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Musimy zachować wszystkie nasze zasoby finansowe. începe să înveți
We need to save all our financial resources.
roztrzepany, roztargniony începe să înveți
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Jestem towarzyski, ale to nie znaczy, że mam stale ochotę na imprezy. începe să înveți
I'm sociable, but it doesn't mean I want to party all the time.
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I want to talk to the boss.
Nikt w biurze jej nie lubił, bo wydawała się bardzo zarozumiała. începe să înveți
No-one in the office liked her because she came across as very conceited.
Norman był takim beztroskim człowiekiem. Nigdy niczym się nie przejmował i zawsze był zrelaksowany. începe să înveți
Norman was such a carefree man. He never worried about anything and was always relaxed.
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Kobieta była nieco drażliwa - bardzo szybko się irytowała. începe să înveți
The woman was a bit touchy - she got irritated very quickly.
Szczerze mówiąc, chcieliśmy po prostu nakręcić naprawdę zabawny, dowcipny film. începe să înveți
To be perfectly honest, we just wanted to make a really entertaining, witty film.
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Stłukłam butelkę wódki. Jestem taka niezdarna. începe să înveți
I've broken a bottle of vodka. I'm so clumsy.
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Ona jest taka ambitna! Chciałaby zostać dyrektorem firmy w ciągu najbliższych pięciu lat. începe să înveți
She is so ambitious! She would like to be the CEO of a company within the next five years.
Mały Bill jest wrażliwym dzieckiem i łatwo go zranić. începe să înveți
Little Bill is a sensitive child and it's easy to hurt him.
Chciałbym zrobić rezerwację na 20 kwietnia. începe să înveți
I'd like to make a reservation for 20th April.
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Nienawidzę szkoły, jest nudna! începe să înveți
I hate school, it's boring!
Czy umiesz dotrzymać tajemnicy? începe să înveți
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Czy cały świat zwariował!? începe să înveți
Has the whole world gone crazy!?
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