Słownik tematyczmy 1-29

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O jego rodzinie nie wiedziała nic.
începe să înveți
She knew nothing about his family.
Trzecim członkiem rodziny był Harald Vagner.
începe să înveți
The third family member was Harald Vanger.
W rodzinie nie było żadnej Sary.
începe să înveți
There was no Sara in the family.
Wychowywał się u swojej rodziny w Uppsali.
începe să înveți
He had grown up with his family in Uppsala.
Co za nienormalna rodzina!
începe să înveți
What a revoltingly sick family!
Zauważył, że w jej rodzinie coś jest nie tak.
începe să înveți
He could see there was something wrong in her family.
Moja rodzina jest dla mnie bardzo ważna.
începe să înveți
My family is very important to me.
Moja rodzina nie jest taka duża. (CK)
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My family isn't such a big family.
Był szczęśliwy, otoczony miłością rodziny.
începe să înveți
He was happy in the bosom of his family.
Po wojnie rodzina przeżywała trudne chwile. (CK)
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The family had a hard time after the war.
Jest czarną owcą rodziny. (jakov)
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He is the black sheep of the family.
Telewizja niszczy życie rodzinne. (CK)
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Television is ruining family life.
To dla mojej rodziny. (CK)
începe să înveți
It's for my family.
Jak się miewa pańska rodzina?
începe să înveți
How is it going with your family?
Nasza rodzina miała kilku sławnych przodków. (CM)
începe să înveți
Our family has some distinguished ancestors.
Skąd pochodzą twoi przodkowie? (Source_Voa)
începe să înveți
Where are your ancestors from?
Wywodzę się ze szlachetnej rodziny. (--)
începe să înveți
I am descended from a graceful family.
Pokolenie moich rodziców doświadczyło wojny. (CM)
începe să înveți
My parents' generation went through the war.
Mieszkał razem z matką u ciotki.
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He and his mother lived with an aunt.
Harriet to wnuczka mojego brata.
începe să înveți
Harriet was the granddaughter of my brother.
Są braćmi.
începe să înveți
They are brothers.
Dwaj bracia uścisnęli się.
începe să înveți
The two brothers gave each other a hug.
Trzy godziny temu rozmawiałam z bratem.
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I talked to my brother three hours ago.
Ja nie mam braciszka, ale mam ciebie.
începe să înveți
I don't have a little brother, but I have you.
Pozwól, że opowiem o moim bracie.
începe să înveți
Let me tell you about my brother.
Było nas pięciu braci.
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We were five brothers.
Jego brat był o rok młodszy.
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His brother was a year younger.
Wychowywała mnie jak własną córkę.
începe să înveți
He raised me like his own daughter.
Gdyby Anna była moją córką...
începe să înveți
If Anne were my daughter...
Nie oddam mu (mojej) córki.
începe să înveți
He's not getting my daughter.
Mam jeszcze córkę z pierwszego małżeństwa.
începe să înveți
I also have a daughter from my first marriage.
Mam rodzinę, kochane ciotki i dobry dom.
începe să înveți
I have a family, loving aunts and a good home.
Powiedz to mojemu ojcu.
începe să înveți
Tell that to my father.
Ojciec nie powiedział już nic więcej.
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His father said no more.
Mój ojciec odszedł pewnego dnia.
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My father went away one day.
Nie miał już ojca.
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His father was gone.
Porozmawiam o tym z twoim ojcem.
începe să înveți
I'll have to talk to your father about that.
On cię bardzo kocha, ale nie jest twoim ojcem.
începe să înveți
He loves you very much, but he is not your father.
Przykro mi z powodu twojego ojca.
începe să înveți
I'm sorry about your father.
Ojciec był jej jedyną miłością.
începe să înveți
Her father was her only love.
Proszę, spełnij jedno życzenie swojego dziadka.
începe să înveți
Please grant your grandfather this one wish.
Dziadek rozpaczliwie chciał ją zobaczyć.
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Her grandfather wanted desperately to see her.
To musiał być mój dziadek.
începe să înveți
That had to be my grandfather.
Głos dziadka wołał do niej skądś z daleka.
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Her grandfather's voice had called out from beyond.
Dziadek zatrzymał się w drzwiach.
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Her grandfather paused in the doorway.
Moja babcia kiedyś była służącą.
începe să înveți
My grandmother once had a maid.
Babcia wciąż o nim mówi.
începe să înveți
My grandmother still talks about him.
Grandmother always stuck up for me. Grandma always excused me.
începe să înveți
Grandmother always stuck up for me. Babcia zawsze mnie usprawiedliwiała.
Matka czuła coraz większą więź z własną rodziną.
începe să înveți
Mother was drawn to her family more and more.
Straciłem matkę, gdy miałem dziesięć lat.
începe să înveți
I lost my mother when I was ten.
Matka szeptała Maxowi, żeby był silny.
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His mother whispered to Max to be strong.
Ani razu nie wspomniał o matce.
începe să înveți
He never mentioned his mother.
Patrick serdecznie uściskał matkę.
începe să înveți
Patrick hugged his mother tightly.
Co ci jest, siostrzyczko?
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What 's the matter, my little sister?
Chwyciła siostrę za rękę.
începe să înveți
She grasped her sister by the hand.
Laura spojrzała siostrze głęboko w oczy.
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Laura looked deep in her sister's eyes.
Spojrzała na siostrę oczami spuchniętymi od łez.
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She turned her swollen eyelids towards her sister.
Nie wybierała swojej siostry.
începe să înveți
She didn't choose her sister.
Miała dwie córki i syna.
începe să înveți
She has two daughters and a son.
Syn chciał uniknąć błędów ojca.
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The son wanted to avoid his father's mistakes.
To był jego syn.
începe să înveți
It was his son.
W rok po ślubie urodził im się syn.
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Their son was born a year after they got married.
Mój syn jest moim opiekunem.
începe să înveți
My son is my carer.
Ma pięcioletnią córkę
începe să înveți
She is a mother of a five-year-old daughter.
Mary i Jane to kuzynki. (CN)
începe să înveți
Mary and Jane are cousins.
Smiths'owie są naszymi kuzynami. (--)
începe să înveți
The Smiths are our cousins.
John nie jest moim bratem, ale kuzynem. (CK)
începe să înveți
John is not my brother, but my cousin.
Ci dwaj chłopcy są kuzynami. (CK)
începe să înveți
Those two boys are cousins.
Jeśli dobrze pamiętam, są kuzynami. (--)
începe să înveți
They are cousins, if I remember rightly.
Mój kuzyn jest trochę starszy ode mnie. (CK)
începe să înveți
My cousin is a little older than I am.
My godfather gave me watch as a gift. My godfather gave me a watch as a present. (Desparil)
începe să înveți
My godfather gave me a watch as a gift. Mój ojciec chrzestny dał mi zegarek jako prezent.(desparil)
Tomek i Maria to bliscy krewni. (sharptoothed)
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Tom and Mary are close relatives.
Tom ma krewnych w Bostonie. (CK)
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Tom has relatives in Boston.
Czy jest pan może spokrewniony z Nagashimami? (CK)
începe să înveți
Are you related to the Nagashimas?
Co dałeś Mike'owi na urodziny? (CN)
începe să înveți
What did you give Mike on his birthday?
Pat wybiera się na urodziny Jima. (CN)
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Pat's going to Jim's birthday party.
Ciotka przysłała mi prezent urodzinowy. (CK)
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My aunt sent me a birthday present.
Jutro mam urodziny. (CK)
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Tomorrow is my birthday.
Wczoraj były moje siedemaste urodziny. (CK)
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Yesterday was my seventeenth birthday.
Moje urodziny przypadają w niedzielę. (CK)
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My birthday falls on Sunday.
Świętowaliśmy jego urodziny. (CK-mod.)
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We celebrated his birthday.
Już prawie zapomniałem o jego urodzinach. (CK)
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I almost forgot that it was his birthday.
Życzę wiele radości z życia. (--)
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Wishing you an enjoyable future.
Życzę ci spełnienia wszystkim marzeń. (rmgao)
începe să înveți
May all your wishes come true!
Panna Lydia wychodzi za mąż.
începe să înveți
Miss Lydia is going to be married.
Nie miała obrączki.
începe să înveți
No wedding ring on her finger.
Panna młoda i pan młody odjechali do Kent.
începe să înveți
The bride and bridegroom set off for Kent.
Panna młoda i jej matka.
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The bride and her mother.
Wątpię, czy ktokolwiek patrzył na pannę młodą.
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I doubt anyone was looking at the bride.
Eduardo prowadził pannę młodą.
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Eduardo gave the bride away.
Panna młoda nie była już młoda.
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The young bride was no longer young.
Pan młody nigdy nie był podmiotem ślubu.
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The groom was never the subject of the wedding.
Ojciec pana młodego to mój kolega.
începe să înveți
The groom's father and I are colleagues.
Pytał się mnie o zawód pana młodego.
începe să înveți
He asked me the groom's occupation.
Teraz możesz pocałować pana młodego.
începe să înveți
Now you have to kiss the groom.
Wrócił do domu rano, w dzień swojego ślubu.
începe să înveți
He returned home on the morning of the wedding day.
Stało się to na moim ślubie.
începe să înveți
It was at my wedding.
Marzyłem o ślubie i cieszyłem się myślą o nim.
începe să înveți
I dreamed of my wedding and looked forward to it.
Ślub odbył się w Warszawie.
începe să înveți
The wedding took place in Warsaw.
Za dużo wydał na jej ślub.
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He spent too much on her wedding.
Nie przyszedłeś na mój ślub.
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You didn't come to my wedding.
To był wspaniały ślub.
începe să înveți
It was a magnificent wedding.
Ślub jest zaplanowany na 10 czerwca.
începe să înveți
The wedding is scheduled for July 10.
Kiedy będzie ślub?
începe să înveți
When is the wedding?
Wszyscy teraz mówią o naszym ślubie.
începe să înveți
Our wedding is all people are talking about.
Ślub miał się odbyć w połowie kwietnia.
începe să înveți
The wedding was to take place in mid-April.
Przez fakt ożenku wprawił w ruch swój los.
începe să înveți
By marrying, he had set his destiny in motion.
Pan Darcy był na ślubie siostry.
începe să înveți
Mr Darcy had been at her sister's wedding.
Prezent ślubny od Sally.
începe să înveți
A wedding present from Sally.
Byliśmy w podróży poślubnej.
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We were on our honeymoon.
W podróż poślubną pojadą do Indii.
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They were going to India for their honeymonsoon.
Były to ostatnie dni ich podróży poślubnej.
începe să înveți
They were on the last days of their honeymoon.
Założyłam suknię ślubną.
începe să înveți
I wore my wedding dress.
Pobrali się w sierpniu.
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They became husband and wife in August.
Nie wyszła ponownie za mąż.
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She had not remarried.
Nie zamierzają wychodzić za mąż.
începe să înveți
They never mean to marry.
I never got married. I never got married.
începe să înveți
I never got married. Nigdy nie wyszłam za mąż.
Straciła w Mauthausen męża i syna.
începe să înveți
She lost a husband and son in Mauthausen.
Jej mąż miał wielu interesujących znajomych.
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Her husband had plenty of interesting friends.
Jej mąż wyjechał na delegację.
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Her husband had gone away on business.
Odnaleźliśmy pani męża.
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We've found your husband.
Mój mąż jest woźnym sądowym.
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My husband is the court usher.
Poprosiła męża, by uczynił ją brzemienną.
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She begged her husband to make her pregnant.
Podeszła do męża i szarpnęła go za ramiona.
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She went to her husband and pulled at his shoulders.
Takich słów żaden mąż nie słucha.
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These are ugly words for a husband to hear.
Trudy zdradzała mnie od początku małżeństwa.
începe să înveți
Trudy slept around throughout our marriage.
Nie mów mi, że jesteś nieszczęśliwa w małżeństwie.
începe să înveți
Don't tell me that you have an unhappy marriage.
Jego własne małżeństwo rozpadło się.
începe să înveți
His own marriage had collapsed.
Ich małżeństwo chyliło się ku upadkowi.
începe să înveți
Their marriage was on the rocks.
Ich małżeństwo to było jedno wielkie wariactwo.
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Their marriage was totally haywire.
Co w małżeństwie jest najtrudniejsze?
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What's the most difficult thing in marriage?
Uwielbiał (swoją) żonę.
începe să înveți
He adored his wife.
Monsieur Jacques z małżonką.
începe să înveți
Monsieur Jacques and his wife.
Chcę, abyś została moją żoną.
începe să înveți
I want you to be my wife.
Moja żona chciała iść dalej.
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My wife wanted to walk on.
Zadzwonił do żony, ale nikt nie podniósł słuchawki.
începe să înveți
He called his wife, but there was no answer.
Jego żona odniosła poważne obrażenia.
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His wife was severely injured.
Przed chwilą rozmawiałem z pańską żoną.
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I was speaking with your wife a little while ago.
Arnim kocha swoją młodą żonę
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Arnim loves his young wife.
W miesiąc po ślubie rozwiodła się z nim.
începe să înveți
A month after the wedding she divorced him.
Rozwiodła się ze mną.
începe să înveți
She had divorced me.
Prawnik od rozwodów, którego opłaciła Eden.
începe să înveți
The divorce lawyer that Eden's paying for.
Podejrzewam, że skończy się to rozwodem.
începe să înveți
I suspect it will end in divorce.
Jego żona zażądała rozwodu.
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His wife filed for divorce.
Rozwodzimy się.
începe să înveți
We're getting a divorce.
Rozwód to nie problem.
începe să înveți
The divorce is no problem.
Rozwód był najmniejszym z jej zmartwień.
începe să înveți
The divorce was the least of her worries.
Patrick chce rozwodu.
începe să înveți
Patrick wants the divorce.
Zapomnij o rozwodzie.
începe să înveți
Forget the divorce.
Two marriages, two divorces, four children. Two marriages, two divorces, four children.
începe să înveți
Two marriages, two divorces, four children. Dwa małżeństwa, dwa rozwody, czworo dzieci.
Uzgodniliśmy, że się rozwiedziemy.
începe să înveți
We agreed to divorce.
Jego rodzice zdecydowali się na separację, kiedy miał rok.
începe să înveți
His parents separated when he was a year old.
Piosenkarka rozstała się z trzecim mężem.
începe să înveți
The singer split from third husband.
Został wzięty do sierocińca.
începe să înveți
He was taken in by an orphanage.
Ann została oddana do adopcji.
începe să înveți
Ann was given up for adoption.
Jako dziecko została adoptowana.
începe să înveți
She was adopted as a baby.
Dowiedziała się, że jest adoptowana.
începe să înveți
She found out she was adopted.
Rozpoczęli poszukiwania jej biologicznych rodziców.
începe să înveți
They launched a search for her biological daughter.
Została umieszczona w rodzinie zastępczej.
începe să înveți
She was placed in foster care.
When I was eight months old I was adopted. When I was eight months old, I was adopted.
începe să înveți
When I was eight months old I was adopted. Kiedy miałam osiem miesięcy, zostałam adoptowana.
Trudy była wtedy w ciąży.
începe să înveți
Trudy was very pregnant at the time.
Usunęła ciążę.
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She had an abortion.
Była w ciąży, szczerej i ogromnej.
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She was frankly and hugely pregnant.
Dzieci zaraz po porodzie będą odbierane matkom.
începe să înveți
Children will be taken from their mothers at birth.
Urodziła córkę.
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She gave birth to a daughter.
Tam się urodziłem.
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That’s where I was born.
Jej matka urodziła jeszcze troje dzieci.
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Her mother also gave birth to three more children.
Pani Daville była w czwartym miesiącu ciąży.
începe să înveți
Madame Daville was in the fourth month of pregnancy.
Ostatnie miesiące (jej) ciąży.
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The last weeks of her pregnancy.
Dotarło do niego, że żona znów jest w ciąży.
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It occurred to him that his wife was pregnant again.
Kobiety ze wsi pomogły jej przy porodzie.
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The women from the village helped her at the birth.
Rozpoczęła się ostatnia faza porodu.
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The final stage of birth had begun.
Fifty percent of all children died at birth. Fifty percent of children die during childbirth.
începe să înveți
Fifty percent of all children died at birth. Pięćdziesiąt procent dzieci umiera podczas porodu.
Urodził się w Tarnowie, w południowej Polsce.
începe să înveți
He was born in Tarnow, southern Poland.
Urodził się tego samego dnia co ja.
începe să înveți
He was born on the same day as me.
Urodziła w 27 tygodniu.
începe să înveți
She gave birth at 27 weeks.
Ukrywała ciążę przez (swoimi) rodzicami.
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She hid the pregnancy from her parents.
Jest w czwartym miesiącu ciąży.
începe să înveți
She is four months pregnant.
Będziemy mieli dziecko (CK)
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We are going to have a baby.
Płód mocno kopie. (CM)
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My baby kicks very hard.
Urodził im się synek. (CM)
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A baby boy was born to them.
Urodziła zdrowe dziecko. (CK)
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She gave birth to a healthy baby.
Zróbmy test ciążowy (--)
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Let's do a pregnancy test.
Zaszła w ciążę. (lukaszpp)
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She became pregnant.
Była już wtedy w ciąży. (learnaspossible)
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She was already pregnant.
Wczoraj urodziła córeczkę. (CK)
începe să înveți
She gave birth to a daughter yesterday.
Myśleliśmy o szczęśliwych czasach dzieciństwa.
începe să înveți
We thought of the happy days of childhood.
Znam to z dzieciństwa.
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I know it from my childhood.
Byłeś tylko dzieckiem.
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You were just a kid.
Znów zaczęła niańczyć swoje dziecko.
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She began nursing her child again.
Mówimy o tym jedynie dzieciom.
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We speak of them only to children.
Niektóre kobiety trzymały na ręku niemowlęta.
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Many women held babies in one arm.
Alicja z trudem pochwyciła niemowlę.
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Alice caught the baby with some difficulty.
Bliźnięta ułożone przy sobie w jednej kołysce.
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Twins nurtured side by side in the same cradle.
To był koniec szczęśliwego dzieciństwa.
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That was the end of the happy childhood.
Pierwsze chłopięce zabawy.
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The first games of boyhood.
Miałam wspaniałe dzieciństwo.
începe să înveți
I had an excellent childhood.
Dzieci potrzebują czasu, aby dorosnąć.
începe să înveți
Children need time to grow.
Był zaniedbywany w domu jako dziecko.
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He was neglected at home as a child.
Była bita pasem.
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She was beaten with a belt.
Chłopiec żył z babcią.
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The boy lived with his grandmother.
Jesteś tylko dzieckiem.
începe să înveți
You are just a baby.
To zdjęcie przypomina mi moje czasy dzieciństwa.
începe să înveți
The photo takes me back to my childhood days.
Ta piosenka przypomina mi dzieciństwo. (CM)
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That song reminds me of my childhood.
To jest wioska, w której spędziłem dzieciństwo. (CK)
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This is the village where I spent my childhood.
W dzieciństwie zawsze wstawałem wcześnie. (CK)
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I always got up early in my childhood.
Znali się od dzieciństwa. (CM)
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They have known each other since their childhood.
Wiesz coś o dzieciństwie Toma? (CK)
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Do you know anything about Tom's childhood?
Miałem szczęśliwe dzieciństwo. (CK)
începe să înveți
I had a happy childhood.
Ciężko obchodzić się z płaczącym dzieckiem. (CK)
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It's hard to handle crying babies.
Mick nadał temu dziecku imię Richard. (CK)
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Mick named the baby Richard.
Bliźniaczki opiekowały się dzieckiem. (CK)
începe să înveți
The twins looked after the baby.
Czy to dziecko umie już chodzić? (CK)
începe să înveți
Is the baby able to walk?
Dziecko zaczęło raczkować. (CK)
începe să înveți
The baby began to crawl.
Janet, popilnujesz dziecka? (MrShoval)
începe să înveți
Janet, tend to the baby, please.
Niemowlę zaczęło płakać na mój widok. (CM)
începe să înveți
Seeing me, the baby began to cry.
Nie powinieneś zostawiać dziecka samego. (CK)
începe să înveți
You should not leave the baby alone.
Kto zajmie się tym dzieckiem? (CM)
începe să înveți
Who will take care of the baby?
Byłem wtedy dzieckiem. (CK)
începe să înveți
I was a baby in those days.
Trzymała mocno dziecko na rękach. (CM)
începe să înveți
She clutched her baby in her arms.
Zawinęła dziecko w koc. (CK)
începe să înveți
She wrapped her baby in a blanket.
Nie dała mu dotknąć dziecka. (CK)
începe să înveți
She didn't let him touch her baby.
Idź proszę na plac zabaw się pobawić. (boracasli)
începe să înveți
Please go to the playground to play.
Dziecko bawi się zabawkami. (CK)
începe să înveți
The baby is playing with some toys.
Tego typu zabawki mają zły wpływ na dzieci. (CK)
începe să înveți
Such toys have a bad influence on children.
Kiedy byłem dzieckiem, bawiłem się tymi zabawkami.
începe să înveți
When a child, I would play with the toys.
Schował zabawki pod łóżkiem. (CK)
începe să înveți
He hid his toys under the bed.
Zabrał mojej siostrze wszystkie zabawki. (CM)
începe să înveți
He deprived my little sister of all her toys.
Kazała dzieciom posprzątać zabawki. (CK)
începe să înveți
She told her children to put away their toys.
Kupiła dziecku zabawkę. (CK)
începe să înveți
She bought a toy for her child.
No już, pobaw się ze mną, nudzi mi się! (braliobezerra)
începe să înveți
Come on, play with me, I'm so bored!
Mogę wyjść się pobawić? (CK)
începe să înveți
May I go out to play?
W co się pobawimy? (NekoKanjya)
începe să înveți
What shall we play?
Jest przyzwyczajona do zabawy w samotności. (Eldad)
începe să înveți
She is used to playing all by herself.
Ten chłopiec ma niewielu kolegów do zabawy. (CK)
începe să înveți
The boy has few friends to play with.
Jego ideały uleciały, a młodość minęła.
începe să înveți
His ideals had been shattered and his youth was over.
Czy moi rodzice zapomnieli o swojej młodości?
începe să înveți
Have my parents forgotten that they were young once?
Obraz pochodzi z jego młodości.
începe să înveți
That picture is from when he was young.
Mówiła o jego młodości jak o czymś minionym.
începe să înveți
She had referred to his youth as a thing of the past.
We wczesnej młodości był nieśmiały.
începe să înveți
When he was very young, he was shy.
Od młodości nienawidziła pochodów.
începe să înveți
From her youth on, she hated parades.
Dni mej młodości.
începe să înveți
The days of my youth.
Zazdroszczę ci wiecznej młodości.
începe să înveți
I envy you your eternal youth.
Jako nastolatkowi nie było mu lekko.
începe să înveți
He had some troubled years in his teens.
Cierpienie/Ból jest częścią dorastania.
începe să înveți
Pain is part of growing up.
Zaczęli dorastać.
începe să înveți
They began to grow up.
Jego ostatni wielki akt młodzieńczego buntu.
începe să înveți
His last great act of youthful defiance.
Zdawał się tryskać młodzieńczą energią.
începe să înveți
He seemed to have the vigour of youth.
Gdzie była wolność i odwaga młodości?
începe să înveți
Where were the freedom and daring of youth?
Bez wątpienia idealizowałem swoją młodość.
începe să înveți
I was no doubt idealizing my own youth.
Młodość i piękno mają pierwszeństwo.
începe să înveți
Youth and beauty must come first.
Nigdy nie rezygnuj z marzeń.
începe să înveți
Never stop dreaming.
Dziewczyny i chłopcy dorastają szybciej.
începe să înveți
Girls and boys are growing up faster.
Wyrastałam w Winchester.
începe să înveți
I was raised in Winchester.
Musimy uwzględnić jego młody wiek. (--)
începe să înveți
We must take his youth into account.
Żałuję mojej straconej młodości.
începe să înveți
I weep for my lost youth.
Ci chłopcy są właśnie w rozkwicie młodości. (--)
începe să înveți
Those boys are in the first flush of youth.
Żałuję, że w młodości nie wziąłem się ostrzej za robotę. (-)
începe să înveți
I regret not having worked hard in my youth.
W młodości musimy uczyć się wielu rzeczy. (--)
începe să înveți
We need to learn a lot of things in our youth.
Baw się, pókiś młody! (Scott-mod.)
începe să înveți
Enjoy yourself while you are young!
Teraz jesteś dorosłym. (CK)
începe să înveți
You are now an adult.
Życie jest twarde, ale jestem twardszy.
începe să înveți
Life is hard, but I am harder.
Życie jest piękne. (CK)
începe să înveți
Life is beautiful.
Czy masz w ogóle pojęcie jak wygląda moje życie? (CK)
începe să înveți
Do you have any idea what my life is like?
Nie trać z oczu celu swego życia. (Swift)
începe să înveți
You must not lose sight of your goal in life.
Czasami myślę o prowadzeniu spokojniejszego życia. CM
începe să înveți
Sometimes I feel like living a more peaceful life.
Żyj i daj żyć innym. (--)
începe să înveți
Live and let live.
Powinieneś postępować zgodnie z twoimi przekonaniami.
începe să înveți
You should live up to your principles.
Każdy marzy o życiu wolnym od trudów. (--)
începe să înveți
Everyone wants to live free from care.
Zapuścił brodę, aby wyglądać doroślej. (CK)
începe să înveți
He grew a beard to look more mature.
(On) życzyłby sobie, aby mógł wymazać złe wspomnienia.
începe să înveți
He wishes to erase bad memories.
Wróciły nagle wspomnienia dawnych dni. (--)
începe să înveți
Memories of old times rushed back into my mind.
Ona z wielkim rozrzewnieniem wspomina męża. (CM)
începe să înveți
She cherishes the memory of her husband.
Jest w pełni lat męskich. (CM)
începe să înveți
He is now in the prime of manhood.
Ta piosenka przypomina mi moje szczęśliwe dni. (--)
începe să înveți
This song reminds me of my happy days.
Starzec patrzył na młodzieńca.
începe să înveți
The old man looked at the youth.
Nikt nie powinien zostawać sam na starość.
începe să înveți
No one should be alone in their old age.
Widziała jedynie starość, która zaczęła ją trawić.
începe să înveți
She only saw old age which was beginning to gnaw at her.
Wszystko to świadczyło o starości.
începe să înveți
All this was due to age.
Nie każdą siłę starość zniszczy.
începe să înveți
The old that is strong does not wither.
Staruszka poprowadziła chłopca do pokoju.
începe să înveți
The old woman led the boy to a room.
Staruszka poprosiła, żeby jeszcze raz przysiągł.
începe să înveți
The old woman asked him to swear again.
W ławkach siedzieli tylko starcy i staruszki.
începe să înveți
The only people in the pews were old men and old women.
Lekarze obiecali uratować staruszka.
începe să înveți
The doctors promised to save the old man.
Stary i samotny.
începe să înveți
Old an alone.
Ostatnie 12 miesięcy życia spędził w domu opieki.
începe să înveți
He spent his final 12 months in a nursing home.
Dzisiaj młodzi wcale nie dbają o starszych. (--)
începe să înveți
Nowadays the young take no care of the old.
Powinniśmy szanować starszych. (NeoKanjya)
începe să înveți
We should hold old people in reverence.
Staruszek odpoczywał pod drzewem. (NeoKanjya)
începe să înveți
An old man was at rest under the tree.
Miło jest widzieć kochających się starszych państwa.
începe să înveți
It is pleasant to watch a loving old couple.
Dawno, dawno temu żył sobie pewien staruszek. (Alan)
începe să înveți
Once upon a time, there lived an old man.
Przede wszystkim bądź uprzejmy dla starszych. (orcrist)
începe să înveți
Above all, be kind to old people.
Staruszka upadła i nie mogła wstać. (CK)
începe să înveți
The old woman fell and could not get up.
Staruszka z wielkim trudem wdrapała się po schodach. CK
începe să înveți
The old lady climbed the stairs with difficulty.
Staruszek wyglądał na mądrego człowieka. (CK)
începe să înveți
The old man looked wise.
Jak wiadomo, przybywa starszych ludzi. (--)
începe să înveți
You know, there are more and more old people.
W tej wsi jest wiele starszych osób. (CK)
începe să înveți
There are many old men in this village.
Niewielu jest ludzi dożywających 90-tki. (CK)
începe să înveți
Few people live to be ninety years old.
Musimy poczynić przygotowania na starość. (CM)
începe să înveți
We must provide for our old age.
Mój ojciec zestarzał się. (CK)
începe să înveți
My father grew old.
Mój ojciec jest bardzo stary i słuch go zawodzi. (CM)
începe să înveți
My father is so old that he is hard of hearing.
Odszedłem na bok, aby przepuścić starszą panią. (CK)
începe să înveți
I stepped aside for the old lady to pass.
Każdy chce żyć długo, ale nikt nie chce być stary. (--)
începe să înveți
Every man desires to live long, but no man would be old.
Nie wolno wyśmiewać się ze starszych ludzi. (CK)
începe să înveți
Don't make fun of old people.
Jego śmierć stanowi niepowetowaną stratę dla nauki.
începe să înveți
His death is a profound loss for science.
Poniósł makabryczną śmierć.
începe să înveți
He had died a gruesome death.
Nie lękają się śmierci.
începe să înveți
They do not fear death.
Słońce chyli się ku zachodowi, a śmierć nie nadchodzi.
începe să înveți
The sun is setting and death not yet come.
Na pustyni nieposłuszeństwo równe jest śmierci.
începe să înveți
In the desert, disobedience means death.
Tchórze boją się śmierci.
începe să înveți
Cowards are afraid of dying.
Do pewnej chwili śmierć pozostaje czymś odległym.
începe să înveți
Up to a certain moment our death seems distant.
Chciała tylko oddalić śmierć.
începe să înveți
She simply wanted to postpone death.
Wyobrażał sobie jej śmierć.
începe să înveți
He pictured her death.
Zwierzęta mają prawo do miłosiernej śmierci.
începe să înveți
Animals have the right to a merciful death.
Bałem się śmierci.
începe să înveți
I felt the fear of death.
Widziałem twojego brata na kilka minut przed śmiercią.
începe să înveți
I saw your brother a few minutes before he died.
On umarł za moje grzechy.
începe să înveți
He died for my sins.
Wolę umrzeć niż zawieść zaufanie.
începe să înveți
I would die before I break that trust.
Pozwolisz im umrzeć na marne?
începe să înveți
Would you have them die in vain?
Żyłeś otoczony miłością i umarłeś godnie.
începe să înveți
You lived your life in a loving way, and died with dignity.
Umarł dziś rano.
începe să înveți
He died this morning.
Chciała umrzeć.
începe să înveți
She wanted to die.
Za chwilę umrzesz.
începe să înveți
You are going to die in a moment.
Miał osiem lat, kiedy umarł jego ojciec.
începe să înveți
He was eleven when his father died.
Najprawdopodobniej odebrał sobie życie.
începe să înveți
He apparently took his own life.
Zmarł na raka trzustki.
începe să înveți
He died from pancreatic cancer.
Zmarł w drodze do szpitala.
începe să înveți
He died on the way to hospital.
Zmarł w wieku 85 lat.
începe să înveți
He has died at the age of 85.
Zostawił żonę i czterech synów. (po śmierci)
începe să înveți
He is survived by his wife and four sons.
Straciłam mojego męża i najlepszego przyjaciela.
începe să înveți
I lost my husband and my best friend.
Dziś odbiorę sobie życie.
începe să înveți
I will take my life today.
Jonathan myślał, że umrze.
începe să înveți
Jonathan thought he was going to die.
Zmarła po krótkiej chorobie.
începe să înveți
She died after a short illness.
Zmarła godzinę później w szpitalu.
începe să înveți
She died an hour later in hospital.
Zmarła z przyczyn naturalnych.
începe să înveți
She died from natural causes.
Ona może umrzeć.
începe să înveți
She may die.
Śmierć Klaudii zszokowała naród.
începe să înveți
The death of Claudia has shocked the nation.
Prezydent złożył rodzinom kondolencje.
începe să înveți
The president gave his condolences to the families.
Po raz pierwszy poprosił o eutanazję w 2011 roku.
începe să înveți
He first requested euthanasia in 2011.
Belgijski parlament zalegalizował eutanazję w 2001 roku.
începe să înveți
The Belgian parliament legalised euthanasia in 2001.
Żałujemy jego śmierci. (kebukebu)
începe să înveți
We regret his death.
Daj mi wolność albo śmierć. (CK-mod.)
începe să înveți
Give me liberty or give me death.
Ten człowiek był na krawędzi śmierci. (--)
începe să înveți
The man was on the brink of death.
Poeta porównał śmierć do snu. (CK)
începe să înveți
The poet compared death to sleep.
Zawsze jestem gotów na śmierć. (--)
începe să înveți
I'm always ready for death.
Musisz wybierać: honor albo śmierć. (CK)
începe să înveți
You must choose between honor and death.
Śmierć zrówna wszystkich. (--)
începe să înveți
Death is the great leveler.
Śmierć jest przeciwieństwem życia. (--)
începe să înveți
Death is the antithesis of life.
mierć przyjdzie po każdego. (CM)
începe să înveți
Death is certain to come to everybody. Ś
iektórzy ludzie wierzą w życie wieczne po śmierci. (CM)
începe să înveți
Some people believe in eternal life after death. N
Żaden człowiek nie uniknie śmierci. (--)
începe să înveți
No one can avert death.
Ludzie kochani przez wielu umierają młodo. (--)
începe să înveți
Those loved by many are liable to untimely death.
Nikt nie uniknie śmierci. (--)
începe să înveți
Nobody can escape death.
Od wstydu lepsza jest śmierć. (--)
începe să înveți
Death preferable to shame.
Jego śmierć była dla naszego kraju wielką stratą. (CM)
începe să înveți
His death was a great loss to our country.
Szkoda, gdy ktoś umiera. (CK)
începe să înveți
It's a pity when somebody dies.
Mocni przetrwają, słabi zginą. (NeoKanjya)
începe să înveți
The strong will survive and the weak will die.
Umrzemy, prędzej czy później. (NeoKanjya)
începe să înveți
We must die sooner or later.
Wszyscy kiedyś umrzemy. (Swift)
începe să înveți
We shall all die some day.
Zmarł trzy dni później. (--mod.)
începe să înveți
He died three days after.
Ten pacjent może umrzeć w każdej chwili. (CK)
începe să înveți
That patient may die at any time.
Proszę, nie umieraj! (CK)
începe să înveți
Please don't die!
Było jej pisane umrzeć młodo. (CK)
începe să înveți
It was her fate to die young.
Za młodu często spacerowałem po cmentarzach. (--)
începe să înveți
I used to walk in the cemetery in my youth.
Odwiedziłem grób ojca. (CK)
începe să înveți
I visited my father's grave.
Tam jest jego grób. (learnaspossible)
începe să înveți
His grave is there.
Został pochowany na tym cmentarzu. (CK)
începe să înveți
He was buried in this graveyard.
Cmentarze w Czechach przypominają ogrody.
începe să înveți
Cemeteries in Bohemia are like gardens.
Na cmentarzach zawsze panuje spokój.
începe să înveți
Peace always reigns in the cemetery.
Ten cmentarz był próżnością przekutą w kamień.
începe să înveți
The cemetery was vanity transmogrified into stone.
Cały cmentarz był bujnie porosły trawą i zielskiem.
începe să înveți
Grass and weeds grew rank over the whole cemetery.
Kamerling uklęknął przy grobie.
începe să înveți
The camerlegno knelt before the tomb.
Odszedł nieco od grobu.
începe să înveți
He stepped away from the tomb.
W grobach znajdują się ciała.
începe să înveți
Tombs contain bodies.
Groby porastają trawą i kolorowymi kwiatami.
începe să înveți
The graves are covered with grass and colourful flowers.
To było miejsce na jego grób.
începe să înveți
That was where his grave would be.
Zobaczyli nieznajomą dziewczynę klęczącą przy grobie.
începe să înveți
They saw an unfamiliar girl kneeling by the tomb.
Kwiaty na grobach należą do żywych.
începe să înveți
Flowers on graves belong to the living.
Ich grobów nigdy nie odnaleziono.
începe să înveți
Their graves had never been found.
Wybrał sobie miejsce na cmentarzu.
începe să înveți
He picked out his cemetery plot.
Cmentarz był zarośnięty i zaniedbany.
începe să înveți
The graveyard was overgrown and neglected.
Pochowano tu tysiące ludzi.
începe să înveți
Thousands of people were buried here.
Pochowaliśmy go na cmentarzu.
începe să înveți
We buried him in the cemetery.
Widziałeś swój własny pogrzeb?
începe să înveți
Did you watch your own burial service?
Na pogrzeb zjechała cała rodzina matki.
începe să înveți
The funeral was attended by all Mother's relatives.
Nadszedł dzień pogrzebu.
începe să înveți
The day of the funeral arrived.
Możesz mu tylko wyprawić piękny pogrzeb.
începe să înveți
You'll have to arrange a nice funeral.
Na pogrzeb przyszły niewiarygodne tłumy.
începe să înveți
The turnout for the funeral was incredible.
Muszą wyprawić pogrzeb.
începe să înveți
They have a funeral to arrange.
Tysiące ludzi przyszły na pogrzeb.
începe să înveți
Thousands of people came to her funeral.
The family held a small private ceremony. The family organized a small private celebration.
începe să înveți
The family held a small private ceremony. Rodzina zorganizowała małą, prywatną uroczystość.
Nie było go na pogrzebie córki.
începe să înveți
He did not attend his daughter’s funeral.
Nie powiem, żeby to był szczególnie ładny dom.
începe să înveți
It's not as if it's a particularly nice house.
Biegnąc drogą, Artur prawie dotarł do domu.
începe să înveți
Running up the lane, Arthur had nearly reached his house.
Wyniósł się z domu, kiedy miał siedem lat.
începe să înveți
He had left home when he was seven.
Przyjechałam do domu kilka dni wcześniej.
începe să înveți
I came home a few days early.
Kremowy, staroświecki piętrowy dom.
începe să înveți
It was an old two-storied house, painted cream.
Tysiące frontowych wejść zabito od środka deskami.
începe să înveți
Thousands of front entrances are boarded up from the inside.
Przechodzili koło osiedla.
începe să înveți
They were passing a housing development.
Nowe budynki sterczały jeden obok drugiego.
începe să înveți
New buildings jutting up fitfully one after the next.
Osiedle było wyludnione, mokre, ponure.
începe să înveți
The public housing estate was deserted, wet and dismal.
Płacisz czynsz w terminie?
începe să înveți
Do you pay your rent on time?
Wysiadł z windy na ostatnim piętrze.
începe să înveți
He stepped from the elevator on the top floor.
Wyglądało na to, że całe pierwsze piętro jest puste.
începe să înveți
The entire first floor looked deserted.
Na trzecim piętrze są dwa puste pokoje.
începe să înveți
There are two empty rooms on the third floor.
Odnalazł właściwe mieszkanie i niecierpliwie zadzwonił.
începe să înveți
He found the right flat and impatiently rang the bell.
Wreszcie na czwartym piętrze stuknęły drzwi.
începe să înveți
At last the door on the fifth floor was heard shutting.
Schodzę zajrzeć o dwa piętra niżej.
începe să înveți
I go down two floors to have a look around.
He leased the second and third floors. He lifted the first and second floor.
începe să înveți
He leased the second and third floors. Podnajął pierwsze i drugie piętro.
It was an old-fashioned but very comfortable little house. The house was old-fashioned, but very nice.
începe să înveți
It was an old-fashioned but very comfortable little house. Domek był staroświecki, ale bardzo sympatyczny.
Domku już nie było.
începe să înveți
The little house was no longer there.
Smaland to wysoki dom z jodłami na dachu.
începe să înveți
Smaland is a tall house with spruce trees on the roof.
Wszedł na dach swego wielkiego domu.
începe să înveți
He went up on the roof of his great house.
Kto rusza się na dachu?
începe să înveți
Who is moving up on the roof?
On mieszka na dachu.
începe să înveți
He lives up on the roof.
Wskoczył do ciemnej jak noc piwnicy.
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He jumped down in the coal-black cellar.
Peter poszedł na strych, żeby przynieść trochę gazet.
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Peter went up to the loft to get some newspapers.
Wspiął się po drabinie na strych.
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He climbed the ladder to the loft.
Ukryłem to na strychu.
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I kept it hidden in the attic.
Znaleźli się w szerokim, słabo oświetlonym korytarzu.
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They entered a wide, dimly lit hallway.
Langdon popędził za nią po schodach.
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Langdon hurried up the stairs behind her.
Stoczył się ze schodów.
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He toppled off the stairs.
Podbiegł do okna.
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He ran to the window.
Wyjrzał przez okno.
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He looked out the window.
We wszystkich niewielkich oknach panowała ciemność.
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All the tiny windows inside seemed black.
Musiał wybić okno.
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He must have broken the window.
Usiadła bokiem na parapecie.
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She sat sideways on the windowsill.
Winston oparł się plecami o parapet okna.
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Winston sat back against the window-sill.
Przeszła przez próg.
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She stepped over the threshold.
Rozległo się ostre stukanie do drzwi.
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There was a sharp ringing rap on the door.
Drzwi rozsunęły się.
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The door slit open.
Ogromne drzwi stanęły otworem.
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The great door swung open.
Langdon odsunął się od drzwi.
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Langdon moved away from the door.
Gdzie masz zamiar mieszkać?
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Where are you going to live?
W mieszkaniu zaczęły się dziać rzeczy niepojęte.
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Odd things began happening in that apartment.
Dziś wieczorem zdemolowałam mu mieszkanie.
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I wrecked his flat this evening.
Na każdym piętrze mieszkają dwaj lokatorzy.
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On each floor, there are two tenants.
Przekręcił klucz w zamku.
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He turned the key.
Jednym płynnym ruchem wyjął klucz.
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In one fluid motion he produced a key.
Włożył klucz do zamka.
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He rammed the key into the lock.
Chwycił pierwszy klucz i przekręcił.
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He grabbed the first key and turned.
Brandonowie wiele razy się przeprowadzali.
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The Brandos moved many times.
Jego rodzice wyprowadzili się.
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His parents moved away.
Rodzina miała dom na plaży.
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The family had a house on the beach.
Straciliśmy nasz dom.
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We lost our home.
Na moim domu nie ciąży hipoteka. (--)
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My house is a mortgage-free house.
On mieszka sześć domów za mną. (CK)
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He lives six houses beyond my house.
Twój dom jest trzy razy większy od mojego. (swift)
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Your house is three times as large as mine.
Budowa ich domu trwała dwa lata.
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It took them two years to build the house.
Domy są położone niedaleko od siebie.
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Each house is within shouting distance of another.
Oprowadzę pana po domu. (CK)
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Let me show you around our house.
Te dwa domy stoją obok siebie. (CM)
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The two houses stand side by side.
Za zakrętem będzie widać mój dom. (--)
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Turning the corner, you will find my house.
Dom wymaga gruntownego remontu. (--)
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The house requires large repairs.
Dom jest zbudowany z czerwonych cegieł. (CK)
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The house is built of red bricks.
Dzielę mieszkanie z (moim) bratem.
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I'm sharing my flat with my brother.
Wynajęły mieszkanie na przedmieściach Tokio. (CK-mod.)
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They rented an apartment in a suburb of Tokyo.
Z sufitu zwieszał się ogromny żyrandol.
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A colossal chandelier hung overhead.
Powoli poszedł do wyłożonego boazerią dębową gabinetu.
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He walked slowly to his oak-paneled study.
Była tam kuchnia, salon i sypialnia.
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There was a kitchen and a parlour and a bedroom.
Wyszedł smutny z pokoju.
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He walked sadly out of the room.
Zaprowadziła go do doskonale umeblowanego saloniku.
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She ushered him into an impeccably furnished sitting room.
He paced the frozen room to keep warm. He walked around the frosty room to warm up.
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He paced the frozen room to keep warm. Spacerował po mroźnym pokoju, żeby się rozgrzać.
Kohler przeszył pokój martwym spojrzeniem.
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Kohler's dead gaze bore across the room.
Odsunęła zasłonę, za którą ujrzeli okno.
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She pulled a curtain aside to reveal a window.
Ktoś był w pokoju.
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Someone was in the room.
Ściana wydawała się idealnie płaska.
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The wall appeared perfectly flat.
Ściana przerastała wyobraźnię.
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The wall defied the imagination.
Vitoria wskazała na ścianę za jego plecami.
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Vittoria pointed at the wall behind him.
Powiodła oczami po wąskim pokoju.
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Her eyes scanned the narrow room.
Poszła do sąsiedniego pokoju.
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She went into the next room.
W piecu huczał ogień.
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The fire roared in the stove.
Od paru dni palimy w piecu.
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We lit the stove a few days ago.
Kominek w gabinecie właściciela Château Villette's.
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The fireplace in Château Villette's drawing room.
W wielkim, staroświeckim kominku.
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In the vast old-fashioned fireplace.
Agnes stała przy kominku.
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Agnes stood by the fireplace.
W kominku trzaskał ogień.
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The fire crackled in the fireplace.
Na kominku tykał staromodny zegar.
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The old-fashioned clock was ticking away on the mantelpiece.
Na kominku jeszcze się żarzyło kilka węgielków.
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A few embers were still glowing in the fireplace.
Postawił nogę na dywanie.
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He stepped onto the carpet.
Małgorzata leżała z twarzą wtuloną w dywan.
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Margarita lay face downward on the carpet.
Na podłodze leżał dywan.
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There was a strip of carpet on the floor.
Pomacał ręką, szukając lampy przy łóżku.
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He fumbled for the bedside lamp.
Sama się nie kładzie, siedzi z książką przy lampie.
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She stays up and sits by the lamp with a book.
Sabina zgasiła lampę.
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Sabina turn out the light.
Na stoliku stała lampa.
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The table had a lamp on it.
Obraz wisi nad stołem. (NekoKanjya)
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The picture hangs over the table.
To biurko zajmuje za dużo miejsca. (CK-mod.)
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This table takes up too much space.
Nie możesz opuszczać tego pokoju. (CK)
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You are not to leave this room.
Przez pomyłkę wszedłem do czyjegoś pokoju. (CK)
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I entered someone else's room by mistake.
W pokoju prawie nic nie było. (CK-mod.)
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There was almost nothing in the room.
Przyjdź natychmiast do pokoju. (CK)
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Come into the room at once.
Ten pokój szybko się nagrzewa. (CK)
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This room heats easily.
W tym pokoju jest bardzo duszno. (CK-mod.)
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This room is very stuffy.
Czekają na ciebie pod drzwiami. (Zifre)
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They are waiting for you in front of the door.
Ku mojemu zdziwieniu, drzwi były otwarte. (Swift)
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To my surprise, the door was unlocked.
Z duszą na ramieniu otworzyła drzwi.
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With her heart pounding, she opened the door.
Mary cicho zamknęła drzwi. (CK)
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Mary closed the door quietly.
Brian zostawił drzwi otwarte. (CK)
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Brian left the door open.
Kto zostawił otwarte drzwi? (CK)
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Who left the door open?
Nie wolno zostawiać otwartych drzwi. (Swift)
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The door must not be left open.
The door was locked from within. The door was closed from the inside. (Swift)
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The door was locked from within. Drzwi były zamknięte od wewnątrz. (Swift)
Zostawiłeś otwarte okno? (CK)
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Did you leave the window open?
Pozamykaj wszystkie drzwi i okna. (CK)
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Shut all the doors and windows.
Z tego okna widać całe miasto. (--)
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This window overlooks the whole city.
Wszyscy wyjrzeliśmy przez okno. (CK)
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All of us looked through the window.
Nad moją głową zatrząsł się sufit. (CM)
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The ceiling over my head shook.
Zawiesił lampę na suficie. (CK)
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He hung a lamp from the ceiling.
Pomalował sufit na niebiesko. (CK)
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He painted the ceiling blue.
Ze znużeniem odniósł pusty kubek do kuchni.
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Wearily, he returned his empty mug to the kitchen.
Wszedł do kuchni.
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He entered into a kitchen.
Po drodze krzyknął w stronę kuchni.
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On the way he shouted towards the kitchen.
Już od dawna odechciewa mi się królowania w kuchni.
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I'd stopped wanting to be queen of the kitchen long ago.
Przeszedłem z kuchni do swojego pokoju.
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I went out of the kitchen into my own room.
Sophie natychmiast pobiegła do kuchni.
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Sophie immediately ran to the kitchen.
I took this candle from the kitchen. I took a candle from the kitchen.
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I took this candle from the kitchen. Zabrałem z kuchni świeczkę.
Dobiegający z kuchni brzęk garnków.
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The clatter of saucepans coming from the kitchen.
Drzwi prowadziły wprost do dużej kuchni.
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The door led right into a large kitchen.
Kucharka cisnęła za nią patelnią
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The cook threw a frying-pan after her.
Teraz tak: do śniadania będzie nam potrzebna patelnia.
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Now for breakfast we shall want a frying-pan.
Na patelnię poszło sześć jajek.
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Six eggs had gone into the frying-pan.
Pippi nagrzała duży garnek wody.
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Pippi warmed a big saucepan of water.
Upuściła łyżkę w rondelek.
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She dropped her spoon into her saucepan.
Postawić czajnik wody na piekarniku gazowym.
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To put a kettle of water on the stove.
Zebrała talerze, żeby zanieść je do kuchni.
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She collected the dishes and carried them to the kitchen.
Jeszcze jeden talerz, jeszcze jeden i jeszcze.
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Another plate, more plates.
Złożył serwetkę obok talerza.
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He put the napkin down next to his plate.
Wziął do ręki dużą, drewnianą łyżkę.
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He picked up a giant wooden spoon.
Mnóstwo srebrnych łyżek zniknęło w tajemniczy sposób.
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Many of his silver spoons mysteriously disappeared.
Odłożyliśmy widelce i spojrzeliśmy po sobie.
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We laid down our forks and stared at each other.
Chodź tutaj, pomóż wycierać widelce.
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Come over here and help dry the forks.
Jedli na zmianę tym samym widelcem.
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They ate by turns from the same fork.
Musieli posługiwać się nożem i widelcem.
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He had to eat with a knife and fork.
Zastawa zabrzęczała na stole.
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The crockery rattled on the table.
Wypełnił zlew brudnymi talerzami.
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He had filled the sink with dirty dishes.
Kieliszek spadł ze stołu i rozbił się.
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A glass fell off the table and broke.
Nie kładź łokci na stole. (CK)
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Don't put your elbows on the table.
Stół uginał się pod ciężarem potraw. (--)
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The table was groaning with food.
Ten stół wykonany jest z dobrej jakości dębu. (CK)
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This table is made of good oak.
Odsunąłem stół, aby nie przeszkadzał. (CK)
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I pushed the table out of the way.
Mary zeszła do kuchni. (CK)
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Mary went down to the kitchen.
Włóż blachę do piekarnika. (fliegster)
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Place the pan in the oven.
Pies wylizał talerz. (--)
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The dog licked the plate with its tongue.
Wyszedł z sypialni do przedpokoju.
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He walked out of the bedroom into the suite's foyer.
Drzwi do jego sypialni były otwarte.
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His bedroom door was open.
Z sypialni dobiegł niski głos.
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A low voice came from the bedroom.
Siedział na łóżku.
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He was sitting up in bed.
W jej sypialni paliły się wszystkie lampy.
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Every lamp was burning in her bedroom.
Langdon usiadł na pustym łóżku.
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Langdon sat up in his empty bed.
Na krześle obok łóżka leżały poskładane jego ubrania.
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His clothing was folded on the chair beside the bed.
Po omacku szukał lampy przy łóżku.
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He fumbled for the bedside lamp.
Spojrzał na budzik stojący przy łóżku.
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He looked at the bedside clock.
Wyskoczył z łóżka.
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He jumped from his bed.
Pościel była zmięta.
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The sheets were tousled.
W innych oknach wysoko piętrzyła się pościel.
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Other windows were piled up with bedding.
Oślepiająca biel pościeli.
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Dazzling white bed linen.
Znalazła pod poduszką jakąś kartkę.
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she found a note card lying on her pillow.
Hela schowała kartę pod poduszkę.
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Hella hid the card under a pillow.
Dostałyśmy z Margot po poduszce i kocu.
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Margot and I were each given a pillow and a blanket.
Zębami wbiła się w poduszkę.
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Her teeth bit into the pillow.
Zerknął na elektroniczny budzik.
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He squinted at his digital clock.
O szóstej zadzwonił budzik.
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At six the alarm went off.
Usiadła na tapczanie i wpatrywała się w małą klatkę.
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She sat on a couch and stared at a small cage.
Teresa klęczała na tapczanie.
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Tereza knelt by the couch.
Leżała na brzuchu w poprzek tapczana.
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She lay diagonally across the divan on her stomach.
Podprowadziłem ją do tapczana.
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I led her to the divan.
Te drzwi wiodą do sypialni.
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The door opens into the bedroom.
Na górze mamy cztery sypialnie. (CK-mod.)
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We have four bedrooms upstairs.
Wszedłem na palcach do sypialni. (CK)
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I went up to my bedroom on tiptoe.
W twojej sypialni nikogo nie ma. (CK)
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There's no one in your bedroom.
To łóżko wydaje się solidne. (CM)
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This bed looks solid.
Chłopiec spadł z łóżka. (CK)
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The boy fell off the bed.
Schowałem się pod łóżkiem. (CK)
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I hid myself under the bed.
Zmierzył długość łóżka. (CK)
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He measured the length of the bed.
Położyła na łóżku prześcieradło. (CK)
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She put sheets on her bed.
Szukam pokoju z dwoma oddzielnymi łóżkami. (lukaszpp)
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I am looking for room with twin beds.
Nigdy nie ścielę łóżka. (Shoyren)
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I never make my bed.
Ona śpi na dwóch poduszkach. (CK)
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She sleeps with two pillows.
Moja poduszka jest taka miękka!
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My pillow is so soft!
Zawinęła dziecko w koc. (CK)
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She wrapped her baby in a blanket.
Powlókł się do łazienki.
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He stomped off to the bathroom.
Przechodząc obok łazienki przystanął.
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Passing the bathroom he stopped.
Skrzypią drzwi do łazienki.
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The bathroom door creaks.
Potem poszedł się umyć do łazienki.
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Then he went to wash in the bathroom.
Nie mamy wanny.
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We don't have a bathtub.
Usiadła na krawędzi wanny.
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She sat on the edge of the bath.
Zobaczył umywalkę, wannę i muszlę klozetową.
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He saw a washbasin, bathtub, and toilet bowl.
Poszła do domu i napuściła wody do wanny.
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She went home and drew a bath.
Wyszła z wanny.
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She stood up from her bath.
Mył się i oddawał mocz do umywalki.
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He washed and urinated into the washbasin.
Koło drzwi niewielka, obtłuczona umywalka.
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A tiny cracked sink by the door.
Mała, ale przyjemna łazienka.
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A small but pleasant bathroom.
Łagodnie nachyliła się nad umywalką.
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She leaned down over the basin.
Teresa wstała i poszła pod prysznic.
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Tereza got up and rinsed herself off under the shower.
Wskakuj pod prysznic.
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Get in the shower.
Toaleta cieknie, a kran jest przekręcony.
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The toilet's leaking, and the faucet's stuck.
Nie pozwolili mi zostawić odkręconego kranu.
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They wouldn't let me run water.
Woda ciekła z kranu, hałasując.
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The basin tap was running noisily.
Paweł odkręcił kran, ale woda nie szła.
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Pavel turned the tap but there was no water.
Krany hałasowały.
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The taps were gushing.
Stół nakryty do śniadania.
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The breakfast things on the table.
Był to duży stół.
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The table was a large one.
Spojrzałem na stół.
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I looked over at the table.
Puchatek rozłożył obrus na stole.
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Pooh put the cloth back on the table.
Spytał ich, dokąd mają zawieźć meble.
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He asked them where they were taking the furniture.
Meble i tapety w całym domu były stare.
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The furniture and wallpaper in the house were all old.
Jasne meble z brzozy i buku.
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The light-coloured furniture was birch and beechwood.
Zabieram meble.
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I'm removing the furniture.
Na stole leżała prosta, miedziana skrzynia.
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On the table lay a rudimentary copper chest.
Podał mu inny taboret.
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He gave him another stool.
Kot zeskoczył z taboretu.
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The cat jumped down from its stool.
Spojrzał na siebie w lusterku szafy.
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He looked at himself in the wardrobe mirror.
Szperała po szafach i szufladach.
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She dug through cupboards and drawers.
Niektórzy mężczyźni mają szafę pełną krawatów.
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Some men have a cupboardful of ties.
Górna szuflada w nocnym stoliku.
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The top drawer of bedside table.
Już miała zamknąć szufladę, kiedy...
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She was about to close the drawer when...
Wysunęła dolną szufladę.
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She opened the bottom drawer.
Sięgnął do szuflady.
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He reached into a drawer.
Obaj mężczyźni z rozpaczą opadli na krzesła.
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Both men collapsed on to their chairs in despair.
Usiadł bardzo ostrożnie na oszronionym krześle.
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He sat tentatively on a frost-covered chair.
Ustawił krzesła wokół biurka.
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He arranged some chairs around his desk.
Bezwstydna pokojówka oparła nogę na krześle.
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The shameless maid put one foot on a chair.
Przysuń sobie bliżej krzesło i siadaj.
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Pull that chair closer and take a seat.
Opadła na fotel, aby odpocząć.
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She collapsed into an armchair to rest.
Kohler wyciągnął z półki książkę.
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Kohler pulled a book from the shelf.
Świeca przymocowana do półki dawała im światło.
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A candle fixed on a shelf gave them light.
Wysokie dębowe regały pokryte książkami.
începe să înveți
High oak shelves packed with books.
Siedzę na starym, rozklekotanym krześle.
începe să înveți
I’m sitting on a rickety old chair.
Meble należą do mojej matki. (CK)
începe să înveți
The furniture belongs to my mother.
Właśnie kupiliśmy dwa meble. (CK)
începe să înveți
We have just bought two pieces of furniture.
W moim domu jest mało mebli. (CK)
începe să înveți
There is little furniture in my house.
Lubię ustawienie mebli w tym pokoju. (CK)
începe să înveți
I like the arrangement of the furniture in this room.
W tym pokoju nie ma krzeseł.
începe să înveți
There is no chair in this room.
To krzesło jest dla mnie za niskie. (CK)
începe să înveți
This chair is too low for me.
Kot śpi na krześle. (CK)
începe să înveți
The cat is sleeping on the chair.
Wyniósł krzesła z pokoju. (CK)
începe să înveți
He carried the chairs out of the room.
Podniósł się z krzesła.
începe să înveți
He stood up from his chair.
Zapomniałem zamknąć szufladę. (CK)
începe să înveți
I forgot to lock the drawer.
Włożyłem to do szuflady. (blay_paul)
începe să înveți
I put it in the drawer.
Wrzucił papiery z powrotem do szuflady. (blay_paul)
începe să înveți
He dumped the papers back into the drawer.
Wziął książkę z półki. (CK)
începe să înveți
He got the book down from the shelf.
Odłóż książkę z powrotem na półkę. (CK)
începe să înveți
Put the book back on the shelf.
Przymocował półkę do ściany. (CK-mod.)
începe să înveți
He fixed the shelf to the wall.
Zrobił dla niej półkę na książki. (CK)
începe să înveți
He made her a bookshelf.
Poszedł na długi spacer.
începe să înveți
He went for a long walk.
Zaczął czytać.
începe să înveți
He began to read.
Skończył pisać.
începe să înveți
He finished writing.
Teabing kiwnął głową i zaczął znów pisać.
începe să înveți
Teabing nodded and began writing again.
Prowadziła dom.
începe să înveți
She ran the household.
Opiekowała się rodzeństwem.
începe să înveți
She took care of her siblings.
Popadli w rutynę.
începe să înveți
They fell into a routine.
Rzadko wychodzi na zewnątrz.
începe să înveți
He rarely goes outside.
Długo czekał.
începe să înveți
He waited for a long time.
Podszedł do okna.
începe să înveți
He went to the window.
Jego żona usłyszała i zeszła na dół.
începe să înveți
His wife heard and came downstairs.
Jonathan wychylił się z okna.
începe să înveți
Jonathan leaned out of the window.
Jonathan wyjrzał przez okno.
începe să înveți
Jonathan looked out ouf the window.
Lucy wyszła na zewnątrz.
începe să înveți
Lucy had gone outside.
Wróciła do łóżka.
începe să înveți
She got back into bed.
Wstała z łóżka.
începe să înveți
She got out of bed.
Podeszła w stronę okna.
începe să înveți
She went over to the window.
Musimy iść do domu.
începe să înveți
We must walk home.
Nie możesz siedzieć i nic nie robić.
începe să înveți
You can’t sit and do nothing.
Cokolwiek robię, ona twierdzi, że mógłbym lepiej.
începe să înveți
Whatever I do, she says I can do better.
Zrób swoją część, a ja zrobię resztę. (Swift)
începe să înveți
You do your part and I'll do the rest.
Robię wszystko o co mnie prosisz. (CK)
începe să înveți
I'll do everything you tell me to do.
Cokolwiek robisz, rób porządnie. (Dejo)
începe să înveți
Whatever you do, you must do your best.
Rób, co chcesz. (CK)
începe să înveți
Do whatever you want to do.
Co robisz w wolnym czasie? (CK)
începe să înveți
What do you do in your spare time?
We walked a lot. We walked a lot. (Swift-mod.)
începe să înveți
We walked a lot. Dużo spacerowaliśmy. (Swift-mod.)
Tom odprowadził Kate do domu. (CN)
începe să înveți
Tom walked Kate home.
Tom chodzi wolno. (CK)
începe să înveți
Tom walks slowly.
Czy mogę wyjść na krótki spacer? (CK)
începe să înveți
May I go out for a short walk?
Jeśli nie pójdziesz, ja też nie idę. (Nero)
începe să înveți
If you don't go, I will not go either.
Why do not we go home? Why do not we go home? (CK)
începe să înveți
Why don't we go home? Dlaczego nie pójdziemy do domu? (CK)
Zamierzasz tam stać cały dzień? (CK-mod.)
începe să înveți
Are you just going to stand there all day?
Spędził wieczór, czytając książkę. (CK)
începe să înveți
He spent the evening reading a book.
Przeczytałeś wszystko? (CK)
începe să înveți
Did you read it at all?
Proszę pisać ołówkiem. (CK)
începe să înveți
Please write with a pencil.
Napisanie tego zajęło mi kilka godzin. (CK-mod.)
începe să înveți
It took me several hours to write it.
Ta dziewczyna usiadła obok mnie. (CK)
începe să înveți
The girl sat beside me.
John usiadł z założonymi rękoma. (CK)
începe să înveți
John sat with arms crossed.
Nie powinieneś siedzieć do tak późna. (--)
începe să înveți
You ought not to sit up so late.
Usiądź i zagrzej się. (CM)
începe să înveți
Sit down here and warm yourself.
Położyłem się, by odpocząć. (CM)
începe să înveți
I lay down to rest.
Położyłem się na brzuchu. (CK)
începe să înveți
I lay on my face.
Lepiej, żebyś trochę odpoczął. (Zifre)
începe să înveți
You had better take a little rest.
Mogę odpocząć? (CK)
începe să înveți
May I take a rest?
Nie opieraj łokci na stole. (Nero)
începe să înveți
Stop resting your elbows on the table.
Tom oglądał wczoraj telewizję. (CK)
începe să înveți
Tom watched TV yesterday.
Poprawiłem sobie humor słuchając muzyki. (CK)
începe să înveți
I cheered myself up by listening to music.
O której godzinie mam cię odebrać? (CK)
începe să înveți
What time shall I pick you up?
Może pan tam stanąć? (CK)
începe să înveți
Just stand there, please.
Nie chcę tak długo czekać. (CK)
începe să înveți
I don't want to wait that long.
Wytarłem się ręcznikiem.
începe să înveți
I dried myself off with a towel.
Obmył twarz zimną wodą.
începe să înveți
He splashed cold water on his face.
Umyłem ręce nad umywalką.
începe să înveți
I washed my hands in the sink.
Około południa wziął prysznic i zjadł śniadanie.
începe să înveți
By noon he had showered and eaten breakfast.
Wzięli wspólny prysznic.
începe să înveți
They took a shower together.
Wziąłem zimną kąpiel.
începe să înveți
I took a cold bath.
Dziś wieczorem umyłam mamie włosy.
începe să înveți
I washed Mother's hair this evening.
Właśnie umyłem zęby w lodowatej wodzie.
începe să înveți
I just brushed my teeth with ice water.
Potrzebowałem tylko czasu, żeby się umyć.
începe să înveți
I only needed time to wash.
Codziennie golił całe ciało.
începe să înveți
He shaved his entire body every day.
Przestał się golić i stracił apetyt.
începe să înveți
He stopped shaving and lost his appetite.
Nie golił się i wyglądał na zmęczonego.
începe să înveți
He didn't shave and he looked tired.
Powinieneś się ogolić.
începe să înveți
You ought to have a shave.
Ogolił się i wykąpał.
începe să înveți
He had a shave and a bath.
Umyj zęby przed pójściem spać. (CK-mod.)
începe să înveți
Brush your teeth before going to bed.
Zawsze musisz mieć czyste ręce. (CK-mod.)
începe să înveți
You must always keep your hands clean.
Wytrzyj usta serwetką.
începe să înveți
Clean your lips with the napkin.
Czyste ręczniki są w szufladzie. (CK)
începe să înveți
The clean towels are in the drawer.
Myję zęby między posiłkami. (--)
începe să înveți
I brush my teeth clean after meals.
Musisz myć ręce przed jedzeniem. (CK)
începe să înveți
You must clean your hands before meals.
Umyj twarz. (CK)
începe să înveți
Wash your face.
Jane ma mnóstwo rzeczy do prania. (CK)
începe să înveți
Jane has a lot of clothes to wash.
Myj ręce przed jedzeniem. (CK)
începe să înveți
Wash your hands before eating.
Ta koszula musi iść do prania. (eldad)
începe să înveți
This shirt needs washing.
Ta chusteczka nie doprała się. (--)
începe să înveți
This handkerchief didn't wash clean.
Moja siostra myje włosy każdego ranka. (CK)
începe să înveți
My sister washes her hair every morning.
Powiedz mi jak się obsługuje pralkę. (CK)
începe să înveți
Tell me how to use the washing machine.
Coś nie tak z pralką. (CK)
începe să înveți
Something is wrong with the washing machine.
Pralka to wspaniały wynalazek. (CK)
începe să înveți
The washing machine is a wonderful invention.
Umyj nogi.
începe să înveți
Wash your feet.
Umyłem się i poczułem się dużo lepiej. (CK)
începe să înveți
I washed myself and felt much better.
Zawiesiła pranie na sznurze. (CK)
începe să înveți
She hung the washing on the line.
Staniki zawsze piorę ręcznie. (fingerhut)
începe să înveți
I always hand wash my bras.
Rano nie myję włosów. (CK)
începe să înveți
I don't wash my hair in the morning.
Idę się kąpać. (CK)
începe să înveți
I'm going to take a bath.
Nie ma nic lepszego niż gorąca kąpiel. (CK-mod.)
începe să înveți
There's nothing like a hot bath.
Ile razy w tygodniu bierzesz kąpiel? (Swift)
începe să înveți
How often a week do you take a bath?
Kąpiemy się codziennie. (Zifre)
începe să înveți
We take a bath every day.
Obmyj nogi z brudu. (--)
începe să înveți
Bathe your feet to get the dirt off.
Napuść gorącej wody do wanny. (--)
începe să înveți
Run hot water into the bath.
Mogę wziąć prysznic? (CK)
începe să înveți
May I take a shower?
Przed śniadaniem wziął prysznic. (CK)
începe să înveți
He had a shower before breakfast.
Brałeś dziś prysznic? (lukaszpp)
începe să înveți
Did you take a shower today?
Biorę prysznic prawie każdego dnia. (Amastan)
începe să înveți
I take a shower almost every day.
Zaciąłem się przy goleniu. (CK)
începe să înveți
I cut myself shaving.
Muszę ogolić się przed wyjściem. (CK)
începe să înveți
I've got to shave before leaving.
Zgolił wąsa. (CK)
începe să înveți
He shaved his mustache off.
(On) goli się cztery razy w tygodniu.
începe să înveți
He shaves four times a week.
Muszę się ogolić.
începe să înveți
I need to shave.
Zapytałem go, czy przyszedł umyć okna.
începe să înveți
I asked him if he'd come to clean the windows.
Za piętnaście szósta zaczęłam zamiatać podłogę.
începe să înveți
At a quarter to six I swept the floor.
Margot i ja zmywamy naczynia.
începe să înveți
Margot and I do the dishes.
Peter był zajęty sprzątaniem.
începe să înveți
Peter was busy cleaning up.
Cecilie sprzątała ze stołu.
începe să înveți
Cecilia cleared the table.
Nigdy nie sprzątasz?
începe să înveți
Do you never clean up?
Nieporządek w jej mieszkaniu graniczył z chaosem.
începe să înveți
Her apartment was messy, bordering on chaotic.
Potem posprzątałam jeszcze trochę pokój.
începe să înveți
Then I straightened up the room.
Tutaj ze dwadzieścia lat nikt nie sprzątał.
începe să înveți
The place hasn't been cleaned for a good twenty years.
Wypolerowałem podłogę i meble. (CK)
începe să înveți
I polished up the floor and furniture.
Później posprzątam kuchnię. (CK)
începe să înveți
I'll clean up the kitchen later.
Pomogłem mojej mamie posprzątać kuchnię. (CK)
începe să înveți
I helped my mother clean the kitchen.
Pomogę ci przy zmywaniu. (CK)
începe să înveți
Let me help you with the dishes.
Umyję za ciebie naczynia. (--)
începe să înveți
I'll let you off doing the dishes.
Tom wytarł naczynia. (CK)
începe să înveți
Tom dried the dishes.
Zawsze musisz utrzymywać pokój w czystości. (eastasia)
începe să înveți
Your room must always be kept clean.
Sprzątanie tego pokoju zajęło mi trzy dni. (eldad)
începe să înveți
It took me three days to clean the room.
W pokoju panował rozgardiasz. (cburgmer)
începe să înveți
The room was in disorder.
Poprosiłem, by zamiótł podłogę. (CK)
începe să înveți
I made him sweep the floor.
Posprzątałeś swój pokój? (CK)
începe să înveți
Did you clean your room?
Mam w pokoju niezły burdel.
începe să înveți
My room is a mess.
Wyrzucono mnie za kiepskie oceny.
începe să înveți
I'd been expelled for poor marks.
Mam ze sobą listę wszystkich uczniów.
începe să înveți
I have a complete student list with me.
Najdziksze wrzaski wydawali uczniowie.
începe să înveți
The most savage yells of all came from the schoolchildren.
Nie jesteś zbyt pojętnym uczniem.
începe să înveți
You are a slow learner.
Niektóre podręczniki dotarły niedawno.
începe să înveți
A few schoolbooks have just arrived.
Kartka wyrwana z zeszytu.
începe să înveți
A piece of paper torn from a notebook.
Na koniec roku szkolnego.
începe să înveți
At the end of the school year.
To jakby taka lekcja geografii.
începe să înveți
It’s something very like learning geography.

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