începe să înveți
regard with disgust and hatred
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(of language) open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning
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începe să înveți
începe să înveți
an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information; speculation
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începe să înveți
go on board a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle
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try hard to do or achieve something
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drive, force, or urge (someone) to do something
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showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise
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no longer produced or used; out of date
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widespread in a particular area at a particular time
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acting with or showing care and thought for the future
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occur again, periodically, or repeatedly
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(of a loud noise) be repeated several times as an echo
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suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it
începe să înveți
a long, angry speech of criticism or accusation
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începe să înveți
începe să înveți
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(especially of food, money, or some other resource) insufficient for the demand
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începe să înveți
not clear enough to be read
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break or fail to comply with (a rule or formal agreement)
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începe să înveți
get or bring (something) back; regain possession of
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the state of being diverse; variety
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eat (food or prey) hungrily or quickly
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a quotation from a text or speech
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done, made, or acting suddenly or without careful consideration; a substance precipitated from a solution.
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done without being planned, organized, or rehearsed
începe să înveți
stick fast to (a surface or substance)
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greatest, highest, maximum, most extreme; greatest.
începe să înveți
important, significant, historic