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Tramwaj był trochę stłoczony i bardzo klaustrofobiczny. începe să înveți
The tram was a bit cramped and very claustrophobic.
Bilet lotniczy kosztuje 4 razy tyle co autobusowy. începe să înveți
Airline ticket costs 4 times as much as a bus.
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Organizacja może czerpać swoją moc z różnych źródeł ekonomicznych i nieekonomicznych. începe să înveți
This organization can derive its power from a number of sources, both economic and non-economic.
Ona nie wydaje się mieć wystarczająco dużo wgląd przyczyn tej katastrofy. începe să înveți
She did not seem to have enough insight into the reasons for this catastrophe.
Konferencja została uznana za znaczny sukces. începe să înveți
The conference was acclaimed as a considerable success
Jeśli nie masz argumentów, to masz bardzo mały wpływ na negocjacje. începe să înveți
If you do not have arguments, you have very little leverage on the negotiations.
bezzałogowe statki powietrzne începe să înveți
Zmehanizowany system jest przeznaczony do pracy w trudnych warunkach sił obronnych. începe să înveți
The ruggedised system is designed for work in harsh defence force environments.
Te miejsca są tak drogie jak te w przedziale drugiej klasy. începe să înveți
These seats are as expensive as those in the second class compartment.
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Zegnij łokcie pod kątem 90 stopni i trzymaj je blisko ciała. începe să înveți
Bend your elbows at 90-degree angles and keep them close to your body
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Powietrze było wilgotne i ciężkie. începe să înveți
The air was moist and heavy.
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Zapłaciłem małą fortunę w czesnym w moim lokalnym basenie aby nauczyć moje dzieci pływać. începe să înveți
I have paid a small fortune in tuition fees to my local pool to teach both my children to swim.
Z powodu dużych opadów i ciężkich warunków pogodowych wszystkie loty zostały odwołane. începe să înveți
Due to heavy rain and severe weather conditions, all flights have been canceled.
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Książki były chaotycznie pomieszane. începe să înveți
The books were in a chaotic jumble.
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Jeden z nich żałuje zagubienia. începe să înveți
One of them regrets getting lost.
Życzył bym sobie zjeść wiecej na śniadanie. Jestem teraz głodny. începe să înveți
I wish I had eaten more for breakfast. I'm hungry now.
Życzył bm sobie nie bookować tego taniego hotelu, był okropny. începe să înveți
I wish I hadn't booked that cheap hotel, it was awful.
Oni kładli duży nacisk na wolność jednostki începe să înveți
They placed great emphasis on the individual's freedom
Niektórzy ludzie przypominają swoje psy. începe să înveți
Some people resemble their dogs.
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Upał stawał się nie do zniesienia. începe să înveți
The heat was getting unbearable.
Pozostaniecie razem przez długi czas. începe să înveți
You will remain together for a long time.
Podatki mają niekorzystny efekt na produkcję începe să înveți
Taxes are having an adverse effect on production.
Delikatna giełka z wczoraj zamieni się w gęstą mgłę w nocy, co może powodować niekorzystne warunki pogodowe dla kierowców, a widzialność będzie znacznie zmniejszona. începe să înveți
The thin mist from yesterday will turn into thick fog at night which can cause adverse weather conditions for drivers as visibility will be significantly reduced.
Zacznie się nieszkodliwie z łagodnymi podmuchami wiatru, które wielu z nas zapewne przyjmie z ulgą. începe să înveți
It will start harmlessly with mild gusts of wind that many of us will probably welcome with relief.
W literaturze naukowej, wiele razy artykuł z czasopisma lub książki jest cytowany przez innych autorów. începe să înveți
In scholarly literature, the number of times a journal article or a book is cited by other authors.
Mamy mieć łagodne zimy i lata, i przejściowe wiosny i jesienie. începe să înveți
We are supposed to have mild winters and summers, and a transitional spring and autumn.
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The searing heat of the sun
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Oczekuje się, że burza zmieni się w wichurę przez noc. începe să înveți
It is expected that the storm will have turned into a gale by night time.
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Co powiesz, gdy widzisz dziewczyne idącą z wielkim trudem po ulicy w bardzo wysokich obcasach wysokich i w pewnym momencie ona zatacza się niebezpiecznie? începe să înveți
What do you say when you see a girl walking with great difficulty in the street in very high high-heels and at one moment she staggers dangerously?
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Kierowcy przyzwyczajeni do określonych tras i odwiedzających miasto nie zorientowanych w topografii Londyńskich przejazdów drogowych, proszeni są o odwiedzenie naszej strony internetowej. începe să înveți
Drivers accustomed to specific routes and visitors to the city unacquainted with the topography of London road passages are kindly requested to visit our website.
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Rada Miejska w Londynie pragnie przeprosić za wszelkie przeszkody i opóźnienia, z jakie będzie można napotkać w przestrzeni następnych sześciu miesięcy. începe să înveți
The City Council of London would like to apologise for any temporary obstacles and delays you will encounter in the space of the following six months.
Nasze badania pokazują, że pasażerowie są zainteresowani podróżujących samolotem, nawet na krótkich dystansach. începe să înveți
Our surveys show that passengers are interested in travelling by plane even over short distances.
Każdy aspekt samorządu został umieszczony pod kontrolą. începe să înveți
Every aspect of local government was placed under scrutiny.
Napotkali przeszkody w trakcie prowadzenia badań. începe să înveți
They faced obstruction in carrying out their research.
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