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Wytrwałość jest ważniejsza niż talent inteligencja i strategia începe să înveți
Perseverance is more important than talent intelligence and strategy
otwór dziura dołkowe pole Optymista widzi pączka pesymista widzi dziurę Oscar Wilde Pesymista to ktoś kto narzeka na hałas gdy okazja puka Oscar Wilde William Shakespeare powiedział: Nie ma nic dobrego czy złego ale myślenie sprawia że tak jest începe să înveți
“The optimist sees the donut the pessimist sees the hole Oscar Wilde “A pessimist is somebody who complains about the noise when opportunity knocks Oscar Wilde William Shakespeare said “There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so
Optymista widzi pączka pesymista widzi dziurę Oscar Wilde Pesymista to ktoś kto narzeka na hałas gdy okazja puka Oscar Wilde William Shakespeare powiedział: Nie ma nic dobrego czy złego ale myślenie sprawia że tak jest începe să înveți
“The optimist sees the donut the pessimist sees the hole Oscar Wilde “A pessimist is somebody who complains about the noise when opportunity knocks Oscar Wilde William Shakespeare said “There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so
Pozwól sobie popełniać błędy i uczyć się od nich începe să înveți
Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them
Młodzi czytelnicy mogą powiedzieć że Jeśli życie daje ci cytrynę poproś o trochę soli i tequili începe să înveți
Younger readers might say that “If life gives you a lemon ask for some salt and Tequila
Życie to łańcuch chwil - kilka szczęśliwych trochę smutnych - i zależy od ciebie aby zrobić z każdego z tych chwil najlepiej începe să înveți
Life is a chain of moments - some happy some sad - and it depends on you to make the best of each and every one of those moments
Życie składa się ze śmiechu i łz światła i cieni începe să înveți
Life is made up of laughter and tears light and shadow
Nikt nie może mnie skrzywdzić jeśli na to nie pozwolę începe să înveți
Nobody can hurt me if I don’t allow it
începe să înveți
Everything is going to be all right
Wszystko dzieje się z jakiegoś powodu începe să înveți
Everything happens for a reason
Stwarzam swoje przeznaczenie începe să înveți
wejście wprowadzania danych wejściowych Jeśli nie lubisz swoich wyników zmieni swoje wkłady - swoje myśli emocje i oczekiwania începe să înveți
If you don’t like your results change your input - your thoughts emotions and expectations
Nie twój szef nie twój małżonk nie twoi rodzice nie twoi przyjaciele nie klienci nie gospodarka nie pogoda începe să înveți
Not your boss not your spouse not your parents not your friends not your clients not the economy not the weather
Nie twój szef nie twój małżonk nie twoi rodzice nie twoi przyjaciele nie klienci nie gospodarka nie pogoda începe să înveți
Not your boss not your spouse not your parents not your friends not your clients not the economy not the weather
frekwencja obecności uczestnictwa W 2008 roku kiedy trener FC Barcelony Josep Pep Guardiola przejął dowództwo nad zespołem który był w spustoszonym stanie powiedział 73000 mieszkańcom stadionu i milionom widzom w katalońskiej telewizji w swoim przemówieniu inauguracyjnym: începe să înveți
In 2008 when FC Barcelona’s coach Josep “Pep Guardiola took charge of the team that was in a desolate state he told the 73000 people in attendance in the stadium and the millions of viewers on Catalonian television in his inauguration speech:
W 2008 roku kiedy trener FC Barcelony Josep Pep Guardiola przejął dowództwo nad zespołem który był w spustoszonym stanie powiedział 73000 mieszkańcom stadionu i milionom widzom w katalońskiej telewizji w swoim przemówieniu inauguracyjnym: începe să înveți
In 2008 when FC Barcelona’s coach Josep “Pep Guardiola took charge of the team that was in a desolate state he told the 73000 people in attendance in the stadium and the millions of viewers on Catalonian television in his inauguration speech:
începe să înveți
Are you longing for more?
începe să înveți
How many of you at this exact moment
obecny gubernator zostaje odsunięty na korzyść swojego przeciwnika începe să înveți
the current governor gets ousted in favor of his opponent