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He anticipated defeat.
începe să înveți
On przewidział klęskę.
He hopes, you’ll be able to stay longer than last time.
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On ma nadzieję, że będziesz w stanie zostac dłużej niż ostatnim razem.
It was a complete waste of work.
începe să înveți
To była kompletna strata pracy.
You’re absolutely exhausted.
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Jesteś absolutnie wyczerpany.
Could I open the window?
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Mógłbym otworzyć okno?
Could you meet on Wednesday?
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Czy mógłbyś spotkać sie w środe?
You sunbathed every day.
începe să înveți
Opalałeś sie codziennie.
This road leads nowhere.
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Ta droga prowadzi do nikąd.
Our son sunbathed today.
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Nasz syn opalał sie dzisiaj.
She went on a two-week holiday.
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Ona poszła na dwutygodniowy urlop.
The garden was covered with a thin layer of ice.
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Ogród został pokryty cienką warstwą lodu.
You went to London for a couple of days.
începe să înveți
Udałeś się do Londynu na kilka dni.
They have thick hair
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Oni mają grube włosy
You sometimes have to work on Saturdays.
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Czasem musisz pracować w soboty.
That was nearly seven centuries ago.
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To było prawie siedem wiekuw temu.
The window had smooth edges.
începe să înveți
Okno miało gładkie krawędzie.
Did I make myself clear?
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Czy wyrażam się jasno?
We should hurry up if we don’t want to be late.
începe să înveți
My musimy się pośpieszyć, jeśli nie chcemy się spóźnić.
He’ll be away for a month, possibly longer.
începe să înveți
On będzie w drodze przez miesiąc, może dłużej.
You felt uncomfortable, because you couldn’t stretch your legs.
începe să înveți
Czułeś się nieswojo bo nie mogłeś rozprostować nogi.
The surface of the bath was very rough.
începe să înveți
Powierzchnia wanny była bardzo szorstka.
They’ll tell you, what they propose.
începe să înveți
Oni powiedzą ci, co proponują.
I felt uncomfortable wearing a suit.
începe să înveți
Czułem się nieswojo mając na sobie garnitur.
They have light brown hair.
începe să înveți
Oni mają jasnobrązowe włosy.
You sent me a postcard in the shape of a palm tree.
începe să înveți
Wysłałeś mi pocztówkę w kształcie palmy.
You’re too tired to go out tonight.
începe să înveți
Jesteś zbyt zmęczony, aby wyjść wieczorem.
The contents of the box spilled all over the cellar.
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Zawartość pudełka rozlała się w piwnicy.
They can sense a low pressure today.
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Oni mogą odczuwać niskie ciśnienie dzisiaj.
What does it say on the glass?
începe să înveți
Co jest napisane na szybie?
I drove two miles.
începe să înveți
Przejechałem dwa mile.
They’ve finished their essay at last.
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Oni skończyli esej w końcu.
This shop offers, a wide range of fruit.
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Ten sklep oferuje, szeroki wybór owoców.
You lit a candle on the table, and another in the bedroom.
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Zapaliłeś świecę na stole, a drugą w sypialni.
They’d like to book a room for April first.
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Oni chcieliby, zarezerwować pokój na kwiecień pierwszy.
You’ll try to increase the contrast to make the photo look better.
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Będziesz starał się zwiększyć kontrast, aby zdjęcia wyglądają lepiej.
It’s a knife for cutting potatoes.
începe să înveți
To jest nóż do cięcia ziemniaków.
They are sunbathing on the beach now.
începe să înveți
Oni opalają sie na plaży teraz.
They prefer sleeping on a firm mattress.
începe să înveți
Oni wolą spać na twardym materacu.
You wrote our phone number on a small piece of paper.
începe să înveți
Napisałeś nasz numer telefonu na małej kartce papieru.
Correct us if we’re wrong.
începe să înveți
Popraw nas, jeśli się mylimy.
Whatever it was, it was pretty.
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Cokolwiek to było, to było ładne.
They look young for their age.
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Oni wyglądają młodo na swój wiek.
We are not getting much further in understanding this problem.
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Oni nie są znacznie dalej w zrozumieniu tego problemu.
You’re arguing, that buying a new car is a waste of money.
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Jesteś twierdzący, że zakup nowego samochodu jest stratą pieniędzy.
He took a bowl of the soup and tasted it.
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On wziął miskę zupy i skosztował.
Call us tomorrow evening if possible.
începe să înveți
Zadzwoń do nas jutro wieczorem, jeśli to możliwe.
I talked to father on the phone two days ago.
începe să înveți
Rozmawiałem z ojcem przez telefon dwa dni temu.
You bought a basket of apples, and some bananas.
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Kupiłeś kosz jabłek i kilka bananów.
He looked directly into my eyes.
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On spojrzał mi prosto w oczy.
If only they could tell her and make her understand.
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Gdyby tylko oni mogli powiedzieć jej i uczynić by zrozumieła.
He started working there in May.
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On zaczął pracować tam w maju.
You realized, you had left your keys inside.
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Zdałeś sobie sprawę, że masz zostawione klucze wewnątrz.
If we will not keep quiet, we can get out.
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Jeśli nie będziemy milczeć, możemy wyjść.
She handed the bowl to grandpa.
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Ona podała miskę dziadkowi.
They’ll give it back you next week.
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Oni oddadzą ci to w przyszłym tygodniu.
We have nowhere to go.
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My nie mamy dokąd pójść.
His watch is three minutes slow.
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Jego zegarek jest trzy minuty powolny.
You climbed the narrow steps.
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Wspiąłeś sie po wąskich stopniach.
She would rather die.
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Ona wolałaby raczej umrzeć.
Do you mind if we open the window?
începe să înveți
Nie masz nic przeciwko, jeśli otworzymy okno?
We are good drivers.
începe să înveți
Jesteśmy dobrymi kierowcami.
They didn’t recognize her face.
începe să înveți
On nie rozpoznał jej twarzy
She needs a new coffee pot.
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Ona potrzebuje nowego dzbanka do kawy.
The tourist season will start next Wednesday.
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Sezon turystyczny rozpocznie się w najbliższą środę.
He only sees her, at the weekends.
începe să înveți
On widzi tylko ją w weekendy.
To begin with, let's look at chapter 3.
începe să înveți
Na początek, spujrzmy na rozdział 3.
What has he got in his rucksack? It’s very heavy.
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Co on ma w plecaku? Jest bardzo ciężki.
She slipped and fell.
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Ona poślizgnęła się i spadła.
They failed to convince him.
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Nie udało im się go przekonać.
Canada is famous for its landscape.
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Kanada słynie z krajobrazu.
He has a lot of fans.
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On ma wiele fanów.
How far is it to London?
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Jak daleko jest do Londynu?
There was a fight in the airport.
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Tam była walka na lotnisku.
You have finally arrived.
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W końcu przybyłeś.
She has financial problems.
începe să înveți
Ona ma problemy finansowe.
I pointed my finger at Thomas.
începe să înveți
Wskazałem palcem na Tomasza.
When is he going to finish?
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Kiedy on zamierza skończyć?
We’re trying to put out the fire.
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My próbujemy ugasić pożar.
It’s the first time they’ve seen him.
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To jest pierwszy raz, kiedy oni widzieli go.
She’s trying to fix the radio.
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Próbuje naprawić radio.
We’re fit for our age.
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My pasujemy do naszego wieku.
The flash blinded them, for a few seconds.
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Błysk oślepił ich na kilka sekund.
You asked your employer for flexible working hours.
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Pytałeś pracodawcę o elastyczne godziny pracy.
There have been floods, in mountains.
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Tam była powódź w górach.
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Which floor does she live on?
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Na którym piętrze ona mieszka?
A car is following you.
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Samochód jest za tobą.
Do we like watching football?
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Czy my lubimy oglądać piłkę nożną?
You forbid me to go to the party.
începe să înveți
Ty zabraniasz mi iść na imprezę.
They forced me, to tell him the truth.
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Zmusili mnie, aby powiedzieć mu prawdę.
She made a formal announcement.
începe să înveți
Ona zrobiła formalne oświadczenie.
They are frequent visitors to our house.
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Oni są często odwiedzający nasz dom.
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începe să înveți
She frightened me.
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Ona mnie przestraszyła.
Is it true, that they eat frogs?
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Czy to prawda, że oni ​​jedzą żaby?
They should eat more fruit, and less meat.
începe să înveți
Oni powinni jeść więcej owoców, a mniej mięsa.
You had so much fun today.
începe să înveți
Miałeś tyle radości dzisiaj.
They lack confidence.
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Brakuje im pewności siebie.
Has she seen Simon lately?
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Czy ona widziała Szymona ostatnio?
The trees are losing their leaves.
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Drzewa tracą liście.
It’s against the law.
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To jest niezgodne z prawem.
The bag is made of leather.
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Torba wykonana jest ze skóry.
Turn left at the end of the road.
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Skręć w lewo na końcu drogi.
He threatened to take legal action against me.
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Groził mi podjąć działania prawne przeciwko mnie.
I've already left.
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Już wyszedłem
He has the least money.
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On ma najmniej pieniędzy.
You leaned your bike against the wall.
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Oparłeś rower o ścianę.
She’s learning to swim.
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Ona uczy się pływać.
I lead an interesting life.
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Prowadze ciekawe życie.
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My dad laid his hand on my shoulder.
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Mój tata położył rękę na moim ramieniu.
He is too lazy to do that.
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On jest zbyt leniwy, aby to zrobić.
începe să înveți
trip în engleză

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