.
Magnesium is used in alloys. a light silvery-gray metal. începe să înveți
The chemical element of atomic number 12
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Relating to or of the nature of an icon. The Eiffel Tower is an iconic landmark.
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They monitored their calorie intake. or another substance taken into the body.
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Following as a result; important; significant. The decision was consequential.
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Dysrhythmia can be a serious condition.
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In a way that is not correct or suitable. The device was installed improperly.
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A breach of a law or rule; an illegal or immoral act.
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Load (something) to excess. The circuit was overloaded.
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Inability or refusal to accept that something is true or real. They stared in disbelief.
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Widely and unfavorably known. The area is notoriously dangerous.
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The basic unit of a chemical element.
pottery sticky fine-grained earth that can be molded when wet începe să înveți
and ceramics. and is dried and baked to make bricks
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Material used to pave an area. The paving was made of stone.
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A person who gives financial or other support to a person The museum has many patrons.
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An autonomous program on a network (especially the Internet) that can interact with systems or users. Chatbots are used for customer service.
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Restricted in area or scope; limited. The animals were confined to a small space.
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A person qualified to practice medicine. The physician examined the patient.
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The process or activity of accurately ascertaining one's position and planning and following a route. They used navigation to find their way.
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A general survey or summary of a subject. The report provides an overview of the situation.
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Care for and encourage the growth or development of. She is very nurturing towards her children.
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Relating to or requiring free oxygen. Aerobic exercise is good for your heart.
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Having the shape of a cube.
The artist painted on large canvases. used for oil painting or other artwork. începe să înveți
A piece of cloth stretched on a frame
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Concerned with what is actually the case.
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Officially agree to or accept as satisfactory.
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A collection of weapons and military equipment. The country has a large arsenal.
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A natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances Love is a powerful emotion. or relationships with others.
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Bring (something) to an end; arrive at (a judgment or opinion) by reasoning. They concluded the meeting.
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A membrane in the ear canal that vibrates in response to sound waves and forms the boundary between the outer and middle ear. Loud noises can damage your eardrums.
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A small two-winged fly that is often seen in swarms. Midges were buzzing around the lake.
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One of the tendons at the back of the knee.
He wore his hiking boots. and sometimes also the lower leg. începe să înveți
A sturdy item of footwear covering the foot and ankle
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The problem is chiefly due to lack of funding.
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Disappointed in someone or something that one discovers to be less good than one had believed it to be. He became disillusioned with politics.
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A group of words with a subject and a verb. The sentence has two clauses.
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Stop oneself from doing something. He refrains from eating junk food.
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The established set of attitudes held by someone. She has a positive mindset.
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A piece of evidence or information used in the detection of a crime or solving of a mystery.
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Hard but liable to break or shatter easily.
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The ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions.
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Go somewhere with (someone) as a companion or escort. She will accompany him to the airport.
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A very small drop of a liquid.
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Some plants are insectivorous.
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Any of the regular occasions in a day when a reasonably large amount of food is eaten. They had a delicious meal.
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An amount of money or property left to someone in a will. He left a legacy to his children.
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An odd or unusual feature or habit. She has some peculiar habits.
They support multilateralism. especially by the governments of different countries. începe să înveți
The principle of participation by three or more parties
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A judgment that a person is not guilty of the crime with which they have been charged. He received an acquittal.
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The simultaneous buying and selling of securities They engaged in arbitrage. or commodities in different markets or in derivative forms in order to take advantage of differing prices for the same asset.
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Give a flat and even surface to. They levelled the ground.
He used drills to make holes. începe să înveți
A tool or machine with a rotating cutting tip or reciprocating hammer or chisel
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Causing great physical or mental pain.
The smell lingered in the air. typically because of a reluctance to leave. începe să înveți
Stay in a place longer than necessary
typically one signed by many people începe să înveți
They signed a petition. appealing to authority with respect to a particular cause.
Frisian începe să înveți
Relating to or denoting the branch of the Indo-European language family that includes English Afrikaans
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A thing used to adorn something. They decorated the tree with ornaments.
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The activity of going for long walks in the country or woods. They went hiking in the mountains.
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The ancient Greeks worshipped many deities.
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Strike violently one against the other.
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They were alleviating poverty. or a problem) less severe.
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Not able to be replenished or replaced by natural processes or used sustainably. Fossil fuels are nonrenewable.
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Capable of being inherited.
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The text of an opera or other long vocal work.
They distributed a booklet. especially one giving information about something. începe să înveți
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Difficult to please; fastidious.
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He was devouring his food.
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Completely baffled; very puzzled. They were perplexed by the mystery.
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Analyze (something) in minute detail. They dissected the problem.
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Open to more than one interpretation; not having one obvious meaning. The statement was ambiguous.
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A compound present in living tissue that plays a role in energy transfer. Adenosine is important in cellular processes.
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Restrain (a reaction) or stop oneself acting on (an emotion). He tried to stifle his laughter.
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Relating to or characteristic of nomads. They lived a nomadic lifestyle.
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The quality of being able to adjust to new conditions. Adaptability is important in a changing world.
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Attract and hold the interest and attention of; charm. They were captivated by the performance.
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A room or building housing an astronomical telescope or other scientific equipment for the study of natural phenomena. They visited the observatory.
The design was geometric. or according to its methods. începe să înveți
Relating to or denoting geometry
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They tried to assimilate the new information. or culture) and understand fully.
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Make (something) active or operative. They activated the alarm.
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The process of becoming or making sound or healthy again.
The event was bizarre. especially so as to cause interest or amusement. începe să înveți
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Causing one to feel unsteady The heights were dizzying.
They used grease to lubricate the machine. especially when used in cooking. începe să înveți
Animal or vegetable fat or oily substance
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Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
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The quakes caused damage.
Lithium is used in batteries. a soft silver-white metal. începe să înveți
The chemical element of atomic number 3
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They had a harmonious relationship.
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The state of not supporting or helping either side in a conflict The country maintained its neutrality.
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Having had nutrients or vitamins added to improve nutritional value. The flour was enriched with vitamins.
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An empty space within a solid object; a hollow. They found cavities in the rock.
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Magnificent and imposing in appearance The building was grander than expected.
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Drain (someone) of their physical or mental resources; tire out.
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Willing to talk; tending to communicate. She is very communicative.
They lived in different neighbourhoods. especially a residential one. începe să înveți
Toads live in damp places. typically having dry warty skin that can secrete poison. începe să înveți
A tailless amphibian with a stout body and short legs
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A person who held a job or office before the current holder. His predecessors had made mistakes.
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Lack of harmony among musical notes. There was a dissonance in the music.
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Relating to or characteristic of the culture of computer technology They discussed cyber security.
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The action of interrupting or the state of being interrupted. There was an interruption.
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Coffee made by forcing steam or hot water through ground coffee beans.
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Be filled with wonder or astonishment. They marvelled at the view.
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Contaminate or pollute (something).
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Become aware of (something) by seeing or observing it. They were noticing changes.
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Gather together or accumulate (a large amount or number of material or things) over a period of time. They were amassing wealth.
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Relating to or denoting diseases involving both neurological and psychiatric aspects. They studied neuropsychiatric disorders.
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and the autonomic nervous system. thought to be the center of emotion începe să înveți
The elongated ridges on the floor of each lateral ventricle of the brain
They embarked on a new adventure. especially one that is important or demanding. începe să înveți
Begin (a course of action)
especially a financial one începe să înveți
High taxes can act as disincentives. that tends to discourage people from doing something.
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Force (someone) to move hurriedly or unceremoniously in a specified direction. He was hustled out of the building.
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Move in an energetic or noisy manner. They bustled around the kitchen.
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Improve (a mechanism or system) by making fine adjustments to it. They tweaked the software to improve performance.
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A long journey involving travel by sea or in space. They went on long voyages.
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A fire or light set up in a high or prominent position as a warning The lighthouse served as a beacon.
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The streetlights illuminate the road.
Guerrilla fighters attacked the convoy. typically against larger regular forces. începe să înveți
A member of a small independent group taking part in irregular fighting
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Be in or move into a sloping position. The tower leans to one side.
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They curated the art exhibit. and look after the items in a collection or exhibition.
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Evoking or provoking (a reaction The speech was arousing.
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Giving an appearance or impression different from the true one; misleading. The advertisement was deceptive.
He squashed the tomato. so that its original shape is no longer discernible. începe să înveți
Flatten or crush (something) into a soft or pulp mass
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A person who practices acupuncture. Acupuncturists use needles to treat pain.
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Occur at or during the same time.
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A competition in which people buy numbered tickets for a chance to win various prizes. They held a raffle to raise money.
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The habit or principle of being independent and self-reliant. Individualism is valued in some cultures.
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A sea animal that has a soft body and eight long arms. The octopus changed color.
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Talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one's achievements He boasts about his wealth.
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The carrying out or putting into effect of a plan They witnessed the executions.
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Not capable of being imagined or grasped mentally; unbelievable. The idea was inconceivable.
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A large farm building used for storing grain The animals were kept in the barn. or straw or for housing livestock.
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A print made from an engraved plate The book had many engravings.
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A piece of a solid substance having a naturally geometrically regular form and a smooth surface. The chandelier was made of crystal.
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A point or line common to lines or surfaces that intersect. The accident occurred at the intersection.
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Unable to think clearly; bewildered or perplexed. He was confused by the instructions.
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Shaped or formed in a mold. The plastic was molded into shape.
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The vessel sailed across the ocean.
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The moving of something from its place or position by something else. The displacement of water caused a wave.
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Most recent in origin; latest. The newest model is very efficient.
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Make a hole in (something) with a drill. They drilled a hole in the wall.
They lived in a quiet neighbourhood. especially a residential one. începe să înveți
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Tame (an animal) and keep it as a pet or for farm produce. Dogs are domesticated animals.
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A broad piece of metal or other material held by a soldier or warrior to ward off blows He used a shield to protect himself.
breathing especially in conditions of stress începe să înveți
A hormone secreted by the adrenal glands and carbohydrate metabolism and preparing muscles for exertion. increasing rates of blood circulation
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Efficient as food; nourishing. Fruits and vegetables are nutritious.
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Quick to notice or perceive things.
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Try to acquire or develop (a quality They tried to cultivate good habits.
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Decreasing in power or vigor; declining. His influence was waning.
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The process of encoding a message or information in such a way that only authorized parties can access it and those who are not authorized cannot. They used encryption to protect the data.
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A code in which letters are represented by combinations of long and short signals of light or sound. They communicated using Morse code.
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Help or support (someone or something) in the achievement of something. They were aiding the victims.
They questioned the suspect. especially in an official context. începe să înveți
Ask questions of (someone)
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Appear more prominent or important than. The scandal overshadowed his achievements.
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The way of life of people who do not live permanently in one place but move according to the availability of pastures and food. Nomadism is a traditional way of life.
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A person who does not stay long in the same place; a wanderer. Nomads move from place to place.
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A feeling of intense longing for something. He had a yearning for adventure.
She wore bloomers. formerly worn by women as athletic or other active wear. începe să înveți
Loose-fitting trousers gathered at the knee or ankle
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Domesticated (an animal).
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Cause or accelerate (a reaction) by acting as a catalyst. The enzyme catalyzed the reaction.
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Receive and pass on (information or a message). They relayed the message.
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Make the best or most effective use of (a situation They were optimizing their workflow.
Nanotechnology is a rapidly developing field. especially the manipulation of individual atoms and molecules. începe să înveți
The branch of technology that deals with dimensions and tolerances of less than 100 nanometers
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Imagine as a future possibility; visualize. They envisioned a better future.
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Reach inside a receptacle and search for something. They were delving into the archives.
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Suspend or be suspended from above. The picture was hanging on the wall.
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Above a weight considered normal or desirable.
They owned several acres of land. 840 square yards (0.405 hectare). începe să înveți
A unit of land area equal to 4
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The state of being necessary; indispensable. Food and water are necessities.
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To or on the shore; on land.
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The income per capita is high.
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Angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues; conflict. There was strife in the country.
or establishment. especially as characteristic of a particular country începe să înveți
A style or method of cooking
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Make (someone) ineligible for an activity or competition because they have broken a rule. They were disqualifying the athlete.
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They buried the treasure.
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A place from which something is allowed to escape or pass out. The river has an outlet to the sea.
He insisted on paying. începe să înveți
Demand something forcefully
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Overuse of antibiotics is a problem.
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A long passage in a building from which doors lead into rooms. They walked down the corridor.
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A strong dislike or disinclination. He has an aversion to spiders.
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The concentration of dissolved salts in water. The salinity of the water was high.
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A person's natural tendency or urge to act or feel in a particular way; a disposition or propensity. He had an inclination to help.
The rain hindered their progress. resulting in delay or obstruction. începe să înveți
Create difficulties for (someone or something)
They made offerings to the gods. especially as a gift or contribution. începe să înveți
bowl-shaped cavity in the ground or on a celestial body începe să înveți
The volcano had a crater. typically one caused by an explosion or the impact of a meteorite or other object.
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Molten rock beneath the earth's surface. Magma erupted from the volcano.
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The first public performance of a play The movie premieres tonight.
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Be under an obligation to pay or repay (something) in return for something received.
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The time at which something is most powerful or successful. The company reached its zenith.
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They drove down the narrow lanes.
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Of or during the day; daily. They are diurnal animals.
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Succeed in dealing with (a problem or difficulty). They are overcoming challenges.
The witch stirred the cauldron. used for cooking over an open fire. începe să înveți
A large metal pot with a lid and handle
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In the most favorable or desirable way; best. The machine is working optimally.
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A person who tends or cultivates a garden as a pastime or for a living. The gardener planted flowers.
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Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The OECD published a report.
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Relating to or denoting animals that migrate. They are migratory birds.
The lava flowed down the mountain. or solid rock resulting from the cooling of this. începe să înveți
Molten rock that erupts from a volcano or fissure
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A collectible object such as a piece of furniture or work of art that has a high value because of its age and quality. They bought an antique table.
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Declare one's public approval or support of. They endorsed the candidate.
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Be composed or made up of. The team consisted of five players.
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A thing that completes or brings to perfection. The wine complements the meal.
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Of little value or importance.
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Toss or move (something) with a sudden quick movement. They were flipping pancakes.
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A small mat or plate placed under a bottle or glass to protect the table. They used coasters to protect the table.
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Relating to a government minister or ministry. They attended a ministerial meeting.
They added antifreeze to the car. used in vehicle radiators. începe să înveți
A liquid which is added to water to lower its freezing point
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They have flown to Paris.
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A patient who attends a clinic for treatment without staying at the hospital. They went to the outpatient clinic.
used as a support for a building începe să înveți
A tall vertical structure of stone or as an ornament or monument.
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Chance or luck as an arbitrary force affecting human affairs.
Bees are important pollinators. facilitating fertilization. începe să înveți
An animal that transfers pollen from anther to stigma
They measured the distance in metres. equal to 100 centimeters or approximately 39.37 inches. începe să înveți
The fundamental unit of length in the metric system
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They tried to outdo their competitors.
The lyrebird mimics sounds. elaborately shaped tail when displaying. începe să înveți
An Australian songbird that has a long
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A varied mixture of people or things; a miscellany. They played a medley of songs.
it was a difficult task. începe să înveți
As acknowledged; by one's own admission.
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Relating to or characteristic of journalism. They wrote a journalistic article.
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Lack of equality or equivalence between aspects of something that should be equal or equivalent. There is an asymmetry in the design.
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Occurring at the end of a process; final. They reached an eventual agreement.
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Notice or pay particular attention to (something). They were noting the changes.
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Not hopeful or encouraging; unlikely to have a positive outcome.
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Make or become unclear or less distinct.
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They tried to suppress the rebellion.
They lived in a safe neighborhood. especially a residential one. începe să înveți
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Struggle to surmount (a difficulty or danger). They contend with challenges.
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A person who makes a new track through wild country. They were a trailblazer in the field.
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Show or make known to others for the first time. They will unveil the new product.
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A person or company that undertakes a contract to provide materials or labor to perform a service or do a job.
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Reach a state of little or no change after a period of activity or progress. Their progress plateaued.
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A smooth oily preparation that is rubbed on the skin for medicinal purposes or as a cosmetic. They applied ointments to the wound.
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A person who prepared and sold medicines and drugs. They bought medicine from the apothecaries.
or food. începe să înveți
Intense and selfish desire for something
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Active hostility or opposition. There was antagonism between the groups.
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The formation or devising of a plan or idea. They had a conception of a new project.
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The long tube-shaped organ in the abdomen that completes the process of digestion. They had an intestinal problem.
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The evidence was nonexistent.
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Declare (someone) to be guilty of a criminal offense by the verdict of a court. They were convicted of fraud.
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A subatomic particle obeying Bose-Einstein statistics. Bosons are force-carrying particles.
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The appearance of being true or real. The novel had verisimilitude.
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Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance. They were humble and kind.
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Go for and then bring back (someone or something) for someone. They fetched water from the well.
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Place or fit (something) into (something else). They inserted the key into the lock.
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A line of hereditary rulers of a country. They studied the ancient dynasties.
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Relating to vision or the eye. They used optical instruments.
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Run away from danger or a place of detention.
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Raise to a higher position or level. They lifted the heavy box.
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Someone or something that has been left out or excluded. There was an omission in the report.
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Destroy or ruin (something). The storm devastated the town.
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Join (something) to something else so as to increase its size They were adding numbers.
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Give (someone) a legal right or a just claim to receive or do something. They were entitled to compensation.
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Doubtful as regards truth or validity. Their methods are questionable.
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An acquired or natural skill at performing a task. They had a knack for languages.
The fetus develops in the womb. in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception. începe să înveți
An unborn or unhatched offspring of a mammal
They dug a trench. începe să înveți
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The company outperformed its rivals.
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They transcribed the interview. or data) into written or printed form.