szlifuj angielski zdania 1-10

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Întrebare Răspuns
być na wolności (o przestępcy)
Ci mężczyźni nie powinni być na wolności. Zabili dwie osoby.
începe să înveți
be at large
Ci mężczyźni nie powinni być na wolności. Zabili dwie osoby.
Na pierwszy rzut oka
începe să înveți
At first sight
Na pierwszy rzut oka
Na pierwszy rzut oka wyglądało, że wszystko z nią w porządku.
începe să înveți
At first glance
At first sight she seemed to be alright.
ze względu na coś
Ze względu na nasze dzieci nie rozwiedliśmy się.
începe să înveți
for the sake
For the sake of our kids we didn’t divorce.
na dłuższą metę
Na dłuższą metę nasze problemy są nie do rozwiązania.
începe să înveți
in the long run
In the long run our problems are not solvable.
byłoby wskazane
Byłoby wskazane, żeby spotkać się z nim osobiście.
începe să înveți
it would be advisable
It would be advisable to see him in person.
Musimy natychmiast wyjść.
începe să înveți
at once
We need to go out at once.
kwitnąć (rośliny)
Na wiosnę wszystkie drzewa kwitną.
începe să înveți
to blossom
In spring, all the trees are in blossom.
wisieć na telefonie
Jego siostra rozmawia przez telefon cały dzień!
începe să înveți
hang on the phone
His sister is on the phone all day!
wymyka się spod kontroli
Ten biznes wymyka się spod kontroli.
începe să înveți
gets out of control
This business goes out of control.
nie na miejscu
W tej sytuacji twój śmiech jest nie na miejscu.
începe să înveți
out of place
Your laugh is out of place at this situation
wyprzedane brak towaru
W tym momencie te komputery są wyprzedane.
începe să înveți
sold out of stock
These computers are out of stock at this moment.
na żywo
Widziałam prezydenta na żywo.
începe să înveți
I saw the president in the flesh.
tylko z nazwy
Jest szefem tej firmy tylko z nazwy. Jego syn zajmuje się wszystkimi kwestiami biznesowymi.
începe să înveți
only in name
He is the boss of their company in name only. His son handles all the business matters.
bez ostrzeżenia
Rzucił piłką bez ostrzeżenia.
începe să înveți
without warning
He threw a ball without warning.
za wszelką cenę
Za wszelką cenę musimy zdać ten egzamin.
începe să înveți
at all costs
We must pass this exam at all costs.
ze względu na
Zważywszy na twoją chorobę, nie powinieneś być teraz sam.
începe să înveți
in view of
In view of your illness you shouldn’t be alone now.
być na służbie
Jest teraz na służbie. Nie przeszkadzaj mu.
începe să înveți
to be on duty
He is on duty now. Don’t disturb him
pod wpływem impulsu
Nie potrzebowałam tamtej sukienki. Kupiłam ją pod wpływem impulsu.
începe să înveți
on impulse
I didn’t need that dress. I bought it on impulse.
nie wchodzi w grę, jest niemożliwe
Przykro mi, ale twój wyjazd za granicę jest poza dyskusją/nie wchodzi w rachubę/jest wykluczony.
începe să înveți
is out of the question
I am sorry but your going abroad is out of the question.
znać na pamięć
Powinieneś znać ten wiersz na pamięć.
începe să înveți
know by heart
You should know this poem by heart.
najprawdopodobniej, według wszelkiego prawdopodobieństwa
Najprawdopodobniej zda ten egzamin.
începe să înveți
in all probability
He will pass this exam in all probability.
powszechnie wiadomo że
Powszechnie wiadomo, że Yale jest znakomitą uczelnią / znakomitym uniwersytetem.
începe să înveți
it is well known that
it is well known that Yale is an excellent university.
cofnąć się
Jest prawdziwym dżentelmenem. Odsunął się i powiedział – "panie przodem".
începe să înveți
step back
He’s a real gentleman. He stepped back and said – “ladies first”.
niech dobrze zrozumiem
începe să înveți
let me get it right
wstawić się za
Myślę, że obraziłem Adama. Czy któryś z jego przyjaciół mógłby się za mną wstawić?
începe să înveți
put in a word for
I think I offended Adam. Could any of his friends put in a good word for me?
załągodzić sytuację
Myślę, że już zawsze będą mnie nienawidzili, chociaż zrobiłem, co się da, by załagodzić sytuację.
începe să înveți
easy the situation
I think they will never stop hating me, although I did whatever possible to ease the situation.
puszczać fajerwerki
Jak ludzie mogą puszczać fajerwerki, wiedząc, że przestraszą okoliczne psy?
începe să înveți
to shoot fireworks
How can people shoot fireworks knowing that they will terrorize dogs in the area?
Jakie są twoje noworoczne postanowienia? Rzucę palenie i będę czytać więcej książek.
începe să înveți
New year's resolutions
What are your New Year’s resolutions? I’ll give up smoking and read more books.
wrobić kogoś
Słyszałem, że David został wczoraj aresztowany. Myślę, że ktoś próbuje go wrobić.
începe să înveți
frame sb
I’ve heard that David was arrested yesterday. I think somebody’s trying to frame him.
pod wpływem alkoholu
Kierowca znajdował się pod wpływem alkoholu.
începe să înveți
under the influence of alcohol
The driver was under the influence of alcohol.
rób tak dalej
Rób tak dalej, a skończysz w wariatkowie.
începe să înveți
keep doing that
Keep doing that and you’ll end up in a madhouse.
zagłębić się, zaangażować się w coś
Kate zagłębiła się w książce.
începe să înveți
delve into sth
Kate delved into the book
zasłonić żaluzje
începe să înveți
cover blinds
It was getting dark so I switched on the light and drew the blinds.
jak to ująć?
Jakby to ująć? Myślę, że z nami koniec.
începe să înveți
how to put it
How shall I put it? I think we’re done.
ogólnie rzecz biorąc, w sumie, w zasadzie
Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, nasi pracownicy cały czas bardzo ciężko pracują.
începe să înveți
all in all, basically
All in all, our employees work very hard all the time.
głowa do góry, rozchmurz się
începe să înveți
cheer up
weź się w garść
începe să înveți
get a grip
czy to miejsce jest zajęte
Przepraszam, czy to miejsce jest zajęte?
începe să înveți
Is this seat taken
Excuse me, is this seat taken?
lada dzień
Nasza suczka lada dzień się oszczeni.
începe să înveți
any day
Our bitch is expected to give birth any day now.
czy możesz poświęcić mi chwilę?
începe să înveți
can you please take a moment for me
jeśli o mnie chodzi, z tego co mi wiadomo
Jeśli o mnie chodzi, nie widzę przeciwwskazań.
începe să înveți
as far as I am concerned
As far as I am concerned, I don’t see any contraindications.
jestem Twoim dłużnikiem
Tak się cieszę, że byłeś tam ze mną. Jestem twoim dłużnikiem.
începe să înveți
I owe you
I’m so glad that you were there with me. I owe you.
żaden z nas nie ma pracy
Żaden z nas nie ma pracy. Jedziemy na tym samym wózku.
începe să înveți
Neither you nor I have a job
Neither you nor I have a job. We are in the same boat. Neither of us has a job
chodzą plotki ze
Chodzą plotki, że Mary i Jim zamierzają się pobrać.
începe să înveți
Rumor has it that
Rumor has it that Mary and Jim are going to get married.
długo się nie widzieliśmy
Dawno się nie widzieliśmy. Co porabiałeś ostatnio?/Co u ciebie słychać?
începe să înveți
long time no see
Long time no see. What have you been up to lately?

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