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encore1 /ˈɒŋkɔ:(r); US / noun [countable] a short, extra performance at the end of a concert, etc. ▶ bis encore2 /ˈɒŋkɔ:(r); US / interj. called out by an audience that wants the people who perform in a concert, etc. to sing or play sth extra ▶ bis!
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2(formal) to meet sb unexpectedly; to experience or find sth unusual or new She was the most remarkable woman he had ever encountered. ▶ niespodziewanie spotykać kogoś/się z czymś doświadczać natykać się na kogoś napotykać ⇨ look at come encounter1 /ɪnˈkaʊntə(r); US / verb [transitive] 1 to experience sth (a danger, difficulty, etc.) I’ve never encountered any discrimination at work. ▶ doświadczać spotykać (się) (z czymś) SYNONYM meet with sth
nieoczekiwane i nieprzyjemne spotkanie începe să înveți
encounter2 /ɪnˈkaʊntə(r)/ [co] an encounter (with sb/sth); an encounter (between A and B) an unexpected (often unpleasant) meeting or event I’ve had a number of close encounters with bad drivers. ▶ nieoczekiwanie i nieprzyjemne spotkani zetknięcie się
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Zwróć uwagę, że mówi się discourage sb from doing sth: The teacher discouraged her students from asking questions. 2 to make sth happen more easily The government wants to encourage new businesses. 1encourage sb/sth (in sth/to do sth) to give hope, support or confidence to sb The teacher encouraged her students to ask questions. His friends encouraged him in his attempt to stop smoking. ▶ zachęcać popierać
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encouraging, encouragement □ encouragement /; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ zachęta poparcie —encouraging /; US / adj. ▶ zachęcający
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□ encryption /ɪnˈkrɪpʃn; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ szyfrowanie kodowanie encrypt /ɪnˈkrɪpt; US / verb [transitive] to put information into a special code, especially in order to prevent people from looking at it without authority ▶ szyfrować kodować
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a book or set of books that gives information about very many subjects, arranged in the order of the alphabet (= from A to Z); a similar collection of information on a CD-ROM ▶ encyklopedia ⇨ note at book encyclopedia (also encyclopaedia) /ɪnˌsaɪkləˈpi: diə; US / noun [countable] (pl. encyclopedias)
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3 a little piece of sth that is left after the rest has been used a cigarette end niedopałek papierosa ▶ końcówka resztka pet 1 the furthest or final part of sth; the place or time where sth stops My house is at the end of the street. I live in the end house (w ostatnim domu). the end seat ostatnie miejsce (z tyłu autobusu itp.) There are some seats at the far end of the room.
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end (in/with sth) ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW (to cause sth) to finish The road ends here. How does this story end? The match ended in a draw.
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endanger /ɪnˈdeɪndʒə(r); US / verb [transitive] to cause danger to sb/sth Smoking seriously endangers your health. ▶ zagrażać narażać na niebezpieczeństwo
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endangered /ɪnˈdeɪndʒəd; US / adj. (used about animals, plants, etc.) in danger of becoming extinct The giant panda is an endangered species. ▶ zagrożony wyginięciem ⇨ note at environment
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□ endeavour noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ usiłowanie staranie wysiłek zabiegi próba endeavour (US endeavor) /ɪnˈdevə(r); US / verb [intransitive] (formal) endeavour (to do sth) to try hard She endeavoured to finish her work on time. ▶ usiłować starać się próbować
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endemic /enˈdemɪk; US / adj. endemic (in/to...) regularly found in a particular place or among a particular group of people and difficult to get rid of Malaria is endemic in many hot countries. the endemic problem of racism ▶ endemiczny
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2 the last part of a word, which can change When nouns end in -ch or -sh or -x, the plural ending is -es not -s. ▶ końcówka ending /ˈendɪŋ; US / noun [countable] 1 the end (of a story, play, film, etc.) That film made me cry but I was pleased that it had a happy ending. ▶ zakończenie koniec
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2 lasting for a long time and seeming to have no end Our plane was delayed for hours and the wait seemed endless (zdawało się, że oczekiwanie nie ma końca). ▶ nie kończący się bez końca nieustający ciągły endless /ˈendləs; US / adj. 1 very large in size or amount and seeming to have no end The possibilities are endless. ▶ nieograniczony
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□ endlessly /; US / adv. ▶ ciągle nieustannie bez końca nieustająco
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endocrine /ˈendəʊkrɪn; -kraɪn; US ˈendəkrɪn / adj. connected with glands that put hormones and other products directly into the blood the endocrine system ▶ (med.) dokrewny wewnątrzwydzielniczy
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endocrinology /ˌendəʊkrɪˈnɒlədʒi; US -krəˈn- / noun [uncountable] the part of medicine concerning theendocrine system and hormones ▶ endokrynologia □ endocrinologist /-dʒɪst; US / noun [countable] ▶ endokrynolog
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2[usu. passive] (Brit.) to add a note to sb’s driving licence to say that the driver has broken the law ▶ umieszczać w prawie jazdy adnotację o popełnieniu wykroczenia 3 to write your name on the back of the cheque ▶ podpisywać się na odwrocie czeku endorse /ɪnˈdɔ: s; US / verb [transitive] 1 to say publicly that you give official support or agreement to a plan, statement, decision, etc. Members of all parties endorsed a ban on firearms. ▶ popierać
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□ endorsement /; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ potwierdzenie adnotacja w prawie jazdy o popełnieniu wykroczenia aprobata
wytrzymałość, cierpliwość începe să înveți
endurance /ɪnˈdjʊərəns; US -ˈdʊr- / noun [uncountable] the ability to continue doing sth painful or difficult for a long period of time without complaining You need endurance to play a four-hour match. ▶ wytrzymałość cierpliwość
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2[intransitive] to continue ▶ trwać SYNONYM last □ enduring /; US / adj. ▶ trwały stały endure /ɪnˈdjʊə(r); US -ˈdʊr / verb (formal) 1[transitive] to suffer sth painful or uncomfortable, usually without complaining She endured ten years of loneliness. ▶ cierpieć znosić przetrzymywać
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2(the enemy) [sing., with sing. or pl. verb] the army or country that your country is fighting against The enemy is/are approaching. enemy forces ▶ wróg nieprzyjaciel przeciwnik 1[countable] a person who hates and tries to harm you They used to be friends but became bitter enemies. He has made several enemies during his career. ▶ wróg nieprzyjaciel przeciwnik ⇨ look at enmity
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energetic /ˌenəˈdʒetɪk; US / adj. full of or needing energy and enthusiasm Jogging is a very energetic form of exercise. ▶ pełny/wymagający energii energiczny □ energetically /-kli; US / adv. ▶ energicznie z (dużą) energią
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energize (also energise) /ˈenədʒaɪz; US / verb [transitive] 1 to make sb enthusiastic about sth ▶ rozbudzać czyjś entuzjazm 2 to give sb more energy, strength, etc. a refreshing and energizing fruit drink ▶ pobudzać wzmacniać
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2(energies) [pl.] the effort and attention that you give to doing sth She devoted her energies to helping others. ▶ energia siły wysiłki moc the power that comes from coal, electricity, gas, etc nuclear energy ▶ energia energy /ˈenədʒi/ noun (pl. energies) 1[uncountable] the ability to be very active or do a lot of work without getting tired Children are usually full of energy. This flu has left me with no energy at all. ▶ energia siła
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□ enforced /; US / adj. enforced redundancies ▶ wymuszony przymusowy —enforcement /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ egzekwowanie narzucanie wprowadzanie w życie enforce /ɪnˈfɔ: s; US / verb [transitive] to make people obey a law or rule or do sth that they do not want to How will they enforce the new law? Enforcing discipline by using threats is not often successful. ▶ egzekwować wprowadzać w życi wymuszać
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2[transitive] engage sb (as sth) to give work to sb They engaged him as a cook. ▶ zatrudniać engage /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ; US / verb (formal) 1[transitive] to interest or attract sb You need to engage the students’ attention right from the start. ▶ zajmować angażować przykuwać (uwagę)
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2engaged (to sb) having agreed to get married Susan is engaged to Jim. We’ve just got engaged. Właśnie się zaręczyliśmy. ▶ zaręczony 3(especially US busy) (used about a telephone) in use I can’t get through – the line is engaged. ▶ zajęty engaged /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd/ adj. 1 (formal) engaged (in/on sth) (used about a person) busy doing sth I’m afraid I can’t come. I’m otherwise engaged (mam inne zobowiązania). They are engaged in talks (prowadzą rozmowy) with the Irish government. ▶ zajęty
umówione spotkanie, zaręczyny începe să înveți
2(formal) an arrangement to go somewhere or do sth at a fixed time I can’t come on Tuesday as I have a prior engagement. ▶ umówione spotkanie zajęcie engagement /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmənt; US / noun [countable] 1 an agreement to get married; the time when you are engaged Their engagement was announced in the paper. He broke off their engagement. ▶ zaręczyny narzeczeństwo
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enˈgagement ring noun [countable] a ring, usually with precious stones in it, that a man gives to a woman when they agree to get married ▶ pierścionek zaręczynowy
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engender /ɪnˈdʒendə(r); US / verb [transitive] (formal) to make a feeling or situation exist The issue engendered controversy. problems engendered (spowodowane) by the restructuring of the company ▶ rodzić być źródłem
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2 (also locomotive /ˌləʊkəˈməʊtɪv; US /) a vehicle that pulls a railway train ▶ lokomotywa parowóz engine /ˈendʒɪn; US / noun [countable] 1 the part of a vehicle that produces power to make the vehicle move This engine runs on diesel. a car/jet engine ▶ silnik motor ⇨ note at motor
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ˈengine driver (also ˈtrain driver; US engineer) noun [countable] a person whose job is to drive a railway engine ▶ maszynista
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engineer /ˌendʒɪˈnɪə(r)/ noun [c] 1 a person whose job is to design, build or repair engines, machines, etc. a chemical/electrical/mechanical engineer inżynier chemik/elektryk/mechanik a civil engineer inżynier budownictwa wodno-lądowego ▶ inżynier
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engineering /ˌendʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ; US / noun [uncountable] (the study of) the work that is done by an engineer mechanical/civil/chemical engineering a degree in engineering ▶ inżynieria technika mechanika
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2(the English) [pl.] the people of England ▶ Anglicy English1 /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ; US / noun 1 [uncountable] the language that is spoken in Britain, the US, Australia, etc. Do you speak English? I’ve been learning English for 5 years. I am studying English at Warsaw University ▶ język angielski
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engrave /ɪnˈɡreɪv; US / verb [transitive] engrave B on A; engrave A with B to cut words or designs on metal, stone, etc. His name is engraved on the cup. The cup is engraved with his name. ▶ grawerować wy/ryć
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engraving /ɪnˈɡreɪvɪŋ; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a design that is cut into a piece of metal or stone; a picture made from this ▶ grawiura rycina sztych
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□ engrossing /ɪnˈɡrəʊsɪŋ; US / adj. an engrossing problem ▶ absorbujący engross /ɪnˈɡrəʊs; US / verb [transitive] if sthengrosses you, it is so interesting that you give it all your attention and time As the business grew, it totally engrossed him. ▶ pochłaniać absorbować
pochłąniety, zaabsorbowany începe să înveți
engrossed /ɪnˈɡrəʊst; US / adj. engrossed (in/with sth) so interested in sth that you give it all your attention She was completely engrossed in her book. ▶ pochłonięty zaabsorbowany zajęty
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enhance /ɪnˈhɑ: ns; US -ˈhæns / verb [transitive] (formal) to improve sth or to make sth look better ▶ polepszać udoskonalać uwydatniać uwypuklać wzbogacać
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enigma /ɪˈnɪɡmə; US / noun [countable] (pl. enigmas) a person, thing or situation that is difficult to understand ▶ enigma zagadka □ enigmatic /ˌenɪɡˈmætɪk; US / adj. ▶ enigmatyczny zagadkowy
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2enjoy yourself to be happy; to have a good time I enjoyed myself at the party last night. ▶ dobrze się bawić miło spędzać czas enjoy /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ; US / verb [transitive] 1enjoy sth/enjoy doing sth to get pleasure from sth I really enjoyed that meal. Do you enjoy your work? He enjoys listening to music while he’s driving. ▶ lubić znajdować przyjemność podobać się smakować
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enjoyable /ɪnˈdʒɔɪəbl; US / adj. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW giving pleasure We spent an enjoyable few days in Scotland. ▶ przyjemny miły
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enjoyment /ɪnˈdʒɔɪmənt; US / noun [uncountable, countable] pleasure or a thing which gives pleasure She gets a lot of enjoyment from teaching. One of her main enjoyments is foreign travel. ▶ przyjemność zadowolenie uciecha
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enlarge /ɪnˈlɑ: dʒ; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to make sth bigger or to become bigger I’m going to have this photo enlarged. ▶ powiększać (się) rozszerzać (się) enlarge on sth to say or write more about sth ▶ rozwijać (temat, myśl)
powiększenie, rozszerzenie începe să înveți
enlargement /ɪnˈlɑ: dʒmənt; US / noun [uncountable, countable] making sth bigger or sth that has been made bigger an enlargement of a photo ▶ powiększenie rozszerzenie SYNONYM reduction
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enlighten /ɪnˈlaɪtn; US / verb [transitive] (formal) to give sb information so that they understand sth better ▶ oświecać objaśniać
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enlightened /ɪnˈlaɪtnd; US / adj. having an understanding of people’s needs, a situation, etc. that shows a modern attitude to life ▶ (osoba) światły (sytuacja) nowoczesny oświecony
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2[intransitive, transitive] to join the army, navy or air force; to make sb a member of the army, etc. They enlisted as soon as war was declared. ▶ wstępować do wojska werbować enlist /ɪnˈlɪst; US / verb 1 [transitive] to get help, support, etc. We need to enlist your support. ▶ uzyskiwać zjednywać (poparcie)
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en masse /ˌɒ͂ ˈmæs; US / adv. all together, and usually in large numbers The young folk were emigrating en masse. ▶ masowo
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enmity /ˈenməti; US / noun [uncountable] the feeling of hatred towards an enemy ▶ wrogość nienawiść
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enormous /ɪˈnɔ: məs; US / adj. very big or very great an enormous building enormous pleasure There is an enormous amount of work involved in this. ▶ ogromny olbrzymi SYNONYM huge □ enormously /; US / adv. ▶ ogromnie wielce
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2 as much or as many as you want I’ve had enough of living in a city. Don’t give me any more books. I’ve got quite enough already. ▶ dosyć wystarczająco dużo dostatecznie dużo enough1 /ɪˈnʌf; US / determiner, pron. Not everybody can have a book – there aren’t enough. Are there enough chairs? If enough of you are interested, we’ll arrange a trip to the theatre. ▶ wystarczająca (ilość/liczba) wystarczająco dużo dosyć
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2 quite, but not very She plays well enough, for a beginner. ▶ dosyć całkiem dość enough2 /ɪˈnʌf; US / adv. [used after verbs, adjectives and adverbs] 1 to the necessary amount or degree You don’t practise enough. He’s not old enough to travel alone. Does she speak Italian well enough to get the job? ▶ dostatecznie wystarczająco
pytać, dowiadywać się o coś începe să înveți
We need to enquire about hotels in Vienna. ‘ Do they take travellers’ cheques here?’ ‘ I don’t know. I’ll enquire.’ ▶ pytać (się) dowiadywać się informować się enquire (also inquire) /ɪnˈkwaɪə(r)/ verb [intransitive, transitive] (formal) enquire (about sb/sth) to ask for information about sth Could you enquire when the trains to Cork leave?
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2 asking for information He gave me an enquiring look. ▶ badawczy □ enquiringly /; US / (also inquiringly) adv. ▶ pytająco badawczo enquiring (also inquiring) /ɪnˈkwaɪərɪŋ/ adj. 1 interested in learning new things We should encourage children to have enquiring minds. ▶ dociekliwy wnikliwy
zapytanie, zasięganie informacji începe să înveți
2[uc] After enquiry he finally found what he was looking for. ▶ dowiadywanie się zapytanie 3[c] an enquiry (into sth) a official process to find out the cause of sth After the accident there was an enquiry into safety procedures. ▶ dochodzenie enquiry (also inquiry) /ɪnˈkwaɪəri/ (pl. enquiries) 1[countable] (formal) an enquiry (about/concerning/into sb/sth) a question that you ask about sth I’ll make some enquiries into (zasięgnę informacjit) English language courses. prośba o informację
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enrage /ɪnˈreɪdʒ; US / verb [transitive] (formal) to make sb very angry ▶ rozwścieczyć rozzłościć doprowadzać do wściekłości
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2 to make sb/sth rich or richer ▶ wzbogacać polepszać (np. jakość) OPPOSITE impoverish □ enrichment /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ wzbogacenie enrich /ɪnˈrɪtʃ; US / verb [transitive] 1 to improve the quality, flavour, etc. of sth These cornflakes are enriched with vitamins. ▶ wzbogacać
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They enrolled 100 new students last year. I’ve enrolled in my local swimming class. ▶ zapisywać (się) zapisać się na listę enrol (US enroll) /ɪnˈrəʊl; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] (enrolling; enrolled) to become or to make sb a member of a club, school, etc.: (Brit.) I’ve enrolled on an Italian course. • (US) to enrol in a course
zapisy na coś, zgłoszenia începe să înveți
□ enrolment /; US / (US enrollment) noun [uncountable] Enrolment for the course will take place next week. ▶ zapisy (na coś/do czegoś) zgłoszenia
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□ enslavement /; US / noun [uncountable] In the US the enslavement of Africans and their descendants continued well into the second half of the 19th century. the enslavement of man by technology ▶ uczynienienie kogoś niewolnikiem zniewolenie enslave /ɪnˈsleɪv; US / verb [transitive, usually passive] to make sb a slave ▶ czynić kogoś niewolnikiem zniewalać
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ensure (US insure) /ɪnˈʃʊə(r) -ˈʃɔ:(r) / verb [transitive] to make sure that sth happens or is definite Please ensure that the door is locked before you leave. Zanim wyjdziesz, upewnij się, czy drzwi są zamknięte na klucz. ▶ zapewniać gwarantować
wymagać, pociągać za sobą începe să înveți
entail /ɪnˈteɪl; US / verb [transitive] (formal) to make sth necessary; to involve sth This is going to entail a lot of hard work. The job sounds interesting but I’m not sure what it entails. ▶ pociągać za sobą wymagać
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I’ve got myself entangled (uwikłałem się) in some financial problems. ▶ zaplątany uwikłany wplątywać entangled /ɪnˈtæŋɡld/ adj. caught in sth else The bird was entangled in the net. • (figurative) She didn’t want to get emotionally entangled with him. Nie chciała się z nim wiązać emocjonalnie.
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2[transitive] to become a member of sth, especially a profession or an institution She entered the legal profession in 1998. to enter school/college/university ▶ wstępować (do czegoś) rozpoczynać działalność obierać (zawód) enter /ˈentə(r); US / verb 1[intransitive, transitive] (formal) to come or go into a place Don’t enter without knocking. They all stood up when he entered the room. ▶ wchodzić (do czegoś) wkraczać
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enterprise /ˈentəpraɪz/ noun 1 [c] a company or business a new industrial enterprise ▶ przedsiębiorstwo firma 2[countable] a large project, especially one that is difficult It’s a very exciting new enterprise. ▶ przedsięwzięcie inicjatywa
przedsiębiorczy, z inicjatywą începe să înveți
enterprising, with initiative enterprising /ˈentəpraɪzɪŋ/ adj. having or showing the ability to think of new projects or new ways of doing things and make them successful One enterprising farmer opened up his field as a car park ▶ przedsiębiorczy z inicjatywą
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2[transitive] entertain (sb) (with sth) to interest and amuse sb in order to please them He entertained us with jokes all evening. I find it very hard to keep my class entertained on a Friday afternoon. ▶ bawić zabawiać entertain /ˌentəˈteɪn; US / verb 1[intransitive, transitive] to welcome sb as a guest, especially to your home; to give sb food and drink They entertain a lot. They do a lot of entertaining. ▶ podejmować gości ugaszczać
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entertainer /ˌentəˈteɪnə(r); US / noun [countable] a person whose job is to amuse people, for example by singing, dancing or telling jokes a street entertainer ▶ osoba zawodowo zajmująca się rozrywką konferansjer
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entertaining /ˌentəˈteɪnɪŋ; US / adj. interesting and amusing ▶ rozrywkowy zabawny
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There isn’t much entertainment for young people in this town. There’s a full programme of entertainments every evening. Entertainments Guide dział w gazecie informujący o programach kin, teatrów itp. ▶ rozrywka entertainment /ˌentəˈteɪnmənt; US / noun [uncountable, countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW film, music, etc. used to interest and amuse people
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□ enthronement /; US / noun [uncountable, countable] ▶ intronizacja enthrone /ɪnˈɵrəʊn; US / verb [transitive, usually passive] when a king, queen is enthroned, they sit on a throne in a ceremony to mark the beginning of their rule The painting depicts the enthroned (siedzącą na tronie) Madonna ▶ intronizować
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2[transitive, usually passive] enthuse sb (with sth) to make sb feel very interested and excited Everyone present was enthused by the idea. ▶ zarażać kogoś entuzjazmem enthuse /ɪnˈɵju: z; US -ɵu: z / verb 1 enthuse (about/over sth/sb) [intransitive, transitive] The article enthused about the benefits that the new system would bring. ‘ It’s a wonderful idea’, he enthused. ▶ entuzjazmować się zachwycać się
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There wasn’t much enthusiasm (nie wywołało to większego entuzjazmu) when I mentioned the trip to the museum. ▶ entuzjazm zapał enthusiasm /ɪnˈɵju: ziæzəm; US -ˈɵu:- / noun [uncountable] enthusiasm (for/about sth/doing sth a strong feeling of excitement or interest in sth and a desire to become involved in it Jan showed great enthusiasm for the new project.
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enthusiast /ɪnˈɵju: ziæst; US -ˈɵu:- / noun [countable] a person who is very interested in an activity or subject She is a jazz enthusiast. ▶ entuzjast(k)a wielbiciel/ka
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enthusiastic /ɪnˌɵju: ziˈæstɪk; US -ˌɵu:- / adj. enthusiastic (about sth/doing sth) full of excitement and interest in sth ▶ entuzjastyczny pełen zapału □ enthusiastically /-kli; US / adv ▶ entuzjastycznie z zapałem
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□ enticement /; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ pokusa powab przynęta entice /ɪnˈtaɪs; US / verb [transitive] entice sb (into sth/doing sth) to persuade sb to do sth or to go somewhere by offering them sth nice Advertisements try to entice people into buying more things than they need. ▶ kusić wabić mamić nęcić
începe să înveți
enticing /ɪnˈtaɪsɪŋ; US / adj. attractive and interesting ▶ kuszący ponętny powabny atrakcyjny
începe să înveți
entire /ɪnˈtaɪə(r); US / adj. [only before a noun] whole or complete He managed to read the entire book in two days. We invited the entire village to the party. ▶ cały całkowity Słowo entire ma mocniejszy wydźwięk niż whole.
începe să înveți
entirely /; US / adv. I entirely agree with Michael. ▶ całkowicie kompletnie zupełnie —entirety /ɪnˈtaɪərəti; US / noun [uncountable] We must consider the problem in its entirely (we wszystkich aspektach). ▶ całość
începe să înveți
entitle /ɪnˈtaɪtl; US / verb [transitive, usually passive] entitle sb (to sth) to give sb the right to have or do sth I think I’m entitled (mam prawo) to a day’s holiday – I’ve worked hard enough. ▶ uprawniać upoważniać
zatytułowany, pod tytułem începe să înveți
entitled /ɪnˈtaɪtld; US / adj. (used about books, plays, etc.) with the title Duncan’s first book was entitled ‘ Aquarium’. ▶ zatytułowany pod tytułem
prawo do czegoś, upoważnienie începe să înveți
2[countable] something that you have an official right to; the amount that you have the right to receive Your contributions will affect your pension entitlements. ▶ uprawnienie entitlement /ɪnˈtaɪtlmənt; US / noun (formal) 1[uncountable] entitlement (to sth) the official right to have or do sth This may affect your entitlement to compensation. ▶ prawo do czegoś