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kamień węgielny, fundament începe să înveți
cornerstone, Trust is the cornerstone of any successful relationship
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connotation, The color red often has connotations of passion and intensity
łagodny deser kremowy, przygotowała pyszny flan z karmelizowanym wierzchem începe să înveți
flan, she prepared a delicious flan with a caramelized top
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a coffee grinder, need to buy a new grinder for my coffee beans.
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nieokiełznany, niepohamowany începe să înveți
unbridled, Her enthusiasm for the project was unbridled
Nieskrępowana tańczyła na przyjęciu z nieskrępowaną radością. începe să înveți
Uninhibited, She danced with uninhibited joy at the party.
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wystarczające umiejętności. Jej wystarczające umiejętności programowania zapewniły jej pracę. începe să înveți
sufficient chops, Her sufficient chops in programming secured her the job.
wypadanie. Zawartość pudełka wypadła po upadku. începe să înveți
tumbling out, The contents of the box came tumbling out when it fell.
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Nowa strategia firmy jest spójna i dobrze przemyślana. începe să înveți
The company's new strategy is coherent and well thought out.
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Riding a bike without a helmet is too much of a hazard.
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She was an enabler for her husband's alcoholism by constantly making excuses for his behavior.
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He got hammered at the party last night and couldn't remember anything.
wentylowanie/rozprzestrzenianie sie czegos începe să înveți
The rumor about the new product fanned excitement among consumers.
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The rumor about the new product fanned excitement among consumers.
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Spotkali się na imprezie i od razu świetnie się dogadywali, rozmawiając przez godziny. începe să înveți
hit it off/get along right away They met at the party and immediately hit it off, talking for hours.
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Ostrzegł nas o podstępnych prądach w rzece. începe să înveți
He warned us about the treacherous currents in the river.
powtorzenie czegos w celu udoskonalenia Musimy powtarzać naszą strategię marketingową, aby poprawić nasze wyniki. începe să înveți
We need to iterate on our marketing strategy to improve our results.
Potknęła się o nierówny chodnik. începe să înveți
She stumbled over the uneven pavement.
Mówca zaciął się słowami podczas prezentacji. începe să înveți
The speaker stumbled over his words during the presentation.
On wyśmiał pomysł pójścia na imprezę. începe să înveți
He scoffed at the idea of going to the party.
On tupał nogą z frustracji. începe să înveți
He stomped his foot in frustration.
Jej ekscytująca osobowość zawsze rozświetla pomieszczenie. începe să înveți
Her kicky personality always makes the room light up.
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She's a picky eater and refuses to try anything new.
Zdecydował się wziąć pożyczkę, aby pokryć koszty czesnego. începe să înveți
He decided to take out a loan to pay for his tuition.
Wykrzyknął z zaskoczenia, gdy otworzył nieoczekiwany prezent. începe să înveți
He exclaimed in surprise as he opened the unexpected gift.
Wracała z imprezy do domu, lekko wstawiona, ale nadal panująca nad sobą. începe să înveți
She walked home from the party feeling slightly tipsy but still in control.
Firma wprowadziła zoptymalizowane procesy w celu poprawy efektywności. începe să înveți
The company implemented streamlined processes to improve efficiency.
Po skandalu został odrzucony przez swoich byłych przyjaciół i kolegów. începe să înveți
After the scandal, he was shunned by his former friends and colleagues.
Organizacja ma politykę zerowej tolerancji wobec jakiegokolwiek nękania. începe să înveți
The organization has a zero-tolerance policy for harassment of any kind.
Jego lekkomyślne zachowanie może zagrażać całemu projektowi. începe să înveți
His reckless behavior could jeopardise the entire project.
Złowił pięknego tęczowego pstrąga podczas wędkowania w rzece. începe să înveți
He caught a beautiful rainbow trout while fishing in the river.
Firma skupia się na wewnętrznym wzroście zamiast na międzynarodowej ekspansji. începe să înveți
The company is focusing on inward growth rather than expanding internationally.
Film był głupkowaty, ale uroczy, ze swoimi dziwacznymi postaciami i głupim humorem. începe să înveți
The movie was dorky but charming, with its quirky characters and silly humor.
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the mother of all parties
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