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Liniowiec A liner carries cargoes between two fixed destinations.
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Freighters that carry cargoes according to schedules that are not fixed are called tramps.
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General cargo is cargo that has been packed in crates, boxes or bags, or cargo coming in pieces (unpacked cargo items),
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Bulk cargo is unpacked cargo of one commodity. Dry bulk cargo, such as grain, ore, fertilizers, etc. is carried in specially designed vessels with holds that have been divided into compartments by longitudinal and transverse separations
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Dry bulk cargo is loaded and discharged by cranes with grabs or by pumps.
Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCC's) începe să înveți
Liquefied Petroleum Gas tankers începe să înveți
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carries containerized cargo
Roll-on I Roll-off ships (Ro I Ro ships) începe să înveți
On a Ro / Ro ship cargo is rolled on and rolled off by lorries or trailers.
Refrigerated-cargo vessels (Reefers) începe să înveți
Refrigerated-cargo vessels are ships that carry perishable cargoes, such as meat or fruit. These cargoes require cooling and must be stored in spaces that have precise temperature- and humidity controls during the voyage.
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Lash" stands for "Lighter Aboard Ship". A Lash-vessel has a main deck that is flat and without any obstacles. A lighter is a container that floats in the water
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Heavy-load vessels have been designed to lift and carry extremely heavy cargo on the main deck. Their most prominent features are very heavy derricks ("booms"), masts and lifting-blocks.
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Timber is a raw material from which wood-products are manufactured. Vessels that carry timber can easily be recognised by their tall derricks.
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Cargo ships that carry both general cargo, bulk cargo and containerised cargo are called multi-purpose (or multi-loads) vessels
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Passenger ships, such as cross-Channel ferries, have been designed to carry passengers and their vehicles on a prearranged route.
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holownik vessel that assists other vessels with entering or leaving the port, tows an oil rig to its position or assists with a salvage operation.
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rescues other ships and their cargoes from loss at sea. She must be equipped with heavy derricks to lift wrecks from the seabed.
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places and maintains buoys.
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performs marine research. She is equipped with oceanographic instruments
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supplies oil rigs with stores, spare parts and supplies for domestic use.
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performs Search and Rescue when a ship is in distress. She must be capable to develop high speeds and must be equipped with the most modern communication equipment
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s a fire fighting vessel. She must have a powerful fire-extinguishing system on board.
pilot tender (or pilot launch) începe să înveți
s a small boat that may be launched From the pilot boat. The pilot will embark the ship that has requested pilotage from the pilot tender. S
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lays cables on the bottom of the sea. She is fitted with a huge horizontal wheel that reels off the cable.
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beacon for navigation and is anchored in the vicinity of crowded channels or seaways
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re designed to ride up the ice and crush a way through for other ships to follow.
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pogłębiarka deepens out harbours and ports, 1 fairways, approaches and entrances, inland waterways, anchorages, roadsteads, etc