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razem (z/ze) / dalej / wzdłuż / naprzód începe să înveți
wskaźnik / wysokość / taryfa / współczynnik / stopa / stawka / oceniać începe să înveți
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z pewnością / oczywiście / na pewno începe să înveți
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Oby wyszli poza swoje ograniczenia i spojrzeli poza krótkoterminowe interesy gospodarcze începe să înveți
Let them surpass themselves and look beyond economic interests in the short term
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określić / ustalić / (coś) zdecydować (o czymś) începe să înveți
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Szczególnie istotne możliwości daje modernizacja budynków mieszkalnych începe să înveți
Modernising residential buildings offers particularly important opportunities
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mocny / twardy / stanowczy / silny mocny fundament / stanowcze stanowisko începe să înveți
wzrastać, rosnąć (do poziomu czegoś) / ustabilizować się, stabilizować się (na poziomie czegoś) începe să înveți
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cel / przeznaczenie czegoś / zamiar începe să înveți
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naprzód / na czele / przed siebie începe să înveți
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uważać za rzecz oczywistą începe să înveți
Moje spojrzenie powędrowało do innej młodej kobiety, gdy wycierała twarz innej umierającej osoby începe să înveți
My gaze went to another young woman as she wiped the face of another dying person.
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zasada (np. fizyczna / prawna / pomicniczości) începe să înveți
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expand_more W życiu jednostki ideały te często kojarzymy z jakimś przedmiotem. începe să înveți
And in the life of an individual, we often associate that with some object.
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Sprawa Fournireta jest bolesnym i niepokojącym tego przykładem. începe să înveți
The Fourniret affair is a distressing and painful example of this.
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zamierzać / przeznaczyć (być przeznaczonym do czegoś) Nominały i parametry techniczne monet euro przeznaczonych do obiegu începe să înveți
Denominations and technical specifications of euro coins intended for circulation
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skinienie / ukłon / kiwnięcie începe să înveți
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ocena / diagnoza / kontrola începe să înveți
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uzyskać / nabyć / otrzymać începe să înveți
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przyjąć do wiadomości / uznać începe să înveți
uznany / znany / niekwstionowany începe să înveți
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w dużej mierze / w znacznym stopniu începe să înveți
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W nowoczesnych społeczeństwach pojęcie wolontariatu ma zasadnicze znaczenie. începe să înveți
The notion of volunteering is crucial in modern day societies.
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rozmiar / połać / rozciągłość Jednakże, trudno czasem zapamiętać rozmiar tejże urbanizacji. începe să înveți
However, it's hard sometimes to remember the extent of that urbanization.
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objętość / wydolność (np. transportu) începe să înveți
stan / majątek / posiadłość / osiedle începe să înveți
ścigać / prześladować / dążyć începe să înveți
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rozpoczęcie meczu / otwarcie / rozpoczęcie începe să înveți
zacząć działać (np. substancja leku) / dołożyć się do începe să înveți
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Odwołać się do sądu wyższej instancji începe să înveți
Appeal to a higher court instance
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wydawać (np. oświadczenie, rozkaz, pozwolenie na lądowanie) începe să înveți
sporny, będący przedmiotem dyskusji începe să înveți
The point at issue is what is best for the child punktem spornym jest to, co jest najlepsze dla dziecka
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wydanie, wystawienie (dokument) începe să înveți
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British weather is perhaps at its most variable in the spring
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they offer computers in the price range from $500-$2000
Wyobrażenie, spostrzeżenie rodzice nie dzielili się swoimi spostrzeżeniami na temat zachowania ich dzieci Jego wyobrażenie świata jest bardzo specyficzne începe să înveți
The parents wouldn’t share their perceptions about their children’s behavior his perception of the world is very peculiar
A container that holds liquid or gas începe să înveți
A fuel/petrol tank
relacja / sprawozdanie (media) C N N przygotowała relacje ze skandalu prezydenckiego începe să înveți
CNN prepared a coverage of the presidential scandal
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The company issued $4 million in bonds for road construction
nieco, niejako, do pewnego stopnia to some degree to wydaje sie byc w jakis sposob znajome începe să înveți
it appears to be somewhat familiar
odniesienie do, odwołanie do, nawiązanie do începe să înveți
1. to give, agree to give, or do something that another person has asked for, esp. as an official or formal act / 2. to accept that something is true, often before expressing an opposite or disapproving opinion PRZYZNAWAĆ COŚ / RACJĘ 3. a sum of money given by the government, a university, or a private organization to another organization or person for a special purpose începe să înveți
1. She was granted American citizenship / 2. I grant you (that) it must have been upsetting, but even so I think he made too big a deal of it / 3. a research/study grant
cel / celność / zamiar / dążenie / celować Nie martw się, mój partner ma świetny cel Celem tego kursu jest nauczyć was, jak robić dobre zdjęcia începe să înveți
Don’t worry my partner has a great aim The aim of this course is to teach you how to take good photographs.
ona pozwała mnie o zniesławienie chciałbym zacytować słowa słynnego pisarza începe să înveți
she cited me with defamation I would like to cite the words of a famous writer
dobro społeczne, interes społeczny / opieka społeczna / dobrobyt politycy twierdzą, że walczą o interes społeczny începe să înveți
The politicians claim that they fight for welfare
Jakie jest twoje ogólne wrażenie o nim? începe să înveți
What's your overall impression of him?
szary (british / american) începe să înveți
Jej początkową reakcją było zaskoczenie începe să înveți
Her initial reaction was surprise
sprzeciwić się, przeciwstawić się Moi rodzice sprzeciwili się mojemu małżeństwu z młodszym mężczyzną începe să înveți
My parents opposed my marriage to a younger man
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trasa, droga / kierować (jakąś trasą) Nawigacja pokierowała nas w złym kierunku începe să înveți
The navigation routed us in the wrong direction
niezbędne, podstawowe, konieczne începe să înveți
górny (powyżej czegoś) / wyższy (klasa społ.) / wyższego szczebla (np. kierownictwo) / północny începe să înveți
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obszerny, ogromny, rozległy, nieprzebrany Zobaczyłem przede mną ogromny ocean începe să înveți
artykuły gospodarstwa domowego începe să înveți
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Widziałem kilka samochodów, które mi się podobały începe să înveți
I've seen a few cars I liked
Jest niewiele filmów, których on nie widział începe să înveți
There are few movies he hasn't seen
świadek / sygnant (ważnego dok.) / świadectwo (wiary chrz.) începe să înveți
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pod powierzchnią, wewnątrz (np. o czyichś wewnętrznych emocjach) începe să înveți
obok (czegoś), przy (czymś), koło (czegoś) Ona stała koło kiosku începe să înveți
She stood beside the kiosk
ona nie ma nic poza(2!) urodą începe să înveți
she has nothing beside/but beauty
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Wiejskie życie jest dużo spokojniejsze od miejskiego începe să înveți
The rural life is much more peaceful than the city one
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Rzeka zwęża się nieco w tym miejscu începe să înveți
The river narrows a little here
odnieść sukces (w czymś), osiągnąć cel / następować (po kimś, po czymś), objąć stanowisko (po kimś) Elżbieta II objęła tron w 1952 roku Serena Williams odniosła sukces w tenisie începe să înveți
Elizabeth II succeeded to the throne in 1952 Serena Williams succeeded at tennis
Też nie lubię mleka Ona jest taką osobą, którą albo kochasz albo nienawidzisz începe să înveți
I don't like milk either She's the kind of person you either love or hate
Muszę napisać charakterystykę Olivera Twista începe să înveți
I have to write a characteristic of Oliver Twist
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doctor (American English) începe să înveți
nabywać, zdobywać, przyswajać, osiągać (np. umiejętności) Mówi się, że dzieci z łatwością przyswajają języki obce începe să înveți
It is said that children acquire foreign languages easily
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mieć wzgląd, brać pod uwagę / cenić, szanować, poważać (kogoś) / odnosić się, dotyczyć (czegoś) / przyglądać się (czemuś), obserwować (kogoś) Wzięłaś pod uwagę innych ludzi? Młodzież powinna (mieć) szanować/szacunek do starszych începe să înveți
Have you regarded other people? The youth should (have) regard for the elderly
wywieszać, prezentować (np. wyniki) / okazywać (np. uczucia) / demonstrować, wykazywać (np. swoje umiejętności) începe să înveți
atut, zaleta (użyteczna zdolność) / cenny nabytek, rzecz wartościowa On jest prawdziwie cennym nabytkiem dla naszej firmy Z tego punktu widzenia jego brak doświadczenia jest zaletą începe să înveți
He's a true asset to our company From that point of view his inexperience is an asset
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głównie, przede wszystkim, zasadniczo / pierwotnie Pierwotnie mężczyźni byli łowcami Moja mama głównie sprząta i gotuje începe să înveți
Primarily, men were the hunters My mom primarily cleans and cooks
inicjatywa (też jako cecha charakteru) Czy kobieta bez inicjatywy może odnieść sukces w biznesie? începe să înveți
Can a woman without initiative be successful in business?
raczej, dość, dosyć, całkiem (w odpowiednim stopniu) / słusznie, sprawiedliwie, uczciwie, rzetelnie Słusznie powiedziałeś, że ona jest pracowita începe să înveți
You fairly said she is hard-working
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odebrać w pewien sposób, postrzegać (formal) / zauważać, uświadamiać sobie, spostrzegać (formal) W końcu uświadomiłem sobie, co oznaczały jego ostatnie słowa Najbardziej martwię się o to, jak ludzie będą mnie postrzegać începe să înveți
I finally perceived what his last words meant I am most worried about how people will perceive me
porozumienie, ugoda (np. sądowa) Nasi prawnicy pracują nad porozumieniem începe să înveți
Our lawyers are working out a settlement
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szeroko (np. otwarty) / powszechnie, szeroko (np. dostępny, znany) / znacznie, bardzo (np. różnić się) Alkohol jest szeroko dostępny wśród młodzieży On zostawił szeroko otwarte okno începe să înveți
Alcohol is widely available amongst the youth He left the window widely open
to move smoothly over a surface, or to make something move smoothly over a surface / to move somewhere quietly, or to make something move quietly przesuwac / wsuwac / wslizgnac / wyslizgnac începe să înveți
She slid out of the room, being careful not to wake Alan. He slid the letter into his pocket.
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a dessert consisting of fruit and cream
drzewa wyginały się na wietrze începe să înveți
The trees were bending in the wind.
belonging to or done by two or more people începe să înveți
The project was a joint effort by all the children in the class.
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The nail had torn a hole in my skirt.
garnek, dzbanek, doniczka începe să înveți
a story, especially one that is not true or is difficult to believe începe să înveți
My grandfather used to tell us tales of his time as a pilot during the war.
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nakłaniać lub zachęcać kogoś do czegoś / nawoływać do, zalecać începe să înveți
Financial experts are urging caution. His parents urged him to go to university.
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On jest autorem licznych artykułów începe să înveți
He is the author of numerous articles.
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If we can't find it here, we'll have to go elsewhere
ponadto, poza tym, co więcej începe să înveți
It is a cheap and, moreover, effective way of dealing with the problem.
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wprowadzać (w życie), wdrażać începe să înveți
Our new computerized system will soon be fully implemented.
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What he is saying is essentially true.
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It is the duty of the police to enforce the law.
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oparty na rywalizacji, wymagający rywalizacji începe să înveți
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I'm very excited at the prospect of seeing her again. Is there any prospect of the weather improving?
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consumer / customer complaint
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enhance (GA czyt. ynhens) Winning that award greatly enhanced her reputation.
to consider or study something carefully and decide how good or bad it is începe să înveți
a photograph from one moment in a film începe să înveți
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The emphasis is on the final syllable. Schools are starting to place/put greater emphasis on passing exams.
an officer who is in charge of a military operation, or an officer of middle rank in the navy începe să înveți
plan, szczegół, przygotowanie începe să înveți
I've made arrangements to go home this weekend. We're meeting tomorrow to discuss arrangements for the competition.
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she drinks and smokes heavily She's heavily involved in politics.
szczyt (poziom / wartość / górski) începe să înveți
snow-covered/mountain peaks The price of gold reached its peak during the last recession.
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schorzenie, zaburzenie / niepokoje, rozruchy / bałagan, nieporządek începe să înveți
crime and disorder / His financial affairs are in complete disorder.
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Różnić się / zmieniać się / Urozmaicać începe să înveți
Temperatures vary depending on the time of year. / I try to vary what I eat. Car prices vary greatly across Europe.
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zaokrąglone lub okrągłe liczby(2) începe să înveți
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stale temperatury începe să înveți
The temperature remained constant. These machines are in constant use.