UNIT 6 Past Simpl e - Verb ‘to be’

 0    27 cartonașe    dominikachrzanowska
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Întrebare Răspuns
Czy poszłaś wczoraj do kina?
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Did you go to the cinema yesterday?
Wczoraj byłam w centrum handlowym
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Yesterday I was at the mall/shopping center
Gdzie byłeś wczoraj?
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Where were you yesterday?
Jesteś sam?
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You are alone?
Byłeś sam?
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Were you alone?
Byłaś zmęczona po pracy?
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Were you tired after work?
Lekarz nie był bardzo pomocny
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The doctor wasn't very helpful
Dlaczego nie?
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Why not?
Ile to kosztuje?
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How much it costs?
Jaka jest pogoda?
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What's the weather like?
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jak zwykle
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as usual
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Jakie są twoje plany?
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What are your plans like?
Dlaczego tam byłaś w sobotę?
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Why were you there on Saturday?
tam i z powrotem
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there and back
O której tu byłeś?
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What time were you here?
Nie byłam z nimi.
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I wasn't with them.
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începe să înveți
Dlaczego nie było cię wczoraj w pracy?
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Why weren't you at work yesterday?
Czy wczoraj było słonecznie? Nie, nie było.
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Was it sunny yesterday? No it wasn't.
Byłeś na spotkaniu?
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Were you in the meeting?
O czym było?
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What was it about?
Czy Tom też tam był?
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Was Tom there too?
o czym jest ta książka?
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what is this book about?
Kto był na spotkaniu?
începe să înveți
Who was at the meeting?

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