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□ glandular /ˈɡlændjʊlə(r); US -dʒə- / adj. ▶ gruczołowy
gland /ɡlænd; US / noun [countable] any of the organs inside your body that produce chemical substances for your body to use sweat glands the poison glands of a snake swollen glands powiększone węzły chłonne ▶ gruczoł
patrzyć ze złością na kogoś
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glare at sb
2 to shine with strong light that hurts your eyes ▶ świecić (oślepiającym blaskiem)
glare1 /ɡleə(r); US / verb [i] 1glare (at sb/sth) to look at sb in a very angry way They stood glaring at each other (mierząc się wzrokiem). ▶ patrzeć ze złością na kogoś przeszywać (kogoś) wzrokiem
oślepiający blask, spojrzenie gniewu
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2[countable] a very angry look ▶ spojrzenie pełne gniewu/nienawiści itp.
glare2 /ɡleə(r); US / noun 1 [uncountable] strong light that hurts your eyes the glare of the sun/a car’s headlights They got married in secret, away from the glare of publicity. ▶ oślepiający blask
rażący, jaskrawy
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□ glaringly /; US / adv. a glaringly obvious mistake ▶ rażąco jaskrawo
glaring /ˈɡleərɪŋ; US / adj. 1 very easy to see; shocking a glaring mistake/injustice ▶ rażący jaskrawy 2 (used about a light) too strong and bright ▶ oślepiający rażący (blaskiem) 3 angry glaring eyes piorunujący wzrok ▶ wściekły
szkło, szklanka
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glass, glass
2 [c] a drinking container made of glass; the amount of liquid it contains a wine glass a brandy glass Could I have a glass of water, please? ▶ szklanka kieliszek 3(also glassware) [u] a collection of objects made of glass ▶ szkło (np. stołowe)
glass /ɡlɑ: s; US ɡlæs / noun 1 [uncountable] a hard substance that you can usually see through that is used for making windows, bottles, etc. He cut himself on broken glass. a sheet/pane of glass szyba a glass jar/dish/vase ▶ szkło szklany
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My sister has to wear glasses. I need a new pair of glasses./I need some new glasses. reading glasses okulary do czytania dark glasses/sunglasses okulary przeciwsłoneczne ▶ okulary
glasses /ˈɡlɑ: sɪz; US ˈɡlæsɪz / (also spectacles /ˈspektəklz; US / (informal specs /speks; US /US also eyeglasses /ˈaɪɡlɑ: sɪz; US /) noun [pl.] two lenses in a frame that a person wears in front of their eyes in order to be able to see better
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glasshouse /ˈɡlɑ: shaʊs; US ˈɡlæs- / noun [countable] a building with glass sides and a glass roof, for growing plants in ▶ szklarnia
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glassware /ˈɡlɑ: sweə(r); US ˈɡlæs- / noun [uncountable] objects made of glass ▶ szkło
szklisty, przezroczysty
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glassy /ˈɡlɑ: si; US ˈɡlæ- / adj. (glassier; glassiest) 1 looking like glass a glassy lake ▶ szklisty przezroczysty 2 (used about the eyes) showing no interest or expression a glassy stare ▶ szklany szklisty
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2glaze sth (with sth) to cover a pot, brick, pie, etc. with a shiny transparent substance (before it is put into an oven) Glaze (posmarować) the pie with beaten egg. ▶ emaliować lukrować
glaze1 /ɡleɪz; US / verb [transitive] 1 to fit a sheet of glass into a window, etc. ▶ szklić ⇨ look at double glazing
emalia, glazura, szkliwo
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glaze2 /ɡleɪz; US / noun [countable, uncountable] (a substance that gives) a shiny transparent surface on a pot, brick, pie, etc. ▶ polewa emalia lukier
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glazed /ɡleɪzd; US / adj. (used about the eyes, etc.) showing no interest or expression ▶ szklisty
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glazier /ˈɡleɪziə(r); US -ʒər / noun [countable] a person whose job is to fit glass into windows, etc. ▶ szklarz
blask, odblask
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□ gleam verb [intransitive] gleaming white teeth The children’s eyes gleamed with enthusiasm. ▶ połyskiwać błyszczeć
gleam /ɡli: m; US / noun [countable, usually sing.] 1 a soft light that shines for a short time the gleam of moonlight on the water ▶ blask odblask 2 a small amount of sth a faint gleam of hope ▶ przebłysk
radość, wesołość
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□ gleeful /ˈɡli: fl; US / adj. ▶ radosny ucieszony —gleefully /-fəli; US / adv. ▶ radośnie z uciechy
glee /ɡli:; US / noun [uncountable] a feeling of happiness, usually because sth good has happened to you or sth bad has happened to sb else She couldn’t hide her glee when her rival came last in the race. ▶ radość wesołość
sunąć, ślizgać się
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□ gliding /; US / noun [uncountable] I’ve always wanted to go gliding. ▶ szybownictwo ⇨ look at hang-gliding
glide /ɡlaɪd; US / verb [intransitive] 1 to move smoothly without noise or effort The dancers glided across the floor. The yachts went gliding past. ▶ sunąć ślizgać się 2 to fly in a glider ▶ szybować
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glider /ˈɡlaɪdə(r); US / noun [countable] a light aircraft without an engine that flies using air currents ▶ szybowiec ⇨ look at hang-glider
migotanie, przebłysk
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2 a small sign of sth a glimmer of hope ▶ przebłysk □ glimmer verb A candle was glimmering in the corner. ▶ migotać
glimmer /ˈɡlɪmə(r); US / noun [countable] 1 a weak light that is not steady I could see a faint glimmer of light in one of the windows. ▶ migotanie
mignięcie, przelotne spojrzenie
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a glimpse
2a glimpse (into/of sth) a short experience of sth that helps you understand it The programme gives us an interesting glimpse into (w ciekawy sposób przybliża) the life of the cheetah. ▶ pojęcie (o czymś)
glimpse /ɡlɪmps; US / noun [countable] 1a glimpse (at/of sth) a very quick and not complete view of sb/sth I just managed to catch a glimpse of the fox’s tail as it ran down a hole. ▶ przelotne spojrzenie mignięcie
błyskać, skrzyć się
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□ glint noun [countable] the glint of metal in the grass a glint of anger in his eyes ▶ blask błysk
glint /ɡlɪnt; US / verb [intransitive] to shine with small bright flashes of light She thought the diamond was lost until she saw something glinting on the carpet. His eyes glinted at the thought of all that money. ▶ błyskać skrzyć się iskrzyć się
blask, lśnienie
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2 the exciting quality that sth appears to have the glitter of a career in show business ▶ (przen.) blask świetność 3 very small, shiny pieces of thin metal or paper, used as a decoration The children decorated their pictures with glitter. ▶ brokat
glitter /ˈɡlɪtə(r); US / noun [u] 1 a shiny appearance consisting of many small flashes of light the glitter of jewellery ▶ blask lśnienie
skrzyć się
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glittering /ˈɡlɪtərɪŋ; US / adj. 1 very impressive or successful a glittering event/career/performance ▶ błyskotliwy 2 shining brightly with many small flashes of light a glittering Christmas tree ▶ błyszczący skrzący się mieniący się
□ glitter verb [intransitive] The stars glittered in the frosty sky. ▶ skrzyć się lśnić
napawać, rozkoszować się czymś
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□ gloatingly /; US / adv. ▶ chełpliwie
gloat /ɡləʊt; US / verb [i] gloat (about/over sth) to feel or express happiness in an unpleasant way because sth good has happened to you or sth bad has happened to sb else ▶ napawać/rozkoszować się czymś cieszyć się (z cudzego nieszczęścia)
globalny, światowy
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global, global
□ globally /-bəli; US / adv. ▶ ogólnie szeroko (np. rozpowszechniony)
global /ˈɡləʊbl; US / adj. 1 affecting the whole world the global effects of pollution ▶ globalny światowy ogólnoświatowy 2 considering or including all parts We must take a global view of the problem. ▶ globalny całościowy
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the fact that different cultures and economic systems around the world are becoming connected and similar to each other because of the influence of large companies and of improved communication ▶ globalizacja
globalization (also globalisation) /ˌɡləʊbəlaɪˈzeɪʃn; US -ləˈz- / noun [uncountable]
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globalize (also globalise) /ˈɡləʊbəlaɪz; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] if sth, for example a company, globalizes or isglobalized, it operates all around the world ▶ globalizować
globalna wioska
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global village
the ˌglobal ˈvillage noun [sing.] the world considered as a single community connected by computers, telephones, etc. ▶ globalna wioska
globalne ocieplenie
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global warming
ˌglobal ˈwarming noun [sing.] the increase in the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere, caused by the increase of certain gases ▶ globalne ocieplenie
globus, kula ziemska
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globe, globe
3[countable] any object shaped like a ball ▶ kula
globe /ɡləʊb/ noun 1 [c] a round object with a map of the world on it ▶ globus 2(the globe) [sing.] the earth to travel all over the globe With the help of TV, we can see things that are going on on the other side of the globe. ▶ kula ziemska
kropelka, kulka
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globule /ˈɡlɒbju: l; US / noun [countable] a small drop or ball of a liquid There were globules of fat in the soup. ▶ kropelka kulka globulka
przygnębienie, mrok, ciemność
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□ gloomily /; US / adv. He stared gloomily at the phone. ▶ ponuro przygnębiająco posępnie —gloominess /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ przygnębienie posępność
gloom /ɡlu: m; US / noun [uncountable] 1 a feeling of being sad and without hope The news brought deep gloom to the village. ▶ przygnębienie 2 the state of being almost totally dark It was hard to see anything in the gloom. ▶ mrok ciemność
upiększony, wyidealizowany
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/ˈɡlɔ:rɪfaɪd / adj. [only before a noun] described in a way that makes sb/sth seem better, more important, etc. than he/she/it really is My job title is ‘ hygiene operative’ , but really I’m just a glorified cleaner. ▶ wyidealizowany upiększony
idealizować, wychwalać
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glorify /ˈɡlɔ: rɪfaɪ/ verb [t] (glorifying; glorifies; past tense, past participle glorified) to make sb/sth appear better or more important than he/she/it really is His biography does not attempt to glorify his early career. ▶ idealizować wychwalać
sławny, znakomity
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□ gloriously /; US / adv. ▶ wspaniale znakomicie
glorious /ˈɡlɔ: riəs; US / adj. 1 having or deserving fame or success a glorious victory ▶ sławny znakomity chlubny 2 very beautiful or impressive What glorious weather! a glorious day/view ▶ wspaniały znakomity
sława, chwała
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2 great beauty Autumn is the best time to see the forest in all its glory. ▶ blask wspaniałość
glory1 /ˈɡlɔ: ri; US / noun [uncountable] 1 fame or honour that you get for achieving sth The winning team was welcomed home in a blaze of glory. Film writers can be well paid, but it’s the actors who get all the glory. ▶ sława chwała
błysk, byłszczący
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gloss1 /ɡlɒs; US; / noun [uncountable, sing.] (a substance that gives sth) a smooth, shiny surface gloss paint You can have the photos with either a gloos or a matt finish. ▶ połysk błyszczący
słowniczek, słownik
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glossary /ˈɡlɒsəri; US; / noun [countable] (pl. glossaries) a list of special or unusual words and their meanings, usually at the end of a text or book ▶ słowniczek słownik
błyszczący, połyskliwy
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glossy /ˈɡlɒsi/ adj. (glossier; glossiest) 1 smooth and shiny glossy hair ▶ błyszczący połyskliwy 2 (used about a magazine, etc.) printed on good quality paper and having many colour photographs a glossy magazine ▶ na błyszczącym/kredowym papierze
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glove /ɡlʌv; US / noun [countable] a piece of clothing that covers your hand and has five separate parts for the fingers I need a new pair of gloves for the winter. leather/woollen/rubber/suede gloves ▶ rękawi-czka/ca
schowek (w samochodzie)
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glove box
ˈglove compartment (also ˈglove box) noun [countable] a small space or shelf facing the front seats of a car, used for keeping small things in ▶ schowek (w samochodzie)
żarzyć się, jarzyć się
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to glow, to glow
2glow (with sth) to be warm or red because of excitement, exercise, etc. to glow with health/enthusiasm/pride/pleasure ▶ promieniować (czymś) rumienić się
glow /ɡləʊ verb [i] 1 to produce light and/or heat without smoke or flames A cigarette glowed in the dark. ▶ żarzyć się jarzyć się
blask, żar, rumieniec
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□ glow noun [sing.] 1 a warm light the glow of the sky at sunset ▶ blask żar 2 a feeling or look of warmth or satisfaction The cold wind brought a rosy glow to her cheeks. ▶ rumieniec
pochlebny, pozytywny
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glowing /ˈɡləʊɪŋ; US / adj. saying that sb/sth is very good His teacher wrote a glowing report about his work. ▶ pochlebny pozytywny □ glowingly /; US / adv. ▶ pochlebnie (mówić, pisać) w samych superlatywach
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glucose /ˈɡlu: kəʊs; -kəʊz; US / noun [uncountable] a type of sugar that is found in fruit ▶ glukoza
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glue1 /ɡlu:; US / noun [uncountable] a thick sticky liquid that is used for joining things together You can make glue from flour and water. Stick the photo in with glue. ▶ klej
przyklejać, sklejać
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IDIOMS  glued to sth (informal) giving all your attention to sth and not wanting to leave it He just sits there every evening glued to the TV. ▶ przyklejony do czegoś
glue2 /ɡlu:; US / verb [transitive] (gluing) glue A (to/onto B); glue A and B (together) to join a thing or things together with glue Do you think you can glue the handle back onto the teapot? ▶ przyklejać sklejać  
markotny, ponury
începe să înveți
moody, gloomy
glum /ɡlʌm; US / adj. sad and quiet What are you looking so glum about? ▶ markotny ponury □ glumly /; US / adv. ▶ markotnie z ponurą miną —glumness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ przygnębienie rozgoryczenie
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gluten /ˈɡlu: tn; US / noun [uncountable] a sticky substance that is a mixture of two proteins and is left when starch is removed from flour, especially wheat flour We sell a range of gluten-free (bezglutenowych) products. ▶ gluten
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gluttony /ˈɡlʌtəni; US / noun [uncountable] the habit of eating and drinking too much ▶ obżarstwo żarłoczność
glutton /ˈɡlʌtn; US / noun [countable] 1 a person who eats too much ▶ żarłok
czas zachodnioeuropejski
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GMT /ˌdʒi: em ˈti:; US / abbr. Greenwich Mean Time; the time system that is used in Britain during the winter and for calculating the time in other parts of the world ▶ średni czas zachodnioeuropejski GMT
wykrzywiony, sękaty
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gnarled /nɑ: ld; US / adj. rough and having grown into a strange shape, because of old age or hard work The old man had gnarled fingers. a gnarled oak tree ▶ wykrzywiony sękaty zdeformowany
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gnat /næt; US / noun [countable] a type of very small fly that bites ▶ komar
gnom, krasnal
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gnome, gnome
gnome /nəʊm; US / noun [countable] (in children’s stories, etc.) a little old man with a beard and a pointed hat who lives under the ground a garden gnome ▶ krasnal gnom
produkt narodowy brutto
începe să înveți
gross national product
(całkowita wartość towarów i usług, wraz z wpływami z eksportu) GNP = GDP + zysk pochodzący z eksportu netto
GNP /ˌdʒi: en ˈpi: / abbr. gross national product; the total value of all the goods and services produced by a country in one year, including money received from foreign countries ▶ produkt narodowy brutto
iść, jechać
I got back this morning. Gone również oznacza, że ktoś dokądś się udał, lecz jeszcze nie wrócił: John’s gone to Peru. He’ll be back in two weeks.
Czasownik go ma dwie formy past participle: been i gone. Been używa się wtedy, gdy ktoś udał się dokądś i już stamtąd wrócił: I’ve just been to Berlin (byłem w Berlinie).
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go; drive
We’re going to London tomorrow. He went to the cinema yesterday. How fast does this car go? Caroline threw the ball and the dog went running (pobiegł) after it. ▶ iść jechać
go1 /ɡəʊ / verb [i] (going; goes /ɡəʊz; US /, past tense went /went; US /, past participle gone /ɡɒn; US; /) 1 to move or travel from one place to another She always goes home by bus.
iść, jechać
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go; drive
to go for a drink/walk/meal iść na drinka/spacer/posiłek We went on a school trip to a museum. They’ve gone on holiday. I’ll go and make the tea. Pójdę zrobić nam herbatę. ▶ iść/jechać (dokądś w określonym celu)
2 to travel to a place to take part in an activity or do sth Are you going to Dave’s party? Shall we go swimming/go for a swim this afternoon? We went to watch (poszliśmy obejrzeć) the match. to go for a drive wybrać się na przejażdżkę samochodem
iść, jechać
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go; drive
4 to belong to or stay in an institution Which school does Ralph go to? to go to hospital/prison/college/university ▶ chodzić (regularnie) (np. do szkoły) iść (np. do szpitala; więzienia)
3 to leave a place I have to go now. It’s nearly 4 o’clock. What time does the train go (odchodzi pociąg)? ▶ iść jechać
prowadzić, ciągnąć, stać
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6 to be put or to fit in a particular place Where does this vase go? Gdzie postawić tę wazę? My clothes won’t all go in one suitcase. ▶ stać (na stałym miejscu) mieścić się
5 to lead to or reach a place or time Where does this road go to? This cut on my hand goes quite deep (jest dosyć głęboka). ▶ prowadzić ciągnąć się
iść, stawać się
începe să înveți
8 to become; to reach a particular state to go deaf głuchnąć to go bald łysieć to go senile niedołężnieć Her hair is going grey (siwieją). He went blind (stracił wzrok) when he was 20. The baby has gone to sleep (zasnęło). ▶ stawać się robić się
7 to happen in a particular way; to develop How’s the new job going? Jak ci idzie w nowej pracy? My work’s going well. How’s it going? ▶ (sprawy) iść mieć się dobrze/źle
pozostać, brzmieć
începe să înveți
11 to make a sound The bell went (dzwon rozbrzmiał) early today. Cats go‘ miaow’ (miauczą). ▶ wydawać określony dźwięk 13 to start an activity Everybody ready to sing? Let’s go! ▶ zaczynać
9 to stay in the state mentioned Many mistakes go unnoticed. Nobody called the police, and the crime went unreported. ▶ pozostawać 10 to have certain words or a certain tune How does that song go? ▶ iść brzmieć lecieć
działać, chodzić,
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15 to be removed, lost, used, etc.; to disappear Has your headache gone yet? About half my salary goes on rent. I like the furniture, but that carpet will have to go (ale tego dywanu musimy się pozbyć). ▶ minąć iść
14 to work correctly This clock doesn’t go. Is your car going at the moment? ▶ działać chodzić
psuć się, być wolnym
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17[only used in the continuous tenses] (informal) to be available Are there any jobs going in your department? ▶ być wolnym
16 to become worse or stop working correctly The brakes on the car have gone. His sight/voice/mind has gone. Traci wzrok/głos/pamięć. ▶ psuć się wysiadać
mijać, pasować
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20 to look or taste good with something else Does this sweater go with my skirt? ▶ pasować 18 (used about time) to pass The last hour went very slowly. ▶ mijać
19(informal) (used for saying that you do not want sb to do sth bad or stupid) You can use my bike but don’t go breaking (nie zepsuj) it this time! I hope John doesn’t go and tell everyone about our plan.
kolej, kolejka
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turn, turn, go
go2 /ɡəʊ; US / noun [countable] (pl. goes /ɡəʊz; US /) 1 a turn to play in a game, etc. Whose go is it? Hurry up – it’s your go. ▶ kolej/ka
prowokować, pobudzać
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goad /ɡəʊd; US / verb [transitive] goad sb/sth (into sth/doing sth) to cause sb to do sth by making them angry Don’t let him goad you into fighting him. ▶ prowokować pobudzać
pozwolenie, żeby coś zacząć
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ˈgo-ahead2 adj. enthusiastic to try new ways of doing things ▶ rzutki przedsiębiorczy
ˈgo-ahead1 noun [sing.] the go-ahead (for sth) permission to do sth It looks like the council will give us the go-ahead for the new building. ▶ pozwolenie, żeby coś zacząć
bramka, gol
începe să înveți
goal, goal
2 a point that is scored when the ball goes into the goal Everton won by three goals to two. to score a goal an own goal ▶ gol 3 your purpose or aim This year I should achieve my goal of visiting all the capital cities of Europe. ▶ cel
goal /ɡəʊl; US / noun [countable] 1 (in games such as football, rugby, hockey) the area between two posts into which the ball must be kicked, hit, etc. for a point or points to be scored He crossed the ball in front of the goal. ▶ bramka
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a goalkeeper
The goalkeeper made a magnificent save (wspaniałą obronę). ▶ bramka-rz/rka
goalkeeper /ˈɡəʊlki: pə(r); US / (also informal goalie /ˈɡəʊli; US / or keeper) noun [countable] (in games such as football and hockey) the player who stands in front of the goal(1) and tries to stop the other team from scoring
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goalless /ˈɡəʊlləs; US / adj. with no goals scored a goalless draw The match finished goalless. ▶ bezbramkowy
słupek (bramki)
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goalpost /ˈɡəʊlpəʊst; US / noun [countable] (in games such as football, hockey, etc.) one of the two posts that form the sides of a goal. They are joined together by a crossbar. ▶ słupek (bramki)
kozioł, koza
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goat, goat
goat /ɡəʊt; US / noun [countable] a small animal with horns which lives in mountain areas or is kept on farms for its milk and meat ▶ kozioł koza
kozia bródka
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goatee /ɡəʊˈti:; US / noun [countable] a small pointed beard on a man’s chin ▶ kozia bródka
pożerać, zjadać łapczywie
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gobble /ˈɡɒbl; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] (informal) gobble sth (up/down) to eat quickly and noisily He’d gobbled down all his food before I’d started mine. ▶ jeść łapczywie i głośno pożerać
posłaniec, pośrednik
începe să înveți
ˈgo-between noun [countable] a person who takes messages between two people or groups In some countries, marriages are arranged by go-betweens. ▶ posłaniec pośredni-k/czka
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goblet /ˈɡɒblət; US / noun [countable] a cup for wine, usually made of glass or metal, with a stem and base but no handle ▶ kielich
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goblin /ˈɡɒblɪn; US / noun [countable] (in stories) a small ugly creature who tricks people ▶ chochlik
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god /ɡɒd; US / noun 1(God) [sing.] [not used with the] the being or spirit in Christianity, Islam and Judaism who people say prayers to and who people believe created the universe Do you believe in God? Muslims worship God in a mosque. ▶ Bóg
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god-daughter; godson
godchild /ˈɡɒdtʃaɪld; US / (also ˈgod-daughter; godson) noun [countable] a child who has a godparent ▶ chrześnia-k/czka chrześniaczka
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goddess /ˈɡɒdes; -əs; US / noun [countable] a female god ▶ bogini
rodzić chrzestny
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▶ rodzic chrzestny ojciec chrzestny matka chrzestna
godparent /ˈɡɒdpeərənt; US / (also godfather /ˈɡɒdfɑ:ðə(r); US /godmother /ˈɡɒdmʌðə(r); US /) noun [countable] a person chosen by a child’s family who promises to help the child and to make sure they are educated as a Christian
zapomniany przez ludzi i boga
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godforsaken /ˈɡɒdfəseɪkən; US / adj. [only before a noun] (used about a place) not interesting or attractive in any way ▶ zapomniany przez Boga i ludzi zapadły
rodzić chrzestny
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▶ rodzic chrzestny ojciec chrzestny matka chrzestna
godparent /ˈɡɒdpeərənt; US / (also godfather /ˈɡɒdfɑ:ðə(r); US /godmother /ˈɡɒdmʌðə(r); US /) noun [countable] a person chosen by a child’s family who promises to help the child and to make sure they are educated as a Christian
dar niebios
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godsend /ˈɡɒdsend; US / noun [countable] something unexpected that is very useful because it comes just when it is needed This tax cut has come as a godsend to struggling businesses. ▶ dar niebios
okulary ochronne
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goggles /ˈɡɒɡlz; US / noun [pl.] special glasses that you wear to protect your eyes from water, wind, dust, etc. ▶ okulary ochronne gogle
odejście, odjazd
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2[u] [used with an adjective] the speed with which sb does sth; how difficult sth is Three children in four years? That’s not bad going (to nieźle im idzie)! The path up the mountain was rough going. The mud made the path very hard going.
going1 /ˈɡəʊɪŋ; US / noun 1 [sing.] (formal) the act of leaving a place We were all saddened by his going. ▶ odejście odjazd
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go-kart /ˈɡəʊ kɑ: t; US / (also kart / /) noun [countable] a vehicle like a very small car with no roof or doors, used for racing ▶ gokart
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□ gold adj. The invitation was written in gold letters. ▶ złoty
gold /ɡəʊld; US / noun 1 [uncountable] (symbol Au) a rare and valuable yellow metal that is used for making coins, jewellery, etc. Is your bracelet made of solid gold? 22 carat gold a gold chain/watch What’s the price of gold today? ▶ złoto
złoty, doskonały
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2 best, most important, most liked, etc. a golden opportunity Some say the 1940s were the golden age of jazz. ▶ złoty doskonały 3 celebrating the 50th anniversary of sth The couple celebrated their golden wedding last year. ▶ złoty
golden /ˈɡəʊldən / adj. 1 made of gold or having a bright yellow colour like gold a golden crown golden hair/sand ▶ złoty złocisty
żłota rybka
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gold fish
goldfish /ˈɡəʊldfɪʃ; US / noun [countable] (pl. goldfish) a small orange fish, often kept as a pet in a bowl ▶ złota rybka
złoty medal
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gold medal
ˌgold ˈmedal (also gold) noun [countable] the prize for first place in a sports competition How many gold medals did we win in the 2004 Olympics? ▶ złoty medal
złoty medalista
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gold medalist
ˌgold ˈmedallist noun [countable] the winner of a gold medal ▶ złot-y/a medalist(k)a
kopalnia złota
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gold mine
ˈgold mine noun [countable] 1 a place where gold is taken from the ground ▶ kopalnia złota 2a gold mine (of sth) a place, person or thing that provides a lot of sth This website is a gold mine of information. ▶ (przen.) kopalnia
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golfer /ˈɡɒlfə(r); US; / noun [countable] a person who plays golf ▶ gracz w golfa
golf /ɡɒlf; US; ɡɔ: lf / noun [uncountable] a game that is played outdoors on a golf course and in which you use agolf club to hit a small hard ball into a series of holes (usually 18) to play a round of golf zagrać rundę golfa ▶ golf golfowy
kij golfowy
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golf club
ˈgolf club a long metal stick that is specially shaped at one end and used for hitting a ball when playing golf ▶ kij golfowy ⇨ look at bat, racket, stick
nieobecny, zużyty
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Gone w znaczeniu „zniknąwszy“ lub „zużyty“ stosuje się z czasownikiem be, tak jak w powyższych przykładach. Zastanawiając się nad tym, gdzie ktoś się podział, używa się have: Nobody knows where John has gone.
gone2 /ɡɒn / adj. [not before a noun] not present any longer; completely used or finished He stood at the door for a moment, and then he was gone. Can I have some more ice cream please or is it all gone? ▶ nieobecny towar wykupiony zużyty
już po
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gone3 /ɡɒn; US; / prep. later than Hurry up! It’s gone six already (już po szóstej)! ▶ po Tłumacząc be gone na polski, często używa się czasownika „mijać/przemijać“.
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to bang/beat/sound a gong the breakfast/dinner gong ▶ gong
gong /ɡɒŋ / noun 1 a round piece of metal that hangs in a frame and makes a loud deep sound when it is hit with a stick. Gongs are used as musical instruments or to give signals, for example that a meal is ready
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2 pleasant or enjoyable It’s good to be home again. Dobrze być znów w domu. Have a good time at the party! Baw się dobrze na przyjęciu! good news/weather ▶ dobry
good1 /ɡʊd; US / adj. (better; best) ⇨ NOTE ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 of a high quality or standard a good book/film/actor That’s a really good idea! The hotel was quite/pretty good, but not fantastic. ▶ dobry
dobry, ważny
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good, important
4good at sth; good with sb/sth able to do sth or deal with sb/sth well Jane’s really good at science subjects but she’s no good at languages. Are you any good at drawing? He’s very good with children. Dobrze sobie radzi z dziećmi. ▶ dobry (w czymś)
3 (used about a reason, etc.) acceptable and easy to understand a good excuse/explanation She has good reason to be pleased – she’s just been promoted. ▶ dobry ważny
dobry, grzeczny
începe să înveți
good, polite
6good (to sb); good of sb (to do sth) kind; helpful It was good of you to come. To ładnie z twojej strony, że przyszedłeś. They were good to me (byli dla mnie dobrzy) when I was ill. ▶ dobry
5 morally right or well behaved She was a very good person – she spent her whole life trying to help other people. Were the children good while we were out? You remembered to wash your hands – good boy! ▶ dobry grzeczny
dobry, zdrowy
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good, healthy
8good (for sb/sth) suitable or convenient I think Paul would be a good person for the job. This beach is very good for surfing. Ta plaża nadaje się do surfingu. ‘ When shall we meet?’ ‘ Thursday would be a good day for me.’ ▶ dobry
7good (for sb/sth) having a positive effect on sb/sth’s health or condition Green vegetables are very good for you. This cream is good for burns. ▶ dobry zdrowy
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10(a good...) great in number, amount, etc. a good many/a good few people sporo ludzi a good distance Give the fruit a good wash before you eat it. Take a good look at this photograph. Dobrze się przyjrzyj tej fotografii.
9 (used when you are pleased about sth) ‘ Tom’s invited us to dinner next week.’ ‘ Oh, good (dobrze)!’ ▶ dobry
dobry do czegoś
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That car is good for (tym samochodem będzie można jeszcze pojeździć) a few more years yet. Let’s invite Jess – she’s always good for a laugh (z nią zawsze dobrze się bawi). ▶ dobry (do czegoś)
11good (for sth) that can be used or can provide sth I’ve only got one good pair of shoes. This ticket’s good for (ważny przez) another three days.
dobro, pożytek
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2 something that will help sb/sth; advantage She did it for the good of her country. I know you don’t want to go into hospital, but it’s for your own good. What’s the good of learning French if you have no chance of using it? ▶ dobro pożytek
good2 /ɡʊd; US / noun [uncountable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 behaviour that is morally right or acceptable the difference between good and evil I’m sure there’s some good in everybody. ▶ dobro

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