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heredity /həˈredəti; US / noun [uncountable] the process by which physical or mental qualities pass from parent to child ▶ dziedziczność hereditary /həˈredɪtri; US -teri / adj. passed on from parent to child a hereditary disease Do you think intelligence is hereditary? ▶ dziedziczny
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heresy /ˈherəsi; US / noun [countable, uncountable] (pl. heresies) a (religious) opinion or belief that is different from what is generally accepted to be true
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heretic /ˈherətɪk; US / noun [countable] a person whose religious beliefs are believed to be wrong or evil ▶ herety-k/czka □ heretical /həˈretɪkl; US / adj. ▶ heretycki
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The countryside is part of our national heritage. We must preserve our cultural heritage for future generations. ▶ dziedzictwo spuścizna heritage /ˈherɪtɪdʒ; US / noun [countable, usually sing.] the customs, qualities and culture of a country that have existed for a long time and that have great importance for the country
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hermetic /hɜ:ˈmetɪk; US / adj. tightly closed so that no air can escape or enter ▶ hermetyczny SYNONYM airtight □ hermetically /-kli; US / adv. a hermetically sealed container ▶ hermetycznie
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hermit /ˈhɜ: mɪt; US / noun [countable] a person who prefers to live alone, without contact with other people ▶ pustelni-k/ca
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hernia /ˈhɜ: niə; US / (also rupture) noun [countable, uncountable] the medical condition in which an organ inside the body, for example the stomach, pushes through the wall of muscle which surrounds it ▶ przepuklina
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2 the most important male character in a book, play, film, etc. The hero of the film is a little boy. ▶ bohater główna postać hero /ˈhɪərəʊ; US ˈhi:- / noun [countable] (pl. heroes) 1 a person who is admired, especially for having done sth difficult or good The team were given a hero’s welcome on their return home. a war hero an anti-hero antybohater ▶ bohater
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heroic /həˈrəʊɪk; US / adj. (used about people or their actions) having a lot of courage a heroic effort ▶ bohaterski heroiczny □ heroically /-kli; US / adv. ▶ bohatersko heroicznie
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heroin /ˈherəʊɪn; US / noun [uncountable] a powerful illegal drug that some people take for pleasure and then cannot stop taking ▶ heroina
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2 the most important female character in a book, play, film, etc. What’s the name of the actress who plays the heroine? ▶ bohaterka główna postać heroine /ˈherəʊɪn; US / noun [countable] 1 a woman who is admired, especially for having done sth difficult or good Who was your heroine when you were little? ▶ bohaterka
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heroism /ˈherəʊɪzəm; US / noun [uncountable] great courage Rescuing the child from the burning building was an act of heroism. ▶ bohaterstwo
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heron /ˈherən; US / noun [countable] a large bird with a long neck and long legs that lives near water ▶ czapla
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herpes /ˈhɜ: pi: z; US / noun [uncountable] one of a group of infectious diseases, caused by a virus, that cause painful spots on the skin, especially on the face and sexual organs ▶ opryszczka
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herring /ˈherɪŋ; US / noun [countable, uncountable] (pl. herring or herrings) a fish that swims in shoals in cold seas and is used for food ▶ śledź
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hers /hɜ: z; US / pron. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW of or belonging to her I didn’t have a pen but Helen lent me hers. ▶ jej swój
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2 (used to emphasize the female who does the action) She told me the news herself. Has Rosy done this herself? ▶ sama osobiście 3 in her normal state; healthy She’s not feeling herself (czuje się nieswojo) today. herself /hɜ:ˈself; weak form həˈs-; US; / pron. 1 (used when the female who does an action is also affected by it) She hurt herself quite badly when she fell downstairs. Irene looked at herself in the mirror. ▶ się siebie
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hesitancy /ˈhezɪtənsi; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ niezdecydowanie wahanie —hesitantly /; US / adv. ▶ niezdecydowanie niepewnie hesitant /ˈhezɪtənt; US / adj. hesitant (to do/about doing sth) slow to speak or act because you are not sure if you should or not I’m very hesitant about criticizing him too much. a hesitant manner ▶ niezdecydowany niepewny
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She’s still hesitating about whether to accept the job or not. Alan replied without hesitating (bez wahania). hesitate /ˈhezɪteɪt / verb [intr] 1hesitate (about/over sth) to pause before you do sth or before you take a decision, usually because you are uncertain or worried He hesitated before going into her office. ▶ wahać się
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□ hesitation /ˌhezɪˈteɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] She agreed without a moment’s hesitation. ▶ wahanie niezdecydowanie 2hesitate (to do sth) to not want to do sth because you are not sure that it is right Don’t hesitate to phone (dzwoń śmiało) if you have any problems. ▶ wahać się
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heterosexual /ˌhetərəˈsekʃuəl; US / adj. sexually attracted to a person of the opposite sex ▶ heteroseksualny ⇨ look at bisexual, homosexual □ heterosexual noun [countable] ▶ heteroseksualist(k)a
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hexagon /ˈheksəɡən; US / noun [countable] a shape with six sides ▶ sześciokąt □ hexagonal /heksˈæɡənl; US / adj. ▶ sześciokątny
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hibernate /ˈhaɪbəneɪt; US / verb [intransitive] (used about animals) to spend the winter in a state like deep sleep ▶ zapadać w sen zimowy □ hibernation /ˌhaɪbəˈneɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ sen zimowy hibernacja
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2((the) hiccups) [pl.] a series of hiccups Don’t eat so fast or you’ll get hiccups! If you have the hiccups, try holding your breath. ▶ czkawka hiccup (also hiccough) /ˈhɪkʌp; US / noun 1 [countable] a sudden, usually repeated sound that is made in the throat and that you cannot control He finished his drink and gave a hiccup. ▶ czkawka
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3[countable] a small problem or difficulty There’s been a slight hiccup in our holiday arrangements but I’ve got it sorted out now. ▶ drobne potknięcie □ hiccup (also hiccough) verb [intransitive] ▶ czkać
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Where shall I hide the money? You couldn’t see Bill in the photo – he was hidden behind John. The trees hid the house from view. He hid his face in his hands. ▶ chować ukrywać hide1 /haɪd; US / verb (past tense hid /hɪd; US /, past participle hidden /ˈhɪdn; US /) 1[transitive] to put or keep sb/sth in a place where they or it cannot be seen; to cover sth so that it cannot be seen
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3[transitive] hide sth (from sb) to keep sth secret, especially your feelings She tried to hide her disappointment from them. The President agreed to answer questions about the scandal, adding that he had nothing to hide. ▶ skrywać 2[intransitive] to be or go in a place where you cannot be seen or found Quick, run and hide! The child was hiding under the bed. ▶ chować się ukrywać się
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hide2 /haɪd; US / noun 1 [c] a place from which people can watch wild animals, birds, etc. without being seen ▶ kryjówka (np. dla obserwatorów ptaków) 2[c, un] the skin of a large animal, especially when it is used for leather skóra (zwierzęcia)
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ˌhide-and-ˈseek noun [uncountable] a children’s game in which one person hides and the others try to find them ▶ zabawa w chowanego
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hideous /ˈhɪdiəs; US / adj. very ugly or unpleasant a hideous sight a hideous crime That new dress she’s got is hideous. ▶ ohydny odrażający □ hideously /; US / adv. ▶ ohydnie odrażająco
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2[countable, usually sing.] (informal) a punishment involving being hit hard many times You deserve a good hiding for what you’ve done. ▶ lanie cięgi hiding /ˈhaɪdɪŋ; US / noun 1 [uncountable] the state of being hidden The escaped prisoners are believed to be in hiding (uważa się, że zbiegli więźniowie ukrywają się) somewhere in London. to go into hiding ukryć się ▶ ukrycie (się)
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ˈhiding place noun [countable] a place where sb/sth is or could be hidden ▶ kryjówka
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hierarchy /ˈhaɪərɑ: ki; US / noun [countable] (pl. hierarchies) a system or organization that has many levels from the lowest to the highest ▶ hierarchia □ hierarchical /ˌhaɪəˈrɑ: kɪkl; US / adj. ▶ hierarchiczny
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hieroglyphics /ˌhaɪərəˈɡlɪfɪks; US / noun [pl.] the system of writing that was used in ancient Egypt in which a small picture represents a word or sound ▶ hieroglify
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hi-fi /ˈhaɪ faɪ; US / noun [countable] equipment for playing recorded music that produces high quality sound ▶ sprzęt hi-fi wieża □ hi-fi adj. a hi-fi system ▶ (sprzęt elektroakustyczny) hi-fi
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2 having a particular height The hedge is one metre high knee-high boots buty do kolan ▶ mający x wysokości 3 at a level which is a long way from the ground, or from sea level a high shelf The castle was built on high ground. ▶ wysoko położony high1 /haɪ; US / adj. 1 (used about things) having a large distance between the bottom and the top high cliffs What’s the highest mountain in the world? high heels The garden wall was so high that we couldn’t see over it. ▶ wysoki
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having an important position We shall have to refer the matter to a higher authority. Sam only joined the company three years ago, but she’s already quite high up (ale już zajmuje wysokie stanowisko). ▶ (władza) wysoki główny better than usual high-quality Her work is of a very high standard. He has a high opinion of you. What was the high point (główną atrakcją) of your trip? We have high hopes for (wiele sobie obiecujemy po) our new product. ▶ wysokiej (jakości)
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2 an area of high air pressure A high over the Atlantic will move towards Britain in the next few days. ▶ wyż OPPOSITE low high2 /haɪ; US / noun [countable] 1 a high level or point Profits reached an all-time high last year. ▶ szczyt wysoki poziom
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2 at a high level How high can you sing? ▶ wysoko (np. śpiewać) high3 /haɪ; US / adv. 1 at or to a high position or level The sun was high in the sky. I can’t jump any higher. The plane flew high overhead. You should aim high. The desk was piled high with books. ▶ wysoko ⇨ noun height
znakomity, pierwszorzędny începe să înveți
ˌhigh-ˈclass adj. of especially good quality a high-class restaurant ▶ znakomity pierwszorzędny
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ˌHigh ˈCourt noun [countable] the most important court of law in some countries ▶ sąd najwyższy
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ˌhigher eduˈcation noun [uncountable] education and training at a college or university, especially to degree level ▶ studia wyższe
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ˈhigh jump noun [sing.] the sport in which people try to jump over a bar in order to find out who can jump the highest ▶ skok wzwyż
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highland /ˈhaɪlənd; US / adj. [only before a noun] 1 in or connected with an area of land that has mountains highland streams ▶ górski ⇨ look at lowland 2(Highland) in or connected with the Highlands of Scotland ▶ dot. gór w Szkocji
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ˌhigh-ˈlevel adj. involving important people high-level talks ▶ na szczycie
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2 to mark part of a text with a different colour, etc. so that people give it more attention I’ve highlighted the important passages in yellow. ▶ zaznaczać markerem highlight1 /ˈhaɪlaɪt; US / verb [transitive] 1 to emphasize sth so that people give it special attention The report highlighted the need for improved safety at football grounds. ▶ podkreślać
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highlighter /ˈhaɪlaɪtə(r); US / (also ˈhighlighter pen) noun [countable] a special pen used for marking words in a text in bright colours ▶ marker zakreślacz
bardzo, w wysokim stopniu începe să înveți
2 with admiration I think highly of (wysoko cenię) your work. a highly-paid job dobrze płatna praca ▶ wysoko korzystnie highly /ˈhaɪli; US / adv. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 to a high degree; very highly trained/educated/developed highly critical/sensitive/contagious It’s highly unlikely that anyone will complain. ▶ bardzo w wysokim stopniu
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ˌhigh-ˈpowered adj. 1 (used about people) important and successful high-powered executives ▶ ważny 2 (used about things) having great power a high-powered engine ▶ wysokiej mocy
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ˌhigh-resoˈlution adj. (used about a photograph or an image on a computer or television screen) showing a lot of clear sharp detail a high-resolution scan ▶ o wysokiej rozdzielczości
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ˈhigh-rise adj. [only before a noun] (used about a building) very tall and having a lot of floors ▶ wielopiętrowy
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ˈhigh school noun [countable, uncountable] (in the US and some other countries) a school for young people between the ages of 14 and18; (often used in Britain in the names of schools for young people between the ages of 11 and 18) ▶ szkoła średnia
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ˈhigh street noun [countable] (Brit.) (often used in names) the main street of a town The Post Office is in the High Street. ▶ główna ulica
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2 using designs or styles taken from industry, etc.; very modern ▶ supernowoczesny high-tech (also hi-tech) /ˌhaɪ ˈtek; US / adj. 1 using the most modern methods and machines, especially electronic ones high-tech industries/hospitals ▶ zautomatyzowany skomputeryzowany OPPOSITE low-tech
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ˌhigh ˈtide noun [uncountable] the time when the sea comes furthest onto the land ▶ przypływ
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highway /ˈhaɪweɪ; US / noun [countable] (especially US) a main road (between towns) ▶ główna szosa autostrada
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2 to take control of a meeting, an event, etc. in order to force people to pay attention to sth The rally was hijacked by right-wing extremists. ▶ zakłócać hijack /ˈhaɪdʒæk; US / verb [transitive] 1 to take control of a plane, etc. by force, usually for political reasons The plane was hijacked on its flight to Sydney. ▶ porywać (np. samolot)
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—hijacking /; US / noun [countable, uncountable] Measures are being taken to prevent hijacking. ▶ porwanie (np. samolotu) hijack noun [countable] The hijack was ended by armed police. ▶ porwanie uprowadzenie —hijacker /; US / noun [countable] ▶ porywacz (np. samolotu)
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Go hiking stosuje się, mówiąc o turystyce pieszej: They went hiking in Wales for their holiday. —hiker /; US / noun [countable] This part of the country is popular with hikers. ▶ wędrowiec turyst(k)a piesz-y/a hike /haɪk; US / noun [countable] a long walk in the country We went on a ten-mile hike at the weekend. ▶ wędrówka piesza wycieczka □ hike verb [intransitive] ▶ wędrować iść na wycieczkę
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hilarity /hɪˈlærəti; US / noun [uncountable] the state of finding sth very funny, which causes people to laugh loudly ▶ wesołość głośny śmiech hilarious /hɪˈleəriəs; US / adj. extremely funny ▶ prześmieszny ⇨ note at humour □ hilariously /; US / adv. hilariously funny ▶ prześmiesznie
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hill /hɪl; US / noun [countable] ⇨ a high area of land that is not as high as a mountain There was a wonderful view from the top of the hill. We spent the day walking in the hills. ▶ wzgórze pagórek
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hillside /ˈhɪlsaɪd; US / noun [countable] the side of a hill a house built on the hillside ▶ zbocze stok
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hilltop /ˈhɪltɒp; US / noun [countable] the top of a hill ▶ wzgórze szczyt
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hilly /ˈhɪli; US / adj. (hillier; hilliest) having a lot of hills The country’s very hilly around here. ▶ górzysty pagórkowaty
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hilt /hɪlt; US / noun [countable] the handle of a knife or a sword ▶ garda rękojeść IDIOMS to the hilt to a high degree; completely I’ll defend you to the hilt. ▶ całkowicie gruntownie
powstrzymywać, przeszkadzać începe să înveți
hindrance /ˈhɪndrəns; US / noun [countable] a person or thing that makes it difficult for you to do sth Mark wanted to help me but he was more of a hindrance than a help. ▶ przeszkoda zawada hinder /ˈhɪndə(r); US / verb [transitive] to make it more difficult for sb/sth to do sth A lot of scientific work is hindered by lack of money. ▶ powstrzymywać przeszkadzać
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hindsight /ˈhaɪndsaɪt; US / noun [uncountable] the understanding that you have of a situation only after it has happened It’s very easy to criticize with the benefit of hindsight. With hindsight, I wouldn’t have lent him the money ▶ wiedza po fakcie
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Hindu /ˈhɪndu:; US ˌhɪnˈdu: / noun [countable] a person whose religion is Hinduism ▶ wyznawca hinduizmu hindus/ka □ Hindu adj. Hindu beliefs ▶ hinduski
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Hinduism /ˈhɪndu:ɪzəm; US / noun [uncountable] the main religion of India. Hindus believe in many gods and that, after death, people will return to life in a different form. ▶ hinduizm
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hinge1 /hɪndʒ; US / noun [countable] a piece of metal that joins two sides of a box, door, etc. together and allows it to be opened or closed ▶ zawias
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2 sth that suggests what will happen in the future The first half of the match gave no hint of the excitement to come. ▶ wskazówka hint1 /hɪnt; US / noun [countable] 1 something that you suggest in an indirect way If you keep mentioning parties, maybe they’ll take the hint and invite you. ▶ aluzja napomknięcie
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hint2 /hɪnt; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] hint (at sth); hint that... to suggest sth in an indirect way They only hinted at their great disappointment. He hinted that he might be moving to Greece. ▶ robić aluzję dawać do zrozumienia
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hip1 /hɪp; US / noun [countable] the part of the side of your body above your legs and below your waist He stood there angrily with his hands on his hips. What do you measure round the hips? She broke her hip when she fell. ▶ biodro
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hippie (also hippy) /ˈhɪpi / [c] (pl. hippies) a person who rejects the usual values and way of life of western society. Especially in the 1960s, hippies showed that they were different by wearing brightly coloured clothes, having long hair ▶ hipis
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hippopotamus /ˌhɪpəˈpɒtəməs; US / noun [countable] (also informal hippo /ˈhɪpəʊ; US /) a large African animal with a large head and short legs that lives in or near rivers ▶ hipopotam
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We hired a car for the day. • I hired a suit for the wedding; rent znaczy wypożyczać coś na dłużej: rent a television/video • rent a house/flat/holiday cottage. W Amer. ang. rent używa się w obu powyższych sytuacjach. hire1 /ˈhaɪə(r); US / verb [transitive] 1(US rent) hire sth (from sb) to have the use of sth for a short time by paying for it ▶ wynajmować wypożyczać W Br. ang. hire znaczy wypożyczać coś na krótki czas:
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2 to give sb a job for a short time We’ll have to hire somebody to mend the roof. ▶ najmować (do pracy) W Amer. ang. hire dotyczy również zatrudnienia na stałe: We just hired a new secretary.
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hire2 /ˈhaɪə(r); US / noun [uncountable] the act of paying to use sth for a short time How much is the hire of the hall per hour? Car hire is expensive in this country. Do you have bicycles for hire? a hire car ▶ wynajęcie najem
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ˌhire ˈpurchase noun [uncountable] (Brit.) (abbr. h.p.) a way of buying goods. You do not pay the full price immediately but by instalments until the full amount is paid We’re buying the television on hire purchase. ▶ kupno na raty
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2[transitive] to say sth in a quiet angry voice ‘ Stay away from me!’ she hissed. ▶ syczeć □ hiss noun [countable] ▶ syk syczenie hiss /hɪs; US / verb 1 [intransitive, transitive] to make a sound like a very long ‘ s’ to show that you are angry or do not like sth The cat hissed at me. The speech was hissed and booed. ▶ syczeć wygwizdywać
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historian /hɪˈstɔ: riən; US / noun [countable] a person who studies or who is an expert in history ▶ historyk
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historic /hɪˈstɒrɪk; US; / adj. famous or important in history The ending of apartheid was a historic event. ▶ historyczny o znaczeniu historycznym
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2 that really lived or happened; connected with real people or events in the past historical events/records/research This house has great historical interest. a historical documentary/novel/drama ▶ historyczny faktyczny historical /hɪˈstɒrɪkl; US; / adj. 1 connected with history or the study of history ▶ historyczny dotyczący historii ⇨ look at historic
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historically /-kli; US / adv. a historically important town ▶ historycznie
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2[countable, usually sing.] the series of events or facts that is connected with sb/sth He has a history of violence. There is a history of heart disease (choroba serca często występowała) in our family. ▶ historia history /ˈhɪstri; US / noun (pl. histories) ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[uncountable] all the events of the past an important moment in history ▶ historia ⇨ look at natural history
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go down in/make history to be or do sth so important that it will be recorded in history This will go down in history as the government’s worst ever election defeat. She made history by becoming the first woman President. ▶ tworzyć historię 3 [uncountable] the study of past events a degree in history History was my favourite subject at school. a history teacher ▶ historia 4[countable] a written description of past events She’s writing a new history of Europe. ▶ historia
She punched him in the face. Smack oznacza uderzać kogoś otwartą dłonią, szczególnie jako sposób wymierzenia kary: I think it’s wrong to smack children. hit Strike jest bardziej formalne niż hit. Beat oznacza „uderzać wiele razy“: He was badly beaten in the attack. Punch oznacza mocno uderzać kogoś/w coś pięścią, na przykład w czasie bójki: începe să înveți
The bus left the road and hit a tree. to hit somebody in the eye/across the face/on the nose She hit him on the head with her umbrella. The bullet hit him in the stomach. • (figurative) The smell of burning hit her as she entered the room. ▶ uderzać hit1 /hɪt; US / verb [transitive] (hitting; past tense, past participle hit) 1 to make sudden, violent contact with sb/sth ‘ Don’t hit me,’ he begged.
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3 to have a bad or unpleasant effect on sb/sth Her father’s death has hit her very hard. Inner city areas have been badly hit by unemployment (cierpią z powodu bezrobocia). ▶ godzić w kogoś/coś uderzać hit sth (on/against sth) to knock a part of your body, etc. against sth Peter hit his head on the low beam. ▶ uderzać się stuknąć się
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5 to experience sth unpleasant or difficult Things were going really well until we hit this problem. If you leave now you’ll hit the rush hour. ▶ natrafiać na coś natykać się na coś 4 to reach a place or a level If you follow this road, you should hit the motorway in about ten minutes. The price of oil hit a new high yesterday. ▶ osiągnąć dojść znaleźć
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6 to suddenly come into sb’s mind; to make sb realize or understand sth I thought I recognized the man’s face and then it hit me (olśniło mnie) – he was my old maths teacher! ▶ uzmysłowić coś sobie/komuś
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2 a person or thing that is very popular or successful He was quite a hit in America. The record was a big hit. ▶ przebój sensacja hit 3 a result of a search on a computer, especially on the Internet ▶ wynik wyszukiwania (w komputerze/internecie) hit2 /hɪt; US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 the act of hitting sth The ship took a direct hit and sank. She gave her brother a hard hit on the head. What a brilliant hit! ▶ uderzenie
uciekający z miejsca wypadku începe să înveți
ˌhit-and-ˈrun [only before a noun] 1 (used about a car driver) causing an accident and not stopping to see if anybody is hurt ▶ uciekający z miejsca wypadku 2 (used about a road accident) caused by a hit-and-run driver ▶ taki, którego sprawca zbiegl
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I managed to hitch to Paris in just six hours. We missed the bus so we had to hitch a lift. ▶ prosić o podwiezienie podróżować autostopem hitch1 /hɪtʃ; US / verb 1 [intransitive, transitive] (informal) to get a free ride in a person’s car; to travel around in this way by waiting by the side of a road and trying to get passing cars to stop
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hitch2 /hɪtʃ; US / noun [countable] a small problem or difficulty The wedding went off without a hitch. a technical hitch (usterka techniczna) ▶ szkopuł przeszkoda trudność
Hitchhike zwykle używa się, mówiąc o dalekiej podróży autostopem dla przyjemności. To samo znaczenie ma hitch, którego używa się również, mówiąc o krótkich przejazdach, np. gdy zepsuł się nam samochód lub spóźniliśmy się na autobus. Hitch też stosuje się w formie czasownika przechodniego: I hitched a lift/ride to the nearest petrol station. To samo znaczy thumb a lift. începe să înveți
□ hitchhiker noun [countable] ▶ autostopowicz/ka hitchhike /ˈhɪtʃhaɪk / (also informal hitch) verb [in] to travel by waiting by the side of a road and holding out your hand or a sign until a driver stops and takes you in the direction you want to go He hitchhiked across Europe. ▶ jechać autostopem
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ˈhit man noun [countable] (informal) a person who is paid to kill another person ▶ płatny morderca
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HIV /ˌeɪtʃ aɪ ˈvi:; US / abbr. human immunodeficiency virus; the virus that is believed to cause AIDS ▶ HIV
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beehive /ˈbi: haɪv; US / (also hive /haɪv; US /) noun [countable] a type of box that people use for keeping bees in ▶ ul
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□ hoarsely /; US / adv. ▶ chrapliwie hoarse /hɔ: s; US / adj. (used about a person or their voice) sounding rough and quiet, especially because of a sore throat a hoarse whisper The spectators shouted themselves hoarse. Widzowie ochrypli od krzyku. ▶ chrapliwy ochrypły
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hob /hɒb; US / (US stovetop /ˈstəʊvtɒp; US /) noun [countable] the surface on the top of a cooker that is used for boiling, frying, etc. ▶ płyta kuchenna płytka (kuchenki)