tez tang. 26.04

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A large office divided i to cubicles for individual workers
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cube farm
biuro podzielone na kabiny
textile mill
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A factory for making textiles
fabryka włókien
Textile mills produce wool cloth
optical fiber
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refers to the technology that transits information as light pulses along a Glass or plastic fiber.
Optical Fibres are used most often as a means to transmit light.
help or comfort when you are feeling sad or worried
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music is a great solace to me
the process of paying to have park of a company's work done by anothwr company
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zlecenie usługi innej firmie
dealing with large amount of information or calculations very quickly
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data crunching
szybkie operowanie danymi
Data crunching was just the start
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the fact of a Computer doing a number of Jobs on different batches (=groups) of information automatically one after the other
przetwarzanie partiami
phrase/an expression used to describe research or models developer on a computer
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In silico
"w krzemie" - w komputerze
India looks like AI, the superbrain that never arrived in silico
when a company loses specialist skills because experienced staff leave the organization
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knowledge drain
wysuszenie wiedzy
companies are failing... The resulting knowledge drsin has an impact on productivity
roll out
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A person that is an assistant of superior
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aide-de-camp has to help an officer of higher rank
use it to Express Big quantity of sth/ a horde of insects
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our seeds has been invaided by a swarm of insects
weaken up, to let something go
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To let up
osłabnąć, ustąpić (warunki atmosferyczne)
the Rain is letting up, so we can go out
getting smaller and smaller
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zanikać, zmniejszać, ubywać
the population of Poland continues to diminish
A storage/warehouse
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depots allow to store up products and materials

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