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zimny, nieczuły
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ˌcold-ˈhearted adj. unkind; showing no kindness, understanding, etc. ▶ zimny nieczuły
chłodno, ozięble
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coldly /ˈkəʊldli; US / adv. in an unfriendly way; in a way that shows no kindness or understanding ▶ chłodno ozięble
chłód, oziębłość
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coldness, coldness
coldness /ˈkəʊldnəs; US / noun [uncountable] the lack of warm feelings; unfriendly behaviour ▶ chłód oziębłość
opryszczka, zimno
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cold sores, cold sores
ˈcold sore noun [countable] a small painful spot on the lips or inside the mouth that is caused by a virus ▶ opryszczka (na wardze) zimno febra
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coleslaw /ˈkəʊlsɔ:; US / noun [uncountable] raw cabbage and carrots, etc., chopped and mixed with mayonnaise and eaten as a salad ▶ surówka z kapusty i marchwi z majonezem ⇨ look at sauerkraut
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colic /ˈkɒlɪk; US / noun [uncountable] pain in the stomach area, which especially babies get ▶ kolka
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to collaborate
2collaborate (with sb) to help the enemy forces who have taken control of your country ▶ kolaborować Wyraża dezaprobatę.
collaborate /kəˈlæbəreɪt; US / verb [intransitive] 1collaborate (with sb) (on sth) to work together (with sb), especially to create or produce sth She collaborated with another author on the book. ▶ współpracować
współpraca, kolaboracja
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□ collaboration /kəˌlæbəˈreɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] 1 working together to create or produce sth ▶ współpraca 2 help given to enemy forces who have taken control of your country ▶ kolaboracja
kolaborant, współpracownik
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collaborator /kəˈlæbəreɪtə(r); US / noun [countable] 1 a person who works together with sb else, especially in order to create or produce sth ▶ współpracownik 2 a person who helps the enemy forces who have taken control of their country ▶ kolaborant
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collage /ˈkɒlɑ:ʒ; US kəˈl- / noun 1 [countable] a picture made by fixing pieces of paper, cloth, photographs, etc. onto a surface ▶ kolaż 2[uncountable] the art of making a picture like this ▶ tworzenie kolaży
zawalić się
4 to fold sth or be folded into a shape that uses less space a chair that collapses for easy storage ▶ (krzesło itp.) składać się
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(person) to fall down because you are very ill The winner collapsed at the end of the race. ▶ padać (z wyczerpania (business, plan, etc.) to fail suddenly The company collapsed, leaving hundreds of people out of work. ▶ upadać
collapse1 /kəˈlæps; US / verb [intransitive] 1 to fall down or break into pieces suddenly A lot of buildings collapsed in the earthquake. ▶ zawalić się runąć
krach, załamanie
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the collapse of the motorway bridge ▶ zawalenie się 3[sing., uncountable] (person) a medical condition when a person becomes very ill and suddenly falls down She was taken to hospital after her collapse at work. ▶ załamanie (fizyczne, nerwowe)
collapse /kəˈlæps/ noun 1 [countable, uncountable] the sudden or complete failure of sth, such as a business, plan, etc. economic collapse The peace talks were on the brink/verge of collapse. ▶ krach, upadek
składany np. krzesło
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collapsible /kəˈlæpsəbl; US / adj. that can be folded into a shape that makes sth easy to store a collapsible bed ▶ (krzesło itp.) składany
kołnierzyk, obroża
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collar, collar
2 a band of leather that is put round an animal’s neck (especially a dog or cat) ▶ obroża
collar /kɒlə(r)/ noun [countable] 1 the part of a shirt, coat, dress, etc. that fits round the neck and is often folded over a coat with a fur collar ▶ kołnierz/yk ⇨ look at dog collar, blue-collar, white-collar
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clavicle, collarbone
collarbone /ˈkɒləbəʊn; US / (also formal clavicle /ˈklævɪkl; US /) noun [countable] one of the two bones that connect your chest bones to your shoulder ▶ obojczyk
zestawiać, segregować
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2 to collect pieces of paper or the pages of a book, etc. and arrange them in the correct order ▶ segregować układać □ collation /kəˈleɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] the collation of information ▶ zestawienie (np. danych) segregowanie segregacja
collate /kəˈleɪt; US / verb [transitive] 1 to collect information together from different sources in order to examine and compare it to collate data/information/figures ▶ zestawiać (np. dane)
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collateral /kəˈlætərəl; US / noun [uncountable] property or sth valuable that you agree to give if you cannot pay back money that you have borrowed They offered their house as collateral on the loan. ▶ zastaw zabezpieczenie spłaty długu
kolega z pracy
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colleague /ˈkɒli:ɡ; US / noun [countable] a person who works at the same place as you ▶ kolega (z pracy) ⇨ note at friend
zbierać, odbierać
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to collect
to come together A crowd collected to see what was going on. ▶ gromadzić się to go and get sb/sth from a particular place; to pick sb/sth up My daughter’s at a party and I have to collect her in half an hour. to collect the children from school
to bring a number of things together All the exam papers will be collected at the end. the collected works of Charles Dickens ▶ zbierać to get and keep together a number of objects of a particular type as a hobby to collect stamps ▶ zbierać
opanowany, skupiony
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collected /kəˈlektɪd; US / adj. [not before a noun] calm and in control of yourself, your feelings, thoughts, etc. She felt cool, calm and collected before the interview. ▶ opanowany skupiony
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[countable, uncountable] the act of getting sth from people Your car will be ready for collection tomorrow. rubbish collections ▶ odbiór 3[countable] a group of people or things a large collection of papers on the desk ▶ grupa, stos
1[countable] a group of objects of a particular type that sb has collected as a hobby a stamp collection ▶ kolekcja zbiór
składka, kolekcja
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6[countable] a variety of new clothes or items for the home that are specially designed and sold at a particular time Armani’s stunning new autumn collection ▶ kolekcja zestaw
a number of letters, etc. published together in one book a collection of modern poetry ▶ antologia the act of asking for money (for charity) a collection for the poor The staff had a collection to buy him a present when he retired. ▶ składka
zbiorowy, grupowy
începe să înveți
collective, group
collective1 /kəˈlektɪv; US / adj. shared by a group of people together; not individual collective responsibility ▶ zbiorowy grupowy □ collectively /; US / adv. We took the decision collectively at a meeting. ▶ wspólnie grupowo zbiorowo
începe să înveți
collective2 /kəˈlektɪv; US / noun [countable, with sing. or pl. verb] an organization or business that is owned and controlled by the people who work in it ▶ spółdzielnia
începe să înveți
collector /kəˈlektə(r) / noun [countable] [in compounds] a person who collects things as a hobby or as part of their job a stamp collector kolekcjoner znaczków a tax/rent collector poborca a ticket collector kontroler biletów ▶ zbieracz
szkoła wyższa, kolegium
Jeśli natomiast mowa o college jako instytucji czy budynku, wtedy używa się the: I went to an art exhibition at the college last night.
Jeżeli ktoś uczęszcza do college jako student/ka, wówczas przed tym rzeczownikiem nie używa się the: He’s at college in York. • She’s going to college in October.
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college, college
2 [countable] (in the US) a university, or part of one, where students can study for a degree ▶ szkoła wyższa 3[countable] (in Britain) one of the separate institutions into which certain universities are divided King’s College, London ▶ kolegium
1[countable, uncountable] an institution where you can study after you leave school (at the age of 16) a college of further education szkoła policealna dla dorosłych an art college = asp a sixth-form college liceum ▶ szkoła wyższa kolegium
zderzać się
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collide /kəˈlaɪd/ verb [intransitive] collide (with sb/sth) to crash; to hit sb/sth very hard while moving He ran along the corridor and collided with his music teacher. A lorry and a coach collided but fortunately nobody was injured. ▶ zderzać się
zderzenie, kolizja
începe să înveți
collision /kəˈlɪʒn/ noun [countable, uncountable] an occasion when things or people collide It was a head-on collision (zderzenie czołowe) and the driver was killed instantly. The two planes were in collision with each other and exploded. ▶ zderzenie
zmierzać nieuchronnie do katastrofy
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be on a collision course (with sb/sth)
to be in a situation which is certain to end in a disagreement or argument I’m not surprised they’re arguing – they’ve been on a collision course over money all week.
kolokacja, związek wyrazowy
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collocation, word relationship
a combination of words in a language, that happens very often and more frequently than would happen by chance ‘ Resounding success’ and ‘ crying shame’ are English collocations.
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colloquial /kəˈləʊkwiəl; US / adj. (used about words, phrases, etc.) used in spoken conversation, not in formal situations ▶ potoczny □ colloquially /-kwiəli; US / adv. ▶ potocznie
dwukropek, okrężnica
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colon, colon
colon /ˈkəʊlən; US / noun [countable] 1 the mark (:) used before a list, an explanation, an example, etc. ▶ dwukropek 2 the lower part of the large intestine that carries food away from your stomach to the anus ▶ okrężnica
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colonel /ˈkɜ: nl; US / noun [countable] (abbr. Col.) an officer of a high level in the army ▶ pułkownik
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colonial /kəˈləʊniəl; US / adj. connected with or belonging to a colony Spain used to be a major colonial power. ▶ kolonialny
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colonialism /kəˈləʊniəlɪzəm; US / noun [uncountable] the practice by which a powerful country controls another country or countries, in order to become richer European colonialism ▶ kolonializm
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colonist /ˈkɒlənɪst; US / noun [countable] a person who goes to live in a country that has become a colony ▶ kolonizator
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începe să înveți
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2[with sing. or pl. verb] a group of people who go to live permanently in another country but keep their own habits and customs ▶ kolonia 3 a group of the same type of animals, insects or plants living or growing in the same place a colony of ants
colony /ˈkɒləni; US / noun [countable] (pl. colonies) 1 a country or area that is ruled by another, more powerful country Kenya used to be a British colony. ▶ kolonia
începe să înveți
colossal /kəˈlɒsl; US / adj. extremely large a colossal building a colossal amount of money ▶ kolosalny olbrzymi
Mówi się I like the colour blue a nie I like blue colour.
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All the pictures in the book are in colour a colour TV ▶ kolor 3[uncountable] a red or pink colour in your face You look much better now, you’ve got a bit more colour. Colour flooded her face when she thought of what had happened. ▶ rumieńce
1[countable, uncountable] the fact that sth is red, green, yellow, blue, etc. ‘ What colour (jakiego koloru) is your car?’ ‘ Red.’ a dark/deep colour a bright colour a light/pale colour Those flowers certainly give the room a bit of colour
czuć się nie swojo
începe să înveți
be off colour
off colour ill I didn’t go out because I was feeling a bit off colour. ▶ (czuć się) nieswojo marnie (wyglądać)
începe să înveți
2 to influence thoughts, opinions, etc. You shouldn’t let one bad experience colour your attitude to everything. ▶ wpływać na coś
1 to put colour on sth, for example by painting it The area coloured yellow on the map is desert. Colour the picture with your crayons. ▶ kolorować malować (na jakiś kolor)
kolorować coś
începe să înveți
colour sth in
colour sth in to fill a shape, a picture, etc. with colour using pencils, paint, etc. The children were colouring in pictures of animals. ▶ kolorować
cierpiący na daltonizm
începe să înveți
colour blind
ˈcolour-blind (US ˈcolor-blind) adj. unable to see certain colours, especially red and green She is colour-blind. Ona jest daltonistką. ▶ cierpiący na daltonizm
system segregowania wykorzystujący kolory
începe să înveți
colour code
ˈcolour code (US ˈcolor code) noun [countable] a system of marking things with different colours so that you can easily identify them Follow the colour code carefully on all electrical wiring. ▶ system segregowania wykorzystujący kolory
începe să înveți
2 person belonging to a race that does not have white skin ▶ (osoba) innej rasy niż biała To słowo jest obecnie uważane za obraźliwe. Powinno się używać określenia black, Asian 3(Coloured) (in South Africa) having parents who are of different races
1 having colour or a particular colour She always writes letters on coloured paper. brightly coloured lights a coffee-coloured dress sukienka w kolorze kawowym ▶ kolorowy barwny
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1 with bright colours; full of colour Gary wore a colourful shirt. ▶ barwny kolorowy 2 full of interest or excitement a colourful story He has a rather colourful past (bujną przeszłość). ▶ barwny
barwnik, farbka
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[countable, uncountable] a substance that is used to give a particular colour to sth, especially food ▶ barwnik farbka 2[uncountable] the colour of a person’s hair, skin, etc. to have fair/dark colouring ▶ karnacja kolor (np. włosów)
începe să înveți
1 without any colour a colourless liquid, like water ▶ bezbarwny 2 not interesting or exciting a colourless description ▶ bezbarwny nudny  SYNONYM  dull
tonacja kolorystyczna
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color scheme
noun [countable] the way in which colours are arranged, especially in a room ▶ tonacja kolorystyczna
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colt /kəʊlt; US / noun [countable] a young male horse ▶ źrebak
începe să înveți
one of the vertical sections into which a printed page, especially in a newspaper, is divided a column of text kolumna 4 a piece of writing in a magazine that is part of a regular series or written by the same writer the travel/gossip column ▶ felieton
1 a tall solid vertical post made of stone, supporting or decorating a building or standing alone Nelson’s Column is a monument in London. ▶ kolumna filar słup 2 something that has the shape of a column a column of smoke ▶ kolumna słup
începe să înveți
columnist /ˈkɒləmnɪst; US / noun [countable] a journalist who writes regular articles in a newspaper or magazine a gossip columnist a political columnist ▶ felietonist(k)a
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a deep unconscious state, often lasting for a long time and caused by serious illness or injury to go into/be in a coma ▶ śpiączka
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1 a flat piece of metal or plastic with teeth that you use for making your hair tidy ▶ grzebień 2[usually sing.] an act of combing the hair Give your hair a comb (uczesz się) before you go out. ▶ czesanie (się)
începe să înveți
to comb
1 to make your hair tidy using a comb ▶ czesać 2comb sth (for sb/sth) to search an area carefully Police are combing the woodland for the murder weapon. ▶ przeczesywać
începe să înveți
a fight, especially in war unarmed combat walka wręcz He got a medal for bravery in combat. ▶ walka
începe să înveți
to combat
to fight against sth; to try to stop or defeat sth to combat terrorism new medicines to combat heart disease ▶ walczyć przeciw czemuś zwalczać
osoba walcząca
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a person who takes part in fighting, especially in war ▶ osoba walcząca/wojująca
începe să înveți
combative /ˈkɒmbətɪv; US / adj. ready and willing to fight or argue in a combative mood/spirit ▶ wojowniczy napastliwy
połączenie, kombinacja
începe să înveți
combination, combination
On this course, you may study French in combination with Spanish or Italian. He left the job for a combination of reasons. Odszedł z pracy z wielu różnych powodów. ▶ połączenie kombinacja
a number of people or things mixed or joined together; a mixture The team manager still hasn’t found the right combination of players.
zamek szyfrowy
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combination lock
a type of lock which can only be opened by using a particular series of numbers or letters ▶ zamek szyfrowy
începe să înveți
2[transitive] combine A and/with B to do or have two or more things at the same time This car combines speed and reliability. to combine business with pleasure łączyć przyjemne z pożytecznym ▶ łączyć
1[intransitive, transitive] combine (sth) (with sb/sth) to join or mix two or more things together The two organizations combined to form one company. Bad planning, combined with bad luck, led to the company’s collapse. ▶ łączyć (się)
începe să înveți
I use that room as a spare bedroom and office combined (jako pokoju gościnnego oraz biura). ▶ połączony
done by a number of people joining together, resulting from the joining of two or more things The combined efforts of the emergency services prevented a major disaster.
începe să înveți
combine harvester /ˌkɒmbaɪn ˈhɑ: vɪstə(r); US / (also combine) noun [countable] a large farm machine that both cuts a crop and separates the grain from the rest of the plant ▶ kombajn
începe să înveți
combustible /kəmˈbʌstəbl; US / adj. able to begin burning easily combustible material/gases ▶ łatwopalny
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combustion /kəmˈbʌstʃən; US / noun [uncountable] the process of burning an internal combustion engine silnik spalinowy ▶ spalanie
przychodzić, przyjeżdżać
începe să înveți
come and come
come (to.) to arrive somewhere or reach a particular place/time What time are you coming home? The time has come to say goodbye. Has the newspaper come yet? Her hair comes down to her waist. The water in the pool came up to our knees ▶ przychodzić
1 to move to or towards the person who is speaking or the place that sb is talking about Come here, please. Come and see what I’ve found. I hope you can come to my party. The children came running (przybiegły) into the room. ▶ przychodzić
przychodzić, nadchodzić
începe să înveți
come, come
to be in a particular position in a series March comes after February. I can’t wait to find out what comes next in the story. Charlie came second (był drugi) in the exam. ▶ zajmować określoną pozycję przychodzić nadchodzić następować
być dostępnym
începe să înveți
come in sth
6 to become open or loose Her hair has come untied (rozwiązały się). Your blouse has come undone. Rozpięła ci się bluzka.
4come in sth to be available This blouse comes in a choice of four colours. Do these trousers come in a larger size? ▶ być dostępnym to be produced by or from sth Wool comes from sheep. ▶ pochodzić z/od czegoś
dochodzić do czegoś
începe să înveți
come to something
come to/into sth to reach a particular state The military government came to power (doszedł do władzy) in a coup d’état. We were all sorry when the holiday came to an end (skończyły się). ▶ dochodzić do czegoś
przychodzić i odchodzić
începe să înveți
come and go
come and go to be present for a short time and then go away The pain in my ear comes and goes (raz jest, raz go nie ma). ▶ przychodzić i odchodzić
łatwo przychodzić
începe să înveți
come easily
come easily, naturally, etc. to sb to be easy, natural, etc. for sb to do Apologizing does not come easily to her. ▶ łatwo przychodzić (komuś)
nie udać się
începe să înveți
come to nothing
come to nothing; not come to anything to fail; to not be successful Unfortunately, all his efforts came to nothing. ▶ spełznąć na niczym nie udać się
mimo wszystko
începe să înveți
come what may
come what may in spite of any problems or difficulties you may have ▶ mimo wszystko
w przyszłości
începe să înveți
to come [used after a noun]
to come [used after a noun] in the future You’ll regret it in years to come. ▶ w przyszłości
gdy chodzi o
începe să înveți
when it comes to
when it comes to sth/to doing sth when it is a question of sth When it comes to value for money, these prices are hard to beat. ▶ gdy chodzi o coś/to
zdarzać się
începe să înveți
come about
come about to happen How did this situation come about? ▶ zdarzać się dochodzić
sprawiać wrażenie
începe să înveți
come across
come across/over (as sth) to make an impression of a particular type Elizabeth comes across as being rather shy. ▶ sprawiać wrażenie
napotykać kogoś/coś
începe să înveți
come across sb/sth
come across sb/sth to meet or find sb/sth by chance I came across this book in a second-hand shop. ▶ natykać się na kogoś/coś napotykać kogoś/coś
pojawiać się
începe să înveți
come along
come along 1 to arrive or appear An old man was coming along the road. ▶ pojawiać się zbliżać się (np. ulicą)
rozpadać się
începe să înveți
come apart
come apart to break into pieces This old coat is coming apart at the seams. ▶ rozpadać się pruć się
odpadać, odrywać się
începe să înveți
come away
come away (from sth) to become separated from sth The wallpaper is coming away from the wall in the corner. ▶ odpadać odrywać się
odchodzić/odjeżdżać (z określonymi wrażeniami)
începe să înveți
come away with sth
to leave a place with a particular opinion or feeling We came away with a very favourable impression of Cambridge. ▶ odchodzić/odjeżdżać (z określonymi wrażeniami)
începe să înveți
come back
come back (to sb) to be remembered When I went to Italy again, my Italian started to come back to me. ▶ wracać przypominać się
to return I don’t know what time I’ll be coming back. ▶ wracać 2 to become popular or fashionable again Flared trousers are coming back again. ▶ wracać
mieć pierszeństwo
începe să înveți
come before sb
come before sb/sth to be more important than sb/sth else Mark feels his family comes before his career. ▶ mieć pierwszeństwo być ważniejszym od czegoś
poróżnić kogoś z kimś
începe să înveți
come between sb and sb
to damage the relationship between two people Arguments over money came between the two brothers.
zdobywa coś
începe să înveți
come by sth
to manage to get sth Fresh vegetables are hard to come by in the winter.
walić się runąć
începe să înveți
come down
3 (used about prices) to become lower The price of land has come down in the past year. ▶ (ceny) obniżać się
1 to fall down The power lines came down in the storm. ▶ walić się runąć 2 (used about an aircraft, etc.) to land The helicopter came down in a field. ▶ lądować
sprowadzać się do czegoś
începe să înveți
come down to sth/to doing sth (informal)
to be able to be explained by a single important point It all comes down to having the right qualifications.
zachorować na coś, złapać coś (np. grypę)
începe să înveți
come down with sth
to become ill with sth I think I’m coming down with flu (bierze mnie grypa).
przychodzić z pomocą
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come forward
to offer help The police are asking witnesses to come forward. Policja prosi świadków o pomoc w dochodzeniu.
pochodzić skądś/z jakiegoś miejsca
începe să înveți
come from somewhere / somewhere
to live in or have been born in a place Where do you come from originally?
wynikać z czegoś być rezultatem czegoś
începe să înveți
come from (doing) sth
to be the result of sth ‘ I’m tired.’ ‘ That comes from all the late nights you’ve had.’
wchodzić, przyjąć się
începe să înveți
come in
3 to become popular or fashionable Punk fashions came in in the seventies. ▶ (moda itp.) przyjąć się 4 (used about news or information) to be received Reports are coming in of fighting in Beirut. ▶ (wiadomości) przychodzić nadchodzić
1 to enter a place Come in and sit down. ▶ wchodzić (do środka) 2 (used about the tides) to move towards the land and cover the beach The tide is coming in. Nadchodzi przypływ. ⇨ look at tide
być poddanym czemuś spotykać się (np. z ostrą krytyką)
începe să înveți
come in for sth
to receive sth, especially sth unpleasant The government came in for a lot of criticism.
wynikać z czegoś siłą rzeczy
începe să înveți
come of sth/ of doing sth
to be the result of sth We’ve written to several companies asking for help but nothing has come of it (nic z tego nie wyszło) yet.
być ruchomym, zdejmowalnym
începe să înveți
to come off
3[before an adverb] (informal) to be in a good, bad, etc. situation as a result of sth Unfortunately, Dennis came off worst in the fight. ▶ wychodzić na czymś (dobrze lub źle)
to be able to be removed Does the hood come off? ▶ być ruchomym dawać się zdejmować 2(informal) to be successful The deal seems unlikely to come off. ▶ udawać się wychodzić
spadać, odpadać z czegoś
începe să înveți
come off sth
come off (sth) 1 to fall off sth Kim came off her bicycle and broke her leg. ▶ spadać (z czegoś) 2 to become removed from sth One of the legs has come off this table. ▶ odpadać/odlatywać (z czegoś)

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