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Wiadomość o jego odejściu zasmuciła całą rodzinę. începe să înveți
The news of his departure saddened the entire family.
Jest pewne, że jutro będzie padać, to bezpieczny zakład. începe să înveți
It's a safe bet that it will rain tomorrow.
Żagiel rozwinął się na wietrze. începe să înveți
The sail unfurled in the wind.
być w tej samej nieprzyjemnej sytuacji Teraz wszyscy jesteśmy w tej samej łodzi, musimy współpracować. începe să înveți
We are all in the same boat now, we need to work together.
Po trudnym okresie w końcu czuła się zdrowa psychicznie. începe să înveți
After a tough period, she finally felt sane.
Niskie opady deszczu spowodowały niedobór wody. începe să înveți
Low rainfall led to a scarcity of water.
Ten horror naprawdę mnie przeraził. începe să înveți
That horror movie really scared the hell out of me.
Znaleźliśmy odosobnione miejsce na plaży, z dala od tłumów. începe să înveți
We found a secluded spot on the beach, away from the crowds.
Jej siedzący tryb życia wpłynął na jej zdrowie. începe să înveți
Her sedentary lifestyle affected her health.
Próbował uwieść ją obietnicami bogactwa. începe să înveți
He tried to seduce her with promises of wealth.
On jest bardzo samowystarczalny, potrafi zrobić wszystko sam. începe să înveți
He is very self-sufficient, able to do everything on his own.
Spędziliśmy dzień nad spokojnym jeziorem. începe să înveți
We spent the day by the serene lake.
płycizna (lub: powierzchowność) începe să înveți
I thought the film was pretty shallow. He's physically attractive, but shallow.
Po długiej przerwie od ćwiczeń czułem się zupełnie bez formy. începe să înveți
After a long break from exercising, I felt completely out of shape.
mieć nadmiar czegoś złego începe să înveți
have your (fair) share of something We certainly have our share of problems at the moment. She's had her fair share of tragedies in her life.
wyostrzyć, spotęgować, zaostrzyć începe să înveți
Recent changes have sharpened competition between the airlines; I hope this course will help me sharpen my computer skills.
rzucić światło na coś; uczynić zrozumiałym Nowe dowody rzuciły światło na sprawę. începe să înveți
cast/shed/throw light on something The new evidence shed light on the case.
wybiec, wypaść, wystrzelić (również: strzelanina) Wybiegł z biura, jak tylko usłyszał alarm. începe să înveți
He shot out of the office as soon as he heard the alarm.
bystry, sprytny, przebiegły Był sprytnym negocjatorem, zawsze osiągał swoje cele. începe să înveți
He was a shrewd negotiator, always achieving his goals.
Wzruszył ramionami, kiedy zapytano go o opinię. începe să înveți
He shrugged when asked for his opinion.
Jednym z efektów ubocznych leku była senność. începe să înveți
One of the side effects of the medication was drowsiness.
przeoczyć, stracić z oczu W obliczu problemów stracił z oczu swoje cele. începe să înveți
In the face of problems, he lost sight of his goals.
Przepraszam, że nie oddałem książki na czas, zupełnie mi to wypadło z głowy. începe să înveți
I'm sorry I didn't return the book on time; it completely slipped my mind.
wydrzeć, odebrać, wykraść Dziecko szybko wyrwało zabawkę z ręki kolegi. începe să înveți
The child quickly snatched the toy from his friend's hand.
Jego poważne podejście do sytuacji pomogło nam znaleźć rozwiązanie. începe să înveți
His sober approach to the situation helped us find a solution.
Przedstawiliśmy solidne dowody na poparcie naszych twierdzeń. începe să înveți
We presented solid evidence to support our claims.
Matka próbowała ukoić płaczące dziecko kołysanką. începe să înveți
The mother tried to soothe the crying baby with a lullaby.
Jego twarz wyrażała głęboką żałość po stracie bliskiej osoby. începe să înveți
His face showed deep sorrow after losing a loved one.
Nie bała się mówić, co myśli, nawet jeśli jej opinia była niepopularna. începe să înveți
She wasn't afraid to speak her mind, even if her opinion was unpopular
Sąsiad oskarżył go o szpiegowanie jego rodziny. începe să înveți
The neighbor accused him of spying on his family.
On zmarnował swoją szansę na sukces, spędzając większość czasu na lenistwie. începe să înveți
He squandered his chance for success by spending most of his time being lazy.
punkt widzenia, stanowisko Z jego punktu widzenia, decyzja była sprawiedliwa. începe să înveți
From his standpoint, the decision was fair.
Jego surowy wyraz twarzy sprawił, że wszyscy zamilkli. începe să înveți
Stern (severe, harsh, fierce, rigid) His stern expression made everyone fall silent.
Miał sztywne podejście do zasad firmy. începe să înveți
He had a stiff approach to the company's rules.
Trudno było mu zachować kamienną twarz podczas żartu. începe să înveți
t was hard for him to keep a straight face during the joke.
uwięziony (bez transportu) Byli uwięzieni na lotnisku z powodu burzy. începe să înveți
They were stranded at the airport due to the storm.
być o niebo lepszym; być lata świetle przed kimś Jeśli chodzi o matematyczne umiejętności, jest o lata świetlne przed resztą klasy. începe să înveți
In terms of mathematical skills, she is streets ahead of the rest of the class.
wyczerpujący, żmudny, wysiłkowy Wspinaczka na szczyt była wyczerpująca. începe să înveți
The climb to the summit was strenuous.
walczyć, wysilać się, mieć trudności, mierzyć się Walczył o ukończenie projektu na czas. începe să înveți
He struggled to complete the project on time; I've been struggling to understand this article all afternoon. Fish struggle for survival when the water level drops in the lake.
Jego podświadomość podpowiadała mu, że coś jest nie tak. începe să înveți
His subconscious was telling him that something was wrong.
być przedmiotem czegoś; doświadczać czegoś Samochody są przedmiotem wysokich podatków. începe să înveți
Cars are subject to a high domestic tax. In recent years, she has been subject to attacks of depression.
Poddał się zmęczeniu i zasnął. începe să înveți
Succumb (yield, surrender, give in, submit to) He succumbed to fatigue and fell asleep.
wezwać, zwłoać, przywołać Szef wezwał ją do swojego biura. începe să înveți
The boss summoned her to his office.
Jej komentarze były zbędne w tej dyskusji. începe să înveți
Her comments were superfluous in this discussion.
hamować, tłumić, opanować Rząd stłumił protesty siłą. începe să înveți
The government suppressed the protests by force.