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a set of rules that determines how elections and referendums are conducted and how their results are determined; începe să înveți
ordynacja wyborcza, system wyborczy
-a state of the Swiss Confederation începe să înveți
distribute resources, duties for a paticular purpose The government should allocate more money to medical care. începe să înveți
Rząd powinien przeznaczyć więcej pieniędzy na opiekę medyczną.
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the transfer or delegation of power to a lower level, especially by central government to local or regional administration; începe să înveți
przekazanie, cedowanie, zrzekanie się na rzecz
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prawo federalne (w sensie takie, które obowiązuje w federacjach, np. w Rosji)
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in a meaning: cause to happen
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general vote on a single political question
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a formal written request, usually signed by many people in respect of a particular case
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Niezależnie, regardless of
Proportional representation an electoral system in which parties gain seats in proportion to the number of votes cast for them începe să înveți
Reprezentacja proporcjonalna
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linia (w znaczeniu: polityka) partii
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lobbyeek to influence (a legislator) on a issue, lobbować ^^, wywierać nacisk
(Reach or establish) a (broad) consensus începe să înveți
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sb regarded with contempt, hostility, hatred, especially by the general public
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important, famous; ważna persona
Be seen as a figure of fun începe să înveți
considered ridiculous, obiekt kpin, pośmiewisko
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rozpisać, zarządzić wybory
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manage/conduct fraudulently so to gain an advantage; sfałszować, ustawić wyniki wyborów
In the run-up to the election începe să înveți
in a period preceding a notable event; w przededniu wyborów
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to vote; udać się do urny wyborczej
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becoming apparent, prominent; powstający, kształtujący się
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Bądź zamieszany w skandal
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ukryć skandal, try to prevent people discovering the truth about serious mistake/crime; tuszować
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candidate to be an MP? (kandydować)
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frank in stating one’s opinion, especially shocking or controversial
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Prawicowy poseł, prawicowy parlamentarzysta
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held/carried by everyone involved, jednomyślny głos
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a vote cast in an election to demonstrate the voter's dissatisfaction with the choice of candidates or refusal of the current political system
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electoral fraud, oszustwo wyborcze
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said, without a proof, to have taken place/have a specific undesirable quality; domniemany, rzekomy
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won by only a small margin; nieznaczne, znikome
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an overwhelming majority of votes for one party/candidate; walne, przytłaczając
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without real significance, value
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say that the victory is yours
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earn very small amount of money
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a legal limit on how much income an individual can earn
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Organizować wydarzenie, być gospodarzem
I’m a huge fan of the idea începe să înveți
Jestem wielkim fanem tego pomysłu
I don’t really know where I stand începe să înveți
Naprawdę nie wiem, gdzie stoję
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Jestem całkowicie przeciwko temu
I think the negatives far outweigh the positives începe să înveți
Myślę, że negatywy znacznie przewyższają pozytywy
I can’t pass the judgement începe să înveți
I am in favour. I just have some slight reservations începe să înveți
Jestem za. Mam tylko niewielkie zastrzeżenia
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It’s ok in principle, I just think it’s unworkable începe să înveți
Zasadniczo jest w porządku, po prostu myślę, że to nie działa
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morally wrong, often because it’s too large; nieprzyzwoity
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make higher in level/amount
declare as part of income începe să înveți
zadeklarować jako część dochodu
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find a way of dealing with or avoiding a problem
be a recipe for a disaster începe să înveți
to be very likely to become disaster
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increase a debt by spending more
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1) final line in accounts of company/organisation, statng its total profit/loss 2) conclusion 3) the most important fact in a situation
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to have no possibility of doing/achieving sth
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to compete with sb to do sth (to bid to hold the Olympics), licytować
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large building divided into apartments, usually in poor areas of city; dom czynszowy, kamienica czynszowa (jak w Lalce)
create division and lead to tension începe să înveți
tworzyć podział i prowadzić do napięcia
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zmniejszyć nadużywanie narkotyków
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make less confident/powerful/likely to suceed/weaker (often gradually); osłabiać, podkopywać
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make a problem/difficult situation worse; pogarszać, potęgować
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to burden/overload sb/sth; obciążać
The company went bankrupt overnight. începe să înveți
Firma stała się niewypłacalna z dnia na dzień.
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They offer numerous benefits. începe să înveți
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buildings for people to live in
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We've had some unexpected expenses this month. începe să înveți
W tym miesiącu mieliśmy trochę nieprzewidzianych wydatków
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solve or end a problem/difficulty
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use force to stop/prevent sth you consider wrong or harmful, put a foot down on the ground hard and quickly, making a loud noise, often to show anger
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argumentować za przyczyną sb
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przeciwstawiać się wierzeniom
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admit you were wrong/you have been defeated
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cruelty, not thinking/worrying about others’ pain; bezwzgledność
That man has so much charisma! His personality attracts people to him. începe să înveți
Ten człowiek ma tyle charyzmy! Jego osobowość przyciąga ludzi.
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explain the reason of, cause of; wyjaśniać, rozliczać (jak ten premier podczas sesji z pytaniami)
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make sb seem stupid by making jokes about them, laughing unkindly
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1) act of mocking 2) sth which seems stupid/without value; kpiny
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unkind words/actions making sb/sth look stupid
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in a clever, simple way; trafnie, doskonale
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an amount of time offically allowed for a single event; czas antenowy np.
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support, defend, fight for sb/belief/right/principle enthusiastically
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general attitude, way of thinking
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a moral way of thinking, especially one expressed in publicly stated opinion
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1) list of things discussed during the meeting 2) things that sb/organisation considers important, wants to do/achieve; reasons to do sth
take the mickey out of sb începe să înveți
laugh at sb, make seem silly/funny in unkind way
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brave, funny, unusual acts; wyczyny
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organisation, business which has own separate legal/financial exsistence; jednostka
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He has been in the cabinet longer than either of them. începe să înveți
On był w rządzie dłużej niż każde z nich.
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a voting system that gives preference to a certain group of people, such as people of particular gender or race, parytety
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adverb used to introduced good example of sth
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ludobójstwo, the murder of large numbers of people belonging to a particular race
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improve a bad situation that you’re responsible for by doing sth/giving money; zadośćuczynić
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act of completely ending sth
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prepare sth/make suitable for a particular situation, group, goal
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uczynić postępy, make progress towards a goal
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1) introduce law and make others accept them 2) force to have same opinion; narzucać, nałożyć
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utrudniać, restrict, make more difficult
You're going to exert a lot of energy when you climb that mountain tomorrow. începe să înveți
use influence, authority, power in order to affect/achieve sth Zużyjesz dużo energii, wspinając się jutro na tę górę.
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sb who is supposed to be proof that sth is done but without no real value
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archaiczny - stary, nieaktualny, przestarzały
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opportunity/freedom needed to so/develop sth; możliwość poprawy
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action/event in the past issued as an example or reason for presence; precedens
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give sb/sth enough of an advantage to influence a result/decision
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walka o prawa obywatelskie
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group of people who support and admire one’s work/art
We need to ensure safety to the citizens. începe să înveți
Musimy zapewnić obywatelom bezpieczeństwo.
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go/move (on foot with leisure)
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to look steadily and intently, as with great curiosity, interest, pleasure, or wonder; wpatrywać się
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to talk for a long time about things that are not important; ględzić
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laugh (quietly); chichotać
The man tried to grab Deidre's bag, but she chased him away. începe să înveți
Mężczyzna próbował chwycić torebkę Deirdre, ale przegoniła go.
Every time I do something silly in class, my friends giggle. începe să înveți
Za każdym razem, gdy zrobię coś głupiego na lekcji, moi koledzy chichoczą.
Diana glared at the waiter after he made a rude comment to her. începe să înveți
a long, angry look; piorunować wzrokiem
Lucas was muttering under his breath because he was angry at his girlfriend. începe să înveți
Lucas mamrotał pod nosem, ponieważ był zły na swoją dziewczynę.
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pełzanie, move quietly and slowly
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to walk, move, or stand unsteadily; chwiać się
Jarred was annoyed, so he mumbled something offensive under his breath. începe să înveți
Jarred był poirytowany, więc wymamrotał pod nosem coś obraźliwego.
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konstytucja polityczna, A political constitution is a constitution where the legislature is the main check upon executive power
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Utrata różnorodności biologicznej
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