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on the latch (used about a door) closed but not locked ▶ (drzwi) zatrzaśnięty (a nie zamknięty na klucz) latch1 /lætʃ/ n[c] 1 a small metal bar that is used for fastening a door or a gate. You have to lift the latch in order to open the door. ▶ zasuwka 2 (especially Brit.) a type of lock for a door that you open with a key from the outside ▶ zatrzask
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The late nineteenth century (koniec dziewiętnastego wieku) was a time of great change. ▶ pod koniec późno late1 /leɪt; US / adj. 1 near the end of a period of time in the late morning/afternoon/summer His mother’s in her late fifties (zbliża się do sześćdziesiątki). in late May
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2 after the usual or expected time I’m sorry I’m late. Przepraszam za spóźnienie. She was ten minutes late (spóźniła się o dziesięć minut) for school. ▶ spóźniony OPPOSITE early 3 near the end of the day It’s late. Późno już. ▶ późny
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latecomer /ˈleɪtkʌmə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who arrives or starts sth late He was a latecomer to the game, turning professional when he was 25. ▶ spóźnialsk-i/a spóźnion-y/a
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lately /ˈleɪtli; US / adv. in the period of time up until now; recently What have you been doing lately? Hasn’t the weather been dreadful lately? ▶ ostatnio niedawno ⇨ note at recently
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latent /ˈleɪtnt; US / adj. existing, but not yet very noticeable, active or well developed latent defects/disease latent talent ▶ ukryty utajony
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ˌlateral ˈthinking noun [uncountable] (especially Brit.) a way of solving problems by using your imagination to find new ways of looking at the problem ▶ myślenie lateralne lateral /ˈlætərəl; US / adj. connected with the side of sth or with movement to the side the lateral branches of a tree lateral eye movements ▶ boczny □ laterally /-rəli; US / adv. ▶ bocznie
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latest /ˈleɪtɪst; US / adj. [only before a noun] very recent or new the latest fashion/news the terrorists’ latest attack on the town ▶ ostatni najnowszy
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lathe /leɪð; US / noun [countable] a machine that shapes pieces of wood or metal by holding and turning them against a cutting tool ▶ tokarka
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lather /ˈlɑ:ðə(r); US ˈlæð- / noun [uncountable] a white mass of bubbles that are produced when you mix soap with water ▶ piana (z mydła) mydliny
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2 of the countries or people that use languages that developed from Latin, such as French, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese Spanish, Italian and other Latin languages ▶ romański Latin /ˈlætɪn; US ˈlætn / noun [uncountable] the language that was used in ancient Rome ▶ łacina □ Latin adj. 1 of or in Latin Latin poetry ▶ łaciński
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ˌLatin Aˈmerican adj. from Latin America (the parts of Central and South America where Spanish or Portuguese is spoken) Latin American music ▶ latynoamerykański □ ˌLatin Aˈmerican noun [countable] a person who comes from Latin America ▶ Latynos/ka
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latitude /ˈlætɪtju: d; US -tu: d / noun [uncountable] the distance of a place north or south of the equator ▶ szerokość geograficzna ⇨ look at longitude Latitude is measured in degrees.
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□ latterly /; US / adv. She has taught at the universities of London and Bristol and latterly at Durham. ▶ ostatnio latter /ˈlætə(r); US / adj. [only before a noun] (formal) nearer to the end of a period of time; later Interest rates should fall in the latter half (w drugiej połowie) of the year. ▶ późniejszy końcowy
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a lattice fence ▶ kratownica kratka (do kwiatów itp.) □ latticed /; US / adj. ▶ w formie kratownicy lattice /ˈlætɪs; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a structure that is made of long narrow pieces of wood or metal that cross over each other with spaces shaped like a diamond between them; any structure or pattern like this
2 to show that you think sb is ridiculous Don’t laugh at him. He can’t help the way he speaks. ▶ wyśmiewać kogoś/coś wyśmiewać się z kogoś/czegoś începe să înveți
laugh at sb/sth 1 to show, by laughing, that you think sb/sth is funny The children laughed at the clown. ▶ śmiać się z kogoś/czegoś laugh1 /lɑ: f; US læf / verb [intransitive] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW to make the sounds that show you are happy or amused to laugh out loud His jokes always make me laugh. Jego dowcipy zawsze mnie rozśmieszają. ▶ śmiać się roześmiać się
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for a laugh as a joke The boys put a spider in her bed for a laugh. ▶ dla śmiechu/zabawy laugh2 /lɑ: f; US læf / noun [countable] 1 the sound or act of laughing Her jokes got a lot of laughs. We all had a good laugh (dobrze się uśmialiśmy) at what he’d written. ▶ śmiech
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laughter /ˈlɑ: ftə(r); US ˈlæf- / noun [uncountable] the sound or act of laughing Everyone roared with laughter. ▶ śmiech
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2 to send a ship into the water or a spacecraft into the sky The lifeboat was launched immediately. ▶ wodować (statek) wystrzelić (rakietę) launch1 /lɔ: ntʃ; US / verb [transitive] 1 to start sth new or to show sth for the first time The enemy launched an attack at midnight. to launch a new product onto the market ▶ rozpoczynać lansować
zabierać się do czegoś nowego începe să înveți
launch out to do sth new in your career, especially sth more exciting It’s time I launched out on my own. ▶ zabierać się do czegoś (nowego) launch into sth; launch yourself into sth to begin sth in an enthusiastic way, especially sth that will take a long time He launched into a lengthy account of his career. ▶ zabierać się do czegoś z entuzjazmem
wodowanie, wystrzeliwanie rakiet începe să înveți
launching, launching rockets 2 a large motorboat ▶ łódź motorowa launch2 /lɔ: ntʃ; US / noun [countable] 1[usually sing.] the act of launching a ship, spacecraft, new product, etc. The shuttle launch has been delayed by 24 hours. ▶ wodowanie (statku) wystrzelenie (rakiety) wylansowanie
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ˈlaunch pad (also ˈlaunching pad) noun [countable] a platform from which a spacecraft, etc. is sent into the sky: (figurative) She regards the job as a launch pad for her career in the media. ▶ wyrzutnia rakietowa odskocznia
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launderette /lɔ: nˈdret; US / (US Laundromat /ˈlɔ: ndrəmæt; US /) noun [countable] a type of shop where you pay to wash and dry your clothes in machines ▶ pralnia samoobsługowa
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2 to move money that has been obtained illegally into foreign bank accounts or legal businesses Most of the drugs money was laundered through Swiss bank accounts. ▶ prać (brudne pieniądze) launder /ˈlɔ: ndə(r); US / verb [transitive] 1(formal) to wash, dry and iron clothes, etc. freshly laundered sheets ▶ prać
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2[countable] a business where you send sheets, clothes, etc. to be washed and dried ▶ pralnia laundry /ˈlɔ: ndri; US / noun (pl. laundries) 1[uncountable] clothes, etc. that need washing or that are being washed dirty laundry rzeczy do prania ▶ pranie W codziennej Br. ang. częściej używa się zwrotu the washing.
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laurel /ˈlɒrəl; US; / noun 1 [countable, uncountable] an evergreen bush with dark smooth shiny leaves ▶ wawrzyn laur 2(laurels) [pl.] honour and distinction following a great achievement ▶ laury
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lava /ˈlɑ: və; US / noun [uncountable] hot liquid rock that comes out of a volcano ▶ lawa
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lavender /ˈlævəndə(r); US / noun [uncountable] a garden plant with purple flowers that smells very pleasant ▶ lawenda
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2[countable] an official rule of a country or state that says what people may or may not do There’s a new law about wearing seat belts in the back of cars. ▶ prawo ustawa ⇨ note at rule law /lɔ:; US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1(the law) [uncountable] all the laws in a country or state Stealing is against the law. to break the law to obey the law ▶ prawo
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4 [countable] (in science) a statement of what always happens in certain situations or conditions the laws of mathematics/gravity ▶ zasada prawo 3[uncountable] the law as a subject of study or as a profession She is studying law. My brother works for a law firm (w firmie prawniczej) in Brighton. ▶ prawo ⇨ look at legal
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law and order a situation in which the law is obeyed There has been a breakdown of law and order in this country over the past ten years. ▶ praworządność
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lawbreaker /ˈlɔ: breɪkə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who does not obey the law; a criminal ▶ przestęp-ca/czyni
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lawful /ˈlɔ: fl; US / adj. allowed or recognized by law We shall use all lawful means to obtain our demands. his lawful wife jego ślubna żona ▶ legalny prawowity
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lawless /ˈlɔ: ləs; US / adj. (used about a person or their actions) breaking the law a gang of lawless hooligans ▶ łamiący prawo □ lawlessness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ bezprawie
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lawn /lɔ: n; US / noun [countable, uncountable] an area of grass in a garden or park that is regularly cut I’m going to mow the lawn this afternoon. ▶ trawnik
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lawnmower /ˈlɔ: nməʊə(r); US / noun [countable] a machine that is used for cutting the grass in a garden ▶ kosiarka
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lawsuit /ˈlɔ: su: t; US / noun [countable] a legal argument in a court of law that is between two people or groups and not between the police and a criminal to file a lawsuit wnosić sprawę do sądu ▶ proces (sądowy)
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lawyer /ˈlɔ: jə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who has a certificate in law to consult a lawyer ▶ adwokat prawni-k/czka Solicitor to notariusz. Barrister to adwokat. Odpowiednik amerykański – attorney /əˈtɜ: ni; US /.
luźny, rozluźniony (careless) începe să înveți
lax /læks; US / adj. not having high standards; not strict Their security checks are rather lax. ▶ rozluźniony luźny
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laxative /ˈlæksətɪv; US / noun [countable] a medicine, food or drink that makes the body get rid of solid waste material easily ▶ środek przeczyszczający □ laxative adj. ▶ (lek itp.) przeczyszczający
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‘ Don’t worry,’ she said, laying her hand on my shoulder. ▶ kłaść położyć lay1 /leɪ; US / verb [t] (past tense, past participle laid /leɪd; US /) 1 to put sb/sth carefully in a particular position or on a surface Before they started they laid newspaper on the floor. He laid the child gently down on her bed.
lay sth out 1 to spread out a number of things so that you can see them easily or so that they look nice All the food was laid out on a table in the garden. ▶ rozstawiać coś rozkładać coś lay sth down to give sth as a rule It’s all laid down in the rules of the club. ▶ ustanawiać (przepis) 2 to arrange sth in a planned way The new shopping centre is very attractively laid out. ▶ rozplanowywać coś projektować coś începe să înveți
4 to prepare sth for use The police have laid a trap for him and I think they’ll catch him this time. Can you lay the table please? Czy możesz nakryć do stołu? ▶ zastawiać (np. pułapkę) przygotowywać 2 to put sth in the correct position for a particular purpose They’re laying new electricity cables in our street. ▶ zakładać 3 to produce eggs Hens lay eggs. ▶ znosić (jajka)
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lay2 /leɪ; US / adj. [only before a noun] 1 without special training in or knowledge of a particular subject ▶ laicki 2 (used about a religious teacher) who has not been officially trained as a priest a lay preacher ▶ świecki
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ˈlay-by (US ˈrest stop) noun [countable] (pl. lay-bys) an area at the side of a road where vehicles can stop for a short time ▶ zato(cz)ka (na szosie)
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It’s very cold. You’ll need several layers of clothing. the top/bottom layer the inner/outer layer ▶ warstwa layer /ˈleə(r) ˈleɪə(r); US / noun [c] a piece or quantity of sth that is on sth else or between other things A thin layer of dust covered everything in the room. The cake has a layer of jam in the middle.
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layout /ˈleɪaʊt; US / noun [countable, usually sing.] the way in which the parts of sth are arranged the magazine has a new page layout (układ graficzny) There is no single correct layout for business letters. ▶ rozplanowanie rozkład
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layperson /ˈleɪpɜ: sn; US / noun [countable] (also ˈlay person) (pl. lay people or laypersons) a layman or laywoman The layperson cannot really understand mental illness. ▶ laik
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laze /leɪz; US / verb [intransitive] laze (about/around) to do very little; to rest or relax We just lazed around all afternoon. ▶ leniuchować zbijać bąki
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3 moving slowly or without much energy a lazy smile ▶ powolny □ lazily /; US / adv. ▶ leniwie powolnie —laziness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ lenistwo próżniactwo lazy /ˈleɪzi; US / adj. (lazier; laziest) 1 (used about a person) not wanting to work Don’t be lazy. Come and give me a hand. ▶ leniwy próżniaczy 2 making you feel that you do not want to do very much a lazy summer’s afternoon ▶ senny leniwy
Mówiąc o oprowadzaniu turystów lub doprowadzeniu do jakiegoś miejsca osoby potrzebującej pomocy, używa się czasownika guide: to guide visitors around Oxford • He guided the blind woman to her seat. Pytając o drogę lub udzielając szczegółowych wskazówek w odpowiedzi na takie pytanie, używa się czasownika direct: Could you direct me to the nearest post office, please? începe să înveți
She led the horse into its stable. The receptionist led the way to the boardroom. to lead somebody by the hand ▶ prowadzić wieść lead1 /li: d / verb (past tense, past participle led /led /) 1[t] to go with or in front of a person or an animal to show the way or to make them or it go in the right direction The teacher led the children out of the hall and back to the classroom.
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4[transitive] lead sb to do sth to influence what sb does or thinks He led me to believe (przekonał mnie) he really meant what he said. He’s too easily led. Łatwo ulega wpływom. ▶ skłaniać kogoś do zrobienia czegoś 2 [intransitive] to go to a place I don’t think this path leads anywhere. ▶ doprowadzać wieść 3[intransitive] lead to sth to have sth as a result Eating too much sugar can lead to all sorts of health problems. ▶ prowadzić
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6[intransitive, transitive] to be winning or in first place in front of sb Williams is leading by two games to love. Williams is leading Davenport by two games to love. ▶ wyprzedzać prowadzić 5[transitive] to have a particular type of life They lead a very busy life. to lead a life of crime prowadzić przestępczy tryb życia ▶ prowadzić wieść
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lead up to sth to be an introduction to or cause of sth What were the events that led up to the First World War? ▶ doprowadzać do czegoś lead sb astray to make sb start behaving or thinking in the wrong way His friends led him astray and he ended up in prison. ▶ zwieść kogoś na manowce
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2 the person or thing that is best or in first place The leader has just finished the third lap. The new shampoo soon became a market leader. ▶ lider leader /ˈli: də(r); US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 a person who is a manager or in charge of sth a strong leader She is a natural leader. ▶ przywód-ca/czyni
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2[uncountable] the qualities that a leader should have She’s got good leadership skills. ▶ umiejętność przewodzenia leadership /ˈli: dəʃɪp; US / noun 1 [uncountable] the state or position of being a manager or the person in charge Who will take over the leadership of the party? ▶ przywództwo przewodnictwo
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3[countable, with sing. or pl. verb] the people who are in charge of a country, organization, etc. Has/Have the leadership lost touch with ordinary people? ▶ kierownictwo władza przywództwo
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2 that tries to make sb give a particular answer The lawyer was warned not to ask the witness leading questions. ▶ (pytanie) naprowadzający leading /ˈli: dɪŋ; US / adj. [only before a noun] 1 best or most important He’s one of the leading experts in this field. She played a leading role in getting the business started. ▶ wybitny czołowy główny
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leaf1 /li: f; US / noun [countable] (pl. leaves /li: vz; US /) ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW one of the thin, flat, usually green parts of a plant or tree The trees lose their leaves in autumn. ▶ liść
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leaf2 /li: f; US / verb PHRASAL VERB leaf through sth to turn the pages of a book, etc. quickly and without looking at them carefully ▶ kartkować
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leaflet /ˈli: flət; US / noun [countable] a printed piece of paper that gives information about sth. Leaflets are usually given free of charge I picked up a leaflet advertising a new club. ▶ ulotka
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leafy /ˈli: fi; US / adj. (leafier; leafiest) 1 having many leaves a leafy bush ▶ bogato ulistniony 2 (used about a place) with many trees a leafy lane/garden ▶ pełen zieleni zielony
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2 a level of quality, ability, etc. He is so much better than the others. They’re just not in the same league. ▶ ranga klasa 3 a group of people, countries, etc. that join together for a particular purpose the League of Nations ▶ liga przymierze league /li:ɡ; US / noun [countable] 1 a group of sports clubs that compete with each other for a prize the football league Which team is top of the league at the moment? ▶ liga
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in league (with sb) having a secret agreement (with sb) They were accused of being in league with the enemy. ▶ w zmowie/sprzysiężeniu z kimś
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2 a table that shows how well institutions such as schools or hospitals are performing in comparison with each other ▶ ranking ˈleague table noun [countable] (Brit.) 1 a table that shows the position of sports teams and how successfully they are performing in a competition ▶ tabela ligi
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2[intransitive] (used about liquid or gas) to get out through a hole or crack Water is leaking in through the roof. ▶ wyciekać ulatniać się leak1 /li: k; US / verb 1 [intransitive, transitive] to allow liquid or gas to get through a hole or crack The boat was leaking badly. ▶ przeciekać przepuszczać
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leak out (used about secret information) to become known The government did not want the details to leak out. ▶ (tajne informacje) przeciekać wydawać się 3[transitive] leak sth (to sb) to give secret information to sb The committee’s findings were leaked to the press before the report was published. ▶ powodować przeciek (informacji) ujawniać tajemnicę
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2 the liquid or gas that gets through a hole a gas leak ▶ wyciek ulatniający się gaz 3 the act of giving away information that should be kept secret ▶ przeciek (informacji) □ leaky /; US / adj. a leaky pipe ▶ nieszczelny przeciekający leak2 /li: k; US / noun [countable] 1 a small hole or crack which liquid or gas can get through There’s a leak in the pipe. The roof has sprung a leak. ▶ nieszczelność szczelina
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leakage /ˈli: kɪdʒ; US / noun [countable, uncountable] the act of coming out of a hole or crack; the liquid or gas that comes out a leakage of dangerous chemicals ▶ wyciek
wychylać się, pochylać się începe să înveți
He leaned across the table to pick up the phone. She leaned out of the window and waved. Just lean back and relax. ▶ pochylać się wychylać się lean1 /li: n; US / verb (past tense, past participle leant /lent; US / or leaned /li: nd; US /) 1[intransitive] to move the top part of your body and head forwards, backwards or to the side
opierać się, wspierać się începe să înveți
3[i, t] lean (sth) against/on sth to rest against sth so that it gives support; She stopped and leant on the gate. Please don’t lean bicycles against this window. You can rely on me. I’ll always be there for you to lean on. ▶ opierać (się) o coś 2[intransitive] to be in a position that is not straight or vertical That wardrobe leans to the right. ▶ opierać się wspierać się
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lean2 /li: n; US / adj. 1 (used about a person or an animal) thin and in good health ▶ szczupły 2 (used about meat) having little or no fat ▶ chudy bez tłuszczu 3 not producing much a lean harvest ▶ nieurodzajny niewydajny
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2 to move quickly I looked at the clock and leapt out of bed (wyskoczyłem z łóżka). She leapt back (odskoczyła) when the pan caught fire. ▶ skakać /li:p/ [i] (past tense, past participle leapt /lept ; US / or leaped /li:pt) 1 to jump high or a long way The horse leapt over the wall. A fish suddenly leapt out of (wyskoczyła z) the water. We all leapt into the air when they scored the goal.
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2 a sudden large change or increase in sth The development of penicillin was a great leap forward in the field of medicine. a leap in the price of land ▶ skok (naprzód/w górę) wzrost leap2 /li: p; US / noun [countable] 1 a big jump He took a flying leap at the wall but didn’t get over it. • (figurative) My heart gave a leap (podskoczyło) when I heard the news. ▶ skok podskok sus
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ˈleap year noun [countable] one year in every four, in which February has 29 days instead of 28 ▶ rok przestępny
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Debbie is learning to play the piano. to learn a foreign language/a musical instrument Where did you learn how to swim? Gdzie się nauczyłaś pływać? ▶ uczyć się /lɜ:n / (past tense, past participle learnt /lɜ:nt ; US / or learned /ˈlɜ:nd ; US /) 1[i, t] learn (sth) (from sb/sth) to get knowledge (from sb/sth) I’m not very good at driving yet – I’m still learning. We’re learning about China at school.
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3[transitive] to study sth so that you can repeat it from memory The teacher said we have to learn the poem for tomorrow. ▶ nauczyć się (na pamięć) 2[intransitive] learn (of/about) sth to get some information about sth; to find out I was sorry to learn about your father’s death. ▶ dowiadywać się
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4[intransitive] to understand or realize We should have learned by now that we can’t rely on her. It’s important to learn from your mistakes (uczyć się na własnych błędach). ▶ zrozumieć
zrozumieć coś dopiero po przykrym doświadczeniu începe să înveți
learn your lesson to understand what you must do/not do in the future because you have had an unpleasant experience ▶ zrozumieć coś dopiero po przykrym doświadczeniu
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learner /ˈlɜ: nə(r)/ noun [c] a person who is learning a learner driver textbooks for young learners The ‘ L’ plate on a car means the driver is a learner (że kierowca dopiero się uczy prowadzić) and hasn’t passed the test yet. ▶ ucząc-y/a się
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learning /ˈlɜ: nɪŋ; US / noun [uncountable] 1 the process of learning sth new methods of language learning ▶ uczenie się poznawanie 2 knowledge that you get from studying men and women of learning (wielkiej wiedzy) ▶ wiedza nauka
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□ lease verb [transitive] They lease the land from a local farmer. Part of the building is leased out to tenants. ▶ dzierżawić lease /li: s; US / noun [countable] a legal agreement that allows you to use a building or land for a fixed period of time in return for rent The lease on the flat runs out/expires next year. ▶ dzierżawa
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□ leasehold 1 adv. to purchase land leasehold ▶ (kupno budynku/ziemi) na zasadach dzierżawy lub najmu leasehold /ˈli: shəʊld; US / adj. (especially Brit.) (used about property or land) that can be used for a limited period of time, according to the arrangements in a lease a leasehold property ▶ (budynek, ziemia) dzierżawiony
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□ least adv. less than anyone/anything else; less than at any other time He’s the person who needs help least. I bought the least expensive tickets. My uncle always appears when we’re least expecting him. ▶ najmniej least /li: st; US / determiner, pron. [used as the superlative of little] smallest in size, amount, degree, etc. He’s got the least experience of all of us. You’ve done the most work, and I’m afraid John has done the least. ▶ najmniej najmniejszy
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not in the least (bit) not at all I’m not in the least bit worried. It doesn’t matter in the least. To nie ma najmniejszego znaczenia. ▶ bynajmniej w najmniejszym stopniu least of all especially not Nobody should be worried, least of all you. ▶ zwłaszcza nie (np. ty)
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leather /ˈleðə(r); US / noun [uncountable] the skin of animals which has been specially treated. Leather is used to make shoes, bags, coats, etc. a leather jacket ▶ skóra skórzany
He left New York and went to live in Canada. Depart to słowo bardziej formalne, używane wówczas, gdy mówi się o odjeździe statków, pociągów, samolotów itp: The 6.15 train for Southampton departs from Platform 3. Por. leave i depart. Czasownika leave używa się, kiedy opuszcza się kogoś/coś na stałe lub na krótko: He leaves the house at 8.00 every morning. • începe să înveți
The train leaves Warwick at just after ten. He left (zostawił) his mother in tears. Barry left (porzucił) his wife for another woman. He leaves home (wychodzi z domu) at 8.00 every morning. leave1 /li: v/ (past tense, past participle left /left) 1[i, t] to go away from sb/sth We should leave now if we’re going to get there by 8 o’clock. I felt sick in class so I left the room. At what age do most people leave school in your country?
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Don’t leave your friend outside in the cold. Invite him in. Let’s leave the washing-up till tomorrow. Why do you always leave your homework till the last minute? ▶ zostawiać 2 [transitive] to cause or allow sb/sth to stay in a particular place or condition; to not deal with sth Leave the door open, please. Don’t leave the iron on when you are not using it.
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4[transitive] to make sth happen or stay as a result Don’t put that cup on the table. It’ll leave a mark. ▶ zostawiać 5[transitive] to not use sth Leave some milk for me, please. ▶ zostawiać 3[transitive] to put sth somewhere Val left a message on her answerphone. I left him a note. ▶ zostawiać
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7[transitive] to give sth to sb when you die In his will he left everything to his three sons. ▶ zostawiać 6[transitive] leave sth (behind) to forget to bring sth with you I’m afraid I’ve left my homework at home. Can I give it to you tomorrow? I can’t find my glasses. Maybe I left them behind at work. ▶ zostawiać zapominać
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8[transitive] to give the care of or responsibility for sb/sth to another person I’ll leave it to you to organize all the food. He left his assistant in charge when he went away on holiday. ▶ zostawiać (komuś coś do zrobienia)
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be left high and dry to be left without help in a difficult situation ▶ być pozostawionym bez pomocy/środków do życia leave sb/sth alone to not touch, annoy or speak to sb/sth Leave her alone for a few minutes. ▶ zostawiać kogoś/coś (w spokoju)
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leave sb/sth out (of sth) to not include sb/sth This doesn’t make sense. I think the typist has left out a line. I was angry at being left out of the team. ▶ opuszczać kogoś/coś (np. na liście, w tekście) pomijać kogoś/coś (np. w spisie) leave sb/sth off (sth) to not include sb/sth on a list, etc. You’ve left off a zero. We left him off the list. ▶ pomijać kogoś/coś (na czymś)
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leave2 /li: v / noun [un] a period of time when you do not go to work Diplomats working abroad usually get a month’s home leave each year. annual leave sick leave Molly’s not working – she’s on maternity leave. ▶ urlop zwolnienie
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The college has asked a journalist to come and give a lecture on the media. a course (cykl) of lectures ▶ wykład lecture /ˈlektʃə(r); US / noun [countable] 1a lecture (on/about sth) a talk that is given to a group of people to teach them about a particular subject, especially as part of a university course
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□ lecture verb 1 [intransitive] to give a lecture or lectures (on a particular subject) Alex lectures in European Studies at London University. ▶ wykładać
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lecturer /ˈlektʃərə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who gives talks to teach people about a subject, especially as a job in a university She’s a history lecturer/a lecturer in history. ▶ wykładowca
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ˈlecture theatre (US ˈlecture theater) noun [countable] a large room with rows of seats on a slope, where lectures are given ▶ sala wykładowa
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ledge /ledʒ; US / noun [countable] a narrow shelf underneath a window, or a narrow piece of rock that sticks out on the side of a cliff or mountain ▶ parapet występ
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leek /li: k; US / noun [countable] a long thin vegetable that is white at one end with thin green leaves ▶ por
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left4 /left; US / noun [sing.] 1 the left side In Britain we drive on the left. Our house is just to/on the left of that tall building. If you look to your left you’ll see one of the city’s most famous landmarks. ▶ lewa strona OPPOSITE right left2 /left; US / adj. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[only before a noun] on the side where your heart is in the body I’ve broken my left arm. ▶ lewy to or towards the left Turn left just past the Post Office. ▶ na/w lewo
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2(be left) still available after everything else has been taken or used Is there any bread left? How much time do we have left? If there’s any money left over, we’ll have a cup of coffee. ▶ zostawać