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□ minimum adv. We’ll need £ 200 minimum for expenses. ▶ minimum
minimum1 /ˈmɪnɪməm; US / adj. [only before a noun] the smallest possible or allowed; extremely small What’s the minimum age for leaving school in Britain? to introduce a national minimum wage ▶ minimalny  OPPOSITE  maximum
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minimum2 /ˈmɪnɪməm; US / noun [sing.] (abbr. min.) the smallest amount or level that is possible or allowed I need a minimum of seven hours’ sleep. We will try and keep the cost of the tickets to a minimum. ▶ minimum
płaca minimalna
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minimum wage
minimum ˈwage noun [sing.] the lowest wage that an employer is allowed to pay by law to introduce a national minimum wage a minimum wage policy ▶ najniższa płaca
wydobycie, górnictwo
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mining, mining
mining /ˈmaɪnɪŋ; US / noun [uncountable] [in compounds] the process or industry of getting minerals, metals, etc. out of the ground by digging coal/tin/gold mining a mining town ▶ wydobycie górnictwo
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minister, secretary
2 a priest in some Protestant churches ▶ pastor
minister /ˈmɪnɪstə(r); US / noun [countable] 1 (Brit.) (Minister) a member of the government, often the head of a government department the Minister for Trade and Industry ▶ minister ⇨ look at prime minister, cabinet, secretary
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ministerial /ˌmɪnɪˈstɪəriəl; US / adj. connected with a government minister or department a ministerial decision ▶ ministerialny
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2(the ministry) [sing.] the profession of being a priest (in Protestant churches) to enter the ministry zostać duchownym ▶ kapłaństwo stan duchowny
ministry /ˈmɪnɪstri; US / noun [countable] (pl. ministries) (Brit.) (also department) 1 a government department that has a particular area of responsibility the Ministry of Defence ▶ ministerstwo W Amer. ang. używa się tylko słowa department.
drugorzędny, drobny
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secondary, minor
2 of one of the two types of key1 (4) in which music is usually written a symphony in F minor ▶ minorowy moll
minor1 /ˈmaɪnə(r); US / adj. 1 not very big, serious or important (when compared with others) It’s only a minor problem. Don’t worry. to suffer minor injuries She’s gone into hospital for a minor operation. ▶ drugorzędny drobny  OPPOSITE  major
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juvenile, minor
minor2 /ˈmaɪnə(r); US / noun [countable] (used in law) a person who is not legally an adult It is an offence to serve alcohol to minors. ▶ nieletni/a In Britain you are a minor until you are eighteen when you come of age.
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a minority
2 a small group of people who are of a different race or religion to most of the people in the community or country where they live Schools in Britain need to do more to help children of ethnic minorities. minority languages ▶ mniejszość narodowa/etniczna
/maɪˈnɒrəti / (pl. minorities) 1[usually sing., with sing. or pl. verb] the smaller number or part of a group; less than half Only a minority of teenagers become/becomes involved in crime. minority interests potrzeby mniejszości ▶ mniejszość
mięta, miętowy
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mint, mint
3[sing.] the place where money in the form of coins and notes is made by the government ▶ mennica □ mint verb [transitive] freshly minted coins ▶ bić (monetę)
mint /mɪnt; US / noun 1 [uncountable] a herb whose leaves are used to give flavour to food, drinks, etc. lamb with mint sauce ▶ mięta miętowy 2 [countable] a type of sweet with a strong fresh flavour ▶ cukierek miętowy miętówka
minus, mniej
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minus, less
3(informal) without sth that was there before We’re going to be minus a car for a while. ▶ bez
minus1 /ˈmaɪnəs; US / prep. 1 (used in sums) less; take away Six minus two is four (6 - 2 = 4). ▶ minus mniej  OPPOSITE  plus ⇨ look at subtract 2 (used about a number) below zero The temperature will fall to minus 10. ▶ minus poniżej zera
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negative, minus
minus3 /ˈmaɪnəs; US / adj. 1 (used in mathematics) lower than zero a minus figure ▶ ujemny 2[not before a noun] (used in a system of grades given for school work) slightly lower than I got A minus (A−) for my essay. ▶ minus
protokół spotkania
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minutes of the meeting
(at) any minute/moment (now) (informal) very soon The plane should be landing any minute now. ▶ w każdej chwili
3(the minutes) [pl.] a written record of what is said and decided at a meeting to take the minutes spisywać protokół ▶ protokół
wskazówka minutowa
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minute hand
ˈminute hand noun [usually sing.] the hand on a watch or clock that points to the minutes ▶ wskazówka minutowa
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2[sing.] a lucky thing that happens that you did not expect or think was possible It’s a miracle (that) nobody was killed in the crash. a miracle cure/drug ▶ (przen.) cud
miracle /ˈmɪrəkl; US / noun 1 [countable] a wonderful event that seems impossible and that is believed to be caused by God or a god ▶ cud
cudowny, nadprzyrodzony
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miraculous /mɪˈrækjələs; US / adj. completely unexpected and very lucky She’s made a miraculous recovery. ▶ cudowny nadprzyrodzony □ miraculously /; US / adv. ▶ cudownie w cudowny sposób
miraż, złudzenie
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mirage, illusion
mirage /ˈmɪrɑ:ʒ; mɪˈrɑ:ʒ; US məˈrɑ:ʒ / noun [countable] something that you think you see in very hot weather, for example water in a desert, but which does not really exist ▶ fatamorgana złudzenie miraż
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a mirror
□ mirror verb [transitive] The trees were mirrored in the lake. ▶ odzwierciedlać odbijać obraz
mirror /ˈmɪrə(r); US / noun [countable] a piece of special flat glass that you can look into in order to see yourself to look in the mirror a rear-view mirror ▶ lustro A mirror reflects images. What you see in a mirror is a reflection.
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He is accused of misappropriating money from the company’s pension fund. ▶ sprzeniewierzać  SYNONYM  embezzle ⇨ look at appropriate □ misappropriation /ˌmɪsəˌprəʊpriˈeɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] the misappropriation of funds ▶ sprzeniewierzenie
misappropriate /ˌmɪsəˈprəʊprieɪt; US / verb [transitive] (formal) to take sb else’s money or property for yourself, especially when they have trusted you to take care of it
źle się zachowywać
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□ misbehaviour (US misbehavior) /ˌmɪsbɪˈheɪvjə(r); US / noun [uncountable] ▶ złe zachowanie
misbehave /ˌmɪsbɪˈheɪv; US / verb [intransitive] to behave badly Any child who misbehaved was made to stand at the front of the class. ▶ źle się zachowywać  OPPOSITE  behave
źle obliczyć
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□ miscalculation /ˌmɪskælkjuˈleɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ błąd w obliczeniach przeliczenie się
miscalculate /ˌmɪsˈkælkjuleɪt; US / verb [i, t] to make a mistake in calculating or judging a situation, an amount, etc. The driver totally miscalculated the speed at which the other car was travelling. ▶ źle obliczyć przeliczyć się
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 IDIOMS  a miscarriage of justice an occasion when sb is punished for a crime that they did not do ▶ pomyłka sądowa
miscarriage /ˈmɪskærɪdʒ; US / noun [countable, uncountable] giving birth to a baby a long time before it is ready to be born, with the result that it cannot live ▶ poronienie ⇨ look at abortion
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2 (used about a plan, idea, etc.) to fail ▶ nie udać się
miscarry /ˌmɪsˈkæri; US / verb [intransitive] (miscarrying; miscarries; past tense, past participle miscarried) 1 to give birth to a baby before it is ready to be born, with the result that it cannot live ▶ poronić
nieprofesjonalne zachowanie
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misconduct /ˌmɪsˈkɒndʌkt; US / noun [uncountable] (formal) unacceptable behaviour, especially by a professional person The doctor was dismissed for gross misconduct. ▶ złe/nieprofesjonalne postępowanie
drobne wykroczenie
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petty offense, misdemeanour
misdemeanour (US misdemeanor) /ˌmɪsdɪˈmi: nə(r); US / noun [countable] something slightly bad or wrong that a person does; a crime that is not very serious ▶ złe sprawowanie drobne wykroczenie ⇨
nieszczęśliwy, przygnębiony
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miserable, depressed
3 I was offered a miserable salary so I didn’t take the job. ▶ marny nędzny □ miserably /-əbli / adv. I stared miserably out of the window. He failed miserably as an actor. Jako aktor poniósł sromotną klęskę. ▶ nieszczęśliwie żałośnie marnie
miserable /ˈmɪzrəbl; US / adj. 1 very unhappy Oh dear, you look miserable. What’s wrong? ▶ nieszczęśliwy przygnębiony 2 unpleasant; making you feel unhappy It’s miserable working in such an unfriendly atmosphere. What miserable weather! ▶ przykry
cierpienia, nieszczęścia
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misery /ˈmɪzəri; US / noun [uncountable, countable] (pl. miseries) great unhappiness or suffering I couldn’t bear to see him in such misery. the miseries of war ▶ cierpienia nieszczęście
nieszczęście, pech
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bad luck, misfortune
She has learned from her errors and misfortunes and has matured greatly as a result. I hope I don’t ever have the misfortune to meet him again. ▶ nieszczęście pech
misfortune /ˌmɪsˈfɔ: tʃu: n; US / noun [countable, uncountable] (formal) (an event, accident, etc. that brings) bad luck or disaster
złe rozumienie
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misinterpret /ˌmɪsɪnˈtɜ: prɪt; US / verb [transitive] misinterpret sth (as sth) to understand sth wrongly His comments were misinterpreted as a criticism of the project. ▶ źle interpretować/rozumieć
□ misinterpretation /ˌmɪsɪntɜ: prɪˈteɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] Parts of the speech were open to misinterpretation (można było źle zrozumieć). ▶ zła interpretacja złe rozumienie
źle osądzać
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2 to guess time, distance, etc. wrongly He misjudged the speed of the other car and almost crashed. ▶ błędnie oceniać
misjudge /ˌmɪsˈdʒʌdʒ; US / verb [transitive] 1 to form a wrong opinion of sb/sth, usually in a way which is unfair to them or it ▶ źle osądzać nie doceniać
źle oceniać
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□ misjudgement /; US / (also misjudgment) noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ zła ocena fałszywe mniemanie
wprowadzać w błąd
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mislead - misled - misled
□ misleading /; US / adj. a misleading advertisement ▶ wprowadzający w błąd zwodniczy
mislead /ˌmɪsˈli: d; US / verb [transitive] (past tense, past participle misled /-ˈled; US /) to make sb have the wrong idea or opinion about sb/sth Don’t be misled by his charm – he’s a ruthless man underneath. ▶ wprowadzać w błąd zwodzić
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misogynist /mɪˈsɒdʒɪnɪst; US / noun [countable] (formal) a man who hates women ▶ mizogin □ misogynistic /mɪˌsɒdʒɪˈnɪstɪk; US / (also misogynist) adj. misogynistic attitudes ▶ mizoginistyczny —misogyny /; US / noun [u] ▶ mizoginia
błąd drukarski
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misprint /ˈmɪsprɪnt; US / noun [countable] a mistake in printing or typing ▶ błąd drukarski
zła wymowa
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mispronounce /ˌmɪsprəˈnaʊns; US / verb [transitive] to say a word or letter wrongly People always mispronounce my surname. ▶ niepoprawnie wymawiać □ mispronunciation /ˌmɪsprəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ zła wymowa
fałszywy obraz
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misrepresent /ˌmɪsˌreprɪˈzent; US / verb [transitive, usually passive] to give a wrong description of sb/sth In the newspaper article they were misrepresented as uncaring parents. ▶ fałszywie przedstawiać dawać fałszywy obraz
□ misrepresentation /ˌmɪsˌreprɪzenˈteɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] That’s a deliberate misrepresentation of the facts. ▶ złe przedstawienie fałszywy obraz
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Miss, Mrs, Ms i Mr używa się przed nazwiskiem osoby, a nie przed imieniem, chyba że imię występuje razem z nazwiskiem. Można powiedzieć: Is there a Miss (Tamsin) Hudson here? (ale nie Miss Tamsin).
Miss /mɪs; US / ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW (used as a title before the family name of a young woman or a woman who is not married) ▶ panna
chybić, nie trafić
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to miss
2[t] The house is on the corner so you can’t miss it. There was so much noise that I missed a lot of what the speaker said. They completely missed the point of what I was saying. She doesn’t miss much. ▶ nie dostrzegać nie słyszeć
miss1 /mɪs; US / verb ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[intransitive, transitive] to fail to hit, catch, etc. sth She tried to catch the ball but she missed. The bullet narrowly missed his heart. ▶ chybić nie trafiać
przegapić, przeoczyć
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4[transitive] to arrive too late for sth/sb Hurry up or you’ll miss the plane! Professor Oliver? I’m afraid you’ve just missed him. ▶ spóźnić się na coś rozminąć się z kimś
3[transitive] to fail to go to or do sth Of course I’m coming to your wedding. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. You can’t afford to miss meals now you’re pregnant. ▶ przegapić przeoczyć
tęsknić za czymś
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to miss something
6[transitive] to notice that sb/sth is not where they or it should be When did you first miss your handbag? Let’s go home now – nobody will miss us. ▶ zauważyć brak
5[t] to feel sad because sb is not with you I’ll miss you terribly when you go away. I don’t miss teaching at all. I prefer my new job. What did you miss most when you lived abroad? She’ll be greatly missed when she retires. ▶ tęsknić za kimś/czymś
pudło, chybienie
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miss, miss
miss2 /mɪs; US / noun [countable] a failure to hit, catch or reach sth After several misses he finally managed to hit the target. ▶ chybienie nie złapanie pudło
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2 an object that is thrown at sb in order to hurt them The rioters threw missiles such as bottles and stones. ▶ przedmiot wystrzelony/rzucony
missile /ˈmɪsaɪl; US ˈmɪsl / noun [countable] 1 a powerful exploding weapon that can be sent long distances through the air nuclear missiles ▶ pocisk
zgubiony, brakujący
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lost, missing
2 (used about a person) not present after a battle, an accident, Many soldiers were listed as missing in action. ▶ zaginiony (np. w toku działań) 3 not included, often when it should have been Fill in the missing words in the text. ▶ brakujący
missing /ˈmɪsɪŋ / adj. 1 The little girl has been missing from home for two days Two files have gone missing from my office. He didn’t notice anything missing from his room until much later on. a missing person zaginiony ▶ zgubiony brakujący
misja, zadanie specjalne
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mission, special task
2 a group of people who are sent to a foreign country to perform a special task a British trade mission to China ▶ misja 3 a place where people are taught about the Christian religion, given medical help, etc. by missionaries ▶ misja
mission /ˈmɪʃn; US / noun [countable] 1 an important official job that sb is sent somewhere to do, especially to another country Your mission is to send back information about the enemy’s movements. ▶ misja zadanie specjalne
misja, misja
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mission, mission
4 a particular task which you feel it is your duty to do Her work with the poor was more than just a job – it was her mission in life. ▶ posłannictwo misja 5 a special journey made by a spacecraft or military aircraft a mission to the moon ▶ misja
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missionary /ˈmɪʃənri; US -neri / noun [countable] (pl. missionaries) a person who is sent to a foreign country to teach about the Christian religion ▶ misjona-rz/rka
pisać z błędem ortograficznym
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misspell /ˌmɪsˈspel; US / verb [transitive] (past tense, past participle misspelled or misspelt /ˌmɪsˈspelt; US /) to spell sth wrongly ▶ pisać z błędem ortograficznym
mgła, mgiełka
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fog, mist
□ misty /ˈmɪsti; US / adj. a misty morning ▶ mglisty zamglony ⇨ look at foggy
mist1 /mɪst; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a cloud made of very small drops of water in the air just above the ground, that makes it difficult to see early morning mists The fields were covered in mist. ▶ mgła mgiełka
pokrywać się mgłą
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mist up
mist (sth) up/over to cover or be covered with very small drops of water that make it difficult to see My glasses misted up when I came in from the cold. ▶ pokrywać (się) mgłą zaparować
błąd, pomyłka
The other driver pulled out in front of me. Fault używa się także, mówiąc o istnieniu lub braku jakiejś usterki przedmiotu lub wady człowieka: a technical fault • Laziness is not one of her faults. Synonimem wyrażenia make a mistake jest do sth wrong
Error jest bardziej formalne niż mistake (formal) Please accept my apologies. I opened your letter in error. • (informal) I’m sorry. I opened your letter by mistake. • a computing error. Fault wskazuje na winną osobę: The accident wasn’t my fault.
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error, mistake
by mistake as a result of being careless The terrorists shot the wrong man by mistake. ▶ przez pomyłkę błędnie mylnie
mistake1 /mɪˈsteɪk; US / noun [c] something that you think or do that is wrong Try not to make any mistakes in your essays. a spelling mistake It was a big mistake to trust her. I made the mistake of giving him my address. ▶ błąd pomyłka
źle zrozumieć
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2 to be wrong about sth I think you’ve mistaken my meaning. ▶ źle rozumieć
mistake2 /mɪˈsteɪk/ verb [t] (past tense mistook /mɪˈstʊk; US /, past participle mistaken /mɪˈsteɪkən; US /) 1mistake A for B to think wrongly that sb/sth is sb/sth else I’m sorry, I mistook you for a friend of mine. ▶ brać za kogoś/coś
mylny, błędny
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□ mistakenly /; US / adv. ▶ błędnie przez pomyłkę mylnie pomyłkowo
mistaken /mɪˈsteɪkən; US / adj. wrong; not correct a case of mistaken identity a mistaken belief/idea I thought the film was a comedy but I must have been mistaken (musiałam się pomylić). ▶ błędny mylny
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mistletoe /ˈmɪsltəʊ; ˈmɪzl-; US / noun [uncountable] a plant with white berries and green leaves. Mistletoe grows on trees. ▶ jemioła
znęcać się, maltretować
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□ mistreatment /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ złe obchodzenie się znęcanie się maltretowanie
mistreat /ˌmɪsˈtri: t; US / verb [transitive] to be cruel to a person or an animal The owner of the zoo was accused of mistreating the animals. ▶ źle się obchodzić znęcać się
nieufać, nieufność
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□ mistrust noun [uncountable, sing.] She has a deep mistrust of strangers. ▶ brak zaufania nieufność
mistrust /ˌmɪsˈtrʌst; US / verb [transitive] to have no confidence in sb/sth because you think they or it may be harmful I always mistrust politicians who smile too much. ▶ nie ufać ⇨ look at distrust
źle rozumieć
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misunderstand /ˌmɪsʌndəˈstænd/ verb [intransitive, transitive] (past tense, past participle misunderstood /-ˈstʊd; US /) to understand sb/sth wrongly I misunderstood the instructions and answered too many questions. ▶ źle rozumieć/tłumaczyć sobie
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The contract is written in both languages to avoid any misunderstanding. a misunderstanding over bonus payments ▶ nieporozumienie niezrozumienie 2[countable] a disagreement or an argument ▶ nieporozumienie
misunderstanding /ˌmɪsʌndəˈstændɪŋ; US / noun 1 [countable, uncountable] a situation in which sb/sth is not understood correctly
niewłaściwie używać
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□ misuse /ˌmɪsˈju: s; US / noun [countable, uncountable] He was dismissed for misuse of company money. ▶ niewłaściwe używanie złe obchodzenie się (z czymś)
misuse /ˌmɪsˈju: z; US / verb [transitive] to use sth in the wrong way or for the wrong purpose These chemicals can be dangerous if misused. ▶ niewłaściwie używać źle się obchodzić z czymś
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□ mitigating /; US / adj. Because of the mitigating circumstances the judge gave her a lighter sentence. ▶ łagodzący zmniejszający (np. ból, ciężar)
mitigate /ˈmɪtɪɡeɪt; US / verb [transitive] (formal) to make sth less serious, painful, unpleasant, etc. ▶ łagodzić zmniejszać uśmierzać
mieszać, łączyć
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mix and match
to mix a cocktail to mix business and pleasure ▶ mieszać (się) łączyć (się)
mix1 /mɪks / verb 1[intransitive, transitive] mix (A) (with B); mix (A and B) (together) if two or more substances mix Oil and water don’t mix. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl. If you mix yellow with blue, you get green.
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2[countable, uncountable] a special powder that contains all the substances needed to make sth. You add water or another liquid to this powder a packet of cake mix ciasto w proszku ▶ proszek
mix2 /mɪks; US / noun 1 [countable, usually sing.] a group of different types of people or things We need a good racial mix in the police force. ▶ mieszanka mieszanina
 IDIOMS  have mixed feelings (about sb/sth) to have some good and some bad feelings about sb/sth; to not be sure about what you think ▶ mieć mieszane uczucia
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2 made or consisting of different types of person or thing a mixed salad Was your school mixed (koedukacyjna) or single-sex? ▶ mieszany
mixed /mɪkst; US / adj. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 being both good and bad The weather has been very mixed recently. The play was given a mixed reception by the critics. ▶ mieszany
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2[countable, uncountable] a substance that is made by mixing other substances together a mixture of eggs, flour and milk cake mixture Put the mixture into a baking dish (włóż ciasto do formy). cough mixture syrop na kaszel ▶ mieszanka mieszanina
mixture /ˈmɪkstʃə(r); US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[sing.] a combination of different things I stood and stared with a mixture of amazement and horror. Monkeys eat a mixture of leaves and fruit. ▶ mieszanina
jęczeć, lamentować
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moan, lament
lamentować skarżyć się
moan /məʊn/ v [i] 1 to make a low sound because you are in pain, very sad, etc. to moan with pain ▶ jęczeć 2(informal) to keep saying what is wrong about sth; to complain The English are always moaning about the weather. ▶ jęczeć (na jakiś temat)
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moat /məʊt; US / noun [countable] a hole that was dug around a castle and filled with water to make it difficult for enemies to attack ▶ fosa
motłoch, chałastra
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mob, shackles
mob1 /mɒb; US / noun [countable, with sing. or pl. verb] a large crowd of people that may become violent or cause trouble The police used tear gas to disperse the angry mob. ▶ motłoch hałastra
gromadzić się wokół kogoś/czegoś
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mob2 /mɒb; US / verb [transitive] (mobbing; mobbed) to form a large crowd around sb, for example in order to see or touch them The band was mobbed by fans as they left the hotel. ▶ gromadzić się (wokół kogoś) rzucić się (tłumnie na kogoś)
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2] (used about a person) able to move or travel around easily My daughter is much more mobile now she has her own car. a kitchen specially designed for the elderly or people who are less mobile ▶ mogący łatwo przemieszczać się/podróżować
mobile1 /ˈməʊbaɪl; US -bl / adj. 1 [usually before a noun] that is not fixed in one place and can be moved easily and quickly mobile (przenośny) equipment a mobile library biblioteka objazdowa a mobile shop sklep na kółkach ▶ ruchomy
ruchliwość, mobilność
începe să înveți
mobility, mobility
□ mobility /məʊˈbɪləti; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ ruchliwość mobilność
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2[intransitive, transitive] if a country mobilizes its army, or if a country or army mobilizes, it makes itself ready to fight in a war The troops were ordered to mobilize. ▶ mobilizować (się) na wojnę
mobilize (also mobilise) /ˈməʊbəlaɪz; US / verb 1 [transitive] to organize people or things to do sth They mobilized the local residents to oppose the new development. ▶ mobilizować
kpić, wyśmiewać
începe să înveți
mock or mock
mock1 /mɒk; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] (formal) to laugh at sb/sth in an unkind way or to make other people laugh at them or it ▶ kpić/wyśmiewać się (z kogoś/czegoś) nabijać się (z kogoś/czegoś)
sztuczny, udawany
începe să înveți
mock2 /mɒk; US / adj. [only before a noun] not real or genuine He held up his hands in mock surprise. a mock exam próbny egzamin The houses are built in a mock Georgian style (w stylu udającym styl georgiański). ▶ sztuczny udawany
kpiny, żarty
începe să înveți
mockery, jokes
make a mockery of sth to make sth seem silly or useless The trial made a mockery of justice. Ten proces ośmieszył wymiar sprawiedliwości. ▶ wystawiać coś na pośmiewisko robić parodię z czegoś
mockery /ˈmɒkəri; US / noun [uncountable] comments or actions that make sb/sth look silly or stupid She couldn’t stand any more of their mockery. ▶ kpiny żarty drwiny
makieta, imitacja
începe să înveți
mockup, imitation
ˈmock-up noun [countable] a model of sth that shows what it will look like or how it will work ▶ makieta imitacja symulacja
tryb, sposób
începe să înveți
mode, way
mode /məʊd; US / noun [countable] 1 a type of sth or way of doing sth a mode of transport/life ▶ środek tryb sposób 2 one of the ways in which a machine can work Switch the camera to automatic mode. ▶ tryb
model, wzór
începe să înveți
model, pattern
2 one of the machines, vehicles, etc. that is made by a particular company The latest models are on display at the show. ▶ model
model1 /ˈmɒdl; US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 a copy of sth that is usually smaller than the real thing a model aeroplane ▶ model wzór wzorzec
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3 a person or thing that is a good example to copy America’s education system has been taken as a model by other countries. a model student Children often use older brothers or sisters as role models. ▶ wzór wzorzec
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 PHRASAL VERB  model sth/yourself on sb/sth to make sth/yourself similar to sth/sb else He modelled himself on his favourite actor. The house is modelled on a Roman villa. ▶ wzorować coś/kogoś na kimś/czymś naśladować coś/kogoś
model2 /ˈmɒdl; US / verb 2[intransitive, transitive] to make a model of sth This clay is difficult to model. ▶ modelować
începe să înveți
2 having or showing opinions, especially about politics, that are not extreme moderate policies/views ▶ umiarkowany wstrzemięźliwy □ moderately /; US / adv. His career has been moderately successful. ▶ średnio umiarkowanie
moderate1 /ˈmɒdərət; US / adj. 1 being, having, using, etc. neither too much nor too little of sth a moderate speed We’ve had a moderate amount of success. ▶ umiarkowany średni
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moderation /ˌmɒdəˈreɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] the quality of being reasonable and not being extreme Alcohol can harm unborn babies even if it’s taken in moderation (z umiarem). ▶ powściągliwość umiarkowanie
nowoczesny, nowożytny
începe să înveți
modern, modern
2[only before a noun] (used about styles of art, music, etc.) new and different from traditional styles modern jazz/architecture/art ▶ współczesny 3 having all the newest methods It is one of the most modern hospitals in the country. ▶ nowoczesny
modern /ˈmɒdn; US / adj. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 of the present or recent times Pollution is one of the major problems in the modern world. modern history ▶ nowoczesny nowożytny
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2 a style and movement in art, architecture and literature popular in the middle of the 20th century in which modern ideas, methods and materials were used rather than traditional ones ▶ modernizm
modernism /ˈmɒdənɪzəm; US / noun [uncountable] 1 modern ideas or methods ▶ modernizm
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modernistic /ˌmɒdəˈnɪstɪk; US / adj. (used about a painting, building, piece of furniture, etc.) painted, designed, etc. in a very modern style ▶ modernistyczny
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modernity /məˈdɜ: nəti; US / noun [uncountable] the condition of being new and modern a style of architecture that combines tradition and modernity ▶ nowoczesność
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□ modernization (also modernisation) /ˌmɒdənaɪˈzeɪʃn; US -nəˈz- / noun [uncountable] The house is large but is in need of modernization. ▶ unowocześnienie modernizacja
modernize (also modernise) /ˈmɒdənaɪz; US / verb [transitive] to make sth suitable for use today using new methods, styles, etc. The railway system is being modernized and high speed trains introduced. ▶ unowocześniać (się) modernizować (się)
skromny, nieznaczny
începe să înveți
modest, insignificant
2 not talking too much about your own abilities, good qualities, etc. She got the best results in the exam but she was too modest to tell anyone. ▶ skromny ⇨ look at humble, proud 3 (used about a woman’s clothes) not showing much of the body ▶ skromny
modest /ˈmɒdɪst; US / adj. 1 not very large We stayed in a modest hotel. a modest pay increase ▶ skromny nieznaczny
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□ modesty /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ skromność —modestly /; US / adv. ▶ skromnie nieznacznie mało
modyfikacja, modyfikować
începe să înveți
modification, modify
□ modification /ˌmɒdɪfɪˈkeɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] We need to make some small modifications to our original design. ▶ modyfikacja (mała) zmiana
modify /ˈmɒdɪfaɪ; US / verb [transitive] (modifying; modifies; past tense, past participle modified) to change sth slightly We shall need to modify the existing plan. ▶ modyfikować
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2 (used about machines, buildings, etc.) consisting of separate parts or units that can be joined together ▶ modułowy modularny
modular /ˈmɒdjələ(r); US -dʒə- / adj. 1 (used about a course of study, especially at a British university or college) consisting of separate units from which students may choose several a modular course ▶ (kurs itp.) podzielony na moduły
moduł, blok
începe să înveți
module, block
module /ˈmɒdju: l; US -dʒul / noun [countable] a unit that forms part of sth bigger You must complete three modules in your first year. The lunar module separated from the spacecraft to land on the moon. ▶ moduł blok (nauczania) jednostka
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mohair /ˈməʊheə(r); US / noun [uncountable] very soft wool that comes from a goat ▶ moher
wilgotny, zwilżony
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moist, wetted
moist /mɔɪst; US / adj. slightly wet Her eyes were moist with tears. Keep the soil moist or the plant will die. a rich moist cake ▶ wilgotny zwilżony
zwilżać się
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moisten /ˈmɔɪsn; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] He moistened his lips with the tip of his tongue. ▶ zwilżać (się)
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moisture /ˈmɔɪstʃə(r); US / noun [uncountable] water in small drops on a surface, in the air, etc. ▶ wilgoć
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moisturizer (Brit. also moisturiser) /ˈmɔɪstʃəraizə(r); US / noun [countable, uncountable] a special cream that you put on your skin to make it less dry ▶ krem nawilżający
moisturize (also moisturise) /ˈmɔɪstʃəraɪz; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to put a special cream on your skin to make it less dry a moisturizing cream/lotion a product that soothes and moisturizes ▶ nawilżać
ząb trzonowy
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molar /ˈməʊlə(r); US / noun [countable] one of the large teeth at the back of your mouth ▶ ząb trzonowy
kret, pieprzy
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mole /məʊl; US / noun [countable] 1 a small animal with dark fur that lives underground and is almost unable to see ▶ kret 2 a small dark spot on sb’s skin that never goes away ▶ pieprzyk
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molecule /ˈmɒlɪkju: l; US / noun [countable] the smallest unit into which a substance can be divided without changing its chemical nature ▶ cząsteczka drobina molekuła
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ˈmolehill /ˈməʊlhɪl; US / noun [countable] a small pile of earth that is made by a mole while it is digging underground ▶ kretowisko
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molest /məˈlest; US / verb [transitive] to attack sb, especially a child, in a sexual way ▶ molestować seksualnie napastować

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