Scientists explain ancient Rome's long-lasting concrete - BBC News

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Naukowcy odkryli(ustalili) chemię betonu rzymskiego
începe să înveți
Researchers have unlocked the chemistry of Roman concrete
Naukowcy zbadali próbki
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Scientists examined samples
Użył betonu z wapna i wulkanicznego popiołu
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used a concrete made from lime and volcanic ash
Związać (zaprawa) się ze skałami
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to bind with rocks
wzmocnić konstrukcję
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to strengthen the construction
Materiał wulkaniczny reagował z wodą morską
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the volcanic material reacted with sea water
Odkrycie mogłoby prowadzić do bardziej przyjaznych dla środowiska materiałów budowlanych.
începe să înveți
the discovery could lead to more environmentally friendly building materials.
Rzymska substancja od dawna zastanawiała badaczy
începe să înveți
the Roman substance has long puzzled researchers
zastanawiała naukowców
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puzzled researchers.
W obecności wody morskiej
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in the presence of sea water
Materiał wydaje się uzyskać siłę od ekspozycji (na coś)
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the material seems to gain strength from the exposure
Naukowcy odkryli, że
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researchers learned that
Beton zawierał rzadki minerał
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the concrete contained a rare mineral
prędzej czy później pojawią się konflikty interesów
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sooner or later conflicts of interest will arise
rzucił się w
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he flung into
rzuca się w
începe să înveți
he flings into
Ledwo mogłem powstrzymać się od śmiechu
începe să înveți
I could barely restrain myself from laughing
jeśli musisz zrobić coś niepopularnego, zrób to z całego serca
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if you have to do something unpopular, do it wholeheartedly
znosić drwiny
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endure mockery
porównania mogą być odrażające
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comparisons can be repulsive
ta wiedza zachęca zarówno do magicznego, jak i kłamliwego myślenia
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this knowledge encourages both magical and mendacious thinking
po prostu pozwól im przyjść i odejść z własnej woli
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just let them come and go of their own accord
przepraszam, że wybiegam przed temat, przed siebie
începe să înveți
sorry I running ahead of myself
Skinął na nas, żebyśmy weszli, co zrobiliśmy.
începe să înveți
He beckoned to us to get in, which we did.
Skinął na innych i wszyscy podeszli.
începe să înveți
He beckoned to the others, and they all came over.
Skinąłem na niego, a on stanął obok mnie.
începe să înveți
I beckoned to him and he came to stand next to me.
Wcześniejsza emerytura czekała na George'a.
începe să înveți
Early retirement beckoned for George.
czekać na kogos
începe să înveți
beckon for somebody
przywołać kogoś skinieniem
începe să înveți
beckon somebody over
elokwencja, która nie zaskakuje, nie uważam za elokwencję
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eloquence which does not startle I don't consider eloquence
przestraszyć, zaskoczyć
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începe să înveți
începe să înveți
systemy zwiększają ubóstwo i demoralizują ludzi
începe să înveți
systems are driving up poverty and demoralising the people
I ze swoją kulą, starością i mądrością
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And with its crutch, its old age and its wisdom
lśnijcie ich pustkę na moim łóżku
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shine their emptiness down on my bed
Miotła sennie zamiata
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A broom is drearily sweeping
zadowolony z siebie, prozny
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łatwo być zadowolony z siebie
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it's easy to feel smug
próbując zachować
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trying to retain
începe să înveți
ludzie zostają złapani w pułapkę treningu o niskiej intensywności
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people get caught up in low intensity training
długotrwałe skutki
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long term effects
długotrwałe skutki
începe să înveți
long term effects
„Kim chcesz być, kiedy dorośniesz
începe să înveți
“What do you want to be when you grow up
piękny w sentymentach i wyglądzie
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beautiful in sentiment and look
stratedzy zachęcają do zmiany
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strategists are instigating a switch from
myśli pojawiają się same z siebie
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thoughts just show up of their own accord
Czy odczuwasz ból?
începe să înveți
Are you in any pain?
Mam problemy skórne, które nie znikają.
începe să înveți
I have been having skin problems that aren't going away.

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