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They lifted their heads and listening attentively.
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Oni podnieśli głowy i słuchali uważnie.
Only a few more steps and they’ll be there.
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Tylko parę kroków i oni będą tam.
He stopped and took a picture.
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On zatrzymał się i zrobił zdjęcie.
Thomas stood up, when his boss entered the room.
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Tomasz wstał, gdy jego szef wszedł do pokoju.
I sat on the edge of the bed.
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Usiadłem na krawendzi łóżka.
On top of the chest of drawers, was a pile of clothes.
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Na górze komody, był stos ubrań.
Was she at school yesterday?
începe să înveți
Czyona była wczoraj w szkole?
You stopped to admire the view.
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Zatrzymałeś sie aby podziwiać widok.
He has been serving aboard ship, for over two years now.
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On służył na pokładzie statku, od ponad dwóch lat.
They lost their balance and fell over.
începe să înveți
Oni stracili równowagę i upadli.
We lifted the heavy box.
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My podnieśliśmy ciężkie pudło.
Don’t come a step nearer.
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Nie przychodź ani kroku bliżej.
Your house was placed, on the edge of the forest.
începe să înveți
Twój dom został umieszczony, na skraju lasu.
Then Thomas gave a jump.
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Wtedy Tomasz dał skok.
They’ve got plenty of decorations here.
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Oni mają mnóstwo dekoracji tutaj.
I’ll call you back.
începe să înveți
Oddzwonię do ciebie.
Was she satisfied with the score?
începe să înveți
Czy ona była zadowolona z wyniku?
He dropped the bag inside, and shut the drawer.
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On rzucił torbę do środka i zamknął szufladę.
They stood up and closed the window.
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Oni wstali i zamkneli okno.
You opened the chest of drawers.
începe să înveți
Otworzyłeś komode.
Thomas found it one day at the back of drawer.
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Tomasz znalazł jednego dnia z tyłu szuflady.
He took a step back.
începe să înveți
On zrobił krok do tyłu.
You took his children for a walk.
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Wziąłeś jego dzieci na spacer.
You hope, you find out where we put all our Christmas decorations.
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Masz nadzieję, dowiedzieć się, gdzie myumieściliśmy wszystkie nasze ozdoby choinkowe.
Was I happy?
începe să înveți
Czy byłem szczęśliwy?
We’ve noticed some movements in the garden.
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Zauważyliśmy pewne ruchy w ogrodzie.
Lift her up one more time.
începe să înveți
Podnieś ją jeszcze raz.
She needs a piece of string, to secure this box.
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Ona potrzebuje kawałek sznurka, aby zabezpieczyć to pudełko.
The mirror was shaped in oval.
începe să înveți
Lustro było w kształcie owalu.
You sat on a cushion.
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Siedziałeś na poduszce.
Could he stop here please?
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Czy on mógłby zatrzymać sie tu, proszę?
What a spectacular jump!
începe să înveți
Co spektakularny skok!
She fell over while dancing.
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Ona upadła podczas tańca.
They were sitting on a stool.
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Oni siedzieli na stołku.
He used to know all the neighbours by name.
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On znał wszystkich sąsiadów według nazwisk.
Should you risk entering the cave?
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Czy powinieneś ryzykować wejściem do jaskini?
We haven’t worried about such things, before.
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My nie martwiliśmy się o takie rzeczy, przedtem
We’ve never seen, such a huge car.
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My nigdy nie widzieliśmy, tak ogromnego samochodu.
He can’t enter the building without a pass.
începe să înveți
On nie może wejść do budynku bez przepustki.
We entered the room.
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My weszliśmy do pokoju.
Can he make a phone please.
începe să înveți
Czy on może wykonać telefon, proszę.
She’d like to speak to Kate.
începe să înveți
Ona chciałaby porozmawiać z Kate.
Will they help me move the wardrobe?
începe să înveți
Czy oni pomogą mi przesunąć szafę?
I sat on the couch and waited.
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Usiadłam na kanapie i czekałam.
She isn’t at the moment.
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Ona nie jest w tej chwili. nie ma jej w tej chwili.
They sat down on the chair.
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Oni usiedli na krześle.
I appeared out of nowhere.
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Pojawiłem się znikąd.
We’re at home.
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My jesteśmy w domu.
You can sleep on the couch.
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Możesz spać na kanapie.
Could I leave a message for my friend?
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Czy mogę zostawić wiadomość dla mojego przyjaciela?
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bottle în engleză

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